Jboss image upload and http access to show image--reference


I am uploading images to jboss server by getting the absolute path using the following code


The uploaded image is moved to the absolute path and I can access the image usinghttp://test.com:8080/image.jpg

My problem is the image is being uploaded to the tmp directory of jboss server, so i am losing the uploaded images in the next deployment. I tried uploading the image to various paths to make it work \jboss-5.0.1.GA\server\default\deploy and here \jboss-5.0.1.GA\server\default\work\jboss.web\localhost as well But fails, I cannot access the image using http://test.com:8080/image.jpg



You can add a new context to specify a path to access an external folder.

Steps for Jboss 4 and older versions:

  1. Open your file /YOURINSTANCE_JBOSS/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml.
  2. Define a new Context in the tag <Host name=”localhost” ...>


    <Host name=”localhost ...> <Context path=”/myfolder docBase=”/home/username/my_images reloadable=”true”></Context>

    Where /myfolder will be the path that you are going to use to access your files, and/home/username/my_images the folder where you are going to upload your pictures.

  3. Restart JBoss

Now you will be able to access your files with the next path:


Steps for Jboss 5:

  1. Create a new file named context.xml into your WEB-INF folder with the next content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context allowLinking="true" cookies="true" crossContext="true" override="true"> <Resources allowLinking="true" className="YOUR_PACKAGE.MyResources" homeDir="/home/username/my_images" /> </Context>

    Where className is the java class that will access the resources and homeDir your external directory.

  2. According to this link create a new class to access your resources defined in the file context.xml


    public class MyResources extends FileDirContext { }

Now you will be able to access your files with the next function:


Steps for Jboss 5 and older versions:

  1. Create a new file named context.xml into your WEB-INF folder with the next content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context allowLinking="true" cookies="true" crossContext="true" override="true"> <Resources allowLinking="true" homeDir="/home/username/my_images" /> </Context>

    Where homeDir is your external directory.

  2. Create a symbolic link: YourDeployedProject.war/myfolder linked to /home/username/my_images


    mklink /D C:\YOUR_JBOSS_SERVER\server\default\deploy\YourDeployedProject.war\myfolder C:\users\YOURUSER\my_images


    YourDeployedProject.war# ln -s /home/username/my_images myfolder

Now you will be able to access your files with the next path:


Steps for Jboss 7:

JBoss 7 doesn't allow any of the methods for the previous JBoss versions, so the easiest solution is to implement a Servlet to access your files like in the next link.





* Servlet to serve files from a static directory


public class FileServingServlet extends DefaultServlet



    public void init() throws ServletException {




        final Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<String, Object>();

        env.put(ProxyDirContext.HOST, resources.getHostName());

        env.put(ProxyDirContext.CONTEXT, resources.getContextName());


        final String docBaseProperty = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("docBaseProperty");

        if (docBaseProperty == null || docBaseProperty.trim().equals("")) {

                 throw new RuntimeException("docBaseProperty parameter must not be blank");



       final String docBase = System.getProperty(docBaseProperty);

       if (docBase == null || docBase.trim().equals("")) {

                 throw new RuntimeException("docBase property " + docBaseProperty + " must be set");



       final FileDirContext context = new FileDirContext(env);



       // Load the proxy dir context.

       resources = new ProxyDirContext(env, context);



       if (super.debug > 0) {

          log("FileServingServlet:  docBase=" + docBase);









Which I use like this in the web.xml















            <!-- Name of the system property containg the base dir -->













It maps to /directory the content of the local directory specified in the System property my.basedir.directory. I use such a property because I did not want to hard code the local directory in the web.xml as it can be different in various deployement context.

