本文是KITTI 3D目标检测离线评估工具包的使用说明和相关代码学习文件,从这里可以下载。更新于2018.09.20。
./evaluate_object_3d_offline groundtruth_dir result_dir
int32_t main (int32_t argc,char *argv[]) {
// 需要2或4个输入
if (argc!=3) {
cout << "Usage: ./eval_detection_3d_offline gt_dir result_dir" << endl;
return 1; return 1;
string gt_dir = argv[1]; //第一个输入是真值路径
string result_dir = argv[2]; //第二个输入是结果路径
Mail *mail;
mail = new Mail();
mail->msg("Thank you for participating in our evaluation!");
if (eval(gt_dir, result_dir, mail)) {
mail->msg("Your evaluation results are available at:");
} else {
system(("rm -r " + result_dir + "/plot").c_str());
mail->msg("An error occured while processing your results.");
delete mail;
return 0;
bool eval(string gt_dir, string result_dir, Mail* mail){
//设置全局变量CLASS_NAMES,其中包括car, pedestrain, cyclist
// 真值和结果路径:
// string gt_dir = "data/object/label_2"; 真值路径
// string result_dir = "results/" + result_sha; 结果路径
string plot_dir = result_dir + "/plot";
// 按照上面定义的plot路径创建输出目录
system(("mkdir " + plot_dir).c_str());
vector< vector > groundtruth;
vector< vector > detections;
bool compute_aos=true;
vector eval_image(NUM_CLASS, false);
vector eval_ground(NUM_CLASS, false);
vector eval_3d(NUM_CLASS, false);
// 读取所有图像的真值和检测结果
mail->msg("Loading detections...");
std::vector indices = getEvalIndices(result_dir + "/data/");
printf("number of files for evaluation: %d\n", (int)indices.size());
for (int32_t i=0; i gt = loadGroundtruth(gt_dir + "/" + file_name,gt_success);
vector det = loadDetections(result_dir + "/data/" + file_name,
compute_aos, eval_image, eval_ground, eval_3d, det_success);
groundtruth.push_back(gt); //将gt存入groundtruth,也就是直到此时才给之前定义的goundtruth赋值
detections.push_back(det); //将det存入detections
if (!gt_success) {
mail->msg("ERROR: Couldn't read: %s of ground truth. Please write me an email!", file_name);
return false;
if (!det_success) {
mail->msg("ERROR: Couldn't read: %s", file_name);
return false;
mail->msg(" done.");
// 定义指向结果文件的指针
FILE *fp_det=0, *fp_ori=0; //FILE是定义在C++标准库中的一个结构体,以指针的方式存储与内存中,其内容描述了一个文件
for (int c = 0; c < NUM_CLASS; c++) {
CLASSES cls = (CLASSES)c; //找到序号对应的类别(此时cls的值为CAR、PEDESTRAIN或CYCLIST)
if (eval_image[c]) { //如果存在这一类别的图像(在loadDetections里面判断了)才计算
fp_det = fopen((result_dir + "/stats_" + CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection.txt").c_str(), "w"); //让fp_det指针指向用于存储结果的文件
if(compute_aos) //如果需要计算AOS,就让fp_ori指向用于存储AOS的文件(这里默认不计算)
fp_ori = fopen((result_dir + "/stats_" + CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_orientation.txt").c_str(),"w");
vector precision[3], aos[3]; //定义两个长度为3的容器(对应简单、中等、困难三个级别),分别用于存储准确率和AOS
if( !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, imageBoxOverlap, precision[0], aos[0], EASY, IMAGE)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, imageBoxOverlap, precision[1], aos[1], MODERATE, IMAGE)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, imageBoxOverlap, precision[2], aos[2], HARD, IMAGE)) {
mail->msg("%s evaluation failed.", CLASS_NAMES[c].c_str());
return false;
fclose(fp_det); //关闭detection的存储文件
saveAndPlotPlots(plot_dir, CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection", CLASS_NAMES[c], precision, 0); //画出曲线图(具体见saveAndPlotPlots说明)
