【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》

【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第1张图片



  • 1 Background and Motivation
  • 2 Related Work
  • 3 Advantages / Contributions
  • 4 Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
  • 5 Experiments
    • 5.1 Datasets
    • 5.2 Results
  • 6 Conclusion(own)

1 Background and Motivation


  • vanishing gradients in backward propagation
  • diminishing feature reuse in forward propagation(loss in
    information flow,跑到后面前面的信息贡献就很少了)
  • long training time


作者提出了 deep networks with stochastic depth(can be interpreted as an implicit ensemble of networks of different depths)

as a regularizer, short train,deep test


2 Related Work

3 Advantages / Contributions

It reduces training time substantially and improves the test errors on almost all data sets significantly (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN).

4 Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth

short (in expectation) during training and deep during testing

哈哈哈,后面的工作追求的都是训练 deep and 测试 short

(1)ResNet architecture


【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第2张图片

  • l l l 是 Residual Block 的索引

  • f l f_l fl 是系列操作(Conv-BN-ReLU-Conv-BN)

  • H l H_l Hl 是 Block l l l 的输出

  • id 表示 identity transformation

(2)Stochastic depth

再看看 Stochastic depth 是怎么实现的

randomly altered for each minibatch(每次迭代深度都不一样)

区别在于多了个系数 b l b_l bl

b l ∈ { 0 , 1 } b_l \in \{0,1\} bl{0,1} is a Bernoulli random variable

很形象,每个 block 要么不激活系数为 0,要么激活系数为 1

b l = 0 b_l = 0 bl=0 的时候,上述公式退化为了


为啥 ReLU 也省了,因为前一层有 ReLU 保证了输入 is always non-negative

(3)The survival probability

知道了随机深度的形式,那么每个 block 随机的概率是多少呢?
【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第3张图片



p l = p L p_l = p_L pl=pL

uniformly for all l l l

第一层到最后一层 L L L 层的 survival probability 概率都是一样的,都为 p l p_l pl

也即图 2 的水平虚线

第二种是线性递减的形式(linear decay rule)


概率从第一个 block 的 1 递减到最后一个 block 的 P L P_L PL,作者实验中 P L P_L PL 都设置成了 0.5

概率的变化如图 2 中倾斜虚线所示


earlier layers extract low-level features that will be used by later layers and should therefore be more reliably present.

(4)Expected network depth

知道了每个 block 的概率,我们可以计算出随机深度网络的深度期望,公式如下

比较简单粗暴,更完整的公式应该 p l p_l pl 后面乘个 1,哈哈

p l p_l pl 代入可以堆出

E ( L ~ ) = ( 3 L − 1 ) / 4 ≈ 3 L / 4 E(\widetilde{L}) = (3L-1)/4 \approx 3L / 4 E(L )=(3L1)/43L/4

注意: p L p_L pL 计算时候的值为 0.5,此时深度能随机掉 25%

此时,ResNet110(L = 54),采用了随机深度训练方式后,深度的期望约为 54 x 3/4 ≈ 40 个 Blcok

(5)Training time savings

由上述公式推导,深度能随机掉 25%,

训练时间的话,作者给出的结论是 approximately 25% of training time could be saved under the linear decay rule with p L p_L pL = 0.5


(6)Implicit model ensemble

training with stochastic depth can be viewed as training such an ensemble
implicitly in a single training effort

(7)Stochastic depth during testing

测试的时候也要 weighted by its survival probability,这和 drop out 是一样的

5 Experiments

5.1 Datasets


5.2 Results

(1)CIFAR-10 / CIFAR-100 / SVHN


【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第4张图片
【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第5张图片
小圆圈处的模型,selected by the lowest validation error

test error 也降的很低

【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第6张图片
用 152 层的跑 SVHN,不用随机深度的训练方法,后续有点过拟合了

(2)Training with a 1202-layer ResNet

1202 层的,采用随机深度的训练方法,性能可以进一步提升

【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第7张图片

(3)Training time comparison


【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第8张图片
提升了 ~25%

(4)Vanishing gradients


【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第9张图片
采用随机深度的训练方法,有更高的梯度响应(stochastic depth indeed significantly reduces the vanishing gradient problem)

(5)Hyper-parameter sensitivity

【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第10张图片
linear decay 的概率设计要比 uniform 的效果好,基本都比不用 stochastic depth 的训练方式要好

p L p_L pL 介于 0.4~0.8 之间的时候,还是比较稳的,说明对这个参数还是很鲁棒的

For p L = 0.2 p_L = 0.2 pL=0.2 the training is reduced by close to 40%, while still yielding reductions in error.

6 Conclusion(own)

  • DenseNet 的作者

  • 和 BN 是兼容的

  • 可惜没有在大一点的数据集上验证其性能

  • 如何看待谷歌研究人员提出的卷积正则化方法「DropBlock」? - Kevin S的回答 - 知乎

【Stochastic Depth】《Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth》_第11张图片
