既然必须要去实现,那摆在面前的问题就是如何去实现了。最简单粗暴的一个方式,就是通过建立一个Flutter Channel将网络请求的所有信息传到原生,但脑补一波后,发现实现起来太过麻烦,一堆header,body,data等信息都需要自己组装,并且致命的是需要改动现有项目的请求方式。因此为了避免项目大改,最后看中了Dio
- 首先定义一个拦截器(NativeNetInterceptor),用来转发网络请求,在onRequest中,我们调用了NativeNet.sendRequestToNative方法,用来接收接口中的参数(url、header、body、data、等等等),方便下一步转发。catch模块主要用来捕获异常,如果是DioError,直接
class NativeNetInterceptor extends Interceptor { final Dio dio; final NativeNetOptions options; NativeNetInterceptor({ required this.dio, NativeNetOptions? options, }) : options = options ?? NativeNetOptions(); @override void onRequest( RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) async { try { Response response = await NativeNet.sendRequestToNative(options); return handler.resolve(response, true); } catch (e) { if (e.runtimeType == DioError) { return handler.reject(e as DioError); } else { // TODO:如果担心原生有问题,可打开下方注释。 // handler.next(options); rethrow; } } } }
- NativeNet的实现,这里主要是将Dio
class NativeNet { static const MethodChannel _channel = MethodChannel('nativeNet'); static FuturesendRequestToNative(RequestOptions options) async { final String url = options.baseUrl + options.path; Map channelParams = _getChannelParams( url, options.method, queryParameters: options.queryParameters, data: options.data, header: options.headers, timeoutInterval: options.connectTimeout, ); return await _sendRequestToNative(options, channelParams); } static Future _sendRequestToNative( RequestOptions options, Map params) async { final Map nativeResponse = await _channel.invokeMapMethod('net', params) ?? {}; final Response response = Response(requestOptions: options); if (nativeResponse.containsKey('headers')) { final Map nativeResponseHaders = nativeResponse['headers']; nativeResponseHaders.forEach((key, value) { response.headers.set(key, value); }); } response.statusCode = nativeResponse['statusCode'] ?? -1; response.statusMessage = nativeResponse['statusMessage'] ?? '无message'; if (Platform.isAndroid) { if (nativeResponse.containsKey('data')) { String jsonData = nativeResponse['data']; try { Map data = convert.jsonDecode(jsonData); response.data = data; } on FormatException catch (e) { ///转换异常后手动构造一下 debugPrint("Http FormatException"); Map map = {}; map["data"] = jsonData; response.data = map; } } else { response.data = {}; } } else { Map data = Map .from(nativeResponse['data'] ?? {}); response.data = data; } if (nativeResponse.containsKey('error')) { //网络请求失败 Map? errorData = nativeResponse['error']; throw DioError( requestOptions: options, response: response, error: errorData); } return response; } static Map _getChannelParams( String url, String method, { Map ? queryParameters, Map ? data, Map ? header, num? timeoutInterval, num? retryCount, }) { Map channelParams = { 'url': url, 'method': method, }; if (queryParameters != null) { channelParams['queryParameters'] = queryParameters; } if (data != null) { channelParams['data'] = data; } if (header != null) { channelParams['header'] = header; } if (retryCount != null) { channelParams['retryCount'] = retryCount; } if (timeoutInterval != null) { channelParams['timeoutInterval'] = timeoutInterval; } return channelParams; } }
- 原生实现,这里贴出安卓代码,请求完之后,无论成功失败,都调用result.success将处理好的数据返回给flutter。具体的
class NativeNetPlugin : FlutterPlugin, MethodCallHandler { /// The MethodChannel that will the communication between Flutter and native Android /// /// This local reference serves to register the plugin with the Flutter Engine and unregister it /// when the Flutter Engine is detached from the Activity private lateinit var channel: MethodChannel private var gson: Gson = Gson() private val mTag = "Android NativeNetPlugin" override fun onAttachedToEngine(@NonNull flutterPluginBinding: FlutterPlugin.FlutterPluginBinding) { channel = MethodChannel(flutterPluginBinding.binaryMessenger, "nativeNet") channel.setMethodCallHandler(this) } override fun onMethodCall(@NonNull