python 数据分析 库_Python数据分析库

python 数据分析 库

什么是数据分析? (What is Data Analytics?)

Data is power. Insights acquired from data is the key to unlock the internet age. With the web expanding, the challenge is to use the data being captured to provide meaningful insights. This is what Data Analytics is all about.

数据就是力量。 从数据中获得的见解是开启互联网时代的关键。 随着网络的扩展,挑战在于使用捕获的数据来提供有意义的见解。 这就是Data Analytics的全部目的。

In simple terms, data analytics is a collection of tools to analyze complex data sets to draw useful conclusions.


These conclusions aid organizations in taking informed business decisions. It also helps researchers and scientists to prove their scientific approach.

这些结论有助于组织做出明智的业务决策。 它还可以帮助研究人员和科学家证明他们的科学方法。

Altogether, data analytics improves operational functionality, revenue, and customer retention.


The goal of data analytics is to improve business performance. Data Analytics is the buzz word driving any business, be it financial analysis, eCommerce, advertising, healthcare, research, etc.

数据分析的目的是提高业务绩效。 数据分析是推动任何业务发展的流行语,包括财务分析,电子商务,广告,医疗保健,研究等。

Python数据分析库 (Python Data Analytics Libraries)

There are numerous libraries in Python that give Data Analysts the necessary functionality for crunching data sets.

Python中有许多库为Data Analysts提供了处理数据集的必要功能。

It is worth to spend time to familiarize with the basic usage of these libraries.


Below are the major Python libraries used in the field of Data Analytics.


We have discussed the core libraries supported by Python in the field of Data Science and Data Analytics.

我们已经讨论了Python在数据科学和数据分析领域所支持的核心库 。

Apart from them, let’s discuss a few more Python libraries that are extensively used in the field of Data Analytics.


1. OpenCV (1. OpenCV)

OpenCV (Open source Computer Vision) is a Python library used extensively used for data analytics using Computer Vision.

OpenCV (开源计算机视觉)是一个Python库,广泛用于使用计算机视觉进行数据分析。

Computer Vision (CV) is a top trending field that makes use of computers to gain deep understanding of images and videos, thereby enabling computers to identify images and process images like humans.


Initially launched by Intel, this library is cross-platform and free for use under the open-source BSD license.


The OpenCV library supports object identification, facial recognition, motion tracking, Human-computer interaction, mobile robotics and many more.


This library supports several algorithms that are used to analyze images and extract valuable information, automatically.


Many e-commerce sites use image analysis to do predictive analytics by forecasting their customer’s needs.


OpenCV is also used to improve the results of search engines by contextualizing images in searches, by tagging and identifying objects. Hence, OpenCV supports useful functions and modules to support image Data Analysis.

OpenCV还用于通过在搜索中对图像进行上下文化,通过标记和标识对象来改善搜索引擎的结果。 因此,OpenCV支持有用的功能和模块以支持图像数据分析。

2. PyQT (2. PyQT)

As data analytics deals with huge volumes of data, data analysts prefer to use tools with user-friendly GUIs.


PyQt is a popular Python binding toolkit that is used for cross-platform GUI.


This toolkit is implemented as a plugin. PyQt plugin is free to use and licensed under the GNU General Public License.

该工具包是作为插件实现的。 PyQt插件可免费使用,并根据GNU通用公共许可证获得许可。

PyQt supports enormous classes and functions to make a data analyst’s journey easier. This application supports classes and functions for accessing SQL databases, provides an easy to use an XML parser, supports widgets that are automatically populated from a database, SVG support, and many other cool features to reduce the burdens of Data Analysts.

PyQt支持大量的类和功能,以使数据分析师的旅程更加轻松。 该应用程序支持访问SQL数据库的类和函数,提供易于使用的XML解析器,支持从数据库自动填充的小部件,SVG支持以及许多其他出色的功能,以减轻数据分析师的负担。

PyQT supports features to generate Python code from GUI designs that are created using Qt Designer. These features makes PyQt useful as a rapid prototyping tool for applications that will be implemented in C++, as the user interface designs can be re-used without modification.

PyQT支持从使用Qt Designer创建的GUI设计生成Python代码的功能。 这些功能使PyQt可用作将用C ++实现的应用程序的快速原型制作工具,因为用户界面设计无需修改即可重复使用。

3.熊猫 (3. Pandas)

PANDAS stands for Python Data Analysis Library. Pandas is an open-source library in Python. It provides ready to use high-performance data structures and data analysis tools.

