





3.1 one-hot向量

3.2 词向量(word vector)

3.3 单词矩阵

3.4 单词相似度

3.5 softmax函数

3.6 算法过程

3.7 求softmax


4.1 如何把词转换为向量

4.2 CBOW和Skip-gram的算法实现



4.3 使用Pytorch实现Skip-gram










图中的love是目标单词,其他是上下文单词,那么我们就是求P(w_{you}|w_{love}) 、P(w_{Do}|w_{love}) 、P(w_{deep}|w_{love})P(w_{learning}|w_{love})




3.1 one-hot向量

one-hot向量就是利用一个R^{|V|\times 1}向量来表示单词。|V|是词表中单词的数量。一个单词在英文词汇表中的索引位置是多少,那么相对应的那一行元素就是1,其他元素都是0。

w^{word}=\begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0\\ \vdots \\ 1\\ \vdots \\ 0\\ 0\end{bmatrix}

还是以我们的例句"Do you love deep learning"为例。 


w^{love}=\begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0\\ 1\\ 0\\ 0\end{bmatrix}


3.2 词向量(word vector)


v^{c}=\begin{bmatrix} 0.2\\ 0.4\\ 1.3\\ \vdots \\0.9\end{bmatrix}


3.3 单词矩阵


注意,我们这里要用到两个单词矩阵,一个是目标单词的词向量组成的矩阵,用 W表示。W的尺寸是d\times V

另外一个矩阵是由除目标单词外的其他单词词向量的转置组成的矩阵,用{W^{}}'表示,尺寸是V\times d,这里用与上一个W的尺寸相反,至于为什么我们后面解释。


3.4 单词相似度


那么求内积: u_x^{T}v_c就是两个单词的相似度,因为两个单词内积越大,说明两个单词的相似程度越高。

3.5 softmax函数


\sigma(Z)_j=\frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum_{k=1}^{K}e^{z_k}}      for j=1,...,K. 

这里面的z就是我们的相似度 u_x^{T}v_c








3.6 算法过程

求相似度 u_x^{T}v_c 总共分几步?


v_c=Ww_c 这里W是d\times V的矩阵,w_cV\times 1的矩阵,因此v_cd\times 1的向量。直观理解:矩阵与one-hot向量的内积,相当于把one-hot向量中索引为1在向量矩阵中对应的那一列提取出来。 

第二步:求 u_x^{T}v_c组成的向量

这个向量是W{}'v_c,这里的W{}'V\times d的矩阵,v_cd\times 1的向量,因此u_x^{T}v_cV\times 1的向量。

直观理解:下面要说的很重要!用 W{}' 与 v_c 相乘,相当于 v_c 和词汇表中的所有词向量的转置都分别求内积,得到的结果组成了一个向量。 



3.7 求softmax






在自然语言处理任务中,词向量(Word Embedding)是表示自然语言里单词的一种方法,即把每个词都表示为一个N维空间内的点,即一个高维空间内的向量。通过这种方法,实现把自然语言计算转换为向量计算。

如 图1 所示的词向量计算任务中,先把每个词(如queen,king等)转换成一个高维空间的向量,这些向量在一定意义上可以代表这个词的语义信息。再通过计算这些向量之间的距离,就可以计算出词语之间的关联关系,从而达到让计算机像计算数值一样去计算自然语言的目的。




1. 如何把词转换为向量?



2. 如何让向量具有语义信息?



4.1 如何把词转换为向量

自然语言单词是离散信号,比如“我”、“ 爱”、“人工智能”。如何把每个离散的单词转换为一个向量?通常情况下,我们可以维护一个如 图2 所示的查询表。表中每一行都存储了一个特定词语的向量值,每一列的第一个元素都代表着这个词本身,以便于我们进行词和向量的映射(如“我”对应的向量值为 [0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,-0.2,0.03] )。给定任何一个或者一组单词,我们都可以通过查询这个excel,实现把单词转换为向量的目的,这个查询和替换过程称之为Embedding Lookup。



上述过程也可以使用一个字典数据结构实现。事实上如果不考虑计算效率,使用字典实现上述功能是个不错的选择。然而在进行神经网络计算的过程中,需要大量的算力,常常要借助特定硬件(如GPU)满足训练速度的需求。GPU上所支持的计算都是以张量(Tensor)为单位展开的,因此在实际场景中,我们需要把Embedding Lookup的过程转换为张量计算,如 图3 所示。



假设对于句子"我,爱,人工,智能",把Embedding Lookup的过程转换为张量计算的流程如下:

  1. 通过查询字典,先把句子中的单词转换成一个ID(通常是一个大于等于0的整数),这个单词到ID的映射关系可以根据需求自定义(如图3中,我=>1, 人工=>2,爱=>3,...)。

  2. 得到ID后,再把每个ID转换成一个固定长度的向量。假设字典的词表中有5000个词,那么,对于单词“我”,就可以用一个5000维的向量来表示。由于“我”的ID是1,因此这个向量的第一个元素是1,其他元素都是0([1,0,0,…,0]);同样对于单词“人工”,第二个元素是1,其他元素都是0。用这种方式就实现了用一个向量表示一个单词。由于每个单词的向量表示都只有一个元素为1,而其他元素为0,因此我们称上述过程为One-Hot Encoding。

  3. 经过One-Hot Encoding后,句子“我,爱,人工,智能”就被转换成为了一个形状为 4×5000的张量,记为VVV。在这个张量里共有4行、5000列,从上到下,每一行分别代表了“我”、“爱”、“人工”、“智能”四个单词的One-Hot Encoding。最后,我们把这个张量VVV和另外一个稠密张量WWW相乘,其中WWW张量的形状为5000 × 128(5000表示词表大小,128表示每个词的向量大小)。经过张量乘法,我们就得到了一个4×128的张量,从而完成了把单词表示成向量的目的。








2013年,Mikolov提出的经典word2vec算法就是通过上下文来学习语义信息。word2vec包含两个经典模型:CBOW(Continuous Bag-of-Words)和Skip-gram,如 图4 所示。

  • CBOW:通过上下文的词向量推理中心词。
  • Skip-gram:根据中心词推理上下文。



假设有一个句子“Pineapples are spiked and yellow”,两个模型的推理方式如下:

  • CBOW中,先在句子中选定一个中心词,并把其它词作为这个中心词的上下文。如 图4 CBOW所示,把“Spiked”作为中心词,把“Pineapples、are、and、yellow”作为中心词的上下文。在学习过程中,使用上下文的词向量推理中心词,这样中心词的语义就被传递到上下文的词向量中,如“Spiked → pineapple”,从而达到学习语义信息的目的。

  • Skip-gram中,同样先选定一个中心词,并把其他词作为这个中心词的上下文。如 图4 Skip-gram所示,把“Spiked”作为中心词,把“Pineapples、are、and、yellow”作为中心词的上下文。不同的是,在学习过程中,使用中心词的词向量去推理上下文,这样上下文定义的语义被传入中心词的表示中,如“pineapple → Spiked”, 从而达到学习语义信息的目的。



4.2 CBOW和Skip-gram的算法实现

我们以这句话:“Pineapples are spiked and yellow”为例分别介绍CBOW和Skip-gram的算法实现。

如 图5 所示,CBOW是一个具有3层结构的神经网络,分别是:



  • 输入层: 一个形状为C×V的one-hot张量,其中C代表上线文中词的个数,通常是一个偶数,我们假设为4;V表示词表大小,我们假设为5000,该张量的每一行都是一个上下文词的one-hot向量表示,比如“Pineapples, are, and, yellow”。
  • 隐藏层: 一个形状为V×N的参数张量W1,一般称为word-embedding,N表示每个词的词向量长度,我们假设为128。输入张量和word embedding W1进行矩阵乘法,就会得到一个形状为C×N的张量。综合考虑上下文中所有词的信息去推理中心词,因此将上下文中C个词相加得一个1×N的向量,是整个上下文的一个隐含表示。
  • 输出层: 创建另一个形状为N×V的参数张量,将隐藏层得到的1×N的向量乘以该N×V的参数张量,得到了一个形状为1×V的向量。最终,1×V的向量代表了使用上下文去推理中心词,每个候选词的打分,再经过softmax函数的归一化,即得到了对中心词的推理概率。

如 图6 所示,Skip-gram是一个具有3层结构的神经网络,分别是:



  • Input Layer(输入层):接收一个one-hot张量 V\in R^{1\times vocabsize}作为网络的输入,里面存储着当前句子中心词的one-hot表示。
  • Hidden Layer(隐藏层):将张量V乘以一个word embedding张量W_1\in R^{vocabsize\times embedsize},并把结果作为隐藏层的输出,得到一个形状为R^{1\times embedsize}的张量,里面存储着当前句子中心词的词向量。
  • Output Layer(输出层):将隐藏层的结果乘以另一个word embedding张量W_2\in R^{embedsize\times vocabsize},得到一个形状为R^{1\times vocabsize}的张量。这个张量经过softmax变换后,就得到了使用当前中心词对上下文的预测结果。根据这个softmax的结果,我们就可以去训练词向量模型。




  • 代表中心词的tensor:假设我们称之为center_words V,一般来说,这个tensor是一个形状为[batch_size, vocab_size]的one-hot tensor,表示在一个mini-batch中,每个中心词的ID,对应位置为1,其余为0。

  • 代表目标词的tensor:目标词是指需要推理出来的上下文词,假设我们称之为target_words T,一般来说,这个tensor是一个形状为[batch_size, 1]的整型tensor,这个tensor中的每个元素是一个[0, vocab_size-1]的值,代表目标词的ID。


  1. 声明一个形状为[vocab_size, embedding_size]的张量,作为需要学习的词向量,记为W0​。对于给定的输入V,使用向量乘法,将V乘以W0​,这样就得到了一个形状为[batch_size, embedding_size]的张量,记为H=V×W0​。这个张量H就可以看成是经过词向量查表后的结果。
  2. 声明另外一个需要学习的参数W1​,这个参数的形状为[embedding_size, vocab_size]。将上一步得到的H去乘以W1,得到一个新的tensor O=H×W1,此时的O是一个形状为[batch_size, vocab_size]的tensor,表示当前这个mini-batch中的每个中心词预测出的目标词的概率。
  3. 使用softmax函数对mini-batch中每个中心词的预测结果做归一化,即可完成网络构建。


然而在实际情况中,vocab_size通常很大(几十万甚至几百万),导致W0和W1也会非常大。对于W0而言,所参与的矩阵运算并不是通过一个矩阵乘法实现,而是通过指定ID,对参数W0进行访存的方式获取。然而对W1而言,仍要处理一个非常大的矩阵运算(计算过程非常缓慢,需要消耗大量的内存/显存)。为了缓解这个问题,通常采取负采样(negative_sampling)的方式来近似模拟多分类任务。此时新定义的W0和W1​均为形状为[vocab_size, embedding_size]的张量。



  • 代表中心词的tensor:假设我们称之为center_words V,一般来说,这个tensor是一个形状为[batch_size, vocab_size]的one-hot tensor,表示在一个mini-batch中每个中心词具体的ID。

  • 代表目标词的tensor:假设我们称之为target_words T,一般来说,这个tensor同样是一个形状为[batch_size, vocab_size]的one-hot tensor,表示在一个mini-batch中每个目标词具体的ID。

  • 代表目标词标签的tensor:假设我们称之为labels L,一般来说,这个tensor是一个形状为[batch_size, 1]的tensor,每个元素不是0就是1(0:负样本,1:正样本)。


  1. 用V去查询W0​,用T去查询W1​,分别得到两个形状为[batch_size, embedding_size]的tensor,记为H1​和H2。
  2. 将这两个tensor进行点积运算,最终得到一个形状为[batch_size]的tensor O = [O_i=\sum_{j}^{}H_0[i,j]\times H_1[i,j]]_{i=1}^{batchsize}
  3. 使用sigmoid函数作用在O上,将上述点积的结果归一化为一个0-1的概率值,作为预测概率,根据标签信息L训练这个模型即可。