if(compute_aos){ //如果需要计算AOS
saveAndPlotPlots(plot_dir, CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_orientation", CLASS_NAMES[c], aos, 1); //画出AOS曲线
printf("Finished 2D bounding box eval.\n"); //结束2D评估
//对于鸟瞰图和3D box不要计算AOS
compute_aos = false;
//对于所有类别评估鸟瞰角度的bounding box
for (int c = 0; c < NUM_CLASS; c++) {
if (eval_ground[c]) { //如果存在该类型的图片才计算
fp_det = fopen((result_dir + "/stats_" + CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection_ground.txt").c_str(), "w"); //将指针指向用于存储鸟瞰结果的文件
vector precision[3], aos[3]; //同2D,分别用于存储简单、中等和困难的情况
printf("Going to eval ground for class: %s\n", CLASS_NAMES[c].c_str());
if( !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, groundBoxOverlap, precision[0], aos[0], EASY, GROUND)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, groundBoxOverlap, precision[1], aos[1], MODERATE, GROUND)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, groundBoxOverlap, precision[2], aos[2], HARD, GROUND)) {
mail->msg("%s evaluation failed.", CLASS_NAMES[c].c_str());
return false;
saveAndPlotPlots(plot_dir, CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection_ground", CLASS_NAMES[c], precision, 0); //画出评估图像(具体参见saveAndPlotPlots说明)
printf("Finished Birdeye eval.\n"); //结束鸟瞰评估
//对于所有类别评估3D bounding boxes
for (int c = 0; c < NUM_CLASS; c++) {
if (eval_3d[c]) { //如果评估3D结果
fp_det = fopen((result_dir + "/stats_" + CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection_3d.txt").c_str(), "w"); //指针指向保存3D评估结果的文件
vector precision[3], aos[3];
printf("Going to eval 3D box for class: %s\n", CLASS_NAMES[c].c_str());
if( !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, box3DOverlap, precision[0], aos[0], EASY, BOX3D)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, box3DOverlap, precision[1], aos[1], MODERATE, BOX3D)
|| !eval_class(fp_det, fp_ori, cls, groundtruth, detections, compute_aos, box3DOverlap, precision[2], aos[2], HARD, BOX3D)) {
mail->msg("%s evaluation failed.", CLASS_NAMES[c].c_str());
return false;
saveAndPlotPlots(plot_dir, CLASS_NAMES[c] + "_detection_3d", CLASS_NAMES[c], precision, 0);
CLASS_NAMES[c], precision, 0);
printf("Finished 3D bounding box eval.\n");
// 成功完成评估,返回true
return true;
// holding bounding boxes for ground truth and detections
struct tBox {
string type; // 存储目标类型
double x1;
double y1; //与x1共同定位左上角坐标
double x2;
double y2; //与x2共同定位右下角坐标
double alpha; //图像转角
tBox (string type, double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double alpha) : //定义与结构体同名的构造函数,在调用时赋值
type(type),x1(x1),y1(y1),x2(x2),y2(y2),alpha(alpha) {}
struct tGroundtruth {
tBox box; //存储目标类型、box、朝向
double truncation; // truncation 0..1 这个目前还不理解干什么用的
int32_t occlusion; // 是否遮挡,0代表无遮挡,1代表部分遮挡,2代表完全遮挡
double ry; //目前未知含义
double t1, t2, t3; //目前未知含义
double h, w, l; //高、宽、长
tGroundtruth () : //这是这个结构体内所包含的同名构造函数,在调用时赋值
box(tBox("invalild",-1,-1,-1,-1,-10)),truncation(-1),occlusion(-1) {}
tGroundtruth (tBox box,double truncation,int32_t occlusion) :
box(box),truncation(truncation),occlusion(occlusion) {}
