


  1. How to Train Your Deep Multi-Object Tracke

The recent trend in vision-based multi-object tracking (MOT) is heading towards leveraging the representational power of deep learning to jointly learn to detect and track objects. However, existing methods train only certain sub-modules using loss functions that often do not correlate with established tracking evaluation measures such as Multi-Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) and Precision (MOTP). As these measures are not differentiable, the choice of appropriate loss functions for end-to-end training of multi-object tracking methods is still an open research problem. In this paper, we bridge this gap by proposing a differentiable proxy of MOTA and MOTP, which we combine in a loss function suitable for end-to-end training of deep multi-object trackers. As a key ingredient, we propose a Deep Hungarian Net (DHN) module that approximates the Hungarian matching algorithm. DHN allows estimating the correspondence between object tracks and ground truth objects to compute differentiable proxies of MOTA and MOTP, which are in turn used to optimize deep trackers directly. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed differentiable framework improves the performance of existing multi-object trackers, and we establish a new state of the art on the MOTChallenge benchmark. Our code is publicly available from

  1. Learning a Neural Solver for Multiple Object Tracking

Graphs offer a natural way to formulate Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) within the tracking-by-detection paradigm. However, they also introduce a major challenge for learning methods, as defining a model that can operate on such structured domain is not trivial. As a consequence, most learning-based work has been devoted to learning better features for MOT and then using these with well-established optimization frameworks. In this work, we exploit the classical network flow formulation of MOT to define a fully differentiable framework based on Message Passing Networks (MPNs). By operating directly on the graph domain, our method can reason globally over an entire set of detections and predict final solutions. Hence, we show that learning in MOT does not need to be restricted to feature extraction, but it can also be applied to the data association step. We show a significant improvement in both MOTA and IDF1 on three publicly available benchmarks. Our code is available at

  1. GNN3DMOT: Graph Neural Network for 3D Multi-Object Tracking With 2D-3D Multi-Feature Learning

3D Multi-object tracking (MOT) is crucial to autonomous systems. Recent work uses a standard tracking-by-detection pipeline, where feature extraction is first performed independently for each object in order to compute an affinity matrix. Then the affinity matrix is passed to the Hungarian algorithm for data association. A key process of this standard pipeline is to learn discriminative features for different objects in order to reduce confusion during data association. In this work, we propose two techniques to improve the discriminative feature learning for MOT: (1) instead of obtaining features for each object independently, we propose a novel feature interaction mechanism by introducing the Graph Neural Network. As a result, the feature of one object is informed of the features of other objects so that the object feature can lean towards the object with similar feature (i.e., object probably with a same ID) and deviate from objects with dissimilar features (i.e., object probably with different IDs), leading to a more discriminative feature for each object; (2) instead of obtaining the feature from either 2D or 3D space in prior work, we propose a novel joint feature extractor to learn appearance and motion features from 2D and 3D space simultaneously. As features from different modalities often have complementary information, the joint feature can be more discriminate than feature from each individual modality. To ensure that the joint feature extractor does not heavily rely on one modality, we also propose an ensemble training paradigm. Through extensive evaluation, our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on KITTI and nuScenes 3D MOT benchmarks. Our code will be made available at

  1. A Unified Object Motion and Affinity Model for Online Multi-Object Tracking

Current popular online multi-object tracking (MOT) solutions apply single object trackers (SOTs) to capture object motions, while often requiring an extra affinity network to associate objects, especially for the occluded ones. This brings extra computational overhead due to repetitive feature extraction for SOT and affinity computation. Meanwhile, the model size of the sophisticated affinity network is usually non-trivial. In this paper, we propose a novel MOT framework that unifies object motion and affinity model into a single network, named UMA, in order to learn a compact feature that is discriminative for both object motion and affinity measure. In particular, UMA integrates single object tracking and metric learning into a unified triplet network by means of multi-task learning. Such design brings advantages of improved computation efficiency, low memory requirement and simplified training procedure. In addition, we equip our model with a task-specific attention module, which is used to boost task-aware feature learning. The proposed UMA can be easily trained end-to-end, and is elegant - requiring only one training stage. Experimental results show that it achieves promising performance on several MOT Challenge benchmarks.