4.3 使用Pytorch实现Skip-gram


  1. 数据处理:选择需要使用的数据,并做好必要的预处理工作。

  2. 网络定义:使用飞桨定义好网络结构,包括输入层,中间层,输出层,损失函数和优化算法。

  3. 网络训练:将准备好的数据送入神经网络进行学习,并观察学习的过程是否正常,如损失函数值是否在降低,也可以打印一些中间步骤的结果出来等。

  4. 网络评估:使用测试集合测试训练好的神经网络,看看训练效果如何。


# encoding=utf8
import io
import os
import sys
import requests
from collections import OrderedDict 
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import paddle
from paddle.nn import Embedding
import paddle.nn.functional as F




import jieba
import pandas as pd
# 创建停用词列表
# def stopwordslist():
#     stopwords = [line.strip() for line in open('./stopwords.txt',encoding='UTF-8').readlines()]## .strp()去除首尾空格
#     return stopwords
# # 对句子进行中文分词
# def seg_depart(sentence):
#     # 对文档中的每一行进行中文分词
#     # print("正在分词")
#     sentence_depart = jieba.cut(sentence.strip())
#     # 创建一个停用词列表
#     stopwords = stopwordslist()
#     # 输出结果为outstr
#     outstr = ''
#     # 去停用词
#     for word in sentence_depart:
#         if word not in stopwords:
#             if word != '\t':
#                 outstr += word
#                 outstr += " "
#     return outstr
# 给出文档路径
filename = "./人工智能11706.csv"
outfilename = "./outAiguanjianci.txt"
inputs = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='UTF-8')
outputs = open(outfilename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8')
# 将输出结果写入ou.txt中
for line in inputs['关键词']:
    # line_seg = seg_depart(line)
    outputs.write(line + '\t')
    # print("-------------------正在分词和去停用词-----------")
# inputs.close()
# print("删除停用词和分词成功!!!")
# 读取关键词数据
def load_text8():
    with open("./outAiguanjianci.txt", "r") as f:
        corpus = f.read().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
        # corpus = f.read().strip()
        # corpus = f.read().strip("\n")

    return corpus

corpus = load_text8()

# 打印前500个字符,简要看一下这个语料的样子
人工智能 教育人工智能 EAI 机器学习	人工智能 社会风险 法律挑战 制度安排	人工智能 人工智能+教育 智能教育 教育人工智能	人工智能 智能作品 自然人 版权	人工智能 人工智能教育应用 人工智能教师 协同共存	人工智能 AI 人工智能教育应用 教育生态系统	独创性 人工智能 机器学习	人工智能 刑事风险 刑事责任 严格责任	人工智能 AI 智能教学系统 学习分析	人工智能 智慧教育 教育应用	人工智能 刑事责任 主体地位 刑罚目的	人工智能 社会风险 法律规制 智慧社会	机器学习 智慧教育 人工智能 个性化学习	人工智能 法律人格 人权 数据安全	人工智能 深度学习 ITS 自动化测评	人工智能 法律认知 法律规则 法律价值	自动驾驶汽车 智能机器人 严格责任 差别化责任	人工智能 AI教育 AI课程与教学 计算思维	人工智能创造物 人类受众 作者 知识产权	人工智能 未来教育 教育信息化	人工智能 电力系统 综合能源系统 机器学习	人工智能 网络社会 大数据 美国	人工智能 人工智能生成内容 著作权 独创性	类脑智能 人工智能 认知计算 认知脑计算模型	弱人工智能 强人工智能 


# 对语料进行预处理(分词)
def data_preprocess(corpus):
    # 由于英文单词出现在句首的时候经常要大写,所以我们把所有英文字符都转换为小写,
    # 以便对语料进行归一化处理(Apple vs apple等)
    # corpus = corpus.strip().lower()
    corpus = corpus.split()#去除误把空格当做单词的内容
    return corpus

corpus = data_preprocess(corpus)
['人工智能', '教育人工智能', 'EAI', '机器学习', '人工智能', '社会风险', '法律挑战', '制度安排', '人工智能', '人工智能+教育', '智能教育', '教育人工智能', '人工智能', '智能作品', '自然人', '版权', '人工智能', '人工智能教育应用', '人工智能教师', '协同共存', '人工智能', 'AI', '人工智能教育应用', '教育生态系统', '独创性', '人工智能', '机器学习', '人工智能', '刑事风险', '刑事责任', '严格责任', '人工智能', 'AI', '智能教学系统', '学习分析', '人工智能', '智慧教育', '教育应用', '人工智能', '刑事责任', '主体地位', '刑罚目的', '人工智能', '社会风险', '法律规制', '智慧社会', '机器学习', '智慧教育', '人工智能', '个性化学习']


# 构造词典,统计每个词的频率,并根据频率将每个词转换为一个整数id
def build_dict(corpus):
    # 首先统计每个不同词的频率(出现的次数),使用一个词典记录
    word_freq_dict = dict()
    for word in corpus:
        if word not in word_freq_dict:
            word_freq_dict[word] = 0
        word_freq_dict[word] += 1

    # 将这个词典中的词,按照出现次数排序,出现次数越高,排序越靠前
    # 一般来说,出现频率高的高频词往往是:I,the,you这种代词,而出现频率低的词,往往是一些名词,如:nlp
    word_freq_dict = sorted(word_freq_dict.items(), key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
    # 构造3个不同的词典,分别存储,
    # 每个词到id的映射关系:word2id_dict
    # 每个id出现的频率:word2id_freq
    # 每个id到词的映射关系:id2word_dict
    word2id_dict = dict()
    word2id_freq = dict()
    id2word_dict = dict()

