Return results
for batch_i, (img, targets, paths, shapes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader, desc=s)):
t1 = time_sync()
img = img.to(device, non_blocking=True)
# 如果half为True 就把图片变为half精度 uint8 to fp16/32
img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32
img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0
targets = targets.to(device)
nb, _, height, width = img.shape # batch size, channels, height, width
t2 = time_sync()
dt[0] += t2 - t1
# Run model
out, train_out = model(img, augment=augment) # inference and training outputs
dt[1] += time_sync() - t2
# Compute loss
# compute_loss不为空 说明正在执行train.py 根据传入的compute_loss计算损失值
if compute_loss:
loss += compute_loss([x.float() for x in train_out], targets)[1] # box, obj, cls
# Run NMS
# 将真实框target的xywh(因为target是在labelimg中做了归一化的)映射到img(test)尺寸
targets[:, 2:] *= torch.Tensor([width, height, width, height]).to(device) # to pixels
# 是在NMS之前将数据集标签targets添加到模型预测中
# 这允许在数据集中自动标记(for autolabelling)其他对象(在pred中混入gt) 并且mAP反映了新的混合标签
# targets: [num_target, img_index+class_index+xywh] = [31, 6]
lb = [targets[targets[:, 0] == i, 1:] for i in range(nb)] if save_hybrid else [] # for autolabelling
t3 = time_sync()
out = non_max_suppression(out, conf_thres, iou_thres, labels=lb, multi_label=True, agnostic=single_cls)
dt[2] += time_sync() - t3# 累计NMS时间
# Statistics per image
# 为每张图片做统计,写入预测信息到txt文件,生成json文件字典,统计tp等
for si, pred in enumerate(out):
# 获取第si张图片的gt标签信息 包括class, x, y, w, h target[:, 0]为标签属于哪张图片的编号
labels = targets[targets[:, 0] == si, 1:]
nl = len(labels)
# 获取标签类别
tcls = labels[:, 0].tolist() if nl else [] # target class
path, shape = Path(paths[si]), shapes[si][0]
# 统计测试图片数量 +1
seen += 1
# 如果预测为空,则添加空的信息到stats里
if len(pred) == 0:
if nl:
stats.append((torch.zeros(0, niou, dtype=torch.bool), torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor(), tcls))
# Predictions
if single_cls:
pred[:, 5] = 0
predn = pred.clone()
# 将预测坐标映射到原图img中
scale_coords(img[si].shape[1:], predn[:, :4], shape, shapes[si][1]) # native-space pred
# 画出前三个batch的图片的ground truth和预测框predictions(两个图)一起保存
if plots and batch_i < 3:
f = save_dir / f'val_batch{batch_i}_labels.jpg' # labels
# Thread 表示在单独的控制线程中运行的活动 创建一个单线程(子线程)来执行函数 由这个子进程全权负责这个函数
# target: 执行的函数 args: 传入的函数参数 daemon: 当主线程结束后, 由他创建的子线程Thread也已经自动结束了
# .start(): 启动线程 当thread一启动的时候, 就会运行我们自己定义的这个函数plot_images
# 如果在plot_images里面打开断点调试, 可以发现子线程暂停, 但是主线程还是在正常
Thread(target=plot_images, args=(img, targets, paths, f, names), daemon=True).start()
f = save_dir / f'val_batch{batch_i}_pred.jpg' # predictions
Thread(target=plot_images, args=(img, output_to_target(out), paths, f, names), daemon=True).start()
# 统计stats中所有图片的统计结果 将stats列表的信息拼接到一起
# stats(concat后): list{4} correct, conf, pcls, tcls 统计出的整个数据集的GT
# correct [img_sum, 10] 整个数据集所有图片中所有预测框在每一个iou条件下是否是TP [1905, 10]
# conf [img_sum] 整个数据集所有图片中所有预测框的conf [1905]
# pcls [img_sum] 整个数据集所有图片中所有预测框的类别 [1905]
# tcls [gt_sum] 整个数据集所有图片所有gt框的class [929]
stats = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in zip(*stats)] # to numpy
# stats[0].any(): stats[0]是否全部为False, 是则返回 False, 如果有一个为 True, 则返回 True
if len(stats) and stats[0].any():
