CNN 日常总结


Xavier Init


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Pytorch example

CNN 日常总结_第1张图片

Weight Decay

用于penalize complex model training. 一般用0.01(from

  1. 当parameters 有正有负时,直接传统的用“减”作为惩罚doesn’t work,因为对于负数的parameter来说,无法确定这是惩罚。 所以当parameters有正负情况发生时,使用square来解决。
  2. 但是Square会让loss增大特别快且明显。loss过大,会让model发生parameters全为0的情况。
  3. 所以weight decay就是为了防止model死了,添加的一个factor。

Batch size

把batch size往大了调主要是为了加快训练速度。但不一定保证训练的结果好坏。

Convolution Layer

How can Conv layer and pooling layer increase receptive field

Dialated Conv

Deformable conv


Input frame filter

entropy filter

Entropy masking is a useful technique that can help data scientists segment portions of an image by complexity. The applications range from texture analysis, image filtering, and even text extraction (a feature that can lend itself well to Natural Language Processing).

配合Particle filter可以用于定位.

Linear regression


  1. The Quantitative Data Condition.
  2. The Straight Enough Condition (or “linearity”).
  3. The Outlier Condition.
  4. Independence of Errors
  5. Homoscedasticity
  6. Normality of Error Distribution

1: 是数字data
2:确保数据是fit a line的,是linear的
3: outlier对regression 影响极大,最好run一遍带outlier的,另一遍不带outlier的
4:linear regression的error可以是random分布的,也可以是有特殊pattern的。error服从mean=0的正态分布
5: With homoscedasticity, you basically want your points to look like a tube instead of a cone.Error不会越来越大(小)
6:At any point in your x-values, the data points should be normally distributed around the regression line.

Independent Error

constant variance assumption(Variance of error is constant)

the average squared deviation of each error from the true regression model should be the same for every observation

If above assumption is correct
then a plot of Error versus y or x should be random scatter, and the spread of residuals should have a constant thickness from left to right along the x-axis of plot. (errors are uncorrelated)
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If above assumption is violated
then a plot of Error versus y or x will have a systematic, varying spread of residuals.
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Constant error variance but non-linear plot
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mean zero assumption


Normal Error distribution

Gradient Vanish

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The farther x needs to move away from 0, the harder it is to produce a derivative below 1/n, thus, the easier it is to prevent the multiplication from vanishing.

当”X>1”的数量 == “X<1”的数量,gradient = 1

Extrs knowledges:

  • Change y sign, get symmetry about x
  • Change x sign, get symmetry about y

backpropagation 是关于loss function 的 derivation,为何与activatetion func 有联系
根据chain rule of partial derivatives:
loss func的derivation = a product of gradients of all the activation functions of the nodes with respect to their weights.
因此对nodes的weight 更新,完全取决于 gradients of the activation functions.

partial derivative of the sigmoid function reaches a maximum value of 0.25


Limitations of Sigmoid and Tanh Activation Functions

  • both the sigmoid and tanh functions is that they saturate. This means that large values snap to 1.0 and small values snap to -1 or 0 for tanh and sigmoid respectively。所以一个好的activate function不应该接受saturate的情况。

  • the functions are only really sensitive to changes around their mid-point of their input, such as 0.5 for sigmoid and 0.0 for tanh.

  • nonlinear 的计算对GPU不友好

  • nonlinear 的会使得用来update netwrok 的error减少,从而发生著名的“gradient vanish”事件

RELU: Sigmoid 与 Tanh的救世主
The derivative of a ReLU function is defined as 1 for inputs that are greater than zero and 0 for inputs that are negative.
But, RELU 的 dereivation 还是会让gradient 为 0 的情况。 因此,RELU的救世主就是LEAKY RELU
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Upstream gradient

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多个 inputs --> 多个 local gradients

stochastic gradient

容易divergence. 由于Stogastic gradient 属于Small batch的方法,但是Large batch的方法通常比Small batch的方法更不容易stichastic. Small batch 会让search 的那个过程中错过optimal point,特别是 急转直下的那种,更容易进到flat minimum。如图:
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logistic regression

与Feature关系很大,但改变trained model的Weight,对其结果不会有任何影响。


Dropout Layer
the outputs are scaled by a factor of $ \frac{1}{1-p}$ during training.

P: probability of an element to be zeroed

Fully connect Layer
When the model has an excessive number of parameters it becomes prone to overfitting.
以上问题均可以通过减少Layers 或者 neurons 改善overfitting


  • 当参数排列组合小时,使用grid search。
  • 当参数排列组合大时,使用random search。
    • 在选择一些数值上,使用log scale, 可以帮我们更快锁定optimal的区域,从而在那个区域附近进而摸索最优的参数。

Symmetry network (model compression)

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f ( g ( x ) ) = g ( f ( x ) ) f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) f(g(x))=g(f(x))
与 jesen’s inequlity 做区别: f ( ∑ p i x i ) ≤ ∑ p i f ( x i ) f(\sum p_i x_i) \leq \sum p_i f(x_i) f(pixi)pif(xi)


  1. 因为有些结构可以通过symmetry 的性质重复使用,因此,symmetry network 可以作为一个network compression的trick,从而减少parameters的数量。
    • 例如: r e d u c e ( 1 , 8 , 16 , 8 , 1 ) = = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 ) reduce(1,8,16,8,1)==(1,2,3,4,1) reduce(1,8,16,8,1)==(1,2,3,4,1)


Full batch, mini-batch, and online learning

The amount of data included in each sub-epoch weight change is known as the batch size. For example, with a training dataset of 1000 samples, a full batch size would be 1000, a mini-batch size would be 500 or 200 or 100, and an online batch size would be just 1.
而 one batch 的 gradient,即确定的gradient(每个sample的gradient想加)
This reduces the risk of getting stuck at a local minimum, since different batches will be considered at each iteration, granting a robust convergence.

Although we don’t need to store the errors for the whole dataset in the memory, we still need to accumulate the sample errors to update the gradient after all mini-batches are evaluated.

Per-parameter adaptive learning rate methods

All previous approaches we’ve discussed so far manipulated the learning rate globally and equally for all parameters. Tuning the learning rates is an expensive process, so much work has gone into devising methods that can adaptively tune the learning rates, and even do so per parameter.
- Adagrad is an adaptive learning rate method
- RMSprop is a very effective, but currently unpublished adaptive learning rate method
- Adam. Adam is a recently proposed update that looks a bit like RMSProp with momentum
