开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第1张图片

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第2张图片


| 编辑:钱奕

| 责编:李小明

FOSSASIA SUMMIT(亚洲自由开源软件峰会)是一个致力于开源方案及专案的技术型聚会,起始于2009年,已持续举办十多年,之前活动的地点分布在新加坡、越南、柬埔寨及德国等,现已以纯线上会议方式举行。欢迎访问summit.fossasia.org或点击最下方“阅读原文”前往EVENTYAY报名,融入国际开源圈,开阔开源视野。


开源社作为 FOSSAISA 的社区合作伙伴,诚挚邀请您参加本次FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022,在本次峰会中,开源社有两位正式成员发表演讲,分别是来自 SphereEx 的潘娟女士和来自Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community 的高须正和先生,欢迎大家报名前往观看~

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第3张图片

开源社正式成员 潘娟

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开源社正式成员 高须正和

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第5张图片


· 自2009年来与GitHub上的5000+注册开发者一起致力于开源项目开发

· 通过年度性编程活动培训了3000+开发者

· 每年在亚洲地区组织数十项开发者活动、黑客马拉松和工作坊

· 借助邮件列表和社交网络与40,000+开发者共享信息


开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第6张图片


 · 展示目前教育及商业领域中最新的开源技术和解决方案

 · 为市场上的新兴且必要的技术提供实用培训,包括人工智能,机器学习,硬件/物联网,大数据,云解决方案等等

 · 通过由该领域专家主持的密集研究会,提高与会者的技术技能和知识

 · 促进与会者和专家之间的讨论和合作

 · 用正式或非正式的交流,协助当地公司接触各领域中的领先专家

 · 协助学生和工程师们与全球领先的科技公司联系起来,为未来的职业发展提供机会


开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第7张图片







开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第8张图片



第一天 2022.4.7


Welcome to the FOSSASIA Summit 2022

Hong Phuc Dang

2022.4.7 1:00 PM (CST)


Open Hardware for the Better - Make Peace, Solving the Climate Crisis and Our Global Issues

Mario Behling

2022.4.7 1:25 PM (CST)


Keynote: Open Source at Microsoft

2022.4.7 1:35 PM (CST)


Cloud Skills Challenge Prizes

2022.4.7 1:55 PM (CST)


Panel - Code Without Barriers: Addressing the Gender Gap in Tech

Sindhu Chengad
Azure Open Source Lead, APAC, Microsoft

Lisa Chan
Head of Software Engineering & DevOps, PETRONAS

Hong Phuc Dang

2022.4.7 2:00 PM (CST)


How to automate your data pipelines with Apache Airflow

Ricardo Sueiras
Developer Advocate for Open Source, AWS

2022.4.7 3:00 PM (CST)


Keynote: Five Things You Can Do To Make It Easier For Companies To Adopt And Support Your Project

Duane O'Brien
Director of Open Source, Indeed

2022.4.7 3:45 PM (CST)


Careers in Open Source

Evan Leibovitch
Director, Community Development, Linux Professional Institute

Hong Phuc Dang

Ben Hur
CTO, SmartCT

Monchito B. Ibrahim
President, UP System Information Technology Foundation

2022.4.7 4:15 PM (CST)


Keynote: Supply Chain Security with sigstore

Jeffrey Sica
Principal Developer Experience Engineer, CNCF

2022.4.7 5:15 PM (CST)


Sovereign Cloud Stack - more than yet another cloud stack

Felix Kronlage-Dammers
Product Owner IaaS & OPS, SCS Project @ OSB Alliance e.V.

2022.4.7 5:45 PM (CST)


Considerations for Mandating Open Interfaces

Olaf Kolkman
Principal - Internet Technology, Policy and Advocacy, Internet Society, Internet Society

2022.4.7 6:30 PM (CST)


Overview of the CCLAW L4 project

Wong Meng Weng
Principal Research Fellow, SMU

2022.4.7 7:00 PM (CST)


Natural Language Processing made easy w/ Apache Hop and Neo4j.

Koji Annoura

2022.4.7 7:30 PM (CST)


Common Voice: Making Voice Recognition Open & Accessible to Everyone

Robert Reyes
Tech Speaker, Mozilla

2022.4.7 8:00 PM (CST)


Accelerate Your Data Augmentation Pipeline with Kornia

Jian Shi
Core Maintainer, Kornia.org

2022.4.7 8:30 PM (CST)


Kornia: Low level and Differentiable Computer Vision

Edgar Riba
Founder, Kornia.org

2022.4.7 8:45 PM (CST)


From Betamax to VCR: harden your API integration testing with FOSS

James Seconde
Senior Developer Advocate, Vonage

2022.4.7 9:30 PM (CST)



2022.4.7 10:30 PM (CST)


Draw your record and hear how it sounds

Dr. Daniel Wessolek
Interaction Design, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. / Prototypes for Europe e.V.