  1. Learning Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation From Automatic Annotations

In this work we contribute a novel pipeline to automatically generate training data, and to improve over state-of-the-art multi-object tracking and segmentation (MOTS) methods. Our proposed track mining algorithm turns raw street-level videos into high-fidelity MOTS training data, is scalable and overcomes the need of expensive and time-consuming manual annotation approaches. We leverage state-of-the-art instance segmentation results in combination with optical flow predictions, also trained on automatically harvested training data. Our second major contribution is MOTSNet - a deep learning, tracking-by-detection architecture for MOTS - deploying a novel mask-pooling layer for improved object association over time. Training MOTSNet with our automatically extracted data leads to significantly improved sMOTSA scores on the novel KITTI MOTS dataset (+1.9%/+7.5% on cars/pedestrians), and MOTSNet improves by +4.1% over previously best methods on the MOTSChallenge dataset. Our most impressive finding is that we can improve over previous best-performing works, even in complete absence of manually annotated MOTS training data.

  1. SQE: a Self Quality Evaluation Metric for Parameters Optimization in Multi-Object Tracking

We present a novel self quality evaluation metric SQE for parameters optimization in the challenging yet critical multi-object tracking task. Current evaluation metrics all require annotated ground truth, thus will fail in the test environment and realistic circumstances prohibiting further optimization after training. By contrast, our metric reflects the internal characteristics of trajectory hypotheses and measures tracking performance without ground truth. We demonstrate that trajectories with different qualities exhibit different single or multiple peaks over feature distance distribution, inspiring us to design a simple yet effective method to assess the quality of trajectories using a two-class Gaussian mixture model. Experiments mainly on MOT16 Challenge data sets verify the effectiveness of our method in both correlating with existing metrics and enabling parameters self-optimization to achieve better performance. We believe that our conclusions and method are inspiring for future multi-object tracking in practice.

  1. RetinaTrack: Online Single Stage Joint Detection and Tracking

Traditionally multi-object tracking and object detection are performed using separate systems with most prior works focusing exclusively on one of these aspects over the other. Tracking systems clearly benefit from having access to accurate detections, however and there is ample evidence in literature that detectors can benefit from tracking which, for example, can help to smooth predictions over time. In this paper we focus on the tracking-by-detection paradigm for autonomous driving where both tasks are mission critical. We propose a conceptually simple and efficient joint model of detection and tracking, called RetinaTrack, which modifies the popular single stage RetinaNet approach such that it is amenable to instance-level embedding training. We show, via evaluations on the Waymo Open Dataset, that we outperform a recent state of the art tracking algorithm while requiring significantly less computation. We believe that our simple yet effective approach can serve as a strong baseline for future work in this area.

  1. State-Aware Tracker for Real-Time Video Object Segmentation

In this work, we address the task of semi-supervised video object segmentation (VOS) and explore how to make efficient use of video property to tackle the challenge of semi-supervision. We propose a novel pipeline called State-Aware Tracker (SAT), which can produce accurate segmentation results with real-time speed. For higher efficiency, SAT takes advantage of the inter-frame consistency and deals with each target object as a tracklet. For more stable and robust performance over video sequences, SAT gets awareness for each state and makes self-adaptation via two feedback loops. One loop assists SAT in generating more stable tracklets. The other loop helps to construct a more robust and holistic target representation. SAT achieves a promising result of 72.3% J&F mean with 39 FPS on DAVIS 2017-Val dataset, which shows a decent trade-off between efficiency and accuracy.

  1. Classifying, Segmenting, and Tracking Object Instances in Video with Mask Propagation

We introduce a method for simultaneously classifying, segmenting and tracking object instances in a video sequence. Our method, named MaskProp, adapts the popular Mask R-CNN to video by adding a mask propagation branch that propagates frame-level object instance masks from each video frame to all the other frames in a video clip. This allows our system to predict clip-level instance tracks with respect to the object instances segmented in the middle frame of the clip. Clip-level instance tracks generated densely for each frame in the sequence are finally aggregated to produce video-level object instance segmentation and classification. Our experiments demonstrate that our clip-level instance segmentation makes our approach robust to motion blur and object occlusions in video. MaskProp achieves the best reported accuracy on the YouTube-VIS dataset, outperforming the ICCV 2019 video instance segmentation challenge winner despite being much simpler and using orders of magnitude less labeled data (1.3M vs 1B images and 860K vs 14M bounding boxes). The project page is at:

  1. Fast Template Matching and Update for Video Object Tracking and Segmentation

In this paper, the main task we aim to tackle is the multi-instance semi-supervised video object segmentation across a sequence of frames where only the first-frame box-level ground-truth is provided. Detection-based algorithms are widely adopted to handle this task, and the challenges lie in the selection of the matching method to predict the result as well as to decide whether to update the target template using the newly predicted result. The existing methods, however, make these selections in a rough and inflexible way, compromising their performance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach which utilizes reinforcement learning to make these two decisions at the same time. Specifically, the reinforcement learning agent learns to decide whether to update the target template according to the quality of the predicted result. The choice of the matching method will be determined at the same time, based on the action history of the reinforcement learning agent. Experiments show that our method is almost 10 times faster than the previous state-of-the-art method with even higher accuracy (region similarity of 69.1% on DAVIS 2017 dataset).

  1. Video Instance Segmentation Tracking With a Modified VAE Architecture

We propose a modified variational autoencoder (VAE) architecture built on top of Mask R-CNN for instance-level video segmentation and tracking. The method builds a shared encoder and three parallel decoders, yielding three disjoint branches for predictions of future frames, object detection boxes, and instance segmentation masks. To effectively solve multiple learning tasks, we introduce a Gaussian Process model to enhance the statistical representation of VAE by relaxing the prior strong independent and identically distributed (iid) assumption of conventional VAEs and allowing potential correlations among extracted latent variables. The network learns embedded spatial interdependence and motion continuity in video data and creates a representation that is effective to produce high-quality segmentation masks and track multiple instances in diverse and unstructured videos. Evaluation on a variety of recently introduced datasets shows that our model outperforms previous methods and achieves the new best in class performance.

  1. D3S - A Discriminative Single Shot Segmentation Tracker

Template-based discriminative trackers are currently the dominant tracking paradigm due to their robustness, but are restricted to bounding box tracking and a limited range of transformation models, which reduces their localization accuracy. We propose a discriminative single-shot segmentation tracker - D3S, which narrows the gap between visual object tracking and video object segmentation. A single-shot network applies two target models with complementary geometric properties, one invariant to a broad range of transformations, including non-rigid deformations, the other assuming a rigid object to simultaneously achieve high robustness and online target segmentation. Without per-dataset finetuning and trained only for segmentation as the primary output, D3S outperforms all trackers on VOT2016, VOT2018 and GOT-10k benchmarks and performs close to the state-of-the-art trackers on the TrackingNet. D3S outperforms the leading segmentation tracker SiamMask on video segmentation benchmark and performs on par with top video object segmentation algorithms, while running an order of magnitude faster, close to real-time.

  1. MAST: A Memory-Augmented Self-Supervised Tracker

Recent interest in self-supervised dense tracking has yielded rapid progress, but performance still remains far from supervised methods. We propose a dense tracking model trained on videos without any annotations that surpasses previous self-supervised methods on existing benchmarks by a significant margin (+15%), and achieves performance comparable to supervised methods. In this paper, we first reassess the traditional choices used for self-supervised training and reconstruction loss by conducting thorough experiments that finally elucidate the optimal choices. Second, we further improve on existing methods by augmenting our architecture with a crucial memory component. Third, we benchmark on large-scale semi-supervised video object segmentation (aka. dense tracking), and propose a new metric: generalizability. Our first two contributions yield a self-supervised network that for the first time is competitive with supervised methods on standard evaluation metrics of dense tracking. When measuring generalizability, we show self-supervised approaches are actually superior to the majority of supervised methods. We believe this new generalizability metric can better capture the real-world use-cases for dense tracking, and will spur new interest in this research direction.

  1. SiamCAR: Siamese Fully Convolutional Classification and Regression for Visual Tracking

By decomposing the visual tracking task into two subproblems as classification for pixel category and regression for object bounding box at this pixel, we propose a novel fully convolutional Siamese network to solve visual tracking end-to-end in a per-pixel manner. The proposed framework SiamCAR consists of two simple subnetworks: one Siamese subnetwork for feature extraction and one classification-regression subnetwork for bounding box prediction. Different from state-of-the-art trackers like Siamese-RPN, SiamRPN++ and SPM, which are based on region proposal, the proposed framework is both proposal and anchor free. Consequently, we are able to avoid the tricky hyper-parameter tuning of anchors and reduce human intervention. The proposed framework is simple, neat and effective. Extensive experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-art trackers are conducted on challenging benchmarks including GOT-10K, LaSOT, UAV123 and OTB-50. Without bells and whistles, our SiamCAR achieves the leading performance with a considerable real-time speed. The code is available at

