TensorDataset本质上与python zip方法类似,对数据进行打包整合。
**Dataset wrapping tensors.
Each sample will be retrieved by indexing tensors along the first dimension.*
tensors (Tensor) – tensors that have the same size of the first dimension.
该类通过每一个 tensor 的第一个维度进行索引。因此,该类中的 tensor 第一维度必须相等。
import torch
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
# a的形状为(4*3)
a = torch.tensor([[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4]])
# b的第一维与a相同
b = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4])
train_data = TensorDataset(a,b)
(tensor([[1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 4]]), tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]))
DataLoader本质上就是一个iterable(跟python的内置类型list等一样),并利用多进程来加速batch data的处理,使用yield来使用有限的内存。
import torch
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
a = torch.tensor([[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4]])
b = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4])
train_data = TensorDataset(a,b)
data = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=2, shuffle=True)
for i, j in enumerate(data):
x, y = j
print(' batch:{0} x:{1} y: {2}'.format(i, x, y))
batch:0 x:tensor([[1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2]]) y: tensor([1, 2])
batch:1 x:tensor([[4, 4, 4],
[3, 3, 3]]) y: tensor([4, 3])