2.canny edge detection(canny边缘检测)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
百度的canny 的知识点
转《canny边缘检测算法》 - 简书 (jianshu.com)
The process of Canny edge detection algorithm can be broken down to five different steps:
(52条消息) opencv高斯滤波GaussianBlur()详解(sigma取值)_wuqindeyunque的博客-CSDN博客_高斯滤波sigma取值
我是照着维基百科上的 方式求高斯核,之前做的高斯滤波直接用了一个矩阵,现在这种直接封装了,可以自己设置核的大小了
//vector 嵌套着 vector
vector> createFilter(int row, int column, double sigmaIn)
vector> filter;// 卷积核
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
vector col;//创建一个vector 被filter这个Vector包着
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
col.push_back(-1);//为col 这个vector 创建空间
//上面的操作构建好了row * col 的vector
float coordSum = 0;
float constant = 2.0 * sigmaIn * sigmaIn;
// Sum is for normalization 标准化
float sum = 0.0;
for (int x = -row / 2; x <= row / 2; x++)
for (int y = -column / 2; y <= column / 2; y++)
coordSum = (x * x + y * y);
filter[x + row / 2][y + column / 2] = (exp(-(coordSum) / constant)) / (M_PI * constant);
sum += filter[x + row / 2][y + column / 2];
// Normalize the Filter
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
filter[i][j] /= sum;//就是图片里的 卷积核除以 所有的值之和
return filter;
sobel 算子
Mat SobelG(Mat& image)
//Sobel X Filter,对应的是 图上的 Gx的矩阵
double x1[] = { -1.0, 0, 1.0 };
double x2[] = { -2.0, 0, 2.0 };
double x3[] = { -1.0, 0, 1.0 };
vector> xFilter(3);
xFilter[0].assign(x1, x1 + 3);
xFilter[1].assign(x2, x2 + 3);
xFilter[2].assign(x3, x3 + 3);
//Sobel Y Filter 对应的是 图上的 Gy的矩阵
double y1[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 };
double y2[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
double y3[] = { -1.0, -2.0, -1.0 };
vector> yFilter(3);
yFilter[0].assign(y1, y1 + 3);
yFilter[1].assign(y2, y2 + 3);
yFilter[2].assign(y3, y3 + 3);
//Limit Size
int size = (int)xFilter.size() / 2;
Mat filteredImg = Mat(image.rows - 2 * size, image.cols - 2 * size, CV_8UC1);
//同样的,sobel 边缘检测就是用sobel算子对图像进行卷积操作
Mat angles = Mat(image.rows - 2 * size, image.cols - 2 * size, CV_32FC1); //AngleMap
for (int i = size; i < image.rows - size; i++)
for (int j = size; j < image.cols - size; j++)
double sumx = 0;
double sumy = 0;
//因为 是方阵 所以size都是一样的
for (int x = 0; x < xFilter.size(); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < yFilter.size(); y++)
sumx += xFilter[x][y] * (double)(image.at(i + x - size, j + y - size)); //Sobel_X Filter Value
sumy += yFilter[x][y] * (double)(image.at(i + x - size, j + y - size)); //Sobel_Y Filter Value
double sumxsq = sumx * sumx;//因为卷积核中包含负数,所以可能卷积的结果为负数,而图像的矩阵是没有负数的
double sumysq = sumy * sumy;
double sq2 = sqrt(sumxsq + sumysq);//对应图上的梯度的最大值,x 和 y 方向之和
if (sq2 > 255) //Unsigned Char Fix
sq2 = 255;
filteredImg.at(i - size, j - size) = sq2;//该点的像素值就是所求的梯度值
if (sumx == 0) //Arctan Fix
angles.at(i - size, j - size) = 90;
angles.at(i - size, j - size) = atan(sumy / sumx);
return filteredImg;
解释一下,在上图的右边C 点是我们此时关注的像素点,那条直线就是上面求的梯度的方向 θ,在这个方向上有有两个点,这两个点不一定就刚好是像素点,所以要用线性插值将这两个点求出,如果C点的像素值是三者之间最大的保留这个C点,反之删去C点,这样就起到了抑制的作用。
moves a 3x3 filter over ,解释一下这个非极大值抑制算法为什么是3*3 的卷积,求中心像素的值是否保留与周围的像素值是否比他大有关(相当于如上图所示构成了3*3的filter。因此代码中的抑制的图像矩阵也要同3*3卷积核操作过一样padding = 1(只不过我直接减去2,省得padding,s损失反之无所谓)。
Mat noMaxSupress(Mat& image)
Mat nonMaxSupped = Mat(image.rows - 2, image.cols - 2, CV_8UC1);//非极大抑制后的图像矩阵,算法中明确使用3*3 的卷积核 故padding = 1
for (int i = 1; i < image.rows - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < image.cols - 1; j++) {
