

Probably, implementing linear regression with PyTorch is an overkill. This library was made for more complicated stuff like neural networks, complex deep learning architectures, etc. Nevertheless, I think that using it for implementing a simpler machine learning method, like linear regression, is a good exercise for those who want to start learning PyTorch.

用PyTorch实施线性回归可能是一个过大的杀伤力。 这个库是为诸如神经网络,复杂的深度学习体系结构等更复杂的东西而制作的。但是,我认为,使用它来实现更简单的机器学习方法(如线性回归)对于想要开始学习PyTorch的人来说是一个很好的练习。

At its core, PyTorch is just a math library similar to NumPy, but with 2 important improvements:


  • It can use GPU to make its operations a lot faster. If you have a compatible GPU properly configured, you can make the code run on GPU with just a few changes.

    它可以使用GPU使其操作更快。 如果您已正确配置了兼容的GPU,则只需进行一些更改即可使代码在GPU上运行。
  • It is capable of automatic differentiation; this means that for gradient-based methods you don’t need to manually compute the gradient, PyTorch will do it for you.

    具有自动区分能力; 这意味着对于基于梯度的方法,您无需手动计算梯度,PyTorch会为您完成。

You can think of PyTorch as NumPy on steroids.


While these 2 features may not seem like big improvements for what we want to do here (linear regression), since this is not very computationally-expensive and the gradient is quite simple to compute manually, they make a big difference in deep learning where we need a lot of computing power and the gradient is quite nasty to calculate by hand.


Before working on the implementation, let’s first briefly recall what linear regression is:


Linear regression is estimating an unknown variable in a linear fashion by some other known variables. Visually, we fit a line (or a hyperplane in higher dimensions) through our data points.

线性回归是通过一些其他已知变量以线性方式估计未知变量。 在视觉上,我们通过数据点拟合一条线(或较大尺寸的超平面)。

If you’re not comfortable with this concept or want to understand better the math behind it, you can read my previous article about linear regression:


Now, let’s jump to the coding part.


Firstly, we need to, obviously, import some libraries. We import torch as it is the main thing we use for the implementation, matplotlib for visualizing our results, make_regression function, from sklearn, which we will be using to generate a regression dataset for using as an example, and the python’s built-in math module.

首先,显然,我们需要导入一些库。 我们将torch作为实现的主要内容,从matplotlib可视化结果,从sklearn make_regression函数,该函数将用于生成回归数据集作为示例,以及python的内置math模块。

import torchimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.datasets import make_regressionimport math

Then we will create a LinearRegression class with the following methods:


  • .fit() — this method will do the actual learning of our linear regression model; here we will find the optimal weights

    .fit() -此方法将实际学习我们的线性回归模型; 在这里我们将找到最佳权重

  • .predict() — this one will be used for prediction; it will return the output of our linear model

    .predict() -这将用于预测; 它将返回线性模型的输出

  • .rmse() — computes the root mean squared error of our model with the given data; this metric is kind of “the average distance from our model’s estimate to the true y value”

    .rmse() —使用给定数据计算模型的均方根误差; 该指标是“从模型估计值到真实y值的平均距离”

The first thing we do inside .fit() is to concatenate an extra column of 1’s to our input matrix X. This is to simplify our math and treat the bias as the weight of an extra variable that’s always 1.


The .fit() method will be able to learn the parameters by using either closed-form formula or stochastic gradient descent. And to choose which to use, we will have a parameter called method that will expect a string of either ‘solve’ or ‘sgd’.

.fit()方法将能够通过使用闭式公式或随机梯度下降来学习参数。 为了选择使用哪个参数,我们将有一个名为method的参数,该参数期望使用'solve'或'sgd'的字符串。

When method is set to ‘solve’ we will get the weights of our model by the following formula:

method设置为“ solve”时,我们将通过以下公式获得模型的权重:

Image for post

which requires the matrix X to have full column rank; so, we will check for this and otherwise we show an error message.

这要求矩阵X具有完整的列等级; 因此,我们将对此进行检查,否则将显示错误消息。

The first part of our .fit() method is:


def fit(self, X, y, method, learning_rate=0.01, iterations=500, batch_size=32):
    X, y = torch.from_numpy(X), torch.from_numpy(y)
    X =[(X), torch.ones_like(y)], dim=1)
    rows, cols = X.size()
    if method == 'solve':
        if rows >= cols == torch.matrix_rank(X):
            self.weights = torch.matmul(
                            torch.transpose(X, 0, 1),
                    torch.transpose(X, 0, 1)),
            print('X has not full column rank. method=\'solve\' cannot be used.')

