Paper id |
Paper title |
Author names |
1 |
Semi-Intrinsic Mean shift on Riemannian Manifolds |
Rui Caseiro*, Institute Systems Robotics; Jo?o F Henriques, ISR; Pedro Martins, ISR; Jorge Batista, Institute Systems Robotics – University Coimbra – Portugal |
5 |
Online Learning of Linear Predictors for Real-Time Tracking |
Stefan Holzer*, Technische Universit?t München; Marc Pollefeys, ; Slobodan Ilic, TUM; David Joseph Tan, Technische Universit?t München; Nassir Navab, Technische Universit?t München |
6 |
Learning to Efficiently Detect Repeatable Interest Points in Depth Data |
Stefan Holzer*, Technische Universit?t München; Jamie Shotton, Microsoft Research Cambridge; Pushmeet Kohli, |
10 |
Effective Use of Frequent Itemset Mining for Image Classification |
Basura Fernando*, K.U. Leuven; Elisa Fromont, University Jean Monnet Saint Etienne France; Tinne Tuytelaars, |
21 |
Lie Bodies: A Manifold Representation of 3D Human Shape |
Oren Freifeld*, Brown University; Michael Black, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems |
25 |
Modeling Complex Temporal Composition of Actionlets for Activity Prediction |
Kang Li, ; Jie Hu, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo; Yun Fu*, SUNY at Buffalo |
35 |
Object Co-detection |
Yinzge Bao*, U of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Yu Xiang, University of Michigan; Silvio Savarese, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
46 |
Shape and Material Under Natural Illumination |
Geoffrey Oxholm*, Drexel University; Ko Nishino, Drexel University |
47 |
Efficient Discriminative Projections for Compact Binary Descriptors |
Tomasz Trzcinski*, EPFL; Vincent Lepetit, |
57 |
Efficient Nonlocal Regularization for Optical Flow |
Philipp Kr?henbühl*, Stanford University; Vladlen Koltun, Stanford University |
64 |
Morphable Displacement Field based Image Matching for Face Recognition Across Pose |
shaoxin Li*, ICT, CAS; xin Liu, Institute of Computing Chinese Academy of Science; Xiujuan Chai, ICT,CAS; Haihong Zhang, Omron; Shihong Lao, Omron; Shiguang Shan, ICT, CAS |
70 |
Frequency Analysis of Transient Light Transport with Applications in Bare Sensor Imaging |
Di Wu, MIT Media Lab; Gordon Wetzstein*, MIT Media Lab; Christopher Barsi, MIT Media Lab; Thomas Willwacher, Harvard University; Matthew O’Toole, University of Toronto; Nikhil Naik, MIT Media Lab; Qionghai Dai, Tsinghua University; Kyros Kutulakos, ; Ramesh Raskar, MIT Media Lab |
82 |
Descriptor Learning Revisited |
Karen Simonyan*, University of Oxford; Andrea Vedaldi, Oxford U; Andrew Zisserman, |
86 |
Online Learned Discriminative Part-Based Appearance Models for Multi-Human Tracking |
Bo Yang*, USC; Ram Nevatia, |
87 |
A New Combinatorial Algorithm with Applications in Multi-Model Estimation |
Andrew Delong*, University of Western Ontario; Olga Veksler, University of Western Ontario; Yuri Boykov, University of Western Ontario |
88 |
Segmentation with non-linear regional constraints via line-search cuts |
Lena Gorelick*, UWO; Frank Schmidt, ESIEE; Yuri Boykov, University of Western Ontario; Andrew Delong, University of Western Ontario; Aaron Ward, UWO |
97 |
Hausdorff Distance Constraint for Multi-Surface Segmentation |
Frank Schmidt*, ESIEE; Yuri Boykov, University of Western Ontario |
98 |
Background Subtraction using Group Sparsity and Low Rank constraint |
Xinyi Cui*, Rutgers University; Junzhou Huang, ; shaoting Zhang, Rutgers University; Dimitris Metaxas, Rutgers University |
99 |
Exposure Stacks of Live Scenes with Hand-held Cameras |
Jun Hu, Duke University; Orazio Gallo*, NVIDIA, Corp.; Kari Pulli, NVIDIA Research |
107 |
Worldwide Pose Estimation Using 3D Point Cloud Models |
Yunpeng Li*, EPFL; Noah Snavely, Cornell University; Daniel Huttenlocher, ; Pascal Fua, EPFL |
108 |
Combining Per-Frame and Per-Track Cues for Multi-Person Action Recognition |
Sameh Khamis*, University of Maryland; Vlad Morariu, University of Maryland; Larry Davis, University of Maryland |
111 |
A graph cut algorithm based on approximating the signed bi-form graph |
Alex Fix, Cornell; Joyce Chen, Cornell; Endre Boros, Rutgers; Ramin Zabih*, |
113 |
Recursive Bilateral Filtering |
Qingxiong Yang*, City University of Hong Kong |
115 |