    # 按照频率,从高到低,开始遍历每个单词,并为这个单词构造一个独一无二的id
    for word, freq in word_freq_dict:
        curr_id = len(word2id_dict)
        word2id_dict[word] = curr_id
        word2id_freq[word2id_dict[word]] = freq
        id2word_dict[curr_id] = word

    return word2id_freq, word2id_dict, id2word_dict

word2id_freq, word2id_dict, id2word_dict = build_dict(corpus)
vocab_size = len(word2id_freq)
print("there are totoally %d different words in the corpus" % vocab_size)
for _, (word, word_id) in zip(range(50), word2id_dict.items()):
    print("word %s, its id %d, its word freq %d" % (word, word_id, word2id_freq[word_id]))
there are totoally 2807 different words in the corpus
word 人工智能, its id 0, its word freq 1358
word 大数据, its id 1, its word freq 103
word 深度学习, its id 2, its word freq 55
word 机器学习, its id 3, its word freq 50
word 著作权, its id 4, its word freq 33
word 机器人, its id 5, its word freq 33
word 人工智能技术, its id 6, its word freq 31
word 应用, its id 7, its word freq 30
word 智能机器人, its id 8, its word freq 25
word 计算机网络技术, its id 9, its word freq 22
word 图书馆, its id 10, its word freq 21
word 算法, its id 11, its word freq 20
word 就业, its id 12, its word freq 20
word 法律主体, its id 13, its word freq 19
word 伦理, its id 14, its word freq 17
word 教育, its id 15, its word freq 17
word 独创性, its id 16, its word freq 16
word 作品, its id 17, its word freq 16
word 高等教育, its id 18, its word freq 16
word AI, its id 19, its word freq 15
word 强人工智能, its id 20, its word freq 15
word 人才培养, its id 21, its word freq 15
word 人工智能时代, its id 22, its word freq 15
word 智能教育, its id 23, its word freq 14
word 智慧教育, its id 24, its word freq 14
word 法律人格, its id 25, its word freq 14
word 神经网络, its id 26, its word freq 14
word 人工智能创作物, its id 27, its word freq 13
word 弱人工智能, its id 28, its word freq 12
word 人工智能生成物, its id 29, its word freq 12
word 职业教育, its id 30, its word freq 12
word 风险, its id 31, its word freq 12
word 管理会计, its id 32, its word freq 12
word 大数据时代, its id 33, its word freq 12
word 人工智能+教育, its id 34, its word freq 11
word 刑事责任, its id 35, its word freq 11
word 知识产权, its id 36, its word freq 11
word 专家系统, its id 37, its word freq 11
word 发展趋势, its id 38, its word freq 11
word 智慧图书馆, its id 39, its word freq 10
word 法律, its id 40, its word freq 10
word 人类智能, its id 41, its word freq 10
word 人机协同, its id 42, its word freq 10
word 可专利性, its id 43, its word freq 10
word 智能制造, its id 44, its word freq 10
word 会计行业, its id 45, its word freq 10
word 权利归属, its id 46, its word freq 10
word 影响, its id 47, its word freq 10
word 财务会计, its id 48, its word freq 10
word 教育人工智能, its id 49, its word freq 9


# 把语料转换为id序列
def convert_corpus_to_id(corpus, word2id_dict):
    # 使用一个循环,将语料中的每个词替换成对应的id,以便于神经网络进行处理
    corpus = [word2id_dict[word] for word in corpus]
    return corpus

corpus = convert_corpus_to_id(corpus, word2id_dict)
print("%d tokens in the corpus" % len(corpus))
6191 tokens in the corpus
[0, 49, 298, 3, 0, 142, 199, 619, 0, 34, 23, 49, 0, 620, 621, 50, 0, 67, 622, 299, 0, 19, 67, 623, 16, 0, 3, 0, 61, 35, 300, 0, 19, 143, 301, 0, 24, 51, 0, 35, 302, 624, 0, 142, 52, 81, 3, 24, 0, 82]



文本数据中一般会出现一些高频词,如英文中的“the”“a”和“in”。通常来说,在一个背景窗口中,一个词(如“chip”)和较低频词(如“microprocessor”)同时出现比和较高频词(如“the”)同时出现对训练词嵌入模型更有益。因此,训练词嵌入模型时可以对词进行二次采样。 具体来说,数据集中每个被索引词 w_i将有一定概率被丢弃,该丢弃概率为


其中f(w_i)是数据集中词w_i 的个数与总词数之比,常数 t 是一个超参数(实验中设置为10^{-4})。可见,只有当 f(w_i)> t 时,我们才有可能在二次采样中丢弃词w_i ,并且越高频的词被丢弃的概率越大。

# 使用二次采样算法(subsampling)处理语料,强化训练效果
def subsampling(corpus, word2id_freq):
    # 这个discard函数决定了一个词会不会被替换,这个函数是具有随机性的,每次调用结果不同
    # 如果一个词的频率很大,那么它被遗弃的概率就很大
    def discard(word_id):
        return random.uniform(0, 1) < 1 - math.sqrt(
            1e-4 / word2id_freq[word_id] * len(corpus))

    corpus = [word for word in corpus if not discard(word)]
    return corpus

corpus = subsampling(corpus, word2id_freq)
print("%d tokens in the corpus" % len(corpus))



  • 给定一个中心词和一个需要预测的上下文词,把这个上下文词作为正样本。
  • 通过词表随机采样的方式,选择若干个负样本。
  • 把一个大规模分类问题转化为一个2分类问题,通过这种方式优化计算速度。
# 构造数据,准备模型训练
# max_window_size代表了最大的window_size的大小,程序会根据max_window_size从左到右扫描整个语料
# negative_sample_num代表了对于每个正样本,我们需要随机采样多少负样本用于训练,
# 一般来说,negative_sample_num的值越大,训练效果越稳定,但是训练速度越慢。 
def build_data(corpus, word2id_dict, word2id_freq, max_window_size = 3, negative_sample_num = 10):
    # 使用一个list存储处理好的数据
    dataset = []

    # 从左到右,开始枚举每个中心点的位置
    for center_word_idx in range(len(corpus)):
        # 以max_window_size为上限,随机采样一个window_size,这样会使得训练更加稳定
        window_size = random.randint(1, max_window_size)
        # 当前的中心词就是center_word_idx所指向的词
        center_word = corpus[center_word_idx]

        # 以当前中心词为中心,左右两侧在window_size内的词都可以看成是正样本
        positive_word_range = (max(0, center_word_idx - window_size), min(len(corpus) - 1, center_word_idx + window_size))
        positive_word_candidates = [corpus[idx] for idx in range(positive_word_range[0], positive_word_range[1]+1) if idx != center_word_idx]

        # 对于每个正样本来说,随机采样negative_sample_num个负样本,用于训练
        for positive_word in positive_word_candidates:
            # 首先把(中心词,正样本,label=1)的三元组数据放入dataset中,
            # 这里label=1表示这个样本是个正样本
            dataset.append((center_word, positive_word, 1))