# 根据上面的统计预测结果计算p, r, ap, f1, ap_class(ap_per_class函数是计算每个类的mAP等指标的)等指标
# p: [nc] 最大平均f1时每个类别的precision
# r: [nc] 最大平均f1时每个类别的recall
# ap: [71, 10] 数据集每个类别在10个iou阈值下的mAP
# f1 [nc] 最大平均f1时每个类别的f1
# ap_class: [nc] 返回数据集中所有的类别index
p, r, ap, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(*stats, plot=plots, save_dir=save_dir, names=names)
# ap50: [nc] 所有类别的[email protected] ap: [nc] 所有类别的[email protected]:0.95
ap50, ap = ap[:, 0], ap.mean(1)
# mp: [1] 所有类别的平均precision(最大f1时)
# mr: [1] 所有类别的平均recall(最大f1时)
# map50: [1] 所有类别的平均[email protected]
# map: [1] 所有类别的平均[email protected]:0.95
mp, mr, map50, map = p.mean(), r.mean(), ap50.mean(), ap.mean()
# nt: [nc] 统计出整个数据集的gt框中数据集各个类别的个数
nt = np.bincount(stats[3].astype(np.int64), minlength=nc) # number of targets per class
nt = torch.zeros(1)
# Print results
pf = '%20s' + '%11i' * 2 + '%11.3g' * 4 # print format
print(pf % ('all', seen, nt.sum(), mp, mr, map50, map))
# Print results per class
# 细节展示每个类别的各个指标 类别 + 数据集图片数量 + 这个类别的gt框数量 + 这个类别的precision +
# 这个类别的recall + 这个类别的[email protected] + 这个类别的[email protected]:0.95
if (verbose or (nc < 50 and not training)) and nc > 1 and len(stats):
for i, c in enumerate(ap_class):
print(pf % (names[c], seen, nt[c], p[i], r[i], ap50[i], ap[i]))
# Print speeds
# Print speeds 打印前向传播耗费的总时间、nms耗费总时间、总时间
t = tuple(x / seen * 1E3 for x in dt) # speeds per image
if not training:
shape = (batch_size, 3, imgsz, imgsz)
print(f'Speed: %.1fms pre-process, %.1fms inference, %.1fms NMS per image at shape {shape}' % t)
# Save JSON
# 采用之前保存的json文件格式预测结果 通过cocoapi评估各个指标
# 需要注意的是 测试集的标签也要转为coco的json格式
if save_json and len(jdict):
w = Path(weights[0] if isinstance(weights, list) else weights).stem if weights is not None else '' # weights
anno_json = str(Path(data.get('path', '../coco')) / 'annotations/instances_val2017.json') # annotations json
# 获取预测框的json文件路径并打开
pred_json = str(save_dir / f"{w}_predictions.json") # predictions json
print(f'\nEvaluating pycocotools mAP... saving {pred_json}...')
with open(pred_json, 'w') as f:
json.dump(jdict, f)
try: # https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/blob/master/PythonAPI/pycocoEvalDemo.ipynb
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
# 获取并初始化测试集标签的json文件
anno = COCO(anno_json) # init annotations api
# 初始化预测框的文件
pred = anno.loadRes(pred_json) # init predictions api
# 创建评估器
eval = COCOeval(anno, pred, 'bbox')
if is_coco:
eval.params.imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem) for x in dataloader.dataset.img_files] # image IDs to evaluate
# 评估
# 展示结果
map, map50 = eval.stats[:2] # update results ([email protected]:0.95, [email protected])
except Exception as e:
print(f'pycocotools unable to run: {e}')
# Return results
model.float() # for training
if not training:
s = f"\n{len(list(save_dir.glob('labels/*.txt')))} labels saved to {save_dir / 'labels'}" if save_txt else ''
print(f"Results saved to {colorstr('bold', save_dir)}{s}")
maps = np.zeros(nc) + map
for i, c in enumerate(ap_class):
maps[c] = ap[i]
# 0: mp [1] 所有类别的平均precision(最大f1时)
# 1: mr [1] 所有类别的平均recall(最大f1时)
# 2: map50 [1] 所有类别的平均[email protected]
# 3: map [1] 所有类别的平均[email protected]:0.95
# 4: val_box_loss [1] 验证集回归损失
# 5: val_obj_loss [1] 验证集置信度损失
# 6: val_cls_loss [1] 验证集分类损失
return (mp, mr, map50, map, *(loss.cpu() / len(dataloader)).tolist()), maps, t