Accelerated Large-Scale Optimization by Concomitant Hashing |
Yadong Mu*, Columbia University; John Wright, Columbia University; Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia |
118 |
Graph Degree Linkage: Agglomerative Clustering on a Directed Graph |
Wei Zhang*, CUHK; Xiaogang Wang, The Chinese University of HK; Deli Zhao, CUHK; Xiaoou Tang, |
120 |
Joint Image and Word Sense Discrimination For Image Retrieval |
Aurelien Lucchi*, EPFL; Jason Weston, google |
122 |
Supervised Earth Mover’s Distance Learning and Its Computer Vision Applications |
Fan Wang*, Stanford University; Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University |
128 |
Knowledge-Oriented Sketch Segmentation |
Zhenbang Sun*, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Changhu Wang, Microsoft Research Asia; Liqing Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Lei Zhang, MSRA |
135 |
Global Optimization of Object Pose and Motion from a Single Rolling Shutter Image with Automatic 2D-3D Matching |
Ludovic MAGERAND*, Clermont-Université |
136 |
Script Data for Attribute-based Recognition of Composite Activities |
Marcus Rohrbach*, MPI Informatics; Michaela Regneri, Saarland University; Mykhaylo Andriluka, MPI Informatik; Sikandar Amin, Max-Planck, TU Munich; Manfred Pinkal, ; Bernt Schiele, |
141 |
Auto-grouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis |
Jiashi Feng*, NUS; Xiaotong Yuan, ; zilei Wang, ; Huan Xu, ; Shuicheng Yan, |
145 |
Dual-force Metric Learning for Robust Distractor Resistant Tracker |
Zhibin Hong*, University of Technology, Sydn |
149 |
Undoing the Damage of Dataset Bias |
Aditya Khosla*, MIT; Tinghui Zhou, CMU; Tomasz Malisiewicz, MIT; Alyosha Efros, CMU; Antonio Torralba, MIT |
151 |
Improved Reconstruction of Deforming Surfaces by Cancelling Ambient Occlusion |
Thabo Beeler, ETH; Derek Bradley*, Disney Research Zurich; Henning Zimmer, ETH Zurich; Markus Gross, ETH Zurich |
158 |
On the statistical determination of optimal camera configurations in multi-camera surveillance networks |
Junbin Liu*, QUT; Tim Wark, CSIRO; Sridha Sridharan, Queensland University of Technology |
165 |
A Dictionary Learning Approach for Classification: Separating the Particularity and the Commonality |
Donghui Wang*, Zhejiang University; Shu Kong, Zhejiang University |
180 |
Bottom-Up Perceptual Organization of Images into Object Part Hypotheses |
Maruthi Narayanan*, Brown University; Benjamin Kimia, Brown University |
181 |
Learning Human Interaction by Interactive Phrases |
Yu Kong*, Beijing Institute of Technology; Yunde Jia, Beijing Inst. of Tech.; Yun Fu, SUNY at Buffalo |
182 |
Structured Image Segmentation using Kernelized Features |
Aurelien Lucchi*, EPFL; Yunpeng Li, EPFL; Kevin Smith, EHTZ; Pascal Fua, EPFL |
185 |
The Scale of Geometric Texture |
Geoffrey Oxholm*, Drexel University; Ko Nishino, Drexel University |
187 |
Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark |
Ali Borji*, University of Southern Califor; Dicky Sihite, University of Southern California; Laurent Itti, University of Southern California |
195 |
Multi-Task Order Preserving Sparse Coding For Time Sequence Classification |
Bingbing Ni*, ADSC; Shuicheng Yan, ; Pierre Moulin, UIUC |
217 |
Efficient Articulated Trajectory Reconstruction using Dynamic Programming and Filters |
Jack Valmadre*, CSIRO; Yingying Zhu, Csiro; Sridha Sridharan, Queensland University of Technology; Simon Lucey, CSIRO |
219 |
Nonuniform Lattice Regression for Modeling the Camera Imaging Pipeline |
Hai Ting Lin*, NUS; Zheng Lu, University of Texas At Austin; Seon Joo Kim, SUNY Korea; Michael S. Brown, |
229 |
Background Inpainting for Videos with Dynamic Objects and a Free-moving Camera |
Miguel Granados*, MPI Informatik; Kwang In Kim, MPI for Informatics; James Tompkin, UCL; Jan Kautz, UCL; Christian Theobalt, MPI Informatik |
230 |
Match Graph Construction for Large Image Databases |
Kwang In Kim*, MPI for Informatics; James Tompkin, University College London; Martin Theobald, ; Jan Kautz, UCL; Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics |
231 |
From Meaningful Contours to Discriminative Object Shape |
Pradeep krishna Yarlagadda*, University of Heidelberg; Bjorn Ommer, |
239 |