            # 开始负采样
            i = 0
            while i < negative_sample_num:
                negative_word_candidate = random.randint(0, vocab_size-1)

                if negative_word_candidate not in positive_word_candidates:
                    # 把(中心词,正样本,label=0)的三元组数据放入dataset中,
                    # 这里label=0表示这个样本是个负样本
                    dataset.append((center_word, negative_word_candidate, 0))
                    i += 1
    return dataset
corpus_light = corpus[:int(len(corpus)*0.2)]
dataset = build_data(corpus_light, word2id_dict, word2id_freq)
for _, (center_word, target_word, label) in zip(range(50), dataset):
    print("center_word %s, target %s, label %d" % (id2word_dict[center_word],
                                                   id2word_dict[target_word], label))
center_word 人工智能, target 教育人工智能, label 1
center_word 人工智能, target 简史, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 教学案例库, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 计算机信息系统安全, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 数据挖掘, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 云平台, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 智能产业, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 技术进步, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 网络时代, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 大数据分析, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 拟制, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target EAI, label 1
center_word 人工智能, target 技术交叉与融合, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 未来教育, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 税收征管, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 治理风险, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 应用探索, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 先验现象学, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 数据分析, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 客服系统, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 教育机器人, label 0
center_word 人工智能, target 服务体系, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 人工智能, label 1
center_word 教育人工智能, target 智能化创新, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 机器的资本主义应用, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 数据样本产生, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 北美洲, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 自动化控制, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 类型化, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 教育变革, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 互联网+, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target OECD国家, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 劳动收入份额, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target EAI, label 1
center_word 教育人工智能, target 出版业转型, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 媒介伦理, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 就业结构, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 研发者, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 规避路径, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 大学生就业, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 道, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 积极作用, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 外卖骑手, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 数据分析, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 机器学习, label 1
center_word 教育人工智能, target 生态系统, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 制度构建, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 技术伦理, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 劳动就业迭代, label 0
center_word 教育人工智能, target 算法调查, label 0


# 构造mini-batch,准备对模型进行训练
# 我们将不同类型的数据放到不同的tensor里,便于神经网络进行处理
# 并通过numpy的array函数,构造出不同的tensor来,并把这些tensor送入神经网络中进行训练
def build_batch(dataset, batch_size, epoch_num):
    # center_word_batch缓存batch_size个中心词
    center_word_batch = []
    # target_word_batch缓存batch_size个目标词(可以是正样本或者负样本)
    target_word_batch = []
    # label_batch缓存了batch_size个0或1的标签,用于模型训练
    label_batch = []

    for epoch in range(epoch_num):
        # 每次开启一个新epoch之前,都对数据进行一次随机打乱,提高训练效果
        for center_word, target_word, label in dataset:
            # 遍历dataset中的每个样本,并将这些数据送到不同的tensor里

            # 当样本积攒到一个batch_size后,我们把数据都返回回来
            # 在这里我们使用numpy的array函数把list封装成tensor
            # 并使用python的迭代器机制,将数据yield出来
            # 使用迭代器的好处是可以节省内存
            if len(center_word_batch) == batch_size:
                yield np.array(center_word_batch).astype("int64"), \
                    np.array(target_word_batch).astype("int64"), \
                center_word_batch = []
                target_word_batch = []
                label_batch = []

    if len(center_word_batch) > 0:
        yield np.array(center_word_batch).astype("int64"), \
            np.array(target_word_batch).astype("int64"), \