Note that the other parameters after method are optional and are used only in the case we use SGD.

请注意, method之后的其他参数是可选的,仅在使用SGD的情况下使用。

The second part of this method handles the case of method = ‘sgd’, which doesn’t require that X has full column rank.

此方法的第二部分处理method = 'sgd'的情况,该方法不需要X具有完整的列等级。

The SGD algorithm for our least squares linear regression is sketched below:


We will start this algorithm by initializing the weights class attribute to a tensor which is a column vector with values drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1/(number of columns). We divide the standard deviation by the number of columns to make sure we don’t get too big values as output in the initial stages of the algorithm. This is to help us converge faster.

我们将通过将权重类属性初始化为张量来启动该算法,张量是一个列向量,其值取自均值0和标准差1 /(列数)的正态分布。 我们将标准偏差除以列数,以确保在算法的初始阶段不会得到太大的输出值。 这是为了帮助我们更快地收敛。

At the beginning of each iteration, we randomly shuffle our rows of data. Then, for each batch, we compute the gradient and subtract it (multiplied by the learning rate) from the current weights vector to obtain the new weights.

在每次迭代的开始,我们随机地随机整理数据行。 然后,对于每个批次,我们计算梯度并将其从当前权重向量中减去(乘以学习率)以获得新的权重。

In the SGD algorithm sketched above, we had shown the manually computed gradient; it’s that expression multiplied by alpha (the learning rate). But in the code below we won’t compute that expression explicitly; instead, we compute the loss value:

在上面概述的SGD算法中,我们展示了手动计算的梯度。 就是表达式乘以alpha(学习率)。 但是在下面的代码中,我们不会显式地计算该表达式; 相反,我们计算损失值:

Image for post

then we let PyTorch compute the gradient for us.


Below is the second half of our .fit() method:


elif method == 'sgd':
        self.weights = torch.normal(mean=0, std=1/cols, size=(cols, 1), dtype=torch.float64)
        for i in range(iterations):
            Xy =[X, y], dim=1)
            Xy = Xy[torch.randperm(Xy.size()[0])]
            X, y = torch.split(Xy, [Xy.size()[1]-1, 1], dim=1)
            for j in range(int(math.ceil(rows/batch_size))):
                start, end = batch_size*j, min(batch_size*(j+1), rows)
                Xb = torch.index_select(X, 0, torch.arange(start, end))
                yb = torch.index_select(y, 0, torch.arange(start, end))

                diff = torch.matmul(Xb, self.weights) - yb
                loss = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(diff, 0, 1), diff)

                self.weights = (self.weights - learning_rate*self.weights.grad).detach()
        print(f'Unknown method: \'{method}\'')

    return self

To compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the weights, we need to call the .requires_grad_(True) method on the self.weights tensor, then we compute the loss according to the formula given above. After the loss is computed, we call .backward() method on the loss tensor which will compute the gradient and store it in the .grad attribute of self.weights. After we do the update, we call .detach() to get a new tensor without any operations recorded on it, so that the next time we compute the gradient we will do so based only on operations in that single iteration.

要计算损失相对于权重的梯度,我们需要在self.weights张量上调用.requires_grad_(True)方法,然后根据上述公式计算损失。 损失被计算后,我们调用.backward()的损失张量,其将计算梯度并将其存储在该方法.grad的属性self.weights 。 完成更新后,我们调用.detach()以获得一个新的张量,该张量上未记录任何操作,因此下次我们计算梯度时,将仅基于该单次迭代中的操作进行此操作。

We return self from this method to be able to concatenate the calls of the constructor and .fit() like this: lr = LinearRegression().fit(X, y, ‘solve’).

我们从此方法返回self ,以便能够像下面这样串联构造函数和.fit()的调用: lr = LinearRegression().fit(X, y, 'solve')

The .predict() method is quite straight-forward. We first check if .fit() was called before, then concatenate a column of 1’s to X and verify that the shape of X allows multiplication with the weights vector. If everything is OK, we simply return the result of the multiplication between X and the weights vector as the predictions.

.predict()方法非常简单。 我们首先检查是否曾经调用过.fit() ,然后将1的列连接到X并验证X的形状是否允许与权重向量相乘。 如果一切正常,我们只需返回X与权重向量之间相乘的结果作为预测。

def predict(self, X):
    X = torch.from_numpy(X)
    if not hasattr(self, 'weights'):
        print('Cannot predict. You should call the .fit() method first.')

