

1. I emphatically if involuntarily supported the stereotypical visual portrait of the effete Asian nerd, and my classmates wholeheartedly believe that the portrayal of Asian males in raunchy 1980s comedies were historically and anatomically accurate.


2. I'd tell anyone who would listen that I was a third-degree black belt, that I could poke my index finger an inch deep into a two-by-four, and that when I lived in Korea I spent six months in a mountains near Pushan eating cold rice on a dirt floor and catching chunky flies with a pair of chopsticks in lieu of a more humane form of meat for protein-mashing together scenes from various Kung Fu Theater movies and The Karate Kids.


3. The girls on our floor were far more approachable, the type who didn't have fake IDs and spent their Friday nights in pajamas watching movies like Pretty Woman and Stealing Home on their combo TV/VCRs while eating bags after bags of microwavable popcorn as they dutifully packed on their freshman fifteen in order to uphold the cliche. They never hooked up with anyone from Skidmore(at least first semester)because they were faithful to their long-distance boyfriends from high school, who were currently hooking up left and right at their respective liberal arts colleges.

与我们住同一层的女孩子们更容易接近,她们没有伪造身份证,周五晚上穿着睡衣,一边一包接一包吃着微波炉爆出的爆米花,一边在电视/录像机一体机上看《风月俏佳人》或《重振雄风》电影。她们作为第十五期入学新生,认真负责地带上那些爆米花,以便维持一直以来固有的刻板形象。她们不会和Skidmore 学院的什么人发生关系(至少在第一学期),因为她们对中学时代的男朋友还忠心耿耿,而他们则正在各自的文科学院里左拥右抱了。

4. He was a freshman soccer player who always had a warm beer ball next to his desk and unceasingly blasted Pearl Jam's Ten the entire semester out his window facing the squad, and who proudly taped poster of Sports Illustrated  swimsuit models to the ceiling directly over his bed.