Sara Reichert
Researcher, Technical University of Berlin

2022.4.7 11:30 PM (CST)


第二天 2022.4.8


We've got issues, or how we learnt to squish our bugs

Kat Gerasimova
Director / Programme Manager, GNOME Foundation / Element

2022.4.8 10:00 AM (CST)


The Evolution of Linux I/O Models: A Path towards IO_uring

Steven Cheng
Student, National Cheng Kung University

2022.4.8 10:15 AM (CST)


Brief History of Linux CPU Scheduler

Huichun Feng
Student, National Taiwan Ocean University

2022.4.8 10:40 AM (CST)


Cloud Skills Challenge Prizes

2022.4.8 10:55 AM (CST)


Workshop with open source database on Azure

Ian Choi
Developer PMM, Microsoft

2022.4.8 11:00 AM (CST)


When Open Science meets Open Source

Weiyu Zhang
Director of the Civic Tech Lab, National University of Singapore

Clayton Miller
Assistant Professor, NUS

Peter ChunYu YAU
Assistant Professor in Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Singapore

Hong Phuc Dang

Lim Tit Meng
CEO , Science Centre Singapore

2022.4.8 12:00 PM (CST)


LibreOffice Technology, a FOSS platform for personal productivity

Italo Vignoli
Marketing, The Document Foundation

2022.4.8 1:00 PM (CST)


Keynote: How Oracle develops MySQL Database Service on its Cloud Infrastructure.

Gagan Goel
Senior Development Manager, Oracle

2022.4.8 1:30 PM (CST)


Extending MySQL Server Using Component Services

Harin Nalin Vadodaria
Consulting Member Technical Staff, Oracle India Pvt. Ltd.

2022.4.8 2:00 PM (CST)


InnoDB Storage Engine: What's new and exciting in MySQL-8.0

Mayank Prasad
Consulting Member of Technical Staff, Oracle India Private Limited

2022.4.8 2:30 PM (CST)


Easy to manage the MySQL deployments

Ivan Ma
Master Principal Solutions Engineer, Oracle

2022.4.8 3:00 PM (CST)


PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building

Trista Pan
SphereEx co-founder & CTO, SphereEx

2022.4.8 3:30 PM (CST)


Civic Tech: An Asian Perspective

Weiyu Zhang
Director of the Civic Tech Lab, National University of Singapore

2022.4.8 3:50 PM (CST)


Keynote: Cloud and Open Source - the future of IT / Open Source at AWS

Ricardo Sueiras
Developer Advocate for Open Source, AWS

2022.4.8 4:15 PM (CST)


Christmas time with Log4j

Elmar Geese
CIO, Greenbone Networks

2022.4.8 4:45 PM (CST)


How to use online office suites and data storage to protect your privacy

Shinji Enoki
Contributor, LibreOffice Japanese Team

2022.4.8 5:30 PM (CST)


Alpha-Omega Project

David A. Wheeler
Director of Open Source Supply Chain Security, Linux Foundation

2022.4.8 6:00 PM (CST)


Aonyx: Improving privacy and freedom in Bluetooth-assisted contact tracing with secure enclaves

Roland Turner
Organizing Team, FOSSASIA | Chief Privacy Officer, TrustSphere.

2022.4.8 6:30 PM (CST)


Improving the security and licensing of your software using OSS Review Toolkit

Thomas Steenbergen
Head of Open Source, HERE Technologies

2022.4.8 7:00 PM (CST)



Harish Pillay
Open Source Program Office, Red Hat

2022.4.8 7:30 PM (CST)


Digital sovereignty and platform regulation in Europe

Vittorio Bertola
Head of Policy & Innovation, Open-Xchange

2022.4.8 8:00 PM (CST)


Secure, Private Document Collaboration

Michael Meeks
GM Productivity, Collabora

2022.4.8 8:30 PM (CST)


Using OpenPGP in Python via Johnnycanencrypt

Kushal Das
Public Interest Technologist, Sunet

2022.4.8 9:00 PM (CST)


Calendar events in Python - an open-source library

Nicco Kunzmann
Developer, FOSSASIA

2022.4.8 9:30 PM (CST)


Kotlin Sealed Classes vs. Java Sealed Classes #Slideless

Lothar Schulz
Head of Engineering, Miro

2022.4.8 10:00 PM (CST)


AETHER: The First Open Source 5G/LTE Connected Edge Cloud Platform

Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
Research Fellow, National University of Singapore

2022.4.8 10:30 PM (CST)


Building scalable WordPress site on AWS

Ilya Verbitskiy
Co-founder and Solution Architect, WebStoating s.r.o.