  1. Siamese Box Adaptive Network for Visual Tracking

Most of the existing trackers usually rely on either a multi-scale searching scheme or pre-defined anchor boxes to accurately estimate the scale and aspect ratio of a target. Unfortunately, they typically call for tedious and heuristic configurations. To address this issue, we propose a simple yet effective visual tracking framework (named Siamese Box Adaptive Network, SiamBAN) by exploiting the expressive power of the fully convolutional network (FCN). SiamBAN views the visual tracking problem as a parallel classification and regression problem, and thus directly classifies objects and regresses their bounding boxes in a unified FCN. The no-prior box design avoids hyper-parameters associated with the candidate boxes, making SiamBAN more flexible and general. Extensive experiments on visual tracking benchmarks including VOT2018, VOT2019, OTB100, NFS, UAV123, and LaSOT demonstrate that SiamBAN achieves state-of-the-art performance and runs at 40 FPS, confirming its effectiveness and efficiency. The code will be available at

  1. Deformable Siamese Attention Networks for Visual Object Tracking

Siamese-based trackers have achieved excellent performance on visual object tracking. However, the target template is not updated online, and the features of target template and search image are computed independently in a Siamese architecture. In this paper, we propose Deformable Siamese Attention Networks, referred to as SiamAttn, by introducing a new Siamese attention mechanism that computes deformable self-attention and cross-attention. The self-attention learns strong context information via spatial attention, and selectively emphasizes interdependent channel-wise features with channel attention. The crossattention is capable of aggregating rich contextual interdependencies between the target template and the search image, providing an implicit manner to adaptively update the target template. In addition, we design a region refinement module that computes depth-wise cross correlations between the attentional features for more accurate tracking. We conduct experiments on six benchmarks, where our method achieves new state-of-the-art results, outperforming recent strong baseline, SiamRPN++, by 0.464 to 0.537 and 0.415 to 0.470 EAO on VOT 2016 and 2018.

  1. Correlation-Guided Attention for Corner Detection Based Visual Tracking

Accurate bounding box estimation has recently attracted much attention in the tracking community because traditional multi-scale search strategies cannot estimate tight bounding boxes in many challenging scenarios involving changes to the target. A tracker capable of detecting target corners can flexibly adapt to such changes, but existing corner detection based tracking methods have not achieved adequate success. We analyze the reasons for their failure and propose a state-of-the-art tracker that performs correlation-guided attentional corner detection in two stages. First, a region of interest (RoI) is obtained by employing an efficient Siamese network to distinguish the target from the background. Second, a pixel-wise correlation-guided spatial attention module and a channel-wise correlation-guided channel attention module exploit the relationship between the target template and the RoI to highlight corner regions and enhance features of the RoI for corner detection. The correlation-guided attention modules improve the accuracy of corner detection, thus enabling accurate bounding box estimation. When trained on large-scale datasets using a novel RoI augmentation strategy, the performance of the proposed tracker, running at a high speed of 70 FPS, is comparable with that of state-of-the-art trackers in meeting five challenging performance benchmarks.

  1. Siam R-CNN: Visual Tracking by Re-Detection

We present Siam R-CNN, a Siamese re-detection architecture which unleashes the full power of two-stage object detection approaches for visual object tracking. We combine this with a novel tracklet-based dynamic programming algorithm, which takes advantage of re-detections of both the first-frame template and previous-frame predictions, to model the full history of both the object to be tracked and potential distractor objects. This enables our approach to make better tracking decisions, as well as to re-detect tracked objects after long occlusion. Finally, we propose a novel hard example mining strategy to improve Siam R-CNN's robustness to similar looking objects. Siam R-CNN achieves the current best performance on ten tracking benchmarks, with especially strong results for long-term tracking. We make our code and models available at

  1. Probabilistic Regression for Visual Tracking

Visual tracking is fundamentally the problem of regressing the state of the target in each video frame. While significant progress has been achieved, trackers are still prone to failures and inaccuracies. It is therefore crucial to represent the uncertainty in the target estimation. Although current prominent paradigms rely on estimating a state-dependent confidence score, this value lacks a clear probabilistic interpretation, complicating its use. In this work, we therefore propose a probabilistic regression formulation and apply it to tracking. Our network predicts the conditional probability density of the target state given an input image. Crucially, our formulation is capable of modeling label noise stemming from inaccurate annotations and ambiguities in the task. The regression network is trained by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence. When applied for tracking, our formulation not only allows a probabilistic representation of the output, but also substantially improves the performance. Our tracker sets a new state-of-the-art on six datasets, achieving 59.8% AUC on LaSOT and 75.8% Success on TrackingNet. The code and models are available at