for _, batch in zip(range(10), build_batch(dataset, 128, 3)):
(array([[ 927],
       [ 996],
       [  23],
       [ 960],
       [ 868],
       [   0],
       [ 160],
       [  25],
       [  57],
       [ 352],
       [ 674],
       [ 672],
       [ 641],
       [   0],
       [ 631],
       [   4],
       [ 163],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 874],
       [ 723],
       [   0],
       [ 783],
       [   0],
       [  23],
       [ 619],
       [   0],
       [ 627],
       [ 349],
       [   0],
       [ 242],
       [ 330],
       [  16],
       [   0],
       [ 345],
       [ 117],
       [   0],
       [ 838],
       [   0],
       [ 346],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 366],
       [   0],
       [ 125],
       [ 886],
       [ 713],
       [ 313],
       [ 230],
       [ 848],
       [ 825],
       [ 795],
       [ 968],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 974],
       [   0],
       [ 654],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [  24],
       [ 105],
       [ 773],
       [  25],
       [   0],
       [ 328],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 636],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [  15],
       [ 943],
       [   0],
       [ 201],
       [   0],
       [ 859],
       [ 370],
       [ 830],
       [ 105],
       [ 911],
       [   1],
       [ 945],
       [ 790],
       [   0],
       [ 952],
       [ 909],
       [   8],
       [   0],
       [ 805],
       [   0],
       [  25],
       [ 740],
       [ 816],
       [ 977],
       [   0],
       [ 941],
       [ 737],
       [ 726],
       [   5],
       [ 783],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 631],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   1],
       [ 160],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   4],
       [ 776],
       [ 123],
       [ 199],
       [ 122],
       [   0],
       [  13],
       [ 160],
       [ 160],
       [  30],
       [ 239],
       [   0],
       [ 846]]), array([[2045],
       [ 997],
       [ 780],
       [ 374],
       [ 673],
       [ 665],
       [ 321],
       [  92],
       [ 812],
       [ 881],
       [ 469],
       [ 850],
       [ 855],
       [ 754],
       [ 240],
       [   0],
       [ 579],
       [  85],
       [ 760],
       [ 225],
       [ 800],
       [ 624],
       [ 683],
       [ 237],
       [ 896],
       [  10],
       [ 295],
       [   0],
       [  30],
       [ 813],
       [ 834],
       [ 285],
       [  82],
       [ 920],
       [ 400],
       [ 371],
       [ 656],
       [ 512],
       [ 846],
       [ 108],
       [ 762],
       [  29],
       [   0],
       [  72],
       [ 372],
       [ 247],
       [  47],
       [ 691],
       [ 394],
       [ 470],
       [ 215],
       [ 457],
       [ 665],
       [ 757],
       [ 188],
       [ 564],
       [ 774],
       [ 797]]), array([0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
       1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.,
       0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
(array([[  70],
       [   0],
       [ 830],
       [ 796],
       [ 866],
       [ 950],
       [ 393],
       [ 847],
       [   1],
       [ 119],
       [ 939],
       [ 765],
       [  23],
       [ 716],
       [   0],
       [ 173],
       [ 410],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 998],
       [ 790],
       [ 367],
       [   0],
       [  10],
       [ 893],
       [   0],
       [  73],
       [ 373],
       [ 367],
       [ 872],
       [ 116],
       [   0],
       [  86],
       [ 163],
       [ 349],
       [ 670],
       [ 653],
       [ 112],
       [ 885],
       [ 361],
       [ 385],
       [   0],
       [ 302],
       [ 794],
       [ 842],
       [   0],
       [  19],
       [  81],
       [  83],
       [ 331],
       [  29],
       [  69],
       [ 836],
       [  39],
       [   0],
       [ 727],
       [  42],
       [ 225],
       [ 741],
       [   0],
       [ 367],
       [ 872],
       [ 822],
       [ 748],
       [  25],
       [ 221],
       [ 983],
       [  10],
       [ 656],
       [  25],
       [ 147],
       [   1],
       [ 817],
       [   0],
       [ 879],
       [  71],
       [ 935],
       [ 828],
       [  52],
       [ 674],
       [ 986],
       [ 320],
       [   6],
       [ 894],
       [ 343],
       [ 870],
       [ 171],
       [  26],
       [  74],
       [  23],
       [  49],
       [   0],
       [ 199],
       [ 755],
       [ 807],
       [  28],
       [ 875],
       [ 148],
       [  14],
       [ 333],
       [ 766],
       [ 386],
       [ 221],
       [   0],
       [ 669],
       [ 208],
       [ 980],
       [ 236],
       [ 880],
       [   2],
       [ 733],
       [   5],
       [   3],
       [   8],
       [   0],
       [ 911],
       [ 338],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 968],
       [   8]]), array([[1362],
       [ 252],
       [  36],
       [ 382],
       [ 725],
       [ 301],
       [ 661],
       [   0],
       [ 230],
       [ 509],
       [ 831],
       [ 651],
       [ 569],
       [ 419],
       [  65],
       [ 220],
       [  55],
       [  27],
       [ 207],
       [ 120],
       [ 842],
       [   0],
       [ 160],
       [ 735],
       [ 277],
       [  24],
       [ 736],
       [  81],
       [ 418],
       [  87],
       [ 503],
       [ 248],
       [ 330],
       [ 266],
       [ 223],
       [ 239],
       [ 510],
       [ 486],
       [  37],
       [ 932],
       [ 151],
       [ 617],
       [  23],
       [ 193],
       [ 909],
       [ 578],
       [ 127],
       [ 520],
       [ 537],
       [ 967],
       [ 271],
       [ 888],
       [2137]]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
(array([[ 331],
       [  18],
       [  67],
       [ 932],
       [  70],
       [ 854],
       [  29],
       [   0],
       [ 839],
       [ 654],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 649],
       [ 364],
       [ 853],
       [ 952],
       [   0],
       [ 706],
       [ 206],
       [ 384],
       [ 981],
       [ 654],
       [   1],
       [ 785],
       [ 632],
       [ 817],
       [ 760],
       [ 763],
       [ 823],
       [ 333],
       [  53],
       [ 788],
       [ 117],
       [ 719],
       [   0],
       [ 316],
       [  67],
       [   5],
       [ 396],
       [ 890],
       [ 691],
       [   0],
       [ 408],
       [ 844],
       [   2],
       [ 644],
       [ 104],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [   2],
       [ 872],
       [   0],
       [ 122],
       [  41],
       [   0],
       [ 961],
       [ 375],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 165],
       [  20],
       [ 703],
       [   0],
       [  19],
       [   0],
       [ 844],
       [  26],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 877],
       [   0],
       [  86],
       [ 670],
       [ 353],
       [ 228],
       [ 902],
       [ 230],
       [   0],
       [ 202],
       [   2],
       [ 651],
       [ 836],
       [ 218],
       [ 319],
       [ 216],
       [ 395],
       [ 848],
       [ 372],
       [ 732],
       [  16],
       [   0],
       [ 300],
       [ 346],
       [   1],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 694],
       [   0],
       [ 327],
       [ 963],
       [ 871],
       [   0],
       [ 904],
       [ 620],
       [   0],
       [ 815],
       [ 105],
       [  16],
       [  34],
       [  67],
       [  34],
       [   0],
       [ 737],
       [ 300],
       [ 328],
       [   0],
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       0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
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       [ 108],
       [   0],
       [  31],
       [ 299],
       [ 821],
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       [  37],
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       [ 309],
       [  10],
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       [ 322],
       [ 723],
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       [  12],
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       [   0],
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       [ 674],
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       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
       1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
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       [   0],
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       [ 105],
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       [   1],
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       [ 149],
       [ 105],
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       [  37],
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       [ 716],
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       [  13]]), array([[1337],
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       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
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       [   0],
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       [ 152],
       [   0],
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       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
       0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], dtype=float32))
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       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
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       [ 115],
       [ 331],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [  27],
       [ 915],
       [   4],
       [ 161],
       [ 846],
       [ 169],
       [ 335],
       [   0],
       [  27],
       [ 114],
       [  35],
       [ 963],
       [ 652],
       [ 215],
       [  16],
       [  14],
       [ 374],
       [   0],
       [  74],
       [  20],
       [ 772],
       [ 625],
       [  13],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 794],
       [ 755],
       [ 383],
       [ 708],
       [ 625],
       [   0],
       [  17],
       [ 808],
       [ 326],
       [   0],
       [ 867],
       [   0],
       [ 811],
       [   0],
       [ 303],
       [ 795],
       [   0],
       [ 122],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 382],
       [ 241],
       [  15],
       [ 365],
       [ 346],
       [ 149],
       [ 814],
       [  16],
       [ 105],
       [ 365],
       [ 118],
       [  85],
       [   0],
       [ 407],
       [   0],
       [   6],
       [  10],
       [ 848],
       [ 379],
       [ 813],
       [ 107],
       [   0],
       [ 782],
       [  61],
       [  39],
       [ 780],
       [ 368],
       [  24],
       [  70],
       [ 371],
       [   1],
       [   0],
       [ 377],
       [ 939],
       [  61],
       [   1],
       [ 207],
       [ 745],
       [  26],
       [ 362],
       [ 300],
       [ 876],
       [   0],
       [ 329],
       [ 949],
       [ 649],
       [   0],
       [ 154],
       [ 142],
       [  12],
       [ 300],
       [ 984],
       [ 881],
       [ 399],
       [   2]]), array([[ 784],
       [   0],
       [ 226],
       [ 983],
       [ 222],
       [ 769],
       [ 254],
       [ 372],
       [ 829],
       [ 936],
       [ 460],
       [ 919],
       [ 390],
       [ 163],
       [ 691],
       [ 392],
       [ 143],
       [ 151],
       [ 220],
       [ 394],
       [ 988],
       [ 459],
       [   0],
       [ 615],
       [ 885],
       [ 236],
       [  16],
       [ 973],
       [ 297],
       [ 305],
       [ 692],
       [ 472],
       [ 546],
       [ 694],
       [ 634],
       [ 100],
       [ 132],
       [ 678],
       [ 480],
       [ 969],
       [ 194],
       [ 840],
       [ 762],
       [ 241],
       [ 882],
       [ 465],
       [ 166],
       [ 924],
       [ 576],
       [   0],
       [  55],
       [ 258],
       [   3],
       [ 966],
       [ 236],
       [ 135]]), array([1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,
       0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))
(array([[ 660],
       [ 914],
       [ 939],
       [   0],
       [  24],
       [   2],
       [ 208],
       [ 224],
       [ 625],
       [ 370],
       [ 782],
       [ 855],
       [ 153],
       [   0],
       [ 938],
       [  73],
       [ 915],
       [ 893],
       [  41],
       [   0],
       [  61],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 958],
       [  27],
       [   0],
       [ 870],
       [   0],
       [ 686],
       [ 231],
       [   0],
       [ 801],
       [   0],
       [   0],
       [ 741],
       [   0],
       [ 796],
       [ 723],
       [  22],
       [ 382],
       [ 866],
       [ 342],
       [   0],
       [  20],
       [  51],
       [ 236],
       [ 988],
       [   0],
       [   6],
       [   0],
       [  17],
       [ 773],
       [ 679],
       [ 148],
       [ 109],
       [   0],
       [ 773],
       [   0],
       [  23],
       [ 928],
       [   0],
       [  10],
       [  20],
       [ 688],
       [ 394],
       [ 891],
       [  23],
       [ 633],
       [ 166],
       [  13],
       [ 998],
       [ 302],
       [  55],
       [   0],
       [ 812],
       [ 807],
       [ 984],
       [ 728],
       [   0],
       [ 964],
       [ 911],
       [ 224],
       [   0],
       [  29],
       [ 380],
       [ 313],
       [ 384],
       [  83],
       [   4],
       [  81],
       [ 813],
       [ 670],
       [ 208],
       [  52],
       [   0],
       [ 744],
       [ 104],
       [   0],
       [ 766],
       [ 699],
       [ 161],
       [   0],
       [   3],
       [ 103],
       [ 200],
       [ 895],
       [ 223],
       [   0],
       [ 880],
       [   0],
       [ 872],
       [ 366],
       [   3],
       [   5],
       [ 624],
       [ 241],
       [ 701],
       [ 168],
       [ 940],
       [ 967],
       [   3],
       [ 925],
       [  23]]), array([[1987],
       [ 228],
       [ 439],
       [ 661],
       [  24],
       [ 278],
       [ 504],
       [ 147],
       [ 339],
       [ 706],
       [ 541],
       [ 495],
       [   0],
       [ 991],
       [ 330],
       [ 672],
       [  91],
       [ 968],
       [ 709],
       [ 215],
       [ 470],
       [   0],
       [ 930],
       [ 985],
       [ 212],
       [ 631],
       [ 967],
       [ 599],
       [ 282],
       [ 366],
       [ 813],
       [ 206],
       [ 343],
       [ 474],
       [  48],
       [  29],
       [ 266],
       [ 338],
       [ 929],
       [ 375],
       [ 496],
       [ 906],
       [ 403],
       [ 839],
       [ 606],
       [ 809],
       [ 856],
       [ 255],
       [ 325],
       [ 489],
       [1841]]), array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
       0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32))