    X =[X, torch.ones((X.size()[0], 1))], dim=1)

    if X.size()[1] != self.weights.size()[0]:
        print(f'Shapes do not match. {X.size()[1]} != {self.weights.size()[0]}')

    return torch.matmul(X, self.weights)

In .rmse() we first get the outputs of the model using .predict(), then if there were no errors during predict, we compute and return the root mean squared error which can be thought of as “the average distance from our model’s estimate to the true y value”.


def rmse(self, X, y):
    y = torch.from_numpy(y)
    y_hat = self.predict(X)

    if y_hat is None:

    return torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.square(y_hat - y)))

Below is the full code of the LinearRegression class:


class LinearRegression:
    def fit(self, X, y, method, learning_rate=0.01, iterations=500, batch_size=32):
        X, y = torch.from_numpy(X), torch.from_numpy(y)
        X =[(X), torch.ones_like(y)], dim=1)
        rows, cols = X.size()
        if method == 'solve':
            if rows >= cols == torch.matrix_rank(X):
                self.weights = torch.matmul(
                                torch.transpose(X, 0, 1),
                        torch.transpose(X, 0, 1)),
                print('X has not full column rank. method=\'solve\' cannot be used.')
        elif method == 'sgd':
            self.weights = torch.normal(mean=0, std=1/cols, size=(cols, 1), dtype=torch.float64)
            for i in range(iterations):
                Xy =[X, y], dim=1)
                Xy = Xy[torch.randperm(Xy.size()[0])]
                X, y = torch.split(Xy, [Xy.size()[1]-1, 1], dim=1)
                for j in range(int(math.ceil(rows/batch_size))):
                    start, end = batch_size*j, min(batch_size*(j+1), rows)
                    Xb = torch.index_select(X, 0, torch.arange(start, end))
                    yb = torch.index_select(y, 0, torch.arange(start, end))
                    diff = torch.matmul(Xb, self.weights) - yb
                    loss = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(diff, 0, 1), diff)
                    self.weights = (self.weights - learning_rate*self.weights.grad).detach()
            print(f'Unknown method: \'{method}\'')
        return self
    def predict(self, X):
        X = torch.from_numpy(X)
        if not hasattr(self, 'weights'):
            print('Cannot predict. You should call the .fit() method first.')
        X =[X, torch.ones((X.size()[0], 1))], dim=1)
        if X.size()[1] != self.weights.size()[0]:
            print(f'Shapes do not match. {X.size()[1]} != {self.weights.size()[0]}')
        return torch.matmul(X, self.weights)
    def rmse(self, X, y):
        y = torch.from_numpy(y)
        y_hat = self.predict(X)
        if y_hat is None:
        return torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.square(y_hat - y)))

在示例中使用我们的LinearRegression(Using our LinearRegression class in an example)

To show our implementation of linear regression in action, we will generate a regression dataset with the make_regression() function from sklearn.


X, y = make_regression(n_features=1, n_informative=1,
bias=1, noise=35)

Let’s plot this dataset to see how it looks like:


plt.scatter(X, y)
Image by Author 图片作者

The y returned by make_regression() is a flat vector. We will reshape it to a column vector to use with our LinearRegression class.

make_regression()返回的y是一个平面向量。 我们将其LinearRegression为列向量,以与LinearRegression类一起使用。

y = y.reshape((-1, 1))

Firstly, we will use method = ‘solve’ to fit the regression line:

首先,我们将使用method = 'solve'来拟合回归线:

lr_solve = LinearRegression().fit(X, y, method='solve')plt.scatter(X, y)plt.plot(X, lr_solve.predict(X), color='orange')
Image by Author 图片作者

The root mean squared error of the above regression model is:


lr_solve.rmse(X, y)# tensor(31.8709, dtype=torch.float64)

Then, we also use method = ‘sgd’ and we will let the other parameters have their default values:

然后,我们还使用method = 'sgd' ,让其他参数具有其默认值:

lr_sgd = LinearRegression().fit(X, y, method='sgd')plt.scatter(X, y)plt.plot(X, lr_sgd.predict(X), color='orange')
Image by Author 图片作者

As you can see, the regression lines in the 2 images above for methods ‘solve’ and ‘sgd’ are almost identical.

如您所见,上面两个图像中方法“ solve”和“ sgd”的回归线几乎相同。

The root mean squared error we got when using ‘sgd’ is:


lr_sgd.rmse(X, y)# tensor(31.9000, dtype=torch.float64)

Here is the Jupyter Notebook with all the code:

这是Jupyter Notebook的所有代码:

I hope you found this information useful and thanks for reading! If you liked this article please consider following me on Medium to get my latest articles.

我希望您发现此信息有用,并感谢您的阅读! 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请考虑在Medium上关注我,以获取我的最新文章。