call: MethodCall, @NonNull result: Result) { if (call.method == "net") { val channelParams = call.arguments as Mapvar method = "" if (channelParams.containsKey("method")) { method = channelParams["method"] as String } var url = "" if (channelParams.containsKey("url")) { url = channelParams["url"] as String } var header = HashMap () if (channelParams.containsKey("header")) { header = channelParams["header"] as HashMap } val headers = HttpHeaders() headers.headersMap = getMapValueForLinkedHashMap(header) // params var queryParameters = HashMap () if (channelParams.containsKey("queryParameters")) { queryParameters = channelParams["queryParameters"] as HashMap } //post body var data = HashMap () if (channelParams.containsKey("data")) { data = channelParams["data"] as HashMap } //超时时间 var timeoutInterval: Int = 1000 * 15 if (channelParams.containsKey("timeoutInterval")) { timeoutInterval = channelParams["timeoutInterval"] as Int } val mTimeOut = Timeout(timeoutInterval, timeoutInterval, timeoutInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) //重试次数 var retryCount = 0 if (channelParams.containsKey("retryCount")) { retryCount = channelParams["retryCount"] as Int } when (method) { "POST" -> { ... //请求成功/失败后调用此方法, result.success(dealResponse(response)) } "GET" -> { ... } "DELETE" -> { ... } "PUT" -> { ... } "HEAD" -> { ... } else -> { result.notImplemented() } } } else { result.notImplemented() } } private fun dealResponse( response: Response ): Map { val map = HashMap () if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.e(mTag, "dealResponse isSuccessful: ${response.code()}") Log.e(mTag, "dealResponse code: ${response.code()}") Log.e(mTag, "dealResponse message: ${response.message()}") Log.e(mTag, "dealResponse body: ${response.body()}") Log.e(mTag, "dealResponse headers: ${response.headers()}") } map["statusCode"] = response.code() response.message()?.let { map["statusMessage"] = it } ?: let { map["statusMessage"] = "" } response.body()?.let { map["data"] = it } ?: let { map["data"] = "" } response.headers()?.let { map["headers"] = it.toMap() } ?: let { map["headers"] = HashMap () } if (response.code() != 200) { //失败 val errorMap = HashMap () response.exception?.let { errorMap["code"] = response.code() errorMap["domain"] = it.toString() errorMap["description"] = it.message } ?: let { errorMap["code"] = response.code() errorMap["domain"] = map["statusMessage"] errorMap["description"] = "HttpException" } map["error"] = errorMap } return map } //map 转 LinkedHashMap private fun getMapValueForLinkedHashMap(dataMap: Map ): LinkedHashMap { val returnMap: LinkedHashMap = LinkedHashMap() if (dataMap.isNullOrEmpty()) { return returnMap } val iterator = dataMap.keys.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val objKey = iterator.next() val objValue = dataMap[objKey] returnMap[objKey] = objValue.toString() } return returnMap } override fun onDetachedFromEngine(@NonNull binding: FlutterPlugin.FlutterPluginBinding) { channel.setMethodCallHandler(null) } }
4.最后调用dio.interceptors.add(NativeNetInterceptor(dio: dio));
(Flutter To Native)
{ "url": "https://www.baidu.com", // 必传 请求地址 "method": "GET", //必传 请求方式 GET POST HEAD PUT DELETE "queryParameters":{}, //可选 query参数 "data":{}, //可选 body参数 "header":{}, //可选 请求头 "timeoutInterval":15000, //可选 (毫秒) 链接超时时常 "retryCount": 0 //可选 重试次数,默认0 }
(Native To Flutter)
// native返回 成功 { "data":{}, //接口原始返回内容 "headers":{}, //返回头 "statusCode":200, //http状态码 "statusMessage":"请求成功" //http状态码对应文案 } // native返回 失败 { "data":{}, //接口原始返回内容 "headers":{}, //返回头 "statusCode":404, //http状态码 "statusMessage":"找不到对象", //http状态码对应文案 "error":{ "code":-3001, //错误码 "domain":"URLDmain", // 错误大分类 "description":"错误详情" // 错误详情 } }
到此这篇关于Flutter 将Dio请求转发原生网络库的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Flutter Dio请求转发原生网络库内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!