作者:Victor Zhou
本文将介绍最基础的循环神经网络(Vanilla RNNs)的概况,工作原理,以及如何在Python中实现。
红色为输入,绿色为RNN本身,蓝色为输出。来源:Andrej Karpathy
通过计算, 我们可以得到下一个输出 。
多对多 RNN
i am good
i am bad
this is very good
this is not bad
i am bad not good
i am not at all happy
this was good earlier
i am not at all bad or sad right now
多对一 RNN
train_data = {
'good': True,
'bad': False,
# ... more data
test_data = {
'this is happy': True,
'i am good': True,
# ... more data
from data import train_data, test_data
# Create the vocabulary.
vocab = list(set([w for text in train_data.keys() for w in text.split(' ')]))
vocab_size = len(vocab)
print('%d unique words found' % vocab_size) # 18 unique words found
# Assign indices to each word.
word_to_idx = { w: i for i, w in enumerate(vocab) }
idx_to_word = { i: w for i, w in enumerate(vocab) }
print(word_to_idx['good']) # 16 (this may change)
print(idx_to_word[0]) # sad (this may change)
import numpy as np
def createInputs(text):
Returns an array of one-hot vectors representing the words
in the input text string.
- text is a string
- Each one-hot vector has shape (vocab_size, 1)
inputs = []
for w in text.split(' '):
v = np.zeros((vocab_size, 1))
v[word_to_idx[w]] = 1
return inputs
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
class RNN:
# A Vanilla Recurrent Neural Network.
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_size=64):
# Weights
self.Whh = randn(hidden_size, hidden_size) / 1000
self.Wxh = randn(hidden_size, input_size) / 1000
self.Why = randn(output_size, hidden_size) / 1000
# Biases
self.bh = np.zeros((hidden_size, 1))
self.by = np.zeros((output_size, 1))
class RNN:
# ...
def forward(self, inputs):
Perform a forward pass of the RNN using the given inputs.
Returns the final output and hidden state.
- inputs is an array of one hot vectors with shape (input_size, 1).
h = np.zeros((self.Whh.shape[0], 1))
# Perform each step of the RNN
for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
h = np.tanh(self.Wxh @ x + self.Whh @ h + self.bh)
# Compute the output
y = self.Why @ h + self.by
return y, h
# ...
def softmax(xs):
# Applies the Softmax Function to the input array.
return np.exp(xs) / sum(np.exp(xs))
# Initialize our RNN!
rnn = RNN(vocab_size, 2)
inputs = createInputs('i am very good')
out, h = rnn.forward(inputs)
probs = softmax(out)
print(probs) # [[0.50000095], [0.49999905]]
# Loop over each training example
for x, y in train_data.items():
inputs = createInputs(x)
target = int(y)
# Forward
out, _ = rnn.forward(inputs)
probs = softmax(out)
# Build dL/dy
d_L_d_y = probs d_L_d_y[target] -= 1
# Backward
class RNN:
# ...
def backprop(self, d_y, learn_rate=2e-2):
Perform a backward pass of the RNN.
- d_y (dL/dy) has shape (output_size, 1).
- learn_rate is a float.
n = len(self.last_inputs)
# Calculate dL/dWhy and dL/dby.
d_Why = d_y @ self.last_hs[n].T
d_by = d_y
class RNN:
# …
def backprop(self, d_y, learn_rate=2e-2):
Perform a backward pass of the RNN.
- d_y (dL/dy) has shape (output_size, 1).
- learn_rate is a float.
n = len(self.last_inputs)
# Calculate dL/dWhy and dL/dby.
D_Why = d_y @ self.last_hs[n].T
d_by = d_y
# Initialize dL/dWhh, dL/dWxh, and dL/dbh to zero.
D_Whh = np.zeros(self.Whh.shape)
d_Wxh = np.zeros(self.Wxh.shape)
d_bh = np.zeros(self.bh.shape)
# Calculate dL/dh for the last h.
d_h = self.Why.T @ d_y
# Backpropagate through time.
For t in reversed(range(n)):
# An intermediate value: dL/dh * (1 – h^2)
temp = ((1 – self.last_hs[t + 1] ** 2) * d_h)
# dL/db = dL/dh * (1 – h^2)
d_bh += temp
# dL/dWhh = dL/dh * (1 – h^2) * h_{t-1}
d_Whh += temp @ self.last_hs[t].T
# dL/dWxh = dL/dh * (1 – h^2) * x
d_Wxh += temp @ self.last_inputs[t].T
# Next dL/dh = dL/dh * (1 – h^2) * Whh
d_h = self.Whh @ temp
# Clip to prevent exploding gradients.
For d in [d_Wxh, d_Whh, d_Why, d_bh, d_by]:
np.clip(d, -1, 1, out=d)
# Update weights and biases using gradient descent.
Self.Whh -= learn_rate * d_Whh
self.Wxh -= learn_rate * d_Wxh
self.Why -= learn_rate * d_Why
self.bh -= learn_rate * d_bh
self.by -= learn_rate * d_by
import random
def processData(data, backprop=True):
Returns the RNN's loss and accuracy for the given data.
- data is a dictionary mapping text to True or False.
- backprop determines if the backward phase should be run.
items = list(data.items())
loss = 0
num_correct = 0
for x, y in items:
inputs = createInputs(x)
target = int(y)
# Forward
out, _ = rnn.forward(inputs)
probs = softmax(out)
# Calculate loss / accuracy
loss -= np.log(probs[target])
num_correct += int(np.argmax(probs) == target)
if backprop:
# Build dL/dy
d_L_d_y = probs
d_L_d_y[target] -= 1
# Backward
return loss / len(data), num_correct / len(data)
# Training loop
for epoch in range(1000):
train_loss, train_acc = processData(train_data)
if epoch % 100 == 99:
print('--- Epoch %d' % (epoch + 1))
print('Train:\tLoss %.3f | Accuracy: %.3f' % (train_loss, train_acc))
test_loss, test_acc = processData(test_data, backprop=False)
print('Test:\tLoss %.3f | Accuracy: %.3f' % (test_loss, test_acc))
--- Epoch 100
Train: Loss 0.688 | Accuracy: 0.517
Test: Loss 0.700 | Accuracy: 0.500
--- Epoch 200
Train: Loss 0.680 | Accuracy: 0.552
Test: Loss 0.717 | Accuracy: 0.450
--- Epoch 300
Train: Loss 0.593 | Accuracy: 0.655
Test: Loss 0.657 | Accuracy: 0.650
--- Epoch 400
Train: Loss 0.401 | Accuracy: 0.810
Test: Loss 0.689 | Accuracy: 0.650
--- Epoch 500
Train: Loss 0.312 | Accuracy: 0.862
Test: Loss 0.693 | Accuracy: 0.550
--- Epoch 600
Train: Loss 0.148 | Accuracy: 0.914
Test: Loss 0.404 | Accuracy: 0.800
--- Epoch 700
Train: Loss 0.008 | Accuracy: 1.000
Test: Loss 0.016 | Accuracy: 1.000
--- Epoch 800
Train: Loss 0.004 | Accuracy: 1.000
Test: Loss 0.007 | Accuracy: 1.000
--- Epoch 900
Train: Loss 0.002 | Accuracy: 1.000
Test: Loss 0.004 | Accuracy: 1.000
--- Epoch 1000
Train: Loss 0.002 | Accuracy: 1.000
Test: Loss 0.003 | Accuracy: 1.000