#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2011-11-25 author: shiweifu mail: [email protected] ''' import struct import sys import os import pygame from random import randint import pygame.sprite as Sprite from pygame.locals import * debug = True FONT_NAME = "Arial" FONT_SIZE = 25 SCREENRECT = Rect(0, 0, 640, 480) RECT_LEN = 15 class Box: def __init__(self, x, y, f): self.x = x self.y = y self.flag = f if self.flag: self.surface = get_font_surface("b") else: self.surface = pygame.Surface((15,15)) def __str__(self): return "x:%s y:%s" % (str(self.x),str(self.y)) class Link(object): def __init__(self, x, y, surface): self.x = x self.y = y self.surface = surface def __str__(self): return "x:%s y:%s" % (str(self.x),str(self.y)) class Player: def __init__(self,x,y): self.snake_body = [] self.append(x,y) def append(self,x,y): l = Link(x,y,get_font_surface("s",(255,0,0))) self.snake_body.append(l) def abc(self): print("test") def move_left(self): i = len(self.snake_body) - 1 while i >= 1: # debug_output("i:"+str(i)) self.snake_body[i].x = self.snake_body[i-1].x self.snake_body[i].y = self.snake_body[i-1].y i -= 1 self.snake_body[0].x -= 1 def move_right(self): i = len(self.snake_body) - 1 while i >= 1: # debug_output("i:"+str(i)) self.snake_body[i].x = self.snake_body[i-1].x self.snake_body[i].y = self.snake_body[i-1].y i -= 1 self.snake_body[0].x += 1 def move_up(self): i = len(self.snake_body) - 1 while i >= 1: self.snake_body[i].x = self.snake_body[i-1].x self.snake_body[i].y = self.snake_body[i-1].y i -= 1 self.snake_body[0].y -= 1 def move_down(self): i = len(self.snake_body) - 1 while i >= 1: self.snake_body[i].x = self.snake_body[i-1].x self.snake_body[i].y = self.snake_body[i-1].y i -= 1 self.snake_body[0].y += 1 def move(self,target): if target == "up": self.move_up() if target == "down": self.move_down() if target == "left": self.move_left() if target == "right": self.move_right() def get_font_surface(s,color = (0,255,0),font_size=25): font = pygame.font.SysFont(FONT_NAME,font_size) #color = (0,255,0) backcolor = (0,0,0) r = font.render(s,True,color,backcolor) return r def create_map(width,height,rect_len): y = 0 map_pos = [] snake_map = [] flag =True while y < height: x = 0 flag = False while x < width: if x < rect_len or x+rect_len >= width: flag = True elif y < rect_len or y+rect_len >= height: flag = True else: flag = False snake_map.append(Box(x/rect_len,y/rect_len,flag)) x += 15 y += 15 return snake_map def debug_output(s, f=sys.stdout): if debug == True: f.write("debug info: " + s + "\n") f.flush() class Game: WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 BOX_SIZE = 15 def __init__(self, caption="CooooolSnake"): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption(caption) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREENRECT.size, 0, 32) pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) self.background = pygame.Surface(SCREENRECT.size) self.map_size = (Game.WIDTH/15-1,Game.HEIGHT/15-1) self.snake_map = create_map(Game.WIDTH,Game.HEIGHT,self.BOX_SIZE) self.stages = [] self.__crate_player__() def get_new_pos(self): done = False pos = None while not done: x = randint(2,self.map_size[0]-1) y = randint(2,self.map_size[1]-2) for link in self.player.snake_body: if x == link.x and y == link.y: continue pos = (x,y) done = True return pos def __crate_player__(self): x = randint(2,self.map_size[0]-1) y = randint(2,self.map_size[1]-2) self.player = Player(x,y) def is_over(self): head = self.player.snake_body[0] i = 0 for link in self.player.snake_body[1:]: if head.x == link.x and head.y == link.y: return True for box in self.snake_map: if box.flag: if head.x == box.x and head.y == box.y: return True return False def update_snake(self): for link in self.player.snake_body: self.background.blit(link.surface,(link.x*Game.BOX_SIZE,link.y*Game.BOX_SIZE)) def update_map(self): for box in self.snake_map: self.background.blit(box.surface,(box.x*Game.BOX_SIZE,box.y*Game.BOX_SIZE)) def add_stage(self): x,y = self.get_new_pos() s = get_font_surface("s",(255,0,0)) l = Link(x,y,s) self.stages.append(l) def update_stage(self): head = self.player.snake_body[0] for stage in self.stages: if stage.x == head.x and stage.y == head.y: self.player.append(stage.x,stage.y) self.stages.remove(stage) for stage in self.stages: self.background.blit(stage.surface,(stage.x*Game.BOX_SIZE,stage.y*Game.BOX_SIZE)) def refresh_background(self): self.background.fill((0,0,0)) self.update_map() self.update_snake() self.update_stage() self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) def over(self): logo = get_font_surface("YOU ARE LOST!",(0,0,255),60) self.background.blit(logo,(100,200)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() done = False count = 0 while not done: clock.tick(10) count += 1 if count == 5: done = True self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() def loop(self): pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() target = ["up","down","left","right"][randint(0,3)] count = 0 stage_time = randint(0,50) done = False while not done: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keystate[K_UP]: if target != "down": target = "up" elif keystate[K_DOWN]: if target != "up": target = "down" elif keystate[K_LEFT]: if target != "right": target = "left" elif keystate[K_RIGHT]: if target != "left": target = "right" if e.type == QUIT: done = True self.player.move(target) if count == stage_time: self.add_stage() stage_time = randint(0,50) count = 0 if self.is_over(): done = True clock.tick(10) count += 1 self.refresh_background() if done: self.over() pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': game = Game() game.loop() pass