2022.4.8 11:00 PM (CST)


Open Source Network Automation in 2022

Christian Adell
Principal Architect in Network Automation, Network to Code

2022.4.8 11:30 PM (CST)


第三天 2022.4.9


Why we need more Open Source Hardware and Software for Health Applications

Peggy Sylopp
entrepreneur, pexlab.space

Dr. Daniel Wessolek
Interaction Design, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. / Prototypes for Europe e.V.

Karen Sandler
Executive Director, Software Freedom Conservancy

Renwen Zhang
Assistant Professor, NUS

Joel Murphy
Community Leader, Tympan

2022.4.9 9:30 AM (CST)


Jamming with Guitars and Synths using Bespoke

Paul Lorett Amazona
Developer/Hobby Musician, N/A

2022.4.9 10:25 AM (CST)


TinyML for AI Robotics Applications in Education

Vincent Kok
Community Evangelist , SJ Cosmo Future (UBTECH Robotics)

2022.4.9 10:50 AM (CST)


Simulating Underwater Robots - Challenges and Perspectives

Arjo Chakravarty
Software Engineer, OpenRobotics

2022.4.9 11:15 AM (CST)


An Open Source Multi Fleet Task Allocation System

Yadunund Vijay
Software Engineer, Open Robotics

2022.4.9 12:00 PM (CST)


The Future of Robotic Manipulation With Open Source

Dave Coleman
CEO, PickNik Robotics

2022.4.9 12:45 PM (CST)


Foxglove Studio: The next generation of robotics visualization

Adrian Macneil
CEO, Foxglove

2022.4.9 1:15 PM (CST)


It Takes a Village

Silona Bonewald
Executive Director, IEEE SA OPEN

2022.4.9 1:45 PM (CST)


Building Communities in a (Post?) Pandemic World

Jeffrey Sica
Principal Developer Experience Engineer, CNCF

2022.4.9 2:15 PM (CST)


Open Ethics

Weiyu Zhang
Director of the Civic Tech Lab, National University of Singapore

Frank Karlitschek
Founder / CEO, Nextcloud

Shane Coughlan
General Manager, Linux Foundation

Katherine Scott
Developer Advocate, Open Robotics

2022.4.9 3:00 PM (CST)


Introduction to PCBWay

2022.4.9 3:55 PM (CST)


Mobile Security: Code Analysis Automation

M Febri Ramadlan
Cyber Security Senior Manager, halodoc

2022.4.9 4:00 PM (CST)


Updates from KDE

Aniqa Khokhar
Marketing Specialist, KDE

2022.4.9 4:05 PM (CST)


Women Who Code Seoul

Nayeon Shin
Python Track Lead, Women Who Code

2022.4.9 4:10 PM (CST)


Ubuntu Korea

Youngbin Han
Organizer, Ubuntu Korea
Organizer of Ubuntu Korea Community

2022.4.9 4:15 PM (CST)


Introduction to UKylin and UKUI theme framework

Xi Bo Wen
Software Engineer, Ubuntu Kylin

2022.4.9 4:20 PM (CST)


The rising open source movement in China

Takasu Masakazu
Nico-Tech Shenzhen Community Co-Founder, Switch Science

2022.4.9 4:25 PM (CST)


Open Source Best Practices in diversifying the community

Afzal Ansari
SE Trainee, Kloudone Technology PVT. Limited

2022.4.9 4:30 PM (CST)


Introduction to Open Stack Korea

Seongsoo Cho
Organizer, OpenStack Korea

2022.4.9 4:35 PM (CST)


Standard for Public Code

Jan Ainali
Codebase Steward, Foundation for Public Code

2022.4.9 4:40 PM (CST)


OpenChain Industry Standard for Open Source License Compliance

Gerald O'Sullivan
Director, Archton

2022.4.9 4:45 PM (CST)


Building and Scaling Robust Zero-code IoT Streaming Data Pipelines with Open Source Technologies: Comparing two approaches