float Tangent = angles.at(i, j);//当前像素的梯度方向
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = image.at(i, j);//卷积的中心,也是比较这个像素点的值是不是最大
//Horizontal Edge 对应 0 度,图面上有写
if (((-22.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 22.5)) || ((157.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -157.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//Vertical Edge 对应90 度
if (((-112.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -67.5)) || ((67.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 112.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//-45 Degree Edge 对应135度
if (((-67.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -22.5)) || ((112.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 157.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//45 Degree Edge
if (((-157.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -112.5)) || ((22.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 67.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
return nonMaxSupped;
阈值化很简单,设定高低阈值,分别设定strong pixel or weak pixel
Edge tracking by hysteresis 边缘跟踪的滞后
减少有些像素被判定为weak pixel, 检查这个weak像素的8领域内是否有strong pixel,那么这个weak pixel 就保留下来。具体的判别方法,就是上图标蓝的 bolb analysis ()这个方法。
以一个8领域的例子来说明两次扫描算法。 该算法的数据结构为并查集。 1,第一次扫描: 将0视为背景像素,1为目标像素。原始图像如下。
2,第二次扫描: 合并这些相同的标号,得到结果
algorithm TwoPass(data) is
linked = []
labels = structure with dimensions of data, initialized with the value of Background
NextLabel = 0
First pass
for row in data do
for column in row do
if data[row][column] is not Background then
neighbors = connected elements with the current element's value
if neighbors is empty then
linked[NextLabel] = set containing NextLabel
labels[row][column] = NextLabel
NextLabel += 1
Find the smallest label
L = neighbors labels
labels[row][column] = min(L)
for label in L do
linked[label] = union(linked[label], L)
Second pass
for row in data do
for column in row do
if data[row][column] is not Background then
labels[row][column] = find(labels[row][column])
return labels
To track the edge connection, blob analysis is applied by looking at a weak edge pixel and its 8-connected neighborhood pixels. As long as there is one strong edge pixel that is involved in the blob, that weak edge point can be identified as one that should be preserved.
这个部分我也有点疑问,怎样算把blob analysis应用到这里呢,只对weak点的8领域进行检测和bolb analysis 有啥关系啊,希望大佬看见帮忙解答一下。
Mat doubleT(Mat& image, int low, int high)
if (low > 255)
low = 255;
if (high > 255)
high = 255;
Mat EdgeMat = Mat(image.rows, image.cols, image.type());
for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = image.at(i, j);
if (EdgeMat.at(i, j) > high)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 255;//strong 直接保留
else if (EdgeMat.at(i, j) < low)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 0;//直接抑制
else//这个像素点的梯度值位于 low 和 high 之间,因此要进行进一步的选择
bool anyHigh = false;
bool anyBetween = false;//值为与low 和 hignh 之间
for (int x = i - 1; x < i + 2; x++)//此处x和y 刚好是检查像素点(i,j)的8领域
for (int y = j - 1; y < j + 2; y++)
if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || EdgeMat.rows || y > EdgeMat.cols) //Out of bounds
if (EdgeMat.at(x, y) > high)//边缘点有strong
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 255;//将这个weak保留下来
anyHigh = true;
else if (EdgeMat.at(x, y) <= high && EdgeMat.at(x, y) >= low)
anyBetween = true;//
if (anyHigh)
