The Gumbel(0; 1) distribution can be sampled using inverse transform sampling。
fristly, drawing u from Uniform(0; 1) and then computing:
g = -log(-log(u)).
The categorical distribution is parameterized by the log-probabilities of a set of classes. The difference between OneHotCategorical and Categorical distributions is that OneHotCategorical is a discrete distribution over one-hot bit vectors whereas Categorical is a discrete distribution over positive integers.
从Categorical distributions里采样得到一个OneHotCategorical采样点的过程:
The Gumbel-Max trick provides a simple and efficient way to draw samples z from a categorical distribution with class probabilities π , π 就是多项分布的分布函数:
上式表示从gumbel分布里依次采样N个点,第i个采样点用 gi 表示(N表示categorical 分布的可选值个数),。对每个采样点计算 gi+logπi , 然后求出N个采样计算值里最大的那个,比如第j个采样计算值是最大的,则将长度为N的z向量里第j个元素的值设为1,其他的element都设置为0,得到一个one-hot 向量。这个one-hot向量就代表这个categorical 分布的一个采样点。也就是说要得到一个离散分布的采样点,需要从gumbel里采样N个点。
在https://gist.github.com/gngdb/ef1999ce3a8e0c5cc2ed35f488e19748 这篇文章里用图标的形式证明这种方法的正确性。
The RelaxedOneHotCategorical is a distribution over random probability vectors, vectors of positive real values that sum to one, which continuously approximates a OneHotCategorical. The degree of approximation is controlled by a temperature: as the temperature goes to 0 the RelaxedOneHotCategorical becomes discrete with a distribution described by the logits or probs parameters。
也就是说RelaxedOneHotCategorical是一个连续的多变量分布p(x,y,z),但是x+y+z=1. 他是对OneHotCategorical离散分布的一个连续近似。近似的程度由一个temperature 控制。
Creates a continuous distribution, which approximates a 3-class one-hot categorical distribution. Because the temperature is very low, samples from this distribution are almost discrete, with one component almost 1 and the others nearly 0. The 2nd class is the most likely to be the largest component in samples drawn from this distribution.
创建一个连续的分布来近似一个具有三个类别的one-hot categorical distribution。当temp很小时,他的采样结果就是一个one-hot向量,即一个采样结果向量里只有一个值为1,其他值为0。
temperature = 1e-5
#logits是没归一化的向量,代表要近似的one-hot categorical distribution
logits = [-2, 2, 0]
当temperature很小时,从dist 分布的采样结果将近似于一个one-hot向量
dist = RelaxedOneHotCategorical(temperature, logits=logits)
We use the softmax function as a continuous, differentiable approximation to argmax, and generate K-dimensional sample vectors y:
即用连续且可微的softmax来近似 argmax,来生成k维的采样向量,这里k和上面的N是相同的,表示categorical 分布的可选值个数。这种方法得到的一个采样(向量)里,每个元素 yi 可以同时不为0。
其中 y1+y2+...+yk=1 。这个 p 就是RelaxedOneHotCategorical的概率密度分布。
参考 https://gabrielhuang.gitbooks.io/machine-learning/reparametrization-trick.html
For non-zero temperatures, a Gumbel-softmax variable x does not exactly follow Cat(π). but If we replace x with its argmax in the forward pass , then we get a one-hot variable following exactly Cat(πϕ). However, in order to backpropagate the gradient, we can still keep the original continuous x in the backward pass.
This is called Straight-Through-Gumbel-softmax in Jang’s paper, and builds on ideas from Bengio, Leonard, Courville (2013) - Estimating or Propagating Gradients
下面是一个用gumbel做无监督生成的代码。注意:这里y的每一维yi是离散的category 分布 p(yi) ,且y的先验分布为均匀分布;而在base VEA里y是一个多维高斯分布,且认为y的先验分布是多维正态高斯分布~N(0,1). 这里0是一个向量,代表均值,1是一个协方差矩阵(对角线上的元素全为1,其他元素全为0).
def sample_gumbel(shape, eps=1e-20):
"""Sample from Gumbel(0, 1)"""
U = tf.random_uniform(shape,minval=0,maxval=1)
return -tf.log(-tf.log(U + eps) + eps)
def gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature):
""" Draw a sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution"""
y = logits + sample_gumbel(tf.shape(logits))
return tf.nn.softmax( y / temperature)
def gumbel_softmax(logits, temperature, hard=False):
"""Sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution and optionally discretize.
logits: [batch_size, n_class] unnormalized log-probs
temperature: non-negative scalar
hard: if True, take argmax, but differentiate w.r.t. soft sample y
[batch_size, n_class] sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution.