Paul Brebner
Chief Technology Evangelist, Instaclust

2022.4.9 4:50 PM (CST)


The Best Idea to deliver OSS in business in Open Source Way

Executive, Equnix Business Solutions

2022.4.9 4:55 PM (CST)


Beyond Code; Recognizing All Contributions

Nithya Ruff
Head, Open Source Program Office, Comcast

2022.4.9 5:00 PM (CST)


Cloud Skills Challenge Prizes

2022.4.9 5:55 PM (CST)


OpenTAP Transformation from Inner Source to Open Source: The Value of a Community

Brennen DiRenzo
Automation Application Engineer, OpenTAP

2022.4.9 6:00 PM (CST)


Building Open Source Plugins for Enterprise Scale Device Testing with OpenTAP

Brennen DiRenzo
Automation Application Engineer, OpenTAP

Darwin Subramaniam
R&D Engineer, Keysight Technologies

2022.4.9 6:30 PM (CST)


Renode: Easy CI for your Weird Hardware

Sean Cross
Hardware and Software Guy, Foosn PTE Ltd

2022.4.9 7:15 PM (CST)



Mehera Hassan
Researcher, Technische Universität Berlin

2022.4.9 8:00 PM (CST)


Pocket Science Lab

Madhushanka Padmal
PhD Student, Uppsala University

Daniel Maslowski
Software Engineer, hostile.education

Marco A. Gutierez
Software Engineer, Open Robotics

Mario Behling

Dr. Daniel Wessolek
Interaction Design, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. / Prototypes for Europe e.V.

Alexander Bessman
Electrochemical Systems Engineer, Scania CV AB

Rafael Lee
Co-Founder , LambdaChip

2022.4.9 8:20 PM (CST)


Sensor integration in pslab-python

Alexander Bessman
Electrochemical Systems Engineer, Scania CV AB

2022.4.9 9:00 PM (CST)


PSLab Desktop Goes Native Goes Web

Daniel Maslowski
Software Engineer, hostile.education

2022.4.9 9:30 PM (CST)


Raspberry Pi is 10 years old! and we will play more with it - what we to with it and how to share our projects to contribute the community

Masafumi Ohta
Founder and Representative, Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group

2022.4.9 10:00 PM (CST)


Empower Embedded Computing with VexRiscv and FreeRTOS

Oscar Shiang
Undergraduate Student, National Cheng Kung University

2022.4.9 10:30 PM (CST)


Tailormade ? Study on the usability of tails in India

Chinmayi S K
Member , The Bachchao Project

2022.4.9 10:55 PM (CST)


Alternator: open-source DynamoDB-compatible API

Piotr Sarna
Principal Software Engineer, ScyllaDB

2022.4.9 11:00 PM (CST)



Vicki Smith
Co-Founder, UpStage

2022.4.9 11:05 PM (CST)


Open-source and low code/no code (LC/NC)

Tahir Ramzan
Freelance Consultant , None / Independent

2022.4.9 11:10 PM (CST)


Pipy - Programmable network proxy for the cloud, edge, and IoT

Ali Naqvi
Evangelist, Flomesh Limited

2022.4.9 11:15 PM (CST)


Uno Platform: Your Apps Everywhere

Martin Zikmund
Software engineer, Freelance

2022.4.9 11:20 PM (CST)


Data Center Infrastructure Management tool as a single source of truth for telco operations

Nguyen Trong Vinh
Cloud Engineer, Viettel

2022.4.9 11:25 PM (CST)

Closing Session

2022.4.9 11:40 PM (CST)


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相关阅读 | Related Reading

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第19张图片开源促进会没有赢得 Neo4j 诉 PureThink 案的胜利

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第20张图片“源”来是你-Vol.32 | 知名图数据平台 Neo4j 招聘中国社区经理

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第21张图片



开源社成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人成员,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,始终维持厂商中立、公益、非营利的特点,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、开源项目” 为使命的开源社区联合体。开源社积极与支持开源的社区、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态,推动中国开源社区成为全球开源体系的积极参与及贡献者。

2017 年,开源社转型为完全由个人成员组成,参照 ASF 等国际顶级开源基金会的治理模式运作。近七年来,链接了数万名开源人,集聚了上千名社区成员及志愿者、海内外数百位讲师,合作了近百家赞助、媒体、社区伙伴。

开源社邀请您参加亚洲自由开源软件峰会2022 (FOSSASIA SUMMIT 2022)_第22张图片

