伊卡莱姆的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day026 20181102


Lesson26 The best art critics

I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.

Many people pretend that they understand modern art.

They always tell you what a picture is 'about'.

Of course,

many pictures are not 'about' anything.

They are just pretty patterns.

We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.

I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.

They notice more.

My sister is only seven,

but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.

She came into my room yesterday.

' What are you doing ?' she asked.

' I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered.

'It's a new one. Do you like it ?

' She looked at it critically for a moment.

' It's all right,' she said,

'but isn't it upside-down ?'

I looked at it again.

She was right!

It was!


知识笔记:pretend/priˈtɛnd/  patterns/pætərnz/   curtain/kɜrtən/   material/məˈtɪriəl/   whether/wɛðər/   critically/krɪtɪkəli/


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