Lecture11: (增强)拉格朗日松弛技术


1 理论背景

 2 数学分析

3 LR计算案例

3.1 分解

 3.2 算法

4 ALR计算案例

4.1 主要思想

4.2 ADMM



  • 阐述拉格朗日松弛、增强拉格朗日松弛和交替方向乘子技术(Explain the functioning of Lagrangian relaxation (LR), augmented Lagrangian relaxation (ALR), and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM))
  • 实现一个示例性案例


  1. 拉格朗日松弛:标准的或经典的拉格朗日松弛,或者对偶分解;为什么是对偶分解呢?因为我们迭代的是对偶变量,而在benders分解中,我们迭代的是原始变量。
  2. 增强拉格朗日松弛:辅助问题法则(Auxiliary problem principle (APP))、交替方向乘子方法(Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM))
  3. 丹尼斯沃夫分解(DW分解)

Andrianesis, P., Caramanis, M. C., & Hogan, W. W. (2020). Computation of Convex Hull Prices in Electricity Markets with Non-Convexities using Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.13331.


  1. Conejo, A. J., Castillo, E., Minguez, R., & Garcia-Bertrand, R. (2006). Decomposition techniques in mathematical programming: engineering and science applications. Springer Science & Business Media.
  2. Boyd, S., Parikh, N., & Chu, E. (2011). Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers. Now Publishers Inc.

1 理论背景

  • LR技术首先用来处理 一阶导数连续且包含连续变量 的优化问题;后来被成功应用到 包含二进制变量 的优化问题。
  • LR技术在处理复杂约束数目较少的问题时,是有效率的;作为一种启发式方法,它在处理包含二进制变量的模型也是OK的。
  • LR技术在90年代,已经被拓展用来处理 unit commitment problems (complicating constrains are balance constraints and ramping constraints).
  • 除了凸性,原问题的目标函数应该是平滑的,即必须一阶可微,也就意味着必须有一阶导数连续。如果目标函数是二次的,且保证凸性,LR可以保证得到全局最优解。
  • 如果目标函数是线性的,LR程序不能保证收敛。对于线性目标函数,一个可选的方案是增强拉格朗日松弛技术。

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 2 数学分析

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  1. 次梯度方法 Subgradient method
  2. 割平面方法 Cutting plane method
  3. 捆绑方法 Bundle method
  4. 可信域方法 Trust region method

Redondo, N. J., & Conejo, A. J. (1999). Short-term hydro-thermal coordination by Lagrangian relaxation: solution of the dual problem. IEEE transactions on power systems14(1), 89-95.

3 LR计算案例

3.1 分解

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 3.2 算法

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4 ALR计算案例

4.1 主要思想




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Is the problem above decomposed for given  ? No, due to product of and in the penalty term!


  1. Auxiliary problem principle (APP)
  2. Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)


4.2 ADMM

交替的意思是,交替的固定 x 和 y.

ADMM directly fixes each variable to its value obtained in the previous iteration, and decomposes the ALR to subproblems.


  1. For convex problems, under some certain assumptions, there is a proof of convergence
    to global optimal point. There is also an analytical investigation of the convergence rate.
  2. For non‐convex problems, under some certain assumptions, there is a proof of convergence to local (stationary) optimal point.
  1. Boyd, S., Parikh, N., & Chu, E. (2011). Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers. Now Publishers Inc.
  2. Hong, M., & Luo, Z. Q. (2017). On the linear convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers. Mathematical Programming162(1-2), 165-199.
  3. Wang, Y., Yin, W., & Zeng, J. (2019). Global convergence of ADMM in nonconvex nonsmooth optimization. Journal of Scientific Computing78(1), 29-63.
  4. Hong, M., Luo, Z. Q., & Razaviyayn, M. (2016). Convergence analysis of alternating direction method of multipliers for a family of nonconvex problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization26(1), 337-364.
  5. Sun, K., & Sun, X. A. (2019). A two-level distributed algorithm for nonconvex constrained optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.07654.


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in each iteration, solve each subproblem and then update dual variable untill convergnce, i.e., when the primal residual (i.e., the value of penalty) is negligable, and therefore the value of dual variable does not change anymore.
