crowdhuman 数据集 darknet yolov7训练

1.下载crowdhuman数据集,下载链接如下:CrowdHuman Dataset


# corwdhuman->coco
import os
import json
from PIL import Image
def load_file(fpath):#fpath是具体的文件 ,作用:#str to list
    assert os.path.exists(fpath)  #assert() raise-if-not
    with open(fpath,'r') as fid:
        lines = fid.readlines()
    records = [json.loads(line.strip('\n')) for line in lines] #str to list
    return records

def crowdhuman2coco(odgt_path,json_path):#一个输入文件路径,一个输出文件路径
    records = load_file(odgt_path)   #提取odgt文件数据
    json_dict = {"images":[], "annotations": [], "categories": []}#定义一个字典,coco数据集标注格式
    START_B_BOX_ID = 1 #设定框的起始ID
    image_id = 1  #每个image的ID唯一,自己设定start,每次++
    bbox_id = START_B_BOX_ID
    image = {} #定义一个字典,记录image
    annotation = {} #记录annotation
    categories = {}  #进行类别记录
    record_list = len(records)  #获得record的长度,循环遍历所有数据。
    for i in range(record_list):
        file_name = records[i]['ID']+'.jpg'  #这里是字符串格式  eg.273278,600e5000db6370fb
        #image_id = int(records[i]['ID'].split(",")[0]) 这样会导致id唯一,要自己设定
        im ="/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/Images/"+file_name)
        image = {'file_name': file_name, 'height': im.size[1], 'width': im.size[0],'id':image_id} #im.size[0],im.size[1]分别是宽高
        json_dict['images'].append(image) #这一步完成一行数据到字典images的转换。

        gt_box = records[i]['gtboxes']  
        gt_box_len = len(gt_box) #每一个字典gtboxes里,也有好几个记录,分别提取记录。
        for j in range(gt_box_len):
            category = gt_box[j]['tag']
            if category not in categories:  #该类型不在categories,就添加上去
                new_id = len(categories) + 1 #ID递增
                categories[category] = new_id
            category_id = categories[category]  #重新获取它的类别ID
            fbox = gt_box[j]['fbox']  #获得全身框
            ignore = 0 #下面key中都没有ignore时,就设为0,据观察,都存在,只是存在哪个字典里,需要判断一下
            if "ignore" in gt_box[j]['head_attr']:
                ignore = gt_box[j]['head_attr']['ignore']
            if "ignore" in gt_box[j]['extra']:
                ignore = gt_box[j]['extra']['ignore']
            annotation = {'area': fbox[2]*fbox[3], 'iscrowd': ignore, 'image_id':  #添加hbox、vbox字段。
                        image_id, 'bbox':fbox, 'hbox':gt_box[j]['hbox'],'vbox':gt_box[j]['vbox'],
                        'category_id': category_id,'id': bbox_id,'ignore': ignore,'segmentation': []}  
            bbox_id += 1 #框ID ++
        image_id += 1 #这个image_id的递增操作,注意位置,博主一开始,放上面执行了,后面出了bug,自己可以理一下。
    for cate, cid in categories.items():
            cat = {'supercategory': 'none', 'id': cid, 'name': cate}
    json_fp = open(json_path, 'w')
    json_str = json.dumps(json_dict) #写json文件。
if __name__ == '__main__':
    json_dict = '/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/train.json'
    odge_path = '/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/annotation_train.odgt'


COCO 格式的数据集转化为 YOLO 格式的数据集
--json_path 输入的json文件路径
--save_path 保存的文件夹名字,默认为当前目录下的labels。

import os 
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--json_path', default='/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/val.json',type=str, help="input: coco format(json)")
parser.add_argument('--save_path', default='/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/labels/', type=str, help="specify where to save the output dir of labels")
arg = parser.parse_args()

def convert(size, box):
    dw = 1. / (size[0])
    dh = 1. / (size[1])
    x = box[0] + box[2] / 2.0
    y = box[1] + box[3] / 2.0
    w = box[2]
    h = box[3]

    x = x * dw
    w = w * dw
    y = y * dh
    h = h * dh
    return (x, y, w, h)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    json_file = arg.json_path # COCO Object Instance 类型的标注
    ana_txt_save_path = arg.save_path  # 保存的路径

    data = json.load(open(json_file, 'r'))
    if not os.path.exists(ana_txt_save_path):

