1)基于机器人的具体导航环境。A place可以是,
- a precise position—“a place describes part of the environment as a zero-dimensional point”.
- a larger area—“a place may also be defined as the abstraction of a region” where a region “represents a two-dimensional subset of the environment”.
- a 3-D area.
定量地确定topological place,即拓扑地图上的节点,
1)change-point detection algorithms,有关算法:Bayesian surprise and segmented regression
2)image sequencing partitioning techniques
面临的challenge ,
2)借助语义信息,place recognition 和 object recognition 可以相互促进。
1)Local Feature Descriptors
def. detection + description
- 将特征空间分割成有限数量的单词,这些单词组成 vocabulary / dictionary。
- 一张图像 = a vector of visual words。
- 图像比较时,可采用 Hamming distance or histogram comparison techniques。
- 大场景,采用 vocabulary tree 更高效。
- 配合 inverted index ,更高效。
采用BoW描述时,忽略了place的几何结构信息,因此描述是 pose invariant,即 the place can be recognized regardless of the position of the robot within the place。因此,给 place 添加几何信息,可以增加 place matching 时的鲁棒性。
- 3-D information using laser sensor
- use stereo vision
- epipolar constraints
- the position of the elements within the image
- pose invariance:recognizing places regardless of the robot orientation
- condition invariance:recognizing places when the visual appearance changes
2)Global Descriptors
不是 global feature,
3)Describing Places Using Local and Global Techniques
Using global descriptors on image segments rather than whole images may provide a compromise between the two approaches, as sufficiently large image segments exhibit some of the condition invariance of whole images, and sufficiently small image segments exhibit the pose invariance of local features.
4)Including Three-Dimensional Information in Place Descriptions
1)、2)、3)的描述法都是 appearance based,都只是在视觉域上对图像数据建模,而非生成一个完整的几何模型。若要应用到度量定位系统(metric localization systems),则必须包含度量信息,比如像素的深度信息。而度量信息又可分为稠密和稀疏两种,比如 DTAM 和 ORB-SLAM。
该模块的作用是,表示place,记住place,并用于与当前观测相比较。mapping framework取决于两点,获取的数据和所执行的 place recognition 的类型。图1为建图的方法分类。
If a bag-of-words model is used to quantize the descriptor space, image retrieval can be accelerated using inverted indices; the image ID numbers are stored against the words that appear in the image, rather than the words being stored against the image IDs. Inverted indices allow quicker elimination of unlikely images, rather than requiring a linear search of all images in the database.
注:纯图像检索对应着 loop closure detection 中的 image-to-image 法,也即基于外观法的回环检测,appearance based loop closure detection。
拓扑地图包含 places 之间的相对位置信息,但不含关联这些 places 的度量信息。
注:回环检测时,采用 image-to-image 法。
给拓扑地图的边添加度量信息——距离、方向,可使其改善。比如,FAB-MAP→CAT-SLAM Seq-SLAM→SMART。
注:后者中,在 loop closure detection 时,既可采用 image-to-map 方法,也可采用 image-to-image。
该模块作用是,决策。判断当前 place 是否在之前见过。定量地说,一个 place recognition system 的中心目标就是使视觉输入与所存储的地图数据相协调,以生成一个 belief 分布。该分布提供了一个关于当前输入与 map 所储存的 place 相匹配的置信度 / 概率。
通常,两个 place description 越相似,那么概率就越大,则认为当前 place 为先前所见。但是实际应用中,面临两个挑战,
1)Place recognition 与 SLAM
因此,Place recognition 在 SLAM 中相当于 loop closure detection。
2)Topological Place Recognition
- 使用 SIFT / SURF 的 BoW描述图像,并在训练时计算每个 word 的独特性。
- 被观测到的 word 的 the full joint probability distribution 采用 a naive Bayes assumption or a Chow–Liu tree来估计。
- 判断是否为同一 place 时,不仅考虑共同的 word,还要考虑共有的 word 是否稀缺,从而处理 perceptual aliasing 问题。
3)Evaluation of Place Recognition Systems
针对光照和天气的变化,大致有两种描述法。一,condition-invariant description of the place,设计 scale-, rotation-, and illumination-invariant 的局部特征描述子。二,学习外观如何变化的。
1)Invariant Methods
2) Learning Methods:学习不同时间下,变化的 places 之间的关系。
The motivation for the fine vocabulary is the observation that descriptors transform in a highly non-linear way due to illumination change, changing viewpoint, and other effects, and learning a distribution of alternative words allows these changes to be learned and quantified.
为了建立在动态环境下的 map,有两种方法,第一,选择性地记住并忘记一些数据(环境要素),第二,建立多种 map 表示,从而记住不同条件下的 place。
1)Remembering and Forgetting Data
难以决定哪些要素是短暂的,应该被忘记,而哪些要素应该被记住。-- stability-plasticity dilemma
Concepts such as sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory found in human memory models have been coopted to create decision models for remembering and forgetting.
2)Multiple Representations of the Environment
- 对同一环境采用多个 map 时,对每个 map 编码一个时间尺度 timescale。
- 其中,一些 map 表示短期记忆并频繁更新,而一些 map 代表长期记忆并很少更新。
- 于是,保持不同时间尺度下的地图更新,以确保旧的 map 数据不会被短暂的动态变化覆盖。
- 相反,静态元素长时间保持不变,而过滤掉短暂元素。
- 最终,在执行 place recognition 时,选择符合当前数据的 map。
Using submaps to segregate dynamic areas allowed multiple environmental configurations where necessary while keeping the map manageable.
scene signatures —— locally distinctive elements of a place that are also stable over changes in appearance.
以上,都基于一个前提假设:机器人知道哪一个位置足以将同一位置的不同表示匹配在一起,即使这些表示在视觉上是不同的。 如果系统不知道要更新哪个位置,并且在不断变化的环境中,可能无法确切知道机器人的位置,则无法更新地图。
proposed a plastic map formulation that explicitly localizes within robot “experiences” rather than physical locations.
每当机器人无法识别出一个地点,那么就生成一个experience,那么同一地点,map 就存在多种表示。如下图,不同颜色代表着不同 experience 的数量
因为上述中,存在多种 place 的表示,即多个 map,那么在识别时,系统应根据当前的数据,选择最合适的 map,预测出最有可能的 place matches。
或者,系统同时执行多个 map hypotheses。
匹配 image sequences 而非单张 image 可以改善 place recognition,如SeqSLAM。
we are still a long way from a universal place recognition system for robots that is robust and widely applicable across a range of robotic platforms and varying environments. Here, we highlight several promising avenues of ongoing and future research that are moving us closer toward this outcome.
1)结合 deep learning, image classification, object recognition, video description,GPU hardware
2)结合 object detection, scene classification
An increased robustness to structural changes can be achieved by exploiting knowledge about which objects are dynamic or static and how that property depends on the temporal and semantic context—for example, cars in a parking garage can temporarily provide useful place recognition cues.
3)结合 context,即探究 place 潜在的环境要素。
4)结合 Semantic scene context,即场景的语义信息。