Context-Based Automatic Local Image Enhancement |
Sung Ju Hwang*, University of Texas, Austin; Ashish Kapoor, Microsoft Research; Sing Bing Kang, Microsoft Research |
243 |
Statistics of Patch Offsets for Image Completion |
Kaiming He*, Microsoft Research Asia; Jian Sun, Microsoft Research Asia |
245 |
Min-Space Integral Histogram |
Séverine Dubuisson*, LIP6 – UPMC; Christophe Gonzales, LIP6 – UPMC |
247 |
Automatic Segmentation of Unknown Objects, with Application to Baggage Security |
Leo Grady*, Siemens Corporate Research; Vivek Singh, ; Timo Kohlberger, ; Christopher Alvino, ; Claus Bahlmann, |
254 |
Optimal Templates for Non-Rigid Surface Reconstruction |
Markus Moll*, K.U.Leuven; Luc Van Gool, |
270 |
Heliometric Stereo: Shape from Sun Position |
Austin Abrams*, Washington University; Christopher Hawley, ; Robert Pless, Washington University |
273 |
Multi-channel Shape-Flow Kernel Descriptors for Robust Video Event Detection and Retrieval |
Pradeep Natarajan*, Raytheon BBN Technologies; Shuang Wu, Raytheon BBN Technologies; Unsang Park, Raytheon BBN Technologies; Shiv Vitaladevuni, Raytheon BBN Technologies; Rohit Prasad, Raytheon BBN Technologies, Inc; Premkumar Natarajan, Raytheon BBN Technologies, Inc |
275 |
A Particle Filter Framework for Contour Detection |
Nicolas Widynski*, University of Montreal; Max Mignotte, University of Montreal |
277 |
TriCoS: A Tri-level Class-Discriminative Co-Segmentation Method for Image Classification |
Yuning Chai*, ETH Zurich; Esa Rahtu, ; Andrew Zisserman, ; Victor Lempitsky, ; Luc Van Gool, |
281 |
On Learning Higher-Order Consistency Potentials for Multi-class Pixel Labeling |
Kyoungup Park*, ANU; Stephen Gould, ANU |
286 |
Spectral Demons – Image Registration via Global Spectral Correspondence |
Herve Lombaert*, Polytechnique; Leo Grady, Siemens Corporate Research; Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis; Nicholas Ayache, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis; Farida Cheriet, Polytechnique |
287 |
Multi-view Discriminant Analysis |
Meina Kan*, ICT, GUCAS, China; Shiguang Shan, ICT, CAS; Haihong Zhang, Omron; Shihong Lao, Omron Company; xilin Chen, |
290 |
Multi-scale Patch based Collaborative Representation for Face Recognition with Margin Distribution Optimization |
Pengfei Zhu, The Hong Kong PolyU; Lei Zhang*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ; Qinghua Hu, Tianjin University; Simon Shiu, The Hong Kong PolyU |
292 |
Learning to Recognize Daily Actions using Gaze |
Alireza Fathi*, Georgia Institute of Technolog; James Rehg, Georgia Institute of Technology |
296 |
Multi-Scale Clustering of Frame-to-Frame Correspondences for Motion Segmentation |
Ralf Dragon*, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover; Bodo Rosenhahn, ; Joern Ostermann, |
298 |
Learning Domain Knowledge for Facade Labelling |
Dengxin Dai*, ETH Zurich; Mukta Prasad, ETH Zurich; Gerhard Schmitt, ETHZ; Luc Van Gool, |
301 |
Object detection using strongly-supervised deformable part models |
Hossein Azizpour, KTH; Ivan Laptev*, |
313 |
Simultaneous Shape and Pose Adaption of Articulated Models using Linear Optimization |
Matthias Straka*, Graz University Of Technology; Stefan Hauswiesner, Graz University of Technology; Matthias Rüther, Graz University of Technology; Horst Bischof, |
314 |
Efficient Misalignment-Robust Representation for Real-Time Face Recognition |
Meng Yang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ; Lei Zhang*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ; David Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ |
319 |
Monocular Object Detection using 3D Geometric Primitives |
Peter Carr*, Disney Research; Yaser Sheikh, CMU; Iain Matthews, Disney Research |
321 |
Object-centric spatial pooling for image classification |
Olga Russakovsky*, Stanford University; Yuanqing Lin, NEC Laboratories Amertica; Kai Yu, NEC Laboratories Amertica; Li Fei-fei, |
323 |
Efficient Spanning Structure Mining in Large Image Collections |
Yin Lou*, Cornell University; Noah Snavely, Cornell University; Johannes Gehrke, |
325 |
Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices: A Kernel Approach |