tGroundtruth (string type,double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double alpha,double truncation,int32_t occlusion) :
box(tBox(type,x1,y1,x2,y2,alpha)),truncation(truncation),occlusion(occlusion) {}
struct tDetection {
tBox box; //存储目标类型、box、朝向
double thresh; //检测概率(detection score)
double ry; //目前未知含义
double t1, t2, t3; //目前未知含义
double h, w, l; //高、宽、长
tDetection (): //定义与结构体同名的构造函数,在调用时赋值
box(tBox("invalid",-1,-1,-1,-1,-10)),thresh(-1000) {}
tDetection (tBox box,double thresh) :
box(box),thresh(thresh) {}
tDetection (string type,double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double alpha,double thresh) :
box(tBox(type,x1,y1,x2,y2,alpha)),thresh(thresh) {}
bool eval_class (FILE *fp_det, FILE *fp_ori, CLASSES current_class,
const vector< vector > &groundtruth,
const vector< vector > &detections, bool compute_aos,
double (*boxoverlap)(tDetection, tGroundtruth, int32_t),
vector &precision, vector &aos,
DIFFICULTY difficulty, METRIC metric) {
assert(groundtruth.size() == detections.size());
// 初始化
int32_t n_gt=0; // 真值图像总数(recall的分母)
vector v, thresholds; //用于存储检测得到的概率detection scores,对其评估的结果用于recall的离散化
vector< vector > ignored_gt, ignored_det; //用于存储对于当前类别/难度忽略的图像标号
vector< vector > dontcare; //用于存储在真值中包含的不关心区域的编号
for (int32_t i=0; i i_gt, i_det;
vector dc;
cleanData(current_class, groundtruth[i], detections[i], i_gt, dc, i_det, n_gt, difficulty);
tPrData pr_tmp = tPrData(); //用于存储相似度、true positives、false positives和false negatives
pr_tmp = computeStatistics(current_class, groundtruth[i], detections[i], dc, i_gt, i_det, false, boxoverlap, metric); //具体分析见ComputeStatistics说明,输出为tPrData类型
//将所有图片的detection scores存入向量
for(int32_t j=0; j pr;
for (int32_t i=0; i recall;
precision.assign(N_SAMPLE_PTS, 0);
aos.assign(N_SAMPLE_PTS, 0);
double r=0;
for (int32_t i=0; i
void saveAndPlotPlots(string dir_name,string file_name,string obj_type,vector vals[],bool is_aos){
char command[1024];
FILE *fp = fopen((dir_name + "/" + file_name + ".txt").c_str(),"w"); //保存在plot文件夹下对应类别的文件中
printf("save %s\n", (dir_name + "/" + file_name + ".txt").c_str());
for (int32_t i=0; i<(int)N_SAMPLE_PTS; i++)
fprintf(fp,"%f %f %f %f\n",(double)i/(N_SAMPLE_PTS-1.0),vals[0][i],vals[1][i],vals[2][i]);
float sum[3] = {0, 0, 0};
for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
for (int i = 0; i < vals[v].size(); i = i + 4)
sum[v] += vals[v][i];
printf("%s AP: %f %f %f\n", file_name.c_str(), sum[0] / 11 * 100, sum[1] / 11 * 100, sum[2] / 11 * 100);
//创建png + eps
for (int32_t j=0; j<2; j++) {
FILE *fp = fopen((dir_name + "/" + file_name + ".gp").c_str(),"w");
if (j==0) {
fprintf(fp,"set term png size 450,315 font \"Helvetica\" 11\n");
fprintf(fp,"set output \"%s.png\"\n",file_name.c_str());
} else {
fprintf(fp,"set term postscript eps enhanced color font \"Helvetica\" 20\n");
fprintf(fp,"set output \"%s.eps\"\n",file_name.c_str());
fprintf(fp,"set size ratio 0.7\n");
fprintf(fp,"set xrange [0:1]\n");
fprintf(fp,"set yrange [0:1]\n");
fprintf(fp,"set xlabel \"Recall\"\n");
if (!is_aos) fprintf(fp,"set ylabel \"Precision\"\n");
else fprintf(fp,"set ylabel \"Orientation Similarity\"\n");
obj_type[0] = toupper(obj_type[0]);
