import pygame class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, health, animation_list, x, y, speed): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.alive = True self.speed = speed self.health = health self.last_attack = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.attack_cooldown = 1000 self.animation_list = animation_list self.frame_index = 0 self.action = 0#0: walk, 1: attack, 2: death self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() #select starting image self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 25, 40) self.rect.center = (x, y) def update(self, surface, target, bullet_group): if self.alive: #check for collision with bullets if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, bullet_group, True): #lower enemy health self.health -= 25 #check if enemy has reached the castle if self.rect.right > target.rect.left: self.update_action(1) #move enemy if self.action == 0: #update rectangle position self.rect.x += self.speed #attack if self.action == 1: #check if enough time has passed since last attack if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.last_attack > self.attack_cooldown: target.health -= 25 if target.health < 0: target.health = 0 self.last_attack = pygame.time.get_ticks() #check if health has dropped to zero if self.health <= 0: target.money += 100 target.score += 100 self.update_action(2)#death self.alive = False self.update_animation() #draw image on screen surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x - 10, self.rect.y - 15)) def update_animation(self): #define animation cooldown ANIMATION_COOLDOWN = 50 #update image depending on current action self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] #check if enough time has passed since the last update if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.update_time > ANIMATION_COOLDOWN: self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.frame_index += 1 #if the animation has run out then reset back to the start if self.frame_index >= len(self.animation_list[self.action]): if self.action == 2: self.frame_index = len(self.animation_list[self.action]) - 1 else: self.frame_index = 0 def update_action(self, new_action): #check if the new action is different to the previous one if new_action != self.action: self.action = new_action #update the animation settings self.frame_index = 0 self.update_date = pygame.time.get_ticks()
# 导入库 import pygame import math import os import sys import random import button from pygame import mixer # 初始化pygame pygame.init() # 定义游戏窗口高度和宽度 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 # 加载背景音乐 pygame.mixer.music.load("sound/bjmusic.WAV") pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.3) jump_fx = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/bullet.wav") jump_fx.set_volume(0.5) # 创建游戏窗口 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("城堡防卫战") clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = 60 # 定义游戏变量 level = 1 high_score = 0 level_difficulty = 0 target_difficulty = 1000 DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER = 1.1 game_over = False next_level = False ENEMY_TIMER = 1000 last_enemy = pygame.time.get_ticks() enemies_alive = 0 max_towers = 4 TOWER_COST = 5000 # 定义炮塔位置的列表 tower_positions = [ [SCREEN_WIDTH - 250, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200], [SCREEN_WIDTH - 200, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 150], [SCREEN_WIDTH - 150, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 150], [SCREEN_WIDTH - 100, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 150] ] # 加载最高分 if os.path.exists('socre.txt'): with open('socre.txt', 'r') as file: high_score = int(file.read()) # 定义颜色 WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREY = (100, 100, 100) # 定义字体 font = pygame.font.SysFont('华文彩云', 30) font_60 = pygame.font.SysFont('华文行楷', 60) # 加载图片 bg = pygame.image.load('img/bg.png').convert_alpha() # 城堡 castle_img_100 = pygame.image.load('img/castle/castle_100.png').convert_alpha() castle_img_50 = pygame.image.load('img/castle/castle_50.png').convert_alpha() castle_img_25 = pygame.image.load('img/castle/castle_25.png').convert_alpha() # 炮塔 tower_img_100 = pygame.image.load('img/tower/tower_100.png').convert_alpha() tower_img_50 = pygame.image.load('img/tower/tower_50.png').convert_alpha() tower_img_25 = pygame.image.load('img/tower/tower_25.png').convert_alpha() # 子弹图像 bullet_img = pygame.image.load('img/bullet.png').convert_alpha() b_w = bullet_img.get_width() b_h = bullet_img.get_height() bullet_img = pygame.transform.scale(bullet_img, (int(b_w * 0.075), int(b_h * 0.075))) # 创建敌人类 class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, health, animation_list, x, y, speed): super().