Mehrtash Harandi*, National ICT Australia (NICTA); Conrad Sanderson, National ICT Australia (NICTA); Richard Hartley, National ICT Australia (NICTA); Brian Lovell, National ICT Australia (NICTA) |
328 |
V1-Inspired Features Induce a Weighted Margin in SVMs |
Hilton Bristow*, CSIRO; Simon Lucey, CSIRO |
329 |
Propagative Hough Voting for Human Activity Recognition |
Gang YU*, NTU; Junsong Yuan, NTU; Zicheng Liu, MSR |
335 |
Renormalization Returns: Hyper-renormalization and Its Applications |
Kenichi Kanatani*, Okayama University; Ali Al-Sharadqah, University of Mississippi; Nikolai Chernov, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Yasuyuki Sugaya, Toyohashi University of Technology |
344 |
Real-time Compressive Tracking |
Kaihua Zhang, The HK PolyU; Lei Zhang*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ; Ming-Hsuan Yang, University of California at Merced |
351 |
Shape from Single Scattering for Translucent Objects |
Chika Inoshita*, Osaka University; Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Osaka University; Yasu Matsushita, ; Yasushi Yagi, Osaka University |
352 |
Joint Face Alignment: Rescue Bad Alignments with Good Ones by Regularized Re-fitting |
Xiaowei Zhao*, ICT,CAS,China; Xiujuan Chai, ICT,CAS; Shiguang Shan, ICT, CAS |
356 |
Scale Invariant Optical Flow |
Li Xu*, CUHK; Zhenlong Dai, CUHK; jiaya Jia, CUHK |
359 |
Learning Class-to-Image Distance via Large Margin and L1-norm Regularization |
Zhengxiang Wang*, NanyangTechnologicalUniversity; Shenghua Gao, ; Liang-Tien Chia, |
361 |
Taxonomic Multi-class Prediction and Person Layout using Efficient Structured Ranking |
Arpit Mittal*, University of Oxford; Matthew Blaschko, ?cole Centrale Paris; Andrew Zisserman, ; Phil Torr, |
362 |
Unsupervised Discovery of Mid-Level Discriminative Patches |
Saurabh Singh*, Carnegie Mellon University; Abhinav Gupta, ; Alyosha Efros, CMU |
363 |
Self-Similar Sketch |
Andrea Vedaldi*, Oxford U; Andrew Zisserman, |
367 |
Blind Correction of Optical Aberrations |
Christian Schuler*, MPI for Intelligent Systems; Michael Hirsch, MPI for Intelligent Systems; Stefan Harmeling, MPI for Intelligent Systems; Bernhard Sch?lkopf, MPI for Intelligent Systems |
370 |
Depth Matters: Influence of Depth Cues on Visual Saliency |
Lang Congyan, Beijijng Jiaotong University; Tam Nguyen*, NUS, Singapore; harish Katti, National University of Singapore; Karthik Yadati, National University of Singapore; Shuicheng Yan, ; Mohan Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore |
375 |
Gait Recognition by Ranking |
Raúl Martín Félez*, Universitat Jaume I; Tao Xiang, Queen Mary University of London |
376 |
Robust Point Matching Revisited: A Concave Optimization Approach |
Wei Lian, Changzhi Univ; Lei Zhang*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ |
380 |
Quaternion-based Spectral Saliency Detection for Human Eye Fixation Point Prediction |
Boris Schauerte*, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.; Rainer Stiefelhagen, Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology |
383 |
Learning Discriminative Spatial Relations for Detector Dictionaries: an Application to Pedestrian Detection |
Enver Sangineto*, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologi; Marco Cristani, ; Alessio Del Bue, ; Vittorio Murino, |
385 |
Learning Deformations with Parallel Transport |
Donglai Wei*, Mit; Dahua Lin, MIT; John Fisher III, MIT |
387 |
Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition using Longitudinal Facial Expression Atlases |
Yimo Guo*, Oulu University; Guoying Zhao, Oulu University; Matti Pietik?inen, Oulu University |
391 |
Polynomial Regression on Riemannian Manifolds |
Jacob Hinkle*, University of Utah; Prasanna Muralidharan, University of Utah; P Thomas Fletcher, University of Utah; Sarang Joshi, University of Utah |
398 |
Crosstalk Cascades for Frame-Rate Pedestrian Detection |
Piotr Dollar*, Microsoft Research; Ron Appel, Caltech; Wolf Kienzle, Microsoft Research |
400 |
Query Specific Fusion for Image Retrieval |
shaoting Zhang, Rutgers University; Ming Yang*, NEC laboratories America; Timothee Cour, NEC Laboratories America; Kai Yu, NEC Laboratories Amertica; Dimitris Metaxas, Rutgers University |
401 |
Approximate Gaussian Mixtures for Large Scale Vocabularies |
Yannis Avrithis*, NTUA; Yannis Kalantidis, NTUA |