paddle.nn.Embedding(numembeddings, embeddingdim, paddingidx=None, sparse=False, weightattr=None, name=None)

该接口用于构建 Embedding 的一个可调用对象,其根据input中的id信息从embedding矩阵中查询对应embedding信息,并会根据输入的size (num_embeddings, embedding_dim)自动构造一个二维embedding矩阵。 输出Tensor的shape是在输入Tensor shape的最后一维后面添加了emb_size的维度。注:input中的id必须满足 0 =< id < size[0],否则程序会抛异常退出。

class SkipGram(paddle.nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_size, init_scale=0.1):
        # vocab_size定义了这个skipgram这个模型的词表大小
        # embedding_size定义了词向量的维度是多少
        # init_scale定义了词向量初始化的范围,一般来说,比较小的初始化范围有助于模型训练
        super(SkipGram, self).__init__()
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size
        self.embedding_size = embedding_size

        # 使用Embedding函数构造一个词向量参数
        # 这个参数的大小为:[self.vocab_size, self.embedding_size]
        # 数据类型为:float32
        # 这个参数的初始化方式为在[-init_scale, init_scale]区间进行均匀采样
        self.embedding = Embedding( 
            num_embeddings = self.vocab_size,
            embedding_dim = self.embedding_size,
                    low=-init_scale, high=init_scale)))

        # 使用Embedding函数构造另外一个词向量参数
        # 这个参数的大小为:[self.vocab_size, self.embedding_size]
        # 这个参数的初始化方式为在[-init_scale, init_scale]区间进行均匀采样
        self.embedding_out = Embedding(
            num_embeddings = self.vocab_size,
            embedding_dim = self.embedding_size,
                    low=-init_scale, high=init_scale)))

