托福写作Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they ...

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Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which do you prefer?


Many movies are adapted from books. 很多电影是由书籍改编过来的。

Many films are based on books. 很多电影是以书籍为原型的。

the original work 原著

2.先看电影--seeing the film in advance/ beforehand

mislead the audience 误导观众

cannot guarantee the authenticity 无法保证真实性

help save people's precious leisure time 帮助节省人们宝贵的休闲时间

enables people to judge whether it is worthwhile to expend time on the book 让人们可以判断书是否值得深入阅读

present the story in such an interesting way that it can attract more people to read the books 用有趣的方式展现故事,吸引更多的人去读书

can better stimulate people's interests in reading 可以更好地激发人们对阅读的兴趣

3.先看原著--spend time in reading the original book first

portray the story in one's mind 在脑海中描绘故事

immerse oneself in the plots 沉浸在情节中

get the readers better-prepared for seeing a movie 帮助读者做好看电影的准备

provide details of background information which cannot be understood merely by watching movies 提供一些仅通过看电影无法理解透彻的背景信息

help the readers learn more about the personalities of characters 帮助读者更好地了解人物性格

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