403 |
Tracking Using Motion Patterns for Very Crowded Scenes |
Xuemei Zhao*, Univ. of Southern California; Dian Gong, Univ. of Southern California; Gerard Medioni, University of Southern California |
415 |
Long-Range Spatio-Temporal Modeling with Application to Fire Detection |
Avinash Ravichandran*, UCLA; Stefano Soatto, UCLA |
419 |
Geodesic Saliency Using Background Priors |
Yichen Wei*, Microsoft Research; Fang Wen, ; Wangjiang Zhu, Tsinghua University; Jian Sun, Microsoft Research Asia |
420 |
Human Actions as Stochastic Kronecker Graphs |
Sinisa Todorovic*, Oregon State University |
422 |
GMCP-Tracker: Global Multi-object Tracking Using Generalized Minimum Clique Graphs |
Amir Roshan Zamir*, UCF; Afshin Dehghan, University of Central Florida |
429 |
Robust Fitting for Multiple View Geometry |
Olof Enqvist*, Lund University; Erik Ask, Lund University; Fredrik Kahl, Lund University; Kalle ?str?m, Lund University |
431 |
Improving Image-Based Localization by Active Correspondence Search |
Torsten Sattler*, RWTH Aachen University; Bastian Leibe, RWTH Aachen University; Leif Kobbelt, RWTH Aachen University |
432 |
Nested Sparse Quantization for Efficient Feature Coding |
Gemma Roig Noguera, ETH; Xavier Boix*, ETH; Christian Leistner, ; Luc Van Gool, |
433 |
Inverse Rendering of Faces on a Cloudy Day |
Oswald Aldrian*, University of York; William A. P. Smith, University of York |
438 |
On Tensor-Based PDEs and their Corresponding Variational Formulations with Application to Color Image Denoising |
Freddie ?str?m*, Link?ping University; George Baravdish, ; Michael Felsberg, Link?ping University |
439 |
Size Matters: Exhaustive Geometric Verification for Image Retrieval |
Henrik Stewenius*, Google; Steinar Gunderson, Google; Julien Pilet, Google |
446 |
Joint Face Alignment with Non-Parametric Shape Models |
Brandon Smith*, Univ. of Wisconsin – Madison; Li Zhang, Univ. of Wisconsin – Madison |
451 |
Kernelized Temporal Cut for Online Hierarchical Human Action Segmentation and Recognition |
Dian Gong*, Univ. of Southern California; Gerard Medioni, University of Southern California; Sikai Zhu, University of Southern California; Xuemei Zhao, Univ. of Southern California |
456 |
Scene Aligned Pooling for Complex Video Recognition |
Liangliang Cao*, IBM Research; Yadong Mu, Columbia University; Apostol Natsev, Google; Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia; Gang Hua, Stevens Institute of Technolog; John Smith, IBM |
460 |
Comparative Evaluation of Binary Features |
Jared Heinly*, UNC Chapel Hill; Enrique Dunn, UNC; Jan-Michael Frahm, UNC-CH |
462 |
Group Tracking: Exploring Mutual Relations for Multiple Object Tracking |
Genquan Duan*, Tsinghua University; Song Cao, Tsinghua University; Haizhou Ai, Tsinghua University; Shihong Lao, Omron Company |
464 |
Discovering Latent Domains for Multisource Domain Adaptation |
Judy Hoffman*, UC Berkeley; Kate Saenko, UC Berkeley, Harvard, ICSI; Brian Kulis, Ohio State; Trevor Darrell, UC Berkeley, ICSI |
476 |
Grain Segmentation of 3D Superalloy Images Using MultiChannel EWCVT under Human Annotation Constraints |
Yu Cao*, University of South Carolina; Lili Ju, University of South Carolina; Song Wang, University of South Carolina |
493 |
A Discrete Chain Graph Model for 3d+t Cell Tracking with High Misdetection Robustness |
Bernhard Kausler*, University of Heidelberg; Martin Schiegg, University of Heidelberg; Bjoern Andres, Harvard University; Martin Lindner, University of Heidelberg; Heike Leitte, University of Heidelberg; Lars Hufnagel, European Molecular Biology Laboratory; Ullrich Koethe, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Fred Hamprecht, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
498 |
Image Enhancement using Calibrated Lens Simulations |
YiChang Shih*, M.I.T.; Neel Joshi, Microsoft Research; Brian Guenter, Microsoft Research |
502 |
Hough Regions for Joining Instance Localization and Segmentation |
Hayko Riemenschneider*, Graz University of Technology; Sabine Sternig, Graz University of Technology; Michael Donoser, Graz University of Technology; Peter Roth, Graz University of Technology; Horst Bischof, |
507 |
Exploiting Color in Shape, Albedo, and Illumination from Shading |