If hard=True, then the returned sample will be one-hot, otherwise it will
be a probabilitiy distribution that sums to 1 across classes
y = gumbel_softmax_sample(logits, temperature)
if hard:
k = tf.shape(logits)[-1]
#y_hard = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(y,1),k), y.dtype)
y_hard = tf.cast(tf.equal(y,tf.reduce_max(y,1,keep_dims=True)),y.dtype)
y = tf.stop_gradient(y_hard - y) + y
K=10 # number of classes #即每个类有多少个可选值
N=30 # number of categorical distributions 即总共有多少个类
# input image x (shape=(batch_size,784))
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,784])
net = slim.stack(x,slim.fully_connected,[512,256])
# unnormalized logits for N separate K-categorical distributions
logits_y = tf.reshape(slim.fully_connected(net,K*N,activation_fn=None),[-1,K])
q_y = tf.nn.softmax(logits_y)
log_q_y = tf.log(q_y+1e-20)
# temperature
tau = tf.Variable(5.0,name="temperature")
# set hard=True for ST Gumbel-Softmax。采样结束后将(batch_size*N,K)变为(batch_size,N,K))
y = tf.reshape(gumbel_softmax(logits_y,tau,hard=False),[-1,N,K])
# generative model p(x|y)))
net = slim.stack(slim.flatten(y),slim.fully_connected,[256,512])
logits_x = slim.fully_connected(net,784,activation_fn=None)
p_x = Bernoulli(logits=logits_x)
# loss and train ops.
kl_tmp = tf.reshape(q_y*(log_q_y-tf.log(1.0/K)),[-1,N,K])
KL = tf.reduce_sum(kl_tmp,[1,2])
#reconstruction error
reco = tf.reduce_sum(p_x.log_prob(x),1)
#total loss
elbo=reco - KL
论文里, H=Σyq(y|x)logq(y|x) ,但在下面的代码里将 Σyq(y|x)logq(y) 也放在H里一起计算了。
with tf.name_scope('Unlabeled'):
z_mu = unlabel['z_mu']
z_lv = unlabel['z_lv']
loss['KL(z_u)'] = tf.reduce_mean(
z_mu, z_lv,
tf.zeros_like(z_mu), tf.zeros_like(z_lv)))
loss['log p(x_u)'] = tf.reduce_mean(
#[batch, class]p(y)先验分布
y_prior = tf.ones_like(unlabel['y_sample']) / self.arch['y_dim']
loss['H(y)'] = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.log(unlabel['y_pred'] + EPS) - tf.log(y_prior)),
KL和reconstruction error在y维度上的积分都是用采样估计的方法,KL在z维度上的积分采用解析的方法直接计算。计算H时,由于 p(y) 和 q(y|x )里都不包含所以公式里第二个积分符号可以去掉,只剩下第一个积分符号。
互信息的引入可以参考 https://serhii-havrylov.github.io/blog/mutual_info
计算生成的x和z的互信息 I(x,z) ,互信息越大表示两者相关性越强,如果I=0,则认为两者完全不相干。引入互信息是使生成的x和z要尽量相关,即在generator里生成x时要多考虑z,否则就是个普通的无条件language model。
计算互信息时,需要用到一些trick,可以参考论文 Challenges with Variational Autoencoders for Text。
#z: 从encoder得到的q(z)分布里采样到的值
里得到的logis串联上lable的embeding(在sentiment里表示positive or negtive)和mask(表示每个step是否真的有数据)。q_mi(z|x)用一个encoder实现。
def mutinfo_loss(self, z, z_mean, z_logvar):
'''Mutual information loss. We want to maximize the likelihood of z in the
Gaussian represented by z_mean, z_logvar.'''
z = tf.stop_gradient(z)
z_var = tf.exp(z_logvar) + 1e-8
z_logvar = tf.log(z_var) # adjust for epsilon
z_sq = tf.square(z)
z_epsilon = tf.square(z - z_mean)
return 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(z_logvar + (z_epsilon / z_var) - z_sq, 1)