





She is screaming ,because she is really scared.Something is chasing her ,so she is screaming for help.她在尖叫,因为她很害怕,有东西在追她,所以她在大声呼救.

scream 尖叫 scream for help 大声呼救
scared 害怕的,惊恐的
chase 追赶 追逐

He is shouting ,Because he is angry.他在大声喊,因为他很生气.

shout 大声喊,大声说话

She is smiling ,Because she is happy,her boyfriend just called,and he is returning from a long trip.她在笑,因为她很开心,她男朋友刚刚打来电话,并且要从一断漫长的旅行中回来了.

return from... 从哪里返回
a long trip 漫长的旅行.


This man is hiking up a mountain trail.He is wearing hiking boots and is carrying a pack on his back这个人正沿着山路爬山.他穿着登山靴,背着背包.

hike 长途步行
trail (树林里,山里)小路
boots 靴子 hiking boots 登山靴
pack 背包

This man enjoys cooking,He attends a cooking class once a week 这个男人喜欢做饭,他每周一次上一次烹饪课.

attend 出席,参加 attend a class 上课

This woman enjoys gardening,She grows flowers,such as roses,and vegetables,such as tomatoes in her garden.

grow 种植
garden 花园,菜园(n.)

This boys loves playing games,He like all kinds of games,including this video game on his computer.这个男孩喜欢玩游戏,他喜欢各种各样的游戏,包括这个视频游戏.

all kinds of + 可数名词复数 各种各样的.
including 包括

This old couple enjoys travelling.They take several trips a year,often to different countries.这对老夫妻喜欢旅行,他们每年去很多国家旅行.

take a trip 旅行
couple 夫妻,情侣.


Ready for the Meeting

Discussing Test Results


Ready for the Meeting

I got on the wrong subway by mistake.我一不小心做错地铁了.

get on + 交通工具
by mistake 一不小心

I don't have my phone,I let it in the office,Because I was in such a hurry to get here.我没带手机,我太着急了 落在办公室了.

in a hurry to do sth.急匆匆做某事
such 进一步强调

I am sure you'll do a great job.相信你一定会发挥的很棒.


Discussing Test Results

I did better than expected.比预想中得好.

expect to do 期望做某事

I said 90% of the sun is helium instead of hydrogen.我在试卷上说太阳的百分之90是氦气而不是氢气.

instead of 而不是.
helium 氦气
hydrogen 氢气

What was the average score for the class?全班的平均分是多少

average score 平均分