Jonathan Barron*, UC Berkeley; Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley |
508 |
Discriminative Bayesian Active Shape Models |
Pedro Martins*, ISR; Jo?o F Henriques, ISR; Rui Caseiro, Institute Systems Robotics; Jorge Batista, Institute Systems Robotics – University Coimbra – Portugal |
513 |
Patch Based Synthesis for Single Depth Image Super-Resolution |
Oisin Mac Aodha*, UCL; Neill Campbell, ; Arun Nair, ; Gabriel Brostow, |
516 |
Facial Action Transfer with Personalized Bilinear Regression |
Dong Huang*, Carnegie Mellon University; Fernando De la Torre, Carnegie Mellon University |
520 |
A Fast Illumination and Deformation Insensitive Image Comparison Algorithm Using Wavelet-Based Geodesics |
Anne Jorstad*, University of Maryland, CP; David Jacobs, |
526 |
Point of Gaze Estimation through Corneal Surface Reflection in an Active Illumination Environment |
Atsushi Nakazawa*, Osaka University, Cybermedia Center; Christian Nitschke, Osaka University, Cybermedia C |
527 |
Manifold Statistics for Essential Matrices |
Gijs Dubbelman*, CMU |
534 |
Robust Tracking with Weighted Online Structured Learning |
Rui Yao*, NWPU; Qinfeng Shi, University of Adelaide; Chunhua Shen, University of Adelaide; Yanning Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.; Anton van den hengel, University of Adelaide |
535 |
Annotation Propagation in Large Image Databases via Dense Image Correspondence |
Michael Rubinstein*, MIT; Ce Liu, Microsoft Research New England; William Freeman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
560 |
Covariance Propagation and Next Best View Planning for 3D Reconstruction |
Sebastian Haner*, Lund University; Anders Heyden, Lund University |
574 |
Dilated Divergence based Scale-Space Representation for Curve Analysis |
Max W.K. Law*, GE Healthcare; Andrew Leung, Western University; Keng-Yeow Tay, Western University; Shuo Li, GE Healthcare |
576 |
Parameterless Line Segment and Elliptical Arc Detector with Controlled Number of False Positives |
Viorica Patraucean*, University of Toulouse; Pierre Gurdjos, ; Rafael Grompone von Gioi, ; Géraldine Morin, University of Toulouse |
579 |
Learning to segment a video to clips based on scene and camera motion |
Adarsh Kowdle*, Cornell University; Tsuhan Chen, Cornell University |
582 |
Numerically Stable Optimization of Polynomial Solvers for Minimal Problems |
Yubin Kuang*, Lund University; Kalle ?str?m, Lund University |
593 |
Has my algorithm succeeded? Evaluating human pose estimators |
Nataraj Jammalamadaka*, IIIT, Hyderabad; Andrew Zisserman, ; Marcin Eichner, ETH zurich; Vittorio Ferrari, ; Jawahar C. V. , IIIT, Hyderabad |
598 |
Full Body Performance Capture under Uncontrolled and Varying Illumination: A Shading-based Approach |
Chenglei Wu*, Max Planck Institut Informatik; Kiran Varanasi, MPI Informatik; Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics |
601 |
Visual Recognition using Local Quantized Patterns |
Sibt ul Hussain*, Université de Caen; Bill Triggs, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann |
602 |
Detecting and Reconstructing 3D Mirror Symmetric Objects |
Rick Szeliski*, ; Krishnan Ramnath, Microsoft Research; Sudipta Sinha, Microsoft Research; Sudipta Sinha, |
607 |
3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes with Multiple Handheld Cameras |
Hanqing Jiang, Zhejiang University; Haomin Liu, Zhejiang University; Ping Tan, National University of Singapore; Guofeng Zhang*, Zhejiang University; Hujun Bao, Zhejiang University |
616 |
Globally Optimal Closed-surface Segmentation for Connectomics |
Bjoern Andres*, Harvard University; Thorben Kroeger, HCI, University of Heidelberg; Kevin Briggman, NIH; Winfried Denk, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research; Natalya Korogod, EPFL; Graham Knott, EPFL; Ullrich Koethe, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Fred Hamprecht, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
619 |
Performance Capture of Interacting Characters with Handheld Kinects |
Genzhi Ye*, Tsinghua University; Yebin Liu, Tsinghua University; Nils Hasler, Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics; Xiangyang Ji, Tsinghua University; Qionghai Dai, Tsinghua University; Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics |
