







1 概述

2 运行结果

3 Matlab代码实现

4 参考文献

1 概述



  • [1] 这是一种使用分布式并行计算的快速算法。
  • [2] 将全局运动学兼容性作为全局约束以增强拉格朗日的形式添加,并使用乘法器交替方向法方案求解。
  • [3] 位移场和仿射变形梯度同时相关。
  • [4] 选择位移平滑滤波器无需太多手动经验。

2 运行结果




 % ====== Deal with incremental mode ======
        fNormalizedNewIndex = ImgSeqNum-mod(ImgSeqNum-2,DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit)-1;
        if DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit == 1, fNormalizedNewIndex = fNormalizedNewIndex-1; end
        ResultFEMesh{1+floor(fNormalizedNewIndex/DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit)} = ... % To save first mesh info
            struct( 'coordinatesFEM',DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,'elementsFEM',DICmesh.elementsFEM, ...
            'winsize',DICpara.winsize,'winstepsize',DICpara.winstepsize,'gridxyROIRange',DICpara.gridxyROIRange );
    elseif mod(ImgSeqNum-2,DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit) == 0 % To update ref image in incremental mode
        fNormalizedNewIndex = ImgSeqNum-mod(ImgSeqNum-2,DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit)-1;
        if DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit == 1,  fNormalizedNewIndex = fNormalizedNewIndex-1; end
        fNormalized = ImgNormalized{fNormalizedNewIndex}; % Update reference
        [DICpara,DICmesh] = ReadImageRefUpdate(file_name,ImgSeqNum,ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-2}.U,DICpara,DICmesh); % Update reference image if needed;
        U0 = zeros(2*size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1); % PlotuvInit;
        ResultFEMesh{1+floor(fNormalizedNewIndex/DICpara.ImgSeqIncUnit)} = ... % To save first mesh info
            struct( 'coordinatesFEM',DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,'elementsFEM',DICmesh.elementsFEM, ...
            'winsize',DICpara.winsize,'winstepsize',DICpara.winstepsize,'gridxyROIRange',DICpara.gridxyROIRange );
    else % Use the solved results from the last frame as the new initial guess
        if ImgSeqNum < 7 % Import previous U for ImgSeqNum [2,6] 
            U0 = ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-2}.U;
        else % When ImgSeqNum > 6: POD predicts next disp U0 from previous results of (ImgSeqNum+[-5:1:-1])
            nTime = 5; np = length(ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-2}.U)/2; % "nTime" value 5 is an empirical value, can be changed.
            T_data_u = zeros(nTime,np); T_data_v = zeros(nTime,np); 
            for tempi = 1:nTime
                T_data_u(tempi,:) = ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-(2+nTime)+tempi, 1}.U(1:2:np*2)';
                T_data_v(tempi,:) = ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-(2+nTime)+tempi, 1}.U(2:2:np*2)';
            nB = 3; t_train = [ImgSeqNum-1-nTime:ImgSeqNum-2]'; t_pre = [ImgSeqNum-1]';
            [u_pred,~,~,~] = funPOR_GPR(T_data_u,t_train,t_pre,nB);
            [v_pred,~,~,~] = funPOR_GPR(T_data_v,t_train,t_pre,nB);
            tempu = u_pred(1,:); tempv = v_pred(1,:);
            U0 = [tempu(:),tempv(:)]'; U0 = U0(:);
            % %%%%% After running the new ImgSeqNum, you can uncomment these 
            % %%%%% lines to compare how the initial guess has been improved.  
            % Plotdisp_show(U0-ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-1}.U,DICmesh.coordinatesFEMWorld,DICmesh.elementsFEM(:,1:4));
            % Plotdisp_show(ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-2}.U-ResultDisp{ImgSeqNum-1}.U,DICmesh.coordinatesFEMWorld,DICmesh.elementsFEM(:,1:4));
    % ====== Compute f(X)-g(x+u) ======
    % PlotImgDiff(x0,y0,u,v,fNormalized,gNormalized);
    ResultFEMeshEachFrame{ImgSeqNum-1} = struct( 'coordinatesFEM',DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,'elementsFEM',DICmesh.elementsFEM);
    fprintf('------------ Section 3 Done ------------ \n \n')
    %% Section 4: Subproblem 1 -or- Local ICGN Subset DIC
    fprintf('------------ Section 4 Start ------------ \n')
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % This section is to solve the first local step in ALDIC: Subproblem 1
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % ====== ALStep 1 Subproblem1: Local Subset DIC ======
    mu=0; beta=0; tol=1e-2; ALSolveStep=1; ALSub1Time=zeros(6,1); ALSub2Time=zeros(6,1); 
    ConvItPerEle=zeros(size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),6); ALSub1BadPtNum=zeros(6,1);