  1. Recursive Least-Squares Estimator-Aided Online Learning for Visual Tracking

Online learning is crucial to robust visual object tracking as it can provide high discrimination power in the presence of background distractors. However, there are two contradictory factors affecting its successful deployment on the real visual tracking platform: the discrimination issue due to the challenges in vanilla gradient descent, which does not guarantee good convergence; the robustness issue due to over-fitting resulting from excessive update with limited memory size (the oldest samples are discarded). Despite many dedicated techniques proposed to somehow treat those issues, in this paper we take a new way to strike a compromise between them based on the recursive least-squares estimation (LSE) algorithm. After connecting each fully-connected layer with LSE separately via normal equations, we further propose an improved mini-batch stochastic gradient descent algorithm for fully-connected network learning with memory retention in a recursive fashion. This characteristic can spontaneously reduce the risk of over-fitting resulting from catastrophic forgetting in excessive online learning. Meanwhile, it can effectively improve convergence though the cost function is computed over all the training samples that the algorithm has ever seen. We realize this recursive LSE-aided online learning technique in the state-of-the-art RT-MDNet tracker, and the consistent improvements on four challenging benchmarks prove its efficiency without additional offline training and too much tedious work on parameter adjusting.

  1. ROAM: Recurrently Optimizing Tracking Model

In this paper, we design a tracking model consisting of response generation and bounding box regression, where the first component produces a heat map to indicate the presence of the object at different positions and the second part regresses the relative bounding box shifts to anchors mounted on sliding-window locations. Thanks to the resizable convolutional filters used in both components to adapt to the shape changes of objects, our tracking model does not need to enumerate different sized anchors, thus saving model parameters. To effectively adapt the model to appearance variations, we propose to offline train a recurrent neural optimizer to update tracking model in a meta-learning setting, which can converge the model in a few gradient steps. This improves the convergence speed of updating the tracking model while achieving better performance. We extensively evaluate our trackers, ROAM and ROAM++, on the OTB, VOT, LaSOT, GOT-10K and TrackingNet benchmark and our methods perform favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms.

  1. One-Shot Adversarial Attacks on Visual Tracking With Dual Attention

Almost all adversarial attacks in computer vision are aimed at pre-known object categories, which could be offline trained for generating perturbations. But as for visual object tracking, the tracked target categories are normally unknown in advance. However, the tracking algorithms also have potential risks of being attacked, which could be maliciously used to fool the surveillance systems. Meanwhile, it is still a challenging task that adversarial attacks on tracking since it has the free-model tracked target. Therefore, to help draw more attention to the potential risks, we study adversarial attacks on tracking algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel one-shot adversarial attack method to generate adversarial examples for free-model single object tracking, where merely adding slight perturbations on the target patch in the initial frame causes state-of-the-art trackers to lose the target in subsequent frames. Specifically, the optimization objective of the proposed attack consists of two components and leverages the dual attention mechanisms. The first component adopts a targeted attack strategy by optimizing the batch confidence loss with confidence attention while the second one applies a general perturbation strategy by optimizing the feature loss with channel attention. Experimental results show that our approach can significantly lower the accuracy of the most advanced Siamese network-based trackers on three benchmarks.

  1. AutoTrack: Towards High-Performance Visual Tracking for UAV With Automatic Spatio-Temporal Regularization

Most existing trackers based on discriminative correlation filters (DCF) try to introduce predefined regularization term to improve the learning of target objects, e.g., by suppressing background learning or by restricting change rate of correlation filters. However, predefined parameters introduce much effort in tuning them and they still fail to adapt to new situations that the designer did not think of. In this work, a novel approach is proposed to online automatically and adaptively learn spatio-temporal regularization term. Spatially local response map variation is introduced as spatial regularization to make DCF focus on the learning of trust-worthy parts of the object, and global response map variation determines the updating rate of the filter. Extensive experiments on four UAV benchmarks have proven the superiority of our method compared to the state-of-the-art CPU- and GPU-based trackers, with a speed of ~60 frames per second running on a single CPU. Our tracker is additionally proposed to be applied in UAV localization. Considerable tests in the indoor practical scenarios have proven the effectiveness and versatility of our localization method. The code is available at

  1. High-Performance Long-Term Tracking With Meta-Updater

Long-term visual tracking has drawn increasing attention because it is much closer to practical applications than short-term tracking. Most top-ranked long-term trackers adopt the offline-trained Siamese architectures, thus,they cannot benefit from great progress of short-term trackers with online update. However, it is quite risky to straightforwardly introduce online-update-based trackers to solve the long-term problem, due to long-term uncertain and noisy observations. In this work, we propose a novel offline-trained Meta-Updater to address an important but unsolved problem: Is the tracker ready for updating in the current frame? The proposed meta-updater can effectively integrate geometric, discriminative, and appearance cues in a sequential manner, and then mine the sequential information with a designed cascaded LSTM module. Our meta-updater learns a binary output to guide the tracker's update and can be easily embedded into different trackers. This work also introduces a long-term tracking framework consisting of an online local tracker, an online verifier, a SiamRPN-based re-detector, and our meta-updater. Numerous experimental results on the VOT2018LT,VOT2019LT, OxUvALT, TLP, and LaSOT benchmarks show that our tracker performs remarkably better than other competing algorithms. Our project is available on the website:

  1. P2B: Point-to-Box Network for 3D Object Tracking in Point Clouds

Towards 3D object tracking in point clouds, a novel point-to-box network termed P2B is proposed in an end-to-end learning manner. Our main idea is to first localize potential target centers in 3D search area embedded with target information. Then point-driven 3D target proposal and verification are executed jointly. In this way, the time-consuming 3D exhaustive search can be avoided. Specifically, we first sample seeds from the point clouds in template and search area respectively. Then, we execute permutation-invariant feature augmentation to embed target clues from template into search area seeds and represent them with target-specific features. Consequently, the augmented search area seeds regress the potential target centers via Hough voting. The centers are further strengthened with seed-wise targetness scores. Finally, each center clusters its neighbors to leverage the ensemble power for joint 3D target proposal and verification. We apply PointNet++ as our backbone and experiments on KITTI tracking dataset demonstrate P2B's superiority (~10%'s improvement over state-of-the-art). Note that P2B can run with 40FPS on a single NVIDIA 1080Ti GPU. Our code and model are available at

  1. Joint Spatial-Temporal Optimization for Stereo 3D Object Tracking

Directly learning multiple 3D objects motion from sequential images is difficult, while the geometric bundle adjustment lacks the ability to localize the invisible object centroid. To benefit from both the powerful object understanding skill from deep neural network meanwhile tackle precise geometry modeling for consistent trajectory estimation, we propose a joint spatial-temporal optimization-based stereo 3D object tracking method. From the network, we detect corresponding 2D bounding boxes on adjacent images and regress an initial 3D bounding box. Dense object cues (local depth and local coordinates) that associating to the object centroid are then predicted using a region-based network. Considering both the instant localization accuracy and motion consistency, our optimization models the relations between the object centroid and observed cues into a joint spatial-temporal error function. All historic cues will be summarized to contribute to the current estimation by a per-frame marginalization strategy without repeated computation. Quantitative evaluation on the KITTI tracking dataset shows our approach outperforms previous image-based 3D tracking methods by significant margins. We also report extensive results on multiple categories and larger datasets (KITTI raw and Argoverse Tracking) for future benchmarking.

  1. PnPNet: End-to-End Perception and Prediction With Tracking in the Loop

We tackle the problem of joint perception and motion forecasting in the context of self-driving vehicles. Towards this goal we propose PnPNet, an end-to-end model that takes as input sequential sensor data, and outputs at each time step object tracks and their future trajectories. The key component is a novel tracking module that generates object tracks online from detections and exploits trajectory level features for motion forecasting. Specifically, the object tracks get updated at each time step by solving both the data association problem and the trajectory estimation problem. Importantly, the whole model is end-to-end trainable and benefits from joint optimization of all tasks. We validate PnPNet on two large-scale driving datasets, and show significant improvements over the state-of-the-art with better occlusion recovery and more accurate future prediction.