620 |
Reduced Analytical Dependency Modeling for Classifier Fusion |
Andy Jinhua Ma, Hong Kong Baptist University; Pong Yuen*, Hong Kong Baptist University |
626 |
Randomized Spatial Partition for Scene Recognition |
Yuning Jiang*, NTU; Junsong Yuan, NTU; Gang YU, NTU |
633 |
Evaluation of Image Segmentation Quality by Adaptive Ground Truth Composition |
Bo Peng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Lei Zhang*, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ |
634 |
Ensemble Partitioning for Unsupervised Image Categorization |
Dengxin Dai*, ETH Zurich; Mukta Prasad, ETH Zurich; Christian Leistner, ; Luc Van Gool, ; Gerhard Schmitt, ETHZ |
642 |
Set Based Discriminative Ranking for Recognition |
Yang Wu*, Kyoto University; Michihiko Minoh, Kyoto University; Masayuki Mukunoki, Kyoto University; Shihong Lao, Omron Company |
643 |
A Global Hypotheses Verification Method for 3D Object Recognition |
Aitor Aldoma*, TU Wien; Federico Tombari, University of Bologna; Luigi Di Stefano, ; Markus Vincze, TU Wien |
653 |
Learning to Match Appearances by Correlations in a Covariance Metric Space |
Slawomir Bak*, INRIA; Guillaume Charpiat, INRIA; Etienne Corvee, INRIA; Francois Bremond, INRIA; Monique Thonnat, INRIA |
654 |
Scale Robust Multi View Stereo |
Christian Bailer, ; Manuel Finckh*, Tuebingen University; Hendrik Lensch, Tuebingen University |
655 |
Fast Regularization of Matrix-Valued Images |
Guy Rosman*, Technion; Yu Wang, ; Xue-Cheng Tai, University of Bergen; Ron Kimmel, Technion; Alfred Bruckstein, Technion |
656 |
Tracking feature points in uncalibrated images with radial distortion |
Miguel Louren?o*, ISR-Coimbra; Jo?o Pedro Barreto, ISR |
660 |
Laplacian Meshes for Monocular 3D Shape Recovery |
Jonas ?stlund*, CVLab, EPFL, Lausanne; Aydin Varol, EPFL; Pascal Fua, EPFL |
673 |
On the Convergence of Graph Matching: Graduated Assignment Revisited |
Yu Tian, ; Junchi Yan*, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Hequan Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology |
675 |
Divergence-free motion estimation |
Dominque Béréziat*, UPMC; Isabelle Herlin, INRIA; Nicolas Mercier, INRIA; Sergiy Zhuk, CWI |
677 |
Negative evidences and co-occurences in image retrieval: the benefit of PCA and whitening |
Hervé Jégou*, INRIA; Ondrej Chum, CVUT |
681 |
Large-Scale Gaussian Process Classification with Flexible Adaptive Histogram Kernels |
Erik Rodner*, University of Jena; Alexander Lütz, ; Paul Bodesheim, University of Jena, Germany; Joachim Denzler, |
683 |
Visual Tracking via Adaptive Tracker Selection with Multiple Features |
Ju Hong Yoon*, GIST; Du Yong Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology; Kuk-Jin Yoon, GIST |
684 |
Are You Really Smiling at Me? Spontaneous versus Posed Enjoyment Smiles |
Hamdi Dibeklioglu*, University of Amsterdam; Theo Gevers, UvA; Albert Salah, Bogazici University |
689 |
Background Subtraction with Dirichlet Processes |
Tom Haines*, Queen Mary, Uni. of London; Tao Xiang, Queen Mary University of London |
691 |
Soft inextensibility constraints for template-free non-rigid reconstruction |
Sara Vicente*, Queen Mary University of Londo; Lourdes Agapito, Queen Mary University of Londo |
692 |
Image Annotation Using Metric Learning in Semantic Neighbourhoods |
Yashaswi Verma*, IIIT, Hyderabad; Jawahar C. V. , IIIT, Hyderabad |
694 |
Movies and Sports: Large-Scale Dynamic Human Eye Movement Datasets and Consistency Studies for Visual Action Recognition |
Stefan Mathe*, Romanian Academy of Science; Cristian Sminchisescu, University of Bonn |
695 |
Efficient Monte Carlo sampler for detecting parametric objects in large scenes |
Yannick Verdié, INRIA; Florent Lafarge*, INRIA |
698 |
Exploiting the Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-detection |
Jo?o F Henriques*, ISR; Rui Caseiro, Institute Systems Robotics; Pedro Martins, ISR; Jorge Batista, Institute Systems Robotics – University Coimbra – Portugal |
702 |
Weighted $\alpha$-Shapes for Local Feature Detection |
Christos Varytimidis*, NTUA; Konstantinos Rapantzikos, NTUA; Yannis Avrithis, NTUA |
711 |
Dynamic programming for Expansion Algorithm |
Olga Veksler*, University of Western Ontario |
