若出现的退化仅仅是噪声,则遵循模型:g(x,y) = f(x,y) + η(x,y),此时所选的降低噪声的方法是空间滤波。
% 胡椒噪声
f = imread('ckt-board-orig.tif');
[M,N] = size(f);
R = imnoise2('salt & pepper',M,N,0.1,0);
c = find(R==0);
gp = f;
gp(c) = 0;
% 盐粒噪声
R = imnoise2('salt & pepper',M,N,0,0.1);
c = find(R==1);
gs = f;
gs(c) = 255;
% 过渡胡椒噪声的较好方法是使用Q为正值的反调和滤波器
fp = spfilt(gp,'chmean',3,3,1.5);
% 过渡盐粒噪声的较好方法是使用Q为负值的反调和滤波器
fs = spfilt(gs,'chmean',3,3,-1.5);
% 使用最大和最小滤波器可以得到类似的结果
fpmax = spfilt(gp,'max',3,3);
fsmin = spfilt(gs,'min',3,3);
f = imread('ckt-board-orig.tif');
g = imnoise(f,'salt & pepper',.25);
f1 = medfilt2(g,[7 7],'symmetric');
f2 = adpmedian(g,7);
function f = spfilt(g, type, m, n, parameter)
%SPFILT Performs linear and nonlinear spatial filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, TYPE, M, N, PARAMETER) performs spatial filtering
% of image G using a TYPE filter of size M-by-N. Valid calls to
% SPFILT are as follows:
% F = SPFILT(G, 'amean', M, N) Arithmetic mean filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'gmean', M, N) Geometric mean filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'hmean', M, N) Harmonic mean filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'chmean', M, N, Q) Contraharmonic mean
% filtering of order Q. The
% default is Q = 1.5.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'median', M, N) Median filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'max', M, N) Max filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'min', M, N) Min filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'midpoint', M, N) Midpoint filtering.
% F = SPFILT(G, 'atrimmed', M, N, D) Alpha-trimmed mean filtering.
% Parameter D must be a
% nonnegative even integer;
% its default value is D = 2.
% The default values when only G and TYPE are input are M = N = 3,
% Q = 1.5, and D = 2.
% Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
% Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
% $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2003/10/27 20:07:00 $
% Process inputs.
if nargin == 2
m = 3; n = 3; Q = 1.5; d = 2;
elseif nargin == 5
Q = parameter; d = parameter;
elseif nargin == 4
Q = 1.5; d = 2;
error('Wrong number of inputs.');
% Do the filtering.
switch type
case 'amean'
w = fspecial('average', [m n]);
f = imfilter(g, w, 'replicate');
case 'gmean'
f = gmean(g, m, n);
case 'hmean'
f = harmean(g, m, n);
case 'chmean'
f = charmean(g, m, n, Q);
case 'median'
f = medfilt2(g, [m n], 'symmetric');
case 'max'
f = ordfilt2(g, m*n, ones(m, n), 'symmetric');
case 'min'
f = ordfilt2(g, 1, ones(m, n), 'symmetric');
case 'midpoint'
f1 = ordfilt2(g, 1, ones(m, n), 'symmetric');
f2 = ordfilt2(g, m*n, ones(m, n), 'symmetric');
f = imlincomb(0.5, f1, 0.5, f2);
case 'atrimmed'
if (d <= 0) | (d/2 ~= round(d/2))
error('d must be a positive, even integer.')
f = alphatrim(g, m, n, d);
error('Unknown filter type.')
function f = gmean(g, m, n)
% Implements a geometric mean filter.
inclass = class(g);
g = im2double(g);
% Disable log(0) warning.
warning off;
f = exp(imfilter(log(g), ones(m, n), 'replicate')).^(1 / m / n);
warning on;
f = changeclass(inclass, f);
function f = harmean(g, m, n)
% Implements a harmonic mean filter.
inclass = class(g);
g = im2double(g);
f = m * n ./ imfilter(1./(g + eps),ones(m, n), 'replicate');
f = changeclass(inclass, f);
function f = charmean(g, m, n, q)
% Implements a contraharmonic mean filter.
inclass = class(g);
g = im2double(g);
f = imfilter(g.^(q+1), ones(m, n), 'replicate');
f = f ./ (imfilter(g.^q, ones(m, n), 'replicate') + eps);
f = changeclass(inclass, f);
function f = alphatrim(g, m, n, d)
% Implements an alpha-trimmed mean filter.
inclass = class(g);
g = im2double(g);
f = imfilter(g, ones(m, n), 'symmetric');
for k = 1:d/2
f = imsubtract(f, ordfilt2(g, k, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'));
for k = (m*n - (d/2) + 1):m*n
f = imsubtract(f, ordfilt2(g, k, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'));
f = f / (m*n - d);
f = changeclass(inclass, f);
function image = changeclass(class, varargin)
switch class
case 'uint8'
image = im2uint8(varargin{:});
case 'uint16'
image = im2uint16(varargin{:});
case 'double'
image = im2double(varargin{:});
error('Unsupported IPT data class.');