    # 定义网络的前向计算逻辑
    # center_words是一个tensor(mini-batch),表示中心词
    # target_words是一个tensor(mini-batch),表示目标词
    # label是一个tensor(mini-batch),表示这个词是正样本还是负样本(用0或1表示)
    # 用于在训练中计算这个tensor中对应词的同义词,用于观察模型的训练效果
    def forward(self, center_words, target_words, label):
        # 首先,通过self.embedding参数,将mini-batch中的词转换为词向量
        # 这里center_words和eval_words_emb查询的是一个相同的参数
        # 而target_words_emb查询的是另一个参数
        center_words_emb = self.embedding(center_words)
        target_words_emb = self.embedding_out(target_words)

        # 我们通过点乘的方式计算中心词到目标词的输出概率,并通过sigmoid函数估计这个词是正样本还是负样本的概率。
        word_sim = paddle.multiply(center_words_emb, target_words_emb)
        word_sim = paddle.sum(word_sim, axis=-1)
        word_sim = paddle.reshape(word_sim, shape=[-1])
        pred = F.sigmoid(word_sim)

        # 通过估计的输出概率定义损失函数,注意我们使用的是binary_cross_entropy_with_logits函数
        # 将sigmoid计算和cross entropy合并成一步计算可以更好的优化,所以输入的是word_sim,而不是pred
        loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(word_sim, label)
        loss = paddle.mean(loss)

        # 返回前向计算的结果,飞桨会通过backward函数自动计算出反向结果。
        return pred, loss


完成网络定义后,就可以启动模型训练。由于数据集较小,我们定义每隔10步打印一次Loss,以确保当前的网络是正常收敛的。同时,我们每隔10步观察一下skip-gram计算出来的同义词(使用 embedding的乘积),可视化网络训练效果,代码如下:

# 开始训练,定义一些训练过程中需要使用的超参数
batch_size = 512
epoch_num = 3
embedding_size = 200
step = 0
learning_rate = 0.001

def get_similar_tokens(query_token, k, embed):
    W = embed.numpy()
    x = W[word2id_dict[query_token]]
    cos = np.dot(W, x) / np.sqrt(np.sum(W * W, axis=1) * np.sum(x * x) + 1e-9)
    flat = cos.flatten()
    indices = np.argpartition(flat, -k)[-k:]
    indices = indices[np.argsort(-flat[indices])]
    for i in indices:
        print('for word %s, the similar word is %s' % (query_token, str(id2word_dict[i])))

# 将模型放到GPU上训练

# 通过我们定义的SkipGram类,来构造一个Skip-gram模型网络
skip_gram_model = SkipGram(vocab_size, embedding_size)

# 构造训练这个网络的优化器
adam = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate, parameters = skip_gram_model.parameters())

# 使用build_batch函数,以mini-batch为单位,遍历训练数据,并训练网络
for center_words, target_words, label in build_batch(
    dataset, batch_size, epoch_num):
    # 使用paddle.to_tensor,将一个numpy的tensor,转换为飞桨可计算的tensor
    center_words_var = paddle.to_tensor(center_words)
    target_words_var = paddle.to_tensor(target_words)
    label_var = paddle.to_tensor(label)
    # 将转换后的tensor送入飞桨中,进行一次前向计算,并得到计算结果
    pred, loss = skip_gram_model(
        center_words_var, target_words_var, label_var)

    # 程序自动完成反向计算
    # 程序根据loss,完成一步对参数的优化更新
    # 清空模型中的梯度,以便于下一个mini-batch进行更新

    # 每经过100个mini-batch,打印一次当前的loss,看看loss是否在稳定下降
    step += 1
    if step % 10 == 0:
        print("step %d, loss %.3f" % (step, loss.numpy()[0]))

    # 每隔10000步,打印一次模型对以下查询词的相似词,这里我们使用词和词之间的向量点积作为衡量相似度的方法,只打印了5个最相似的词
    if step % 10 ==0:
        get_similar_tokens('人工智能', 20, skip_gram_model.embedding.weight)
step 10, loss 0.693
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人的发展
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 互联网+政务服务
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 监管
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 中小学
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机边界
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 层级树语言
step 20, loss 0.691
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 互联网+政务服务
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 监管
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人的发展
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机边界
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 中小学
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电气自动化控制
step 30, loss 0.691
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 监管
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 互联网+政务服务
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 多指手
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机边界
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电气自动化控制
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科技乌托邦
step 40, loss 0.691
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 多指手
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 监管
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 互联网+政务服务
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科技乌托邦
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 中小学
step 50, loss 0.689
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 多指手
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科技乌托邦
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 互联网+政务服务
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 监管
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 中小学
step 60, loss 0.686
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 多指手
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 涉人工智能犯罪
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科技乌托邦
step 70, loss 0.686
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 多指手
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 涉人工智能犯罪
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 计算机网络技术
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 电视媒介
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 应用场景
step 80, loss 0.682
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 功能性动作模式评估
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 哥德尔
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 未来战争
step 90, loss 0.679
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 劳动
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 哥德尔
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 演进路线
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 涉人工智能犯罪
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人机协作智能
step 100, loss 0.677
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 哥德尔
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 科学立法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法审判
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 演进路线
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧学习
step 110, loss 0.654
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 就业替代效应
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法审判
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 哥德尔
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 军用机器人(技术)
step 120, loss 0.648
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 会计行业
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 演进路线
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
step 130, loss 0.638
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 140, loss 0.625
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 150, loss 0.617
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 160, loss 0.621
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 司法判断
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
step 170, loss 0.601
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人类命运
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 180, loss 0.585
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 公共政策
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 190, loss 0.586
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 刑事责任能力
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 200, loss 0.568
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能生成物
step 210, loss 0.539
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 通用人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
step 220, loss 0.519
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
step 230, loss 0.498
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能技术
step 240, loss 0.493
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is AI
step 250, loss 0.502
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is AI
step 260, loss 0.469
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教学系统
step 270, loss 0.464
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教学系统
step 280, loss 0.436
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
step 290, loss 0.445
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
step 300, loss 0.399
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析
step 310, loss 0.414
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 大数据
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 深度学习
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 独创性
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智慧教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 法律主体
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 智能机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能+教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 机器人
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 云计算
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 算法
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育人工智能
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 图书馆
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 人工智能教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育应用
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 教育信息化
for word 人工智能, the similar word is 可视化分析



1. Word2Vec介绍:直观理解skip-gram模型 - 知乎

2. 词向量Word Embedding - 飞桨AI Studio - 人工智能学习实训社区 (baidu.com)