    id_map = {} # coco数据集的id不连续!根据自己需求顺序自定义输出每个类别的id
    with open(os.path.join(ana_txt_save_path, 'classes.txt'), 'w') as f:
        # 写入classes.txt
        for i, category in enumerate(data['categories']): 
            id_map[category['id']] = category['id']-1
            print("name={}, id={}".format(category['name'], category['id']))

    i = 0
    for img in tqdm(data['images']):
        filename = img["file_name"]
        img_width = img["width"]
        img_height = img["height"]
        img_id = img["id"]
        head, tail = os.path.splitext(filename)
        ana_txt_name = head + ".txt"  # 对应的txt名字,与jpg一致
        f_txt = open(os.path.join(ana_txt_save_path, ana_txt_name), 'w')
        for ann in data['annotations']:
            # print("ann_type={}".format(type(ann)))
            if ann == None:
                # print("filename={}".format(filename))
                if ann['image_id'] == img_id:
                    # print("i={}".format(i))
                    print("img_id is:",img_id)
                    box = convert((img_width, img_height), ann["bbox"])
                    f_txt.write("%s %s %s %s %s\n" % (id_map[ann["category_id"]], box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]))
        i = i + 1 

4.通过步骤3,crowdhuman标签转换成了coco数据集,但是在标签文档中有个classes的txt文档,内容有两个标签:person和mask   (person:0,mask:1)

For example txt containing:

0  0.4609375  0.2791666666   0.028125    0.0638888

0  0.5910156  0.6375000000   0.04140625  0.0916666

0  0.9058593  0.4722222222   0.04765625  0.0916666


import os
import shutil
import json
from tqdm import tqdm

txt_path = '/media/ubuntu/work_space/data-human/crowdhuman/train_labels/'

txt_list = os.listdir(txt_path)

for i in tqdm(txt_list):
    txt_name = txt_path + i
    lines = [l for l in open(txt_name,"r") if l.find("1",0,1) !=0]
    fd = open(txt_name,"a")
    j = 0
    while True:
        if j < len(lines):
            j += 1

6.darknet environment preparation

(1) Install darknet environment

git clone GitHub - AlexeyAB/darknet: YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )

(2) modify Makefile




(3) compile darknet

cd darknet

Make preparation
   (1)generate train.txt file and test.txt

Run the following command in the terminal to generate train.txt

find /media/deepnorth/14b6945d-9936/head-doc/JPEGImages/  -name "*.jpg"  > train.txt

train.txt contains the path of each images in the JPEGImages file

text.txt is the same method ,contains the path of each images in the JPEGImages file, as shown below:


   crowdhuman 数据集 darknet yolov7训练_第1张图片 

8.train file preparation

Create a new folder named yolov7 under the darknet folder, including the following files



(1) Create file containing (where classes = number of objects), backup is the path where the model is saved :

classes= 1

train  = yolov7/train.list

valid  = yolov7/test.list

names =  yolov7/obj.names

backup = backup/

(2)Create file obj.names with objects names - each in new line

here is:person

(3)Calculating the anchors of a dataset

execute the following command in the darknet directory

./darknet detector calc_anchors yolov7/ -num_of_clusters 9 -width 640 -height 640


(4)modify yolov7.cfg

mask = 3,4,5
anchors = 12,16, 19,36, 40,28, 36,75, 76,55, 72,146, 142,110, 192,243, 459,401

change line classes=1 to your number of objects in each of 3 [yolo]-layers

change [filters=255] to filters=(classes + 5)x3 in the 3 [convolutional] before each [yolo] layer

anchors are calculated from step (3)

9.Start training

./darknet detector train yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg -dont_show -gpus 0,1,2,3

(Optional) Resume training after interruption

./darknet detector train yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg /backup/yolov3-tiny_1000.weights -gpus 0,1,2,3

(Optional) drawing of chart of average-Loss and accuracy-mAP (-map flag) during training

./darknet detector train yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg -dont_show -mjpeg_port 8090 -map

When the training is completed, we will see that many models are saved under the path corresponding to backup, as shown in the following figure.

crowdhuman 数据集 darknet yolov7训练_第2张图片


(1)Test image

./darknet detector test yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg  yolov7.weight imgtest.jpg

(2) Test video

./darknet detector demo yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg  yolov7.weight

(3) Check accuracy mAP@IoU=0.5:

./darknet detector map yolov7/ yolov7/yolov7.cfg  yolov7.weight -iou_thresh 0.5

11.Model selection

Method 1: When -map flag is added to the training command line, you will get the following chart. Select the model with the highest map value as the final model.

crowdhuman 数据集 darknet yolov7训练_第3张图片

Method 2: Calculate the map through step5, and then select the model with the highest map as the final model.
