

To maximize physical energy capacity, we must become more attuned to what satisfaction actually feels like—neither hungry nor stuffed. Our energy requirements tend to diminish as evening approaches and our metabolism slows, it makes sense to eat more calories earlier in the day and fewer in the evening. Researchers compared groups of people on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet. Those who ate the largest percentage of their food earlier in the day felt less tired and lost 2.3 pounds a week more than those who ate the most later in the day.


Drinking water, we have found, is perhaps the most undervalued source of physical energy renewal. Unlike hunger, thirst is an inadequate barometer of need. By the time we feel thirsty, we may be long since dehydrated. A growing body of research suggests that drinking at least sixty-four ounces of water at intervals throughout the day serves performance in a range of important ways. Dehydrate a muscle by as little as 3 percent, for example, and it will lose 10 percent of its strength and 8 percent of its speed. Inadequate hydration also compromises concentration and coordination.


Drinking more water may even have health and longevity benefits. In a study of 20,000 people, Australian researchers found that those who drank five eight-ounce glasses of water a day were significantly less likely to die of coronary heart disease as those who drank two glasses of water or less. One possible reason is that dehydration may elevate risk factors such as blood viscosity. By contrast, the consumption of coffee and caffeinated sodas provided no statistically significant heart benefits. Like high-sugar foods, caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and diet colas provide temporary spikes of energy. Because caffeine is a diuretic, however, it prompts dehydration and fatigue in the long run.


我的思考My Thinking

I used to lose weight of 15 kg quickly, however rebounded a lot after lowering exercise intensity and recovering regular meals. It's pleasant to read that the group of people lost 1.05 kg just by adjusting meal portions. I had lost 6kg since having nutritional breakfasts sine 3rd, July, 2018 combined with a bit of exercise, which verified the conclusion from the experiment. I will continue adjusting dinner to control weight. "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like the poor, dinner like a beggar" is the old wisdom, although no clue on how to do.

We know moderate eating but seldom practice. People tend to eat too much or too less. We have feel satisfaction of moderate eating none too hungry nor too stuffed. My alumna is now studying the mechanism of obesity on mice as a professor and the conclusion very enlightening as attached.


We can see that moderate eating is more important than adjusting dietary.

For drinking, I drink a cup of warm water each morning after getting up. Water is also on hand when I'm in office and drink at intervals