__init__() self.alive = True self.speed = speed self.health = health self.last_attack = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.attack_cooldown = 1000 self.animation_list = animation_list self.frame_index = 0 self.action = 0 self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 选择动画开始的图片 self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 25, 40) self.rect.center = (x, y) def update(self, surface, target, bullet_group): if self.alive: # 检查敌人与子弹的碰撞 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, bullet_group, True): # 减少健康 self.health -= 25 # 检查敌人是否已经到达城堡 if self.rect.right > target.rect.left: self.update_action(1) # 移动敌人 if self.action == 0: self.rect.x += 1 # 攻击城堡 if self.action == 1: # 检测冷却时间 if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.last_attack > self.attack_cooldown: target.health -= 25 if target.health < 0: target.health = 0 self.last_attack = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 检查敌人血条是否为0 if self.health <= 0: target.money += 100 target.score += 100 self.update_action(2) self.alive = False # 调用更新动画 self.update_animation() # 绘制敌人 # pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255, 255, 255), self.rect, 1) surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x - 10, self.rect.y - 15)) def update_animation(self): # 定义动画冷却时间 ANIMATION_COOLDOWN = 50 # 根据选择的冬瓜更新帧 self.image = self.animation_list[self.action][self.frame_index] # 判断多久更新一次帧 if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.update_time > ANIMATION_COOLDOWN: self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.frame_index += 1 # 检查帧数不能超过最大帧数 if self.frame_index >= len(self.animation_list[self.action]): if self.action == 2: self.frame_index = len(self.animation_list[self.action]) - 1 else: self.frame_index = 0 def update_action(self, new_action): # 检查新动作与上一个动作是否相同 if new_action != self.action: self.action = new_action # 更新动画重置 self.frame_index = 0 self.update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 加载敌人列表 enemy_animations = [] enemy_tpyes = ['knight', 'goblin', 'purple_goblin', 'red_goblin'] enemy_health = [75, 100, 125, 150] animation_types = ['walk', 'attack', 'death'] for enemy in enemy_tpyes: # 加载动画列表 animation_list = [] for animation in animation_types: # 创建临时列表 temp_list = [] # 定义帧数 num_of_frames = 20 for i in range(num_of_frames): img = pygame.image.load(f'img/enemies/{enemy}/{animation}/{i}.png').convert_alpha() e_w = img.get_width() e_h = img.get_height() img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (int(e_w * 0.2), int(e_h * 0.2))) temp_list.append(img) animation_list.append(temp_list) enemy_animations.append(animation_list) # 加载按钮图片 repair_img = pygame.image.load('img/repair.png').convert_alpha() armour_img = pygame.image.load('img/armour.png').convert_alpha() # 在屏幕上输出文本信息 def draw_text(text, font, text_color, x, y): img = font.render(text, True, text_color) screen.blit(img, (x, y)) # 定义一个显示状态的函数 def show_info(): draw_text('钱数:' + str(castle.money), font, GREY, 10, 10) draw_text('分数:' + str(castle.score), font, GREY, 180, 10) draw_text('最分数:' + str(high_score), font, GREY, 180, 50) draw_text('级别:' + str(level), font, GREY, SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, 10) draw_text('健康:' + str(castle.health) + "/" + str(castle.max_health), font, GREY, SCREEN_WIDTH - 230, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 50) draw_text('1000', font, GREY, SCREEN_WIDTH - 250, 70) draw_text(str(TOWER_COST), font, GREY, SCREEN_WIDTH - 150, 70) draw_text('500', font, GREY, SCREEN_WIDTH - 70, 70) # 城堡类 class Castle(): def __init__(self, image100, image50, image25, x, y, scale): self.health = 1000 self.max_health = self.health self.fired = False self.money = 0 self.score = 0 width = image100.get_width() height = image100.get_height() self.image100 = pygame.transform.scale(image100, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.image50 = pygame.transform.scale(image50, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.image25 = pygame.transform.scale(image25, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.rect = self.image100.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y def shoot(self): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x_dist = pos[0] - self.rect.midleft[0] y_dist = -(pos[1] - self.rect.midleft[1]) self.angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(y_dist, x_dist)) # 在该位置点击鼠标 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and self.fired == False and pos[1] > 70: self.fired = True bullet = Bullet(bullet_img, self.rect.midleft[0], self.rect.midleft[1], self.angle) bullet_group.add(bullet) jump_fx.play() # 重置鼠标点击 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == False: self.fired = False def draw(self): # 根据血量判断加载那张图片 if self.health <= 250: self.image = self.image25 elif self.health <= 500: self.image = self.image50 else: self.image = self.image100 screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) def repair(self): if self.money >= 1000 and self.health < self.max_health: self.health += 500 self.money -= 1000 if castle.health > castle.max_health: castle.health = castle.max_health def armour(self): if self.money >= 500: self.max_health += 250 self.money -= 500 # 炮塔类 class Tower(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, image100, image50, image25, x, y, scale): super().__init__() self.got_target = False self.angle = 0 self.last_shot = pygame.time.get_ticks() width = image100.get_width() height = image100.get_height() self.image100 = pygame.transform.scale(image100, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.image50 = pygame.transform.scale(image50, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.image25 = pygame.transform.scale(image25, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.image = self.image100 self.rect = self.image100.