fprintf(fp,"set title \"%s\"\n",obj_type.c_str());
int32_t lw = 5;
if (j==0) lw = 3;
fprintf(fp,"plot ");
fprintf(fp,"\"%s.txt\" using 1:2 title 'Easy' with lines ls 1 lw %d,",file_name.c_str(),lw);
fprintf(fp,"\"%s.txt\" using 1:3 title 'Moderate' with lines ls 2 lw %d,",file_name.c_str(),lw);
fprintf(fp,"\"%s.txt\" using 1:4 title 'Hard' with lines ls 3 lw %d",file_name.c_str(),lw);
//运行gnuplot以生成png + eps
sprintf(command,"cd %s; gnuplot %s",dir_name.c_str(),(file_name + ".gp").c_str());
sprintf(command,"cd %s; ps2pdf %s.eps %s_large.pdf",dir_name.c_str(),file_name.c_str(),file_name.c_str());
sprintf(command,"cd %s; pdfcrop %s_large.pdf %s.pdf",dir_name.c_str(),file_name.c_str(),file_name.c_str());
sprintf(command,"cd %s; rm %s_large.pdf",dir_name.c_str(),file_name.c_str());
tPrData computeStatistics(CLASSES current_class, const vector >,
const vector &det, const vector &dc,
const vector &ignored_gt, const vector &ignored_det,
bool compute_fp, double (*boxoverlap)(tDetection, tGroundtruth, int32_t),
METRIC metric, bool compute_aos=false, double thresh=0, bool debug=false){
tPrData stat = tPrData();
const double NO_DETECTION = -10000000;
vector delta; //用于存储TP需要的角度的不同(AOS计算需要)
vector assigned_detection; //用于存储一个检测结果是被标注有效还是忽略
assigned_detection.assign(det.size(), false);
vector ignored_threshold;
ignored_threshold.assign(det.size(), false); //如果计算FP,用于存储低于阈值的检测结果
for(int32_t i=0; i 0.5) (logical len(det))
int32_t det_idx = -1;
double valid_detection = NO_DETECTION;
double max_overlap = 0;
bool assigned_ignored_det = false;
for(int32_t j=0; jMIN_OVERLAP[metric][current_class] && det[j].thresh>valid_detection){
det_idx = j;
valid_detection = det[j].thresh;
else if(compute_fp && overlap>MIN_OVERLAP[metric][current_class] && (overlap>max_overlap || assigned_ignored_det) && ignored_det[j]==0){
max_overlap = overlap;
det_idx = j;
valid_detection = 1;
assigned_ignored_det = false;;
else if(compute_fp && overlap>MIN_OVERLAP[metric][current_class] && valid_detection==NO_DETECTION && ignored_det[j]==1){
det_idx = j;
valid_detection = 1;
assigned_ignored_det = true;
compute TP, FP and FN compute TP, FP and FN
if(valid_detection==NO_DETECTION && ignored_gt[i]==0) {
//只评估有效真值等同于 detection assignments (considering difficulty level)
else if(valid_detection!=NO_DETECTION && (ignored_gt[i]==1 || ignored_det[det_idx]==1))
assigned_detection[det_idx] = true;
//找到一个有效的true positive
else if(valid_detection!=NO_DETECTION){
delta.push_back(gt[i].box.alpha - det[det_idx].box.alpha);
assigned_detection[det_idx] = true;
//如果需要计算FP are requested,则考虑stuff area
for(int32_t i=0; iMIN_OVERLAP[metric][current_class]){
assigned_detection[j] = true;
// FP = 所有未分配真值的点的个数(no. of all not to ground truth assigned detections) - 分配到stuff area的点的个数(detections assigned to stuff areas)
stat.fp -= nstuff;
vector tmp;
// FP have a similarity of 0, for all TP compute AOS
tmp.assign(stat.fp, 0);
for(int32_t i=0; i0 || stat.fp>0)
stat.similarity = accumulate(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), 0.0);
// there was neither a FP nor a TP, so the similarity is ignored in the evaluation
stat.similarity = -1;
return stat;