PANDAS代表Python数据分析库。 Pandas是Python中的开源库。 它提供了随时可用的高性能数据结构和数据分析工具。

Pandas module runs on top of NumPy and it is popularly used for data science and data analytics. NumPy is a low-level data structure that supports multi-dimensional arrays and a wide range of mathematical array operations.

Pandas模块在NumPy之上运行,并且广泛用于数据科学和数据分析。 NumPy是一种低级数据结构,它支持多维数组和广泛的数学数组运算。

Pandas have a higher-level interface. It also provides streamlined alignment of tabular data and powerful time-series functionality.

熊猫具有更高级别的界面。 它还提供了表格数据的简化排列和强大的时间序列功能。

DataFrame is the key data structure in Pandas. It allows us to store and manipulate tabular data as a 2-D data structure. Pandas provide a rich feature-set on the DataFrame. Using DataFrame, we can store and manage data from tables by performing manipulation over rows and columns.

DataFrame是Pandas中的关键数据结构。 它允许我们以2D数据结构形式存储和处理表格数据。 熊猫在DataFrame上提供了丰富的功能集。 使用DataFrame,我们可以通过对行和列执行操作来存储和管理表中的数据。

Pandas library provides functions to merge data, thereby providing high performance. The panel data structure provided by the Pandas library gives a better visualization of data due to its 3D data structure.

熊猫库提供合并数据的功能,从而提供高性能。 Pandas库提供的面板数据结构由于其3D数据结构而提供了更好的数据可视化。

4. PyBrain (4. PyBrain)

PyBrain is a powerful library available in Python used for Data Analytics. PyBrain stands for Python Based Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural network Library.

PyBrain是Python中可用的功能强大的库,用于数据分析。 PyBrain代表基于Python的强化学习,人工智能和神经网络库。

PyBrain offers flexible modules and algorithms for Data Analytics and advanced research and supports a wide variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.


The best part is that PyBrain is open source and free to use under BSD Software Licence.

最好的部分是PyBrain是开源的,可以在BSD Software Licence下免费使用。

数据可视化库 (Data visualization Libraries)

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. The key function of any library is its ability to represent the results of the complex operations on the data in an understandable format.

“一张图片胜过千言万语”。 任何库的关键功能都是以一种易于理解的格式表示数据复杂操作的结果的能力。

A Data Analyst uses data techniques to gather meaningful insights and help organizations to make better decisions. The libraries listed below are mainly used for data visualization and plotting.

数据分析师使用数据技术来收集有意义的见解,并帮助组织做出更好的决策。 下面列出的库主要用于数据可视化和绘图。

1.统计模型 (1. StatsModels)

The StatsModels library in Python allows data Analysts to perform statistical modeling on data sets by making use of the plotting and data modeling features of the library. The models (linear and regression) can be used for forecasting across a variety of domains.

Python中的StatsModels库允许数据分析师通过利用库的绘图和数据建模功能对数据集执行统计建模。 这些模型(线性和回归)可用于跨多个领域的预测。

StatsModels library provides functions for the estimation of a huge variety of statistical models. The module also provides useful classes for performing statistical tests and data exploration.

StatsModels库提供用于估算各种统计模型的功能。 该模块还提供了用于执行统计测试和数据探索的有用类。

A list of result statistics is available, which is then tested against existing packages to verify that statistics are correct.


StatsModels library supports time-series functionalities that are popular in the financial domain to maintain sensitive information in an easy to use format. These models are efficient for big data sets.

StatsModels库支持在金融领域中流行的时间序列功能,以易于使用的格式维护敏感信息。 这些模型对于大数据集非常有效。

2. Matplotlib (2. Matplotlib)

Matplotlib is a Python library for data visualisation. It creates 2D plots and graphs using Python scripts.

Matplotlib是用于数据可视化的Python库。 它使用Python脚本创建2D绘图和图形。

Matplotlib has features to control line styles, axes, etc. It also supports a wide range of graphs and plots like histograms, bar charts, error charts, histograms, contour plots, etc.


In addition, Matplotlib provides an effective environment alternative for MatLab, when used along with NumPy.


3. Pydot (3. Pydot)

Pydot is a python library for generating complex oriented and non-oriented graphs. Pydot is an interface to Graphviz, that is written in Python.

Pydot是一个python库,用于生成复杂的面向图和非面向图。 Pydot是Graphviz的接口,使用Python编写。

By using Pydot, it is possible to show the structure of the graph that is often needed to build and analyze complex neural networks.


4.散景 (4. Bokeh)

The Bokeh library is a standalone Python library that enables data Analysts to plot their data through a web interface.


It uses JavaScript and is therefore independent of the Matplotlib library. An essential feature of the Bokeh library is that it allows users to represent data in different formats like graphs, labels, plots, etc.

它使用JavaScript,因此独立于Matplotlib库。 Bokeh库的一项基本功能是,它允许用户以不同的格式表示数据,例如图形,标签,图形等。

Bokeh library has proved to deliver high-performance interactivity over large datasets. Bokeh can help data Analysts to easily create interactive plots and data applications with little effort.

事实证明,Bokeh库可在大型数据集上提供高性能的交互性。 Bokeh可以帮助数据分析师轻松创建交互式绘图和数据应用程序。

数据挖掘与分析 (Data mining and Analysis)

Data mining is a process of extracting useful data from analyzing patterns in large sets of unorganized data that is used for data analysis.


Data analysis is used to test models on the dataset. Python provides many important libraries for data mining and data analysis. Listed are a few popular ones.

数据分析用于测试数据集上的模型。 Python提供了许多用于数据挖掘和数据分析的重要库。 列出了一些受欢迎的。

1. Scikit学习 (1. Scikit-learn)

Scikit-learn Python library supports a number of useful features for data mining and data analysis. This makes it a preferred choice for data Analysts.

Scikit-learn Python库支持用于数据挖掘和数据分析的许多有用功能。 这使其成为数据分析师的首选。

It is built on top of NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib libraries. It acts as a foundation for other Machine Learning implementations. It features classical algorithms for statistical data modeling that includes classification, clustering, regression and preprocessing.

它基于NumPy,SciPy和Matplotlib库构建。 它充当其他机器学习实现的基础。 它具有用于统计数据建模的经典算法,其中包括分类,聚类,回归和预处理。

Scikit-learn supports popularly used supervised learning algorithms, as well as unsupervised learning algorithms. The algorithms include support vector machines, grid search, gradient boosting, k-means clustering, DBSCAN and many more.

Scikit-learn支持广泛使用的监督学习算法以及无监督学习算法。 这些算法包括支持向量机,网格搜索,梯度提升,k均值聚类,DBSCAN等。

Along with these algorithms, the kit provides sample datasets for data modeling. The well documented APIs are easily accessible.

该工具包与这些算法一起提供了用于数据建模的样本数据集。 记录良好的API易于访问。

Hence, it is used for academic and commercial purposes. Scikit-learn is used to build models and it is not recommended to use it for reading, manipulating and summarizing data as there are better frameworks available for the purpose. It is open-source and released under the BSD license.

因此,它用于学术和商业目的。 Scikit-learn用于构建模型,不建议将其用于读取,操作和汇总数据,因为有更好的框架可用于此目的。 它是开源的,并根据BSD许可发布。

2.橙色 (2. Orange)

Orange is an open-source data mining library to provide visual and interactive data analysis workflows in a large toolbox. The package was released under General Public License. It is designed using C++ and has Python wrappers on top of it.

Orange是一个开源数据挖掘库,可在大型工具箱中提供可视化和交互式数据分析工作流。 该软件包已根据通用公共许可证发布。 它使用C ++设计,并在其顶部具有Python包装器。

The Orange package features a set of widgets for visualization, regression, evaluation, and classification of datasets. The interactive data analysis provides rapid and qualitative analysis.

Orange软件包具有一组小部件,用于可视化,回归,评估和分类数据集。 交互式数据分析提供了快速而定性的分析。

Its Graphic user interface allows Analysts to focus on data mining, instead of coding from scratch. As an added advantage, clever defaults support prototyping of the data analysis workflow rapidly.

它的图形用户界面使分析师可以专注于数据挖掘,而不是从头开始编码。 另一个优势是,巧妙的默认设置可快速支持数据分析工作流程的原型制作。

结论 (Conclusion)

There is a huge demand for Data Analysts in the current decade. Getting to know the popular Python libraries in a Data Analyst’s toolbox is extremely worthy. With the advent and rise of data analytics, regular advancements are made to Python data analytics libraries. As Python provides a lot of multi-purpose, ready-to-use libraries, it is the language top choice for Data Analysts.

在当前十年中,对数据分析师的需求巨大。 在Data Analyst的工具箱中了解流行的Python库非常值得。 随着数据分析的兴起和兴起,Python数据分析库得到了定期的改进。 由于Python提供了许多多功能的即用型库,因此它是Data Analysts的语言首选。


python 数据分析 库