  1. MPM: Joint Representation of Motion and Position Map for Cell Tracking

Conventional cell tracking methods detect multiple cells in each frame (detection) and then associate the detection results in successive time-frames (association). Most cell tracking methods perform the association task independently from the detection task. However, there is no guarantee of preserving coherence between these tasks, and lack of coherence may adversely affect tracking performance. In this paper, we propose the Motion and Position Map (MPM) that jointly represents both detection and association for not only migration but also cell division. It guarantees coherence such that if a cell is detected, the corresponding motion flow can always be obtained. It is a simple but powerful method for multi-object tracking in dense environments. We compared the proposed method with current tracking methods under various conditions in real biological images and found that it outperformed the state-of-the-art (+5.2% improvement compared to the second-best).

  1. Cooling-Shrinking Attack: Blinding the Tracker With Imperceptible Noises

Adversarial attack of CNN aims at deceiving models to misbehave by adding imperceptible perturbations to images. This feature facilitates to understand neural networks deeply and to improve the robustness of deep learning models. Although several works have focused on attacking image classifiers and object detectors, an effective and efficient method for attacking single object trackers of any target in a model-free way remains lacking. In this paper, a cooling-shrinking attack method is proposed to deceive state-of-the-art SiameseRPN-based trackers. An effective and efficient perturbation generator is trained with a carefully designed adversarial loss, which can simultaneously cool hot regions where the target exists on the heatmaps and force the predicted bounding box to shrink, making the tracked target invisible to trackers. Numerous experiments on OTB100, VOT2018, and LaSOT datasets show that our method can effectively fool the state-of-the-art SiameseRPN++ tracker by adding small perturbations to the template or the search regions. Besides, our method has good transferability and is able to deceive other top-performance trackers such as DaSiamRPN, DaSiamRPN-UpdateNet, and DiMP. The source codes are available at

  1. Cross-Modal Pattern-Propagation for RGB-T Tracking

Motivated by our observations on RGB-T data that pattern correlations are high-frequently recurred across modalities also along sequence frames, in this paper, we propose a cross-modal pattern-propagation (CMPP) tracking framework to diffuse instance patterns across RGB-T data on spatial domain as well as temporal domain. To bridge RGB-T modalities, the cross-modal correlations on intra-modal paired pattern-affinities are derived to reveal those latent cues between heterogenous modalities. Through the correlations, the useful patterns may be mutually propagated between RGB-T modalities so as to fulfill inter-modal pattern-propagation. Further, considering the temporal continuity of sequence frames, we adopt the spirit of pattern propagation to dynamic temporal domain, in which long-term historical contexts are adaptively correlated and propagated into the current frame for more effective information inheritance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the effectiveness of our proposed CMPP, and the new state-of-the-art results are achieved with the significant improvements on two RGB-T object tracking benchmarks.

  1. Seeing Around Street Corners: Non-Line-of-Sight Detection and Tracking In-the-Wild Using Doppler Radar

  1. 3D-ZeF: A 3D Zebrafish Tracking Benchmark Dataset

In this work we present a novel publicly available stereo based 3D RGB dataset for multi-object zebrafish tracking, called 3D-ZeF. Zebrafish is an increasingly popular model organism used for studying neurological disorders, drug addiction, and more. Behavioral analysis is often a critical part of such research. However, visual similarity, occlusion, and erratic movement of the zebrafish makes robust 3D tracking a challenging and unsolved problem. The proposed dataset consists of eight sequences with a duration between 15-120 seconds and 1-10 free moving zebrafish. The videos have been annotated with a total of 86,400 points and bounding boxes. Furthermore, we present a complexity score and a novel open-source modular baseline system for 3D tracking of zebrafish. The performance of the system is measured with respect to two detectors: a naive approach and a Faster R-CNN based fish head detector. The system reaches a MOTA of up to 77.6%. Links to the code and dataset is available at the project page 3D-ZeF |

  1. Learning to Optimize Non-Rigid Tracking

One of the widespread solutions for non-rigid tracking has a nested-loop structure: with Gauss-Newton to minimize a tracking objective in the outer loop, and Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) to solve a sparse linear system in the inner loop. In this paper, we employ learnable optimizations to improve tracking robustness and speed up solver convergence. First, we upgrade the tracking objective by integrating an alignment data term on deep features which are learned end-to-end through CNN. The new tracking objective can capture the global deformation which helps Gauss-Newton to jump over local minimum, leading to robust tracking on large non-rigid motions. Second, we bridge the gap between the preconditioning technique and learning method by introducing a ConditionNet which is trained to generate a preconditioner such that PCG can converge within a small number of steps. Experimental results indicate that the proposed learning method converges faster than the original PCG by a large margin.