if (!anyHigh)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 0;
return EdgeMat;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
vector> createFilter(int row, int column, double sigmaIn);//filter ,创建高斯核
Mat GsBlur(Mat& image);//高斯模糊
Mat SobelG(Mat& image);// sobel 求梯度大小 和 梯度方向
Mat noMaxSupress(Mat& image);//非极大值抑制
Mat doubleT(Mat& image,int low,int high);//双阈值法
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//load pics
string imgPath = "E:\\研究生\\数字图像处理\\c++\\字符识别\\Project1\\lena.png";
Mat srcImg = imread(imgPath, 0);//RGB,JPG,PNG,TIFF格式,灰度格式读入
if (srcImg.empty()) {
cout << "can't load pic" << endl;
//show pics
Mat blurImg = GsBlur(srcImg);
imshow("blur", blurImg);
Mat Gimg = SobelG(blurImg);
imshow("gradient", Gimg);
Mat supImg = noMaxSupress(Gimg);
imshow("supress", supImg);
Mat DtImg = doubleT(supImg,50,150);
//opencv canny test
Mat dstImage;
Canny(dstImage, dstImage, 50, 150, 3);
imshow("【效果图】Canny边缘检测2", dstImage);
waitKey(0);//wait function
return 0;
//vector 嵌套着 vector
vector> createFilter(int row, int column, double sigmaIn)
vector> filter;// 卷积核
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
vector col;//创建一个vector 被filter这个Vector包着
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
col.push_back(-1);//为col 这个vector 创建空间
//上面的操作构建好了row * col 的vector
float coordSum = 0;
float constant = 2.0 * sigmaIn * sigmaIn;
// Sum is for normalization 标准化
float sum = 0.0;
for (int x = -row / 2; x <= row / 2; x++)
for (int y = -column / 2; y <= column / 2; y++)
coordSum = (x * x + y * y);
filter[x + row / 2][y + column / 2] = (exp(-(coordSum) / constant)) / (M_PI * constant);
sum += filter[x + row / 2][y + column / 2];
// Normalize the Filter
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
filter[i][j] /= sum;//就是图片里的 卷积核除以 所有的值之和
return filter;
Mat GsBlur(Mat& image)
cout << "src size: " << image.size() << endl;
vector> Gskernal = createFilter(3, 3, 0.8);//创建一个卷积核
int size = (int)Gskernal.size() / 2;
Mat filteredImg = Mat(image.rows - 2 * size, image.cols - 2 * size, CV_8UC1);
//就像 6*6的矩阵 给3*3的卷积核卷积,要填充padding = 1,
cout << "size: " << filteredImg.size() << endl;
for (int i = size; i < image.rows - size; i++)
for (int j = size; j < image.cols - size; j++)
double sum = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < Gskernal.size(); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Gskernal.size(); y++)
sum += Gskernal[x][y] * (double)(image.at(i + x - size, j + y - size));
filteredImg.at(i - size, j - size) = sum;
return filteredImg;
Mat angles;//表示梯度的方向
Mat SobelG(Mat& image)
//Sobel X Filter,对应的是 图上的 Gx的矩阵
double x1[] = { -1.0, 0, 1.0 };
double x2[] = { -2.0, 0, 2.0 };
double x3[] = { -1.0, 0, 1.0 };
vector> xFilter(3);
xFilter[0].assign(x1, x1 + 3);
xFilter[1].assign(x2, x2 + 3);
xFilter[2].assign(x3, x3 + 3);
//Sobel Y Filter 对应的是 图上的 Gy的矩阵
double y1[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 };
double y2[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
double y3[] = { -1.0, -2.0, -1.0 };
vector> yFilter(3);
yFilter[0].assign(y1, y1 + 3);
yFilter[1].assign(y2, y2 + 3);
yFilter[2].assign(y3, y3 + 3);
//Limit Size
int size = (int)xFilter.size() / 2;
Mat filteredImg = Mat(image.rows - 2 * size, image.cols - 2 * size, CV_8UC1);
//同样的,sobel 边缘检测就是用sobel算子对图像进行卷积操作
angles = Mat(image.rows - 2 * size, image.cols - 2 * size, CV_32FC1); //AngleMap
