Of LSJ Ways 论凉水井中学的学道

By Liao Yuqian (teaching observation)


        "Who likes is better than one knows, who enjoys is better than who likes."


Of LSJ Ways 论凉水井中学的学道_第1张图片

        Group-Cooperation and Student' Assistant ways are the two obvious class features in Yibin LSJ Middle School.5-6 persons make a group and improve study together, we call it Group-Cooperation.This kind of learning way is not fresh but effective. Memberships show a combination of force with special emphasis on a sore of belief, often created by this group. Not all patterns can occur in isolation, but some of them can stand on their own and act as complete utterances in team, the most specialist call be Student's Assistant. All of them take part in learning with school teachers.


        We can see how they act their parts by their disscusstion in daily class as follow:


        (Take the maths for example, we suppose the Student's Assistant is A, other group members are B and C,and class master is D...)


        A:"In today's class, we will go over the Pythagorean theorem in detail by asking some of you. What's the definition of the Pythagorean theorem? B comes first, then you can ask another classmate."(to train the ability to listen and ask questions to discover problems)


Of LSJ Ways 论凉水井中学的学道_第2张图片

        B:"Among the three sides of a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and c, often called the "Pythagorean equation a²  +b²  =c². Now I will ask classmate C: If side c lengh 25cm, and side b is 24cm, how long is side a? Can you do an example of this question as follow? "(Review for resurrection memory and appling logical ability)

        B:“直角三角形的三边中,两直角边长的平方相加等于斜边(直角所对应的边)的平方。这个定理可以用a,b,c字母表示,其公式就是a²  +b²  =c²。现在我请问C同学,假如斜边c为25厘米,一条直角边b为24厘米,那么另一条边a多长?”(复习定义以唤醒记忆,并以提问锻炼运用逻辑思维的能力)

        C:"According to the equation, so square of c²-b²=a², that is square roof of √ ̄25²-√ ̄24²=7." (To Improve  Logical Reasoning and expression Ability.)


        D:"What if I enlarge both sides a&b double length. So how much multiple of side c than before? Who can answer it?..."(D is testing weather if students can draw inferences about other cases from this instance or not.)


        (Students began to disscuss in group and write progress and answers on blackboard around them.This part for training hand-writing ability)


Of LSJ Ways 论凉水井中学的学道_第3张图片

        It aims to help the classmates summarize what they have learned and acquire a systematic knowledge of ability, so that they can improve their ability to enlarge their minds and deepen their comprehensive ability. Moreover, it may also help develop the student'skills and habit of analyzing and generalizing about the thinking way observed in his study, especially on make a right chose in every kinds of smart examination.


        Students can affect the spirit of the LSJ School~Be Honest and Confident, Self-discipline and Practise Earnestly to create a variety of school culture, formed in the school full learning environment, to train new students with a global concept. So school has become a fun experience where children were encouraged to work together to create solutions to problems and to learn important life skills which will set them up for success in the future. The original intention of using Group-Cooperation by LSJ Middle School is hoping to offer children a better lives and education.


        Well, you have seen what the student's action. So, what a real feeling and effort on class is? During the following informational class of round ⅲ, more than 10 LSJ teachers have talked about personal experiences of information-based teaching. Welcome to watch live class on The LSJ Clouds on CCTalk APP or LSJ-School Official Account.

        呃,没错,您已知晓学习中的学生状态。那么,身处课堂教学之中的真实效果和感受又是怎样一番体验呢?在第三轮直播中,已有数十位凉水井中学教师讲述和与您分享她/他运用过信息化课堂后的心得体悟。欢迎在cctalk 上点击“凉水井中学云”或关注“宜宾凉水井中学”公众号(LSJ-School)。

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