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y def update(self, enemy_group): self.got_target = False for e in enemy_group: if e.alive: target_x, target_y = e.rect.midbottom self.got_target = True break if self.got_target: x_dist = target_x - self.rect.midleft[0] y_dist = -(target_y - self.rect.midleft[1]) self.angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(y_dist, x_dist)) # pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, (self.rect.midleft[0], self.rect.midleft[1]), (target_x, target_y)) shot_cooldown = 1000 # 开火 if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.last_shot > shot_cooldown: self.last_shot = pygame.time.get_ticks() bullet = Bullet(bullet_img, self.rect.midleft[0], self.rect.midleft[1], self.angle) bullet_group.add(bullet) # 根据城堡血量判断加载那张图片 if castle.health <= 250: self.image = self.image25 elif castle.health <= 500: self.image = self.image50 else: self.image = self.image100 # 创建子弹类 class Bullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, image, x, y, angle): super().__init__() self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = x self.rect.y = y self.angle = math.radians(angle) # 角度转换为弧度 self.speed = 10 # 根据角度计算水平和垂直的速度 self.dx = math.cos(self.angle) * self.speed self.dy = -(math.sin(self.angle) * self.speed) def update(self): # 检测子弹是否已经超出窗口 if self.rect.right < 0 or self.rect.left > SCREEN_WIDTH or self.rect.bottom < 0 or self.rect.top > SCREEN_HEIGHT: self.kill() # 移动子弹 self.rect.x += self.dx self.rect.y += self.dy # 创建十字准心 class Crosshair(): def __init__(self, scale): image = pygame.image.load("img/crosshair.png").convert_alpha() width = image.get_width() height = image.get_height() self.image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # 隐藏鼠标指针 pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) def draw(self): mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.rect.center = (mx, my) screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) # 创建城堡 castle = Castle(castle_img_100, castle_img_50, castle_img_25, SCREEN_WIDTH - 250, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 300, 0.2) # 实例化十字准心 crosshair = Crosshair(0.025) # 创建按钮 repair_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH - 240, 10, repair_img, 0.5) tower_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH - 130, 10, tower_img_100, 0.1) armour_button = button.Button(SCREEN_WIDTH - 75, 10, armour_img, 1.5) # 创建组 bullet_group = pygame.sprite.Group() enemy_group = pygame.sprite.Group() tower_group = pygame.sprite.Group() # 穿件临时塔 # tower = Tower(tower_img_100, tower_img_50, tower_img_25, SCREEN_WIDTH - 350, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200, 0.2) # tower_group.add(tower) # 游戏循环显示窗口 pygame.mixer.music.unpause() pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) run = True while run: clock.tick(FPS) if game_over == False: screen.blit(bg, (0, 0)) # 显示城堡 castle.draw() castle.shoot() # 显示炮塔 tower_group.draw(screen) tower_group.update(enemy_group) # 显示十字准心 crosshair.draw() # 绘制子弹到屏幕 bullet_group.update() bullet_group.draw(screen) # 绘制敌人 enemy_group.update(screen, castle, bullet_group) # 显示详细信息 show_info() # 显示按钮 修理和铠甲按钮 if repair_button.draw(screen): castle.repair() if tower_button.draw(screen): # 检查是否有足够的金钱来建造炮塔 if castle.money >= TOWER_COST and len(tower_group) < max_towers: tower = Tower(tower_img_100, tower_img_50, tower_img_25, tower_positions[len(tower_group)][0], tower_positions[len(tower_group)][1], 0.2) tower_group.add(tower) # 减去消耗的金钱数 castle.money -= TOWER_COST if armour_button.draw(screen): castle.armour() # 创建不同的敌人 if level_difficulty < target_difficulty: if pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_enemy > ENEMY_TIMER: # 创建敌人实例 e = random.randint(0, len(enemy_tpyes) - 1) enemy = Enemy(enemy_health[e], enemy_animations[e], -100, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 100, 1) enemy_group.add(enemy) last_enemy = pygame.time.get_ticks() level_difficulty += enemy_health[e] # 检测是所有的的敌人都产生了 if level_difficulty >= target_difficulty: # 检查有多少敌人仍然是活着的 enemies_alive = 0 for e in enemy_group: if e.alive == True: enemies_alive += 1 # 检测如果活着的敌人都被消灭了则当前级别就完成了 if enemies_alive == 0 and next_level == False: next_level = True level_reset_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 判断是否进入下一关 if next_level == True: draw_text('关卡已完成', font_60, WHITE, 200, 300) # 更新最高分 if castle.score > high_score: high_score = castle.score with open('socre.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(str(high_score)) if pygame.time.get_ticks() - level_reset_time > 1500: next_level = False level += 1 last_enemy = pygame.time.get_ticks() target_difficulty *= DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER level_difficulty = 0 enemy_group.empty() # 检查游戏是否结束 if castle.health <= 0: game_over = True else: draw_text('游戏结束!', font, GREY, 300, 300) draw_text('按下"A"重新进入游戏', font, GREY, 250, 350) pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) key = pygame.key.get_pressed() if key[pygame.K_a]: # 重置游戏 game_over = False level = 1 target_difficulty = 1000 level_difficulty = 0 last_enemy = pygame.time.get_ticks() enemy_group.empty() tower_group.empty() castle.score = 0 castle.health = 1000 castle.max_health = castle.health castle.money = 0 pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update()
import pygame # 按钮类 class Button(): def __init__(self, x, y, image, scale): width = image.get_width() height = image.get_height() self.image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (int(width * scale), int(height * scale))) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.topleft = (x, y) self.clicked = False def draw(self, surface): action = False # 得到鼠标的位置 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 检测鼠标指针的碰撞 if self.rect.collidepoint(pos): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 1 and self.clicked == False: self.clicked = True action = True if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 0: self.clicked = False # 画按钮到屏幕上 surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y)) return action