for (int i = size; i < image.rows - size; i++)
for (int j = size; j < image.cols - size; j++)
double sumx = 0;
double sumy = 0;
//因为 是方阵 所以size都是一样的
for (int x = 0; x < xFilter.size(); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < yFilter.size(); y++)
sumx += xFilter[x][y] * (double)(image.at(i + x - size, j + y - size)); //Sobel_X Filter Value
sumy += yFilter[x][y] * (double)(image.at(i + x - size, j + y - size)); //Sobel_Y Filter Value
double sumxsq = sumx * sumx;//因为卷积核中包含负数,所以可能卷积的结果为负数,而图像的矩阵是没有负数的
double sumysq = sumy * sumy;
double sq2 = sqrt(sumxsq + sumysq);//对应图上的梯度的最大值,x 和 y 方向之和
if (sq2 > 255) //Unsigned Char Fix
sq2 = 255;
filteredImg.at(i - size, j - size) = sq2;//该点的像素值就是所求的梯度值
if (sumx == 0) //Arctan Fix
angles.at(i - size, j - size) = 90;
angles.at(i - size, j - size) = atan(sumy / sumx);
return filteredImg;
Mat noMaxSupress(Mat& image)
Mat nonMaxSupped = Mat(image.rows - 2, image.cols - 2, CV_8UC1);//非极大抑制后的图像矩阵,算法中明确使用3*3 的卷积核 故padding = 1
for (int i = 1; i < image.rows - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < image.cols - 1; j++) {
float Tangent = angles.at(i, j);//当前像素的梯度方向
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = image.at(i, j);//卷积的中心,也是比较这个像素点的值是不是最大
//Horizontal Edge 对应 0 度,图面上有写
if (((-22.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 22.5)) || ((157.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -157.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//Vertical Edge 对应90 度
if (((-112.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -67.5)) || ((67.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 112.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//-45 Degree Edge 对应135度
if (((-67.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -22.5)) || ((112.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 157.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
//45 Degree Edge
if (((-157.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= -112.5)) || ((22.5 < Tangent) && (Tangent <= 67.5)))
if ((image.at(i, j) < image.at(i + 1, j + 1)) || (image.at(i, j) < image.at(i - 1, j - 1)))
nonMaxSupped.at(i - 1, j - 1) = 0;
return nonMaxSupped;
Mat doubleT(Mat& image, int low, int high)
if (low > 255)
low = 255;
if (high > 255)
high = 255;
Mat EdgeMat = Mat(image.rows, image.cols, image.type());
for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = image.at(i, j);
if (EdgeMat.at(i, j) > high)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 255;//strong 直接保留
else if (EdgeMat.at(i, j) < low)
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 0;//直接抑制
else//这个像素点的梯度值位于 low 和 high 之间,因此要进行进一步的选择
bool anyHigh = false;
bool anyBetween = false;//值为与low 和 hignh 之间
for (int x = i - 1; x < i + 2; x++)//此处x和y 刚好是检查像素点(i,j)的8领域
for (int y = j - 1; y < j + 2; y++)
if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || EdgeMat.rows || y > EdgeMat.cols) //Out of bounds
if (EdgeMat.at(x, y) > high)//边缘点有strong
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 255;//将这个weak保留下来
anyHigh = true;
else if (EdgeMat.at(x, y) <= high && EdgeMat.at(x, y) >= low)
anyBetween = true;//
if (anyHigh)
if (!anyHigh)//在他的8领域没找到strong ,将其抑制
EdgeMat.at(i, j) = 0;
return EdgeMat;
//opencv canny test
Mat dstImage;
Canny(dstImage, dstImage, 150, 50, 3);
imshow("【效果图】Canny边缘检测2", dstImage);
waitKey(0);//wait function
效果还是有差距 ,损失很多信息,不过还是对整个canny的流程了解了很多。