22.03.01 《Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook》笔记Chapter10-11

10.Gameplay and Screen Effects

  1. 老电影效果

    1. Sepia tone 棕褐色调


      fixed lum = dot (fixed3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), renderTex.rgb); 
      fixed4 finalColor = lum + lerp(_SepiaColor, _SepiaColor + fixed4(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,1.0f), _RandomValue); 
      finalColor = pow(finalColor, _Contrast); 
    2. Vignette effect 晕影效果


      fixed4 vignetteTex = tex2D(_VignetteTex, i.uv);
      finalColor = lerp(finalColor, finalColor * vignetteTex, _VignetteAmount); 
    3. Dust and scratches 脏迹和划痕


      half2 scratchesUV = half2(i.uv.x + (_RandomValue * _SinTime.z * _ScratchesXSpeed), i.uv.y + (_Time.x * _ScratchesYSpeed)); 
      fixed4 scratchesTex = tex2D(_ScratchesTex, scratchesUV); 
      finalColor.rgb *= lerp(scratchesTex, constantWhite, (_RandomValue)); 
      half2 dustUV = half2(i.uv.x + (_RandomValue * (_SinTime.z * _dustXSpeed)), i.uv.y + (_RandomValue * 	(_SinTime.z * _dustYSpeed))); 
      fixed4 dustTex = tex2D(_DustTex, dustUV); 
      finalColor.rgb *= lerp(dustTex.rgb, constantWhite, (_RandomValue * _SinTime.z)); 
  2. 夜视效果


       float2 barrelDistortion(float2 coord)  
            float2 h = coord.xy - float2(0.5, 0.5); 
            float r2 = h.x * h.x + h.y * h.y; 
            float f = 1.0 + r2 * (_distortion * sqrt(r2)); 
            return f * _scale * h + 0.5; 
        fixed4 frag(v2f_img i) : COLOR 
            half2 distortedUV = barrelDistortion(i.uv); 
            fixed4 renderTex = tex2D(_MainTex, distortedUV); 
            fixed4 vignetteTex = tex2D(_VignetteTex, i.uv); 
            half2 scanLinesUV = half2(i.uv.x * _ScanLineTileAmount, i.uv.y * _ScanLineTileAmount); 
            fixed4 scanLineTex = tex2D(_ScanLineTex, scanLinesUV); 
            half2 noiseUV = half2(i.uv.x + (_RandomValue * _SinTime.z * _NoiseXSpeed), i.uv.y + (_Time.x * _NoiseYSpeed)); 
            fixed4 noiseTex = tex2D(_NoiseTex, noiseUV); 
            fixed lum = dot (fixed3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), renderTex.rgb); 
            lum += _Brightness; 
            fixed4 finalColor = (lum *2) + _NightVisionColor; 
            finalColor = pow(finalColor, _Contrast); 
            finalColor *= vignetteTex; 
            finalColor *= scanLineTex * noiseTex; 
            return finalColor; 

11.Advanced Shading Techniques

  1. 使用UnityCG.cginc文件中的函数


  2. Luminance函数(在UnityCG.cginc中定义):


    inline half Luminance(half3 rgb)
    return dot(rgb, unity_ColorSpaceLuminance.rgb);


    #define unity_ColorSpaceLuminance half4(0.22, 0.707, 0.071, 0.0)

  3. 使用自定义的CGInclude文件(头文件)

    1. 创建MyCGInclude.cginc文件
    2. 在文件中实现函数
    3. 在shader中使用#include “MyCGInclude.cginc”
    4. 调用文件中的函数
  4. 毛皮着色器

    1. 首先新建一个pass,它将在顶点函数中创建一个稍大一些的模型(同时考虑了重力)

      void vert (inout appdata_full v)
      	fixed3 direction = lerp(v.normal, _Gravity * _GravityStrength + v.normal * (1-_GravityStrength), FUR_MULTIPLIER);
      	v.vertex.xyz += direction * _FurLength * FUR_MULTIPLIER * v.color.a;
    2. 它的表面着色器负责判断哪些像素应该被显示或隐藏(同时考虑了观察角度)

      void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
      	fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color;
      	o.Albedo = c.rgb;
      	o.Metallic = _Metallic;
      	o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
      	o.Alpha = step(lerp(_Cutoff,_CutoffEnd,FUR_MULTIPLIER), c.a);
      	float alpha = 1 - (FUR_MULTIPLIER * FUR_MULTIPLIER);
      	alpha += dot(IN.viewDir, o.Normal) - _EdgeFade;
      	o.Alpha *= alpha;
    3. 在普通表面着色器CGEND之后,添加多个该pass,越多则越真实

    4. 这种方法非常耗时

  5. 向着色器传数组(实现HeatMap)

    1. C#部分:material.SetVectorArray("_Properties", properties);

    2. shader部分:uniform float2 _Properties[20];

    3. heatMap实现方法:通过传入的position数组中点的位置和半径累计热度值h,再根据h绘制上颜色

      			half4 frag(vertOutput output) : COLOR
      				half h = 0;
      				for (int i = 0; i < _Points_Length; i++)
      					half di = distance(output.worldPos, _Points[i].xyz);
      					half ri = _Properties[i].x;
      					half hi = 1- saturate(di / ri);
      					h += hi * _Properties[i].y;
      				h = saturate(h);
      				half4 color = tex2D(_HeatTex, fixed2(h, 0));
      				return color;
    4. 性能瓶颈:对于每个像素,都需要执行这个循环