713 |
Sparselet Models for Efficient Multiclass Object Detection |
Hyun Oh Song*, UC Berkeley; Stefan Zickler, IRobot Corp.; Tim Althoff, UC Berkeley; Ross Girshick, University of Chicago; Christopher Geyer, IRobot Corporation; Mario Fritz, MPI Informatik; Pedro Felzenszwalb, Brown University; Trevor Darrell, UC Berkeley, ICSI |
721 |
Mobile Product Image Search by Automatic Query Object Extraction |
Xiaohui Shen*, Northwestern University; Zhe Lin, Adobe; Jonathan Brandt, Adobe Systems; Ying Wu, Northwestern University |
723 |
Fast Tiered Labeling with Topological Priors |
Ying Zheng, Duke University, Computer Science; Steve Gu*, Duke University, Computer Scie; Carlo Tomasi, |
724 |
Nested Pictorial Structures |
Steve Gu*, Duke University, Computer Scie; Ying Zheng, Duke University, Computer Science; Carlo Tomasi, |
727 |
Describing Clothing by Semantic Attributes |
Huizhong Chen*, Stanford University; andrew Gallagher, Eastman Kodak; Bernd Girod, Stanford University |
739 |
Analyzing the Subspace Structure of Related Images: Concurrent Segmentation of Image Sets |
Lopamudra Mukherjee*, University of Wisc Whitewater; Vikas Singh, University of Wisconsin Madison |
752 |
Graph Matching via Sequential Monte Carlo |
Yumin Suh, Seoul National University; Minsu Cho, Seoul National University; Kyoung Mu Lee*, Seoul National University |
756 |
Artistic image classification: an analysis on the ART database |
Gustavo Carneiro*, The University of Adelaide; Nuno Pinho da Silva, ISR@IST-UTL; Alessio Del Bue, ; Joao Costeira, Instituto Superior Tecnico |
759 |
Supervised Geodesic Propagation for Semantic Label Transfer |
Xiaowu Chen, Beihang University; Qing Li*, Beihang University; Yafei Song, Beihang University; Xin Jin, Beihang; Qinping Zhao, Beihang University |
760 |
Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation |
Dong Chen*, University of Science and Technology of China; Xudong Cao, MSRA; Liwei Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Fang Wen, ; Jian Sun, Microsoft Research Asia |
763 |
Coherent Filtering: Detecting Coherent Motions from Clutters |
Bolei Zhou*, The Chinese University of HK; Xiaogang Wang, The Chinese University of HK; Xiaoou Tang, |
774 |
Beyond Bounding Boxes: Learning Object-Form by Model-driven Grouping |
Juan Antonio Monroy*, IWR, University of Heidelberg; Bjorn Ommer, |
776 |
Supervised Assessment of Segmentation Hierarchies |
Jordi Pont-Tuset*, UPC; Ferran Marques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
780 |
TreeCANN – k-d tree Coherence Approximate Nearest Neighbor algorithm |
Igor Olonetsky*, Tel Aviv University; Shai Avidan, |
785 |
Jet-Based Local Image Descriptors |
Anders Boesen Lindbo Larsen*, University of Copenhagen; Sune Darkner,; Anders Dahl,; Kim Pedersen, |
789 |
Automatic Exposure Correction of Consumer Photographs |
Lu Yuan*, Microsoft Research Asia; Jian Sun, Microsoft Research Asia |
794 |
Robust Regression |
Dong Huang*, Carnegie Mellon University; Ricardo Cabral , Carnegie Mellon University; Fernando De la Torre, Carnegie Mellon University |
804 |
Image Guided Tone Mapping with Locally Nonlinear Model Image Guided Tone Mapping with Locally Nonlinear Model Image Guided Tone Mapping with Locally Nonlinear Model |
Huxiang Gu*, CASIA; Ying Wang, NLPR; Shiming Xiang, NLPR; Gaofeng MENG, Chinese Academy of Science; Chunhong Pan, NLPR |
810 |
Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning |
Qiang Qiu*, Univ. of Maryland College Park; Vishal Patel, UMIACS; Pavan Turaga, University of Arizona State; Rama Chellappa, Univ. of Maryland, College Park |
815 |
Canonical Scene based Contextual Model for Abnormal Object Detection |
Sangdon Park, ; Wonsik Kim, Seoul National University; Kyoung Mu Lee*, Seoul National University |
816 |
Robust 3D Action Recognition with Random Occupancy Patterns |
Jiang Wang*, Northwestern University; Zicheng Liu, MSR; Jan Chorowski, University of Louisville; Zhuoyuan Chen, Northwestern University; Ying Wu, Northwestern University |
818 |
Shapecollage: occlusion-aware, example-based shape interpretation |
Forrester Cole*, MIT; Phillip Isola, MIT; Edward Adelson, MIT; William Freeman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; Fredo Durand, MIT |