    disp(['***** Start step',num2str(ALSolveStep),' Subproblem1 *****'])
    % ------ Start Local DIC IC-GN iteration ------
    [USubpb1,FSubpb1,HtempPar,ALSub1Timetemp,ConvItPerEletemp,LocalICGNBadPtNumtemp] = ...
    ALSub1Time(ALSolveStep) = ALSub1Timetemp; ConvItPerEle(:,ALSolveStep) = ConvItPerEletemp; ALSub1BadPtNum(ALSolveStep) = LocalICGNBadPtNumtemp; toc
    % ------  Manually find some bad points from Local Subset ICGN step ------
    % Comment these lines below if you don't need to manually remove local bad points
    % %%%%% Comment START %%%%%   
        close all; USubpb1World = USubpb1; USubpb1World(2:2:end) = -USubpb1(2:2:end);
        disp('--- Start to manually remove bad points ---')
        u = reshape(USubpb1(1:2:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2)); 
        v = reshape(USubpb1(2:2:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2));
        [u,v,~,Local_BadptRow,Local_BadptCol,RemoveOutliersList] = funRemoveOutliers(u',v',[],0.5,100); u=u';v=v';
        USubpb1(1:2:end) = reshape(u,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1); USubpb1(2:2:end) = reshape(v,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1);
        f11 = reshape(FSubpb1(1:4:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2)); 
        f21 = reshape(FSubpb1(2:4:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2));
        f12 = reshape(FSubpb1(3:4:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2)); 
        f22 = reshape(FSubpb1(4:4:end),size(DICmesh.x0,1),size(DICmesh.x0,2));
        f11=f11'; f11(RemoveOutliersList) = NaN; f11 = inpaint_nans(f11,4); f11=f11';  
        f21=f21'; f21(RemoveOutliersList) = NaN; f21 = inpaint_nans(f21,4); f21=f21'; 
        f12=f12'; f12(RemoveOutliersList) = NaN; f12 = inpaint_nans(f12,4); f12=f12'; 
        f22=f22'; f22(RemoveOutliersList) = NaN; f22 = inpaint_nans(f22,4); f22=f22';
        FSubpb1(1:4:end) = reshape(f11,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1); 
        FSubpb1(2:4:end) = reshape(f21,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1);
        FSubpb1(3:4:end) = reshape(f12,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1); 
        FSubpb1(4:4:end) = reshape(f22,size(DICmesh.coordinatesFEM,1),1);
        disp('--- Remove bad points done ---')
    % %%%%% Comment END %%%%%
    % ------ Plot ------
    USubpb1World = USubpb1; USubpb1World(2:2:end) = -USubpb1(2:2:end); 
    FSubpb1World = FSubpb1; FSubpb1World(2:4:end) = -FSubpb1World(2:4:end); FSubpb1World(3:4:end) = -FSubpb1World(3:4:end); 
    close all; Plotuv(USubpb1World,DICmesh.x0,DICmesh.y0World); 
    fprintf('------------ Section 4 Done ------------ \n \n')
    %% Section 5: Subproblem 2 -- solve the global compatible displacement field
    fprintf('------------ Section 5 Start ------------ \n'); tic;
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % This section is to solve the global step in ALDIC Subproblem 2
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % ======= ALStep 1 Subproblem 2: Global constraint =======
    % ------ Smooth displacements for a better F ------
    DICpara.DispFilterSize=0; DICpara.DispFilterStd=0; DICpara.StrainFilterSize=0; DICpara.StrainFilterStd=0; LevelNo=1;
    FSubpb1 = funSmoothStrain(FSubpb1,DICmesh,DICpara);
    % ====== Define penalty parameter ======
    mu = 1e-3; udual = 0*FSubpb1; vdual = 0*USubpb1;
    betaList = [1e-3,sqrt(1e-5),1e-2,sqrt(1e-3),1e-1,sqrt(1e-1)]*mean(DICpara.winstepsize).^2.*mu; % Tune beta in the betaList
    Err1 = zeros(length(betaList),1); Err2 = Err1;

3 Matlab代码实现

4 参考文献


  • [1] For full details, and to use this code, please cite our paper: Yang, J. and Bhattacharya, K. Augmented Lagrangian Digital Image Correlation. Exp.Mech. 59: 187, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11340-018-00457-0. Full text can be requested at: 
  • [2] Yang, J. (2019, March 6). 2D_ALDIC (Version 3.3). CaltechDATA. 
  • [3] Yang, J. and Bhattacharya, K. Combining Image Compression with Digital Image Correlation. Exp.Mech. 59: 629-642, 2019. . Full text can be requested at: 
  • [4] Finite-element-based Global DIC code is also available at: 
  • [5] Besides 2D-DIC, our new code "ALDVC" (augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation) to track deformations in volumetric images is also available:
