Living Forever, Living Well

An old joke observes(说) that everyone wants to live forever, but no one wants to be old. The idea behind the observation is that if you do happen to live for a long time, you want to be fit and in good health.

What is not in question is that people are living longer. John Martin Fischer, a University of California Riverside professor, is leading the immortality(不朽) Project, which is exploring what it would be like to live forever.

On the science side, we're living at a time where we've increased our life expectancy(期望) dramatically ... At the turn of the twentieth century in developed countries the average was about forty-seven years, and at the turn of the twenty-first century it was seventy-six years, and now it's about eighty years. The trajectory(轨道), he says, is "radically upward"(Moxley, 2014, para.16).

There is likely a range of considerations that are extending the average lifespan. Britain's Royal Geographical Society(n.d.(未注明出版日期的)) suggests the increase can be attributed to a number of factors including "improvements in public health, nutrition, and medicine. Vaccinations and antibiotics greatly reduced deaths in childhood, health and safety in manual(用手的) workplaces improved, and fewer people smoked"(para.1).

On the individual level, those who are living longer probably have an awareness of both their diets and their need of fitness. However, many people's eating habits and choice of exercise reject(拒绝) modern insights.

One problem area related to diet has to do with fads(时尚) that are promoted by food companies and others with little or no scientific support. A recent trend has been to identify certain food items as superfoods; among others(除了别的以外), the list includes blueberries, chocolate, oily fish(油性鱼类), green tea, and wheatgrass(芽草). The trouble is that scientific studies, if they are done at all, often focus on concentrations that might not be consumed(消耗) on a daily basis(基础) by most people. For example, consuming(消耗) raw garlic(大蒜) is encouraged because it contains a nutrient that is believed to help reduce cholesterol(胆固醇) and blood pressure. However, "you'd have to eat up to twenty-eight cloves(丁香) a day to match the doses(服药) used in the lab - something no researcher has yet been brave enough to try"(NHS(英国国民健康保险制度) Choices, 2013, para.7)

Part of the problem is that most people are reluctant(不情愿的) to make changes to their diets and instead consider superfoods like magic pills that will undo(取消) the effects of the rest of(其余的) their bad eating habits. "While the miracle food remains a fantasy, it's pretty well established(确定的) that obesity and alcohol are the two most common causes of major long-term illness and an increased risk of premature(早产的) death"(NHS Choices, 2013, para.11)

On the other hand, superstitious(迷信的) criticisms(评论) of certain foods, particularly genetically modified organisms(转基因生物)(GAOs), have largely proven to be unfounded. One op-ed(专栏版) author writes about the retraction(撤回,违背) of a biased article published in an important French journal that claimed GMOs caused cancerous tumours(肿瘤).

Many scientists criticized(批评) Seralini's evidence(证据) and methods and called for the record to be set straight. One of the major flaws in the study is that Seralini used rats that are high susceptible(容易受……的影响) to tumours, with or without GMOs in their diets, they said.("Widely Discredited Study," 2013, para.8)

Similarly, it terms of exercise, Palmer (2014) notes that yoga is one of the latest athletic(运动的) pastimes(消遣) that is being promoted for health benefits fat beyond those common to most forms of exercise.

Today, people want to believe that yoga will solve their problems. More than two hundred studies were published about the health benefits of yoga last year. Yoga is supposed to cure everything from low back pain(腰痛) to short attention span to several forms of mental illness.(paras.2-3)

Yoga has some benefits, but many others are exaggerated(夸大) or completely false. Most of the two hundred studies featured(特征) poor methodologies and weak evidence.

Despite criticism of flawed scientific studies of diet and exercise, people seem to only retain what they want to hear, particularly if it concerns promises of quick fixes and easy exercise routines. People want to live forever. They do not want to be old. But they will not follow common sense and thoughtful approaches that will give them both health and happiness.

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