美丽生活 Beautiful Life

古筝独奏: 上楼




Love the life with incense surrounding

Sitting on the Sofa/tasting the tea, reading a book, or watching TV/there are incenses surrounded, on and off/the scents of forest, the smells of Zen/I watch closer/the little snail play on the lotus leaf, say hello to me naughtly/then I find the secret of incense




你说: 有微风吹过,似含香







Scents hiding in the sleeve

When I walking by,

The trees says: I smelled the fragrance,

The flowers and grasses says: I smelled the fragrance,

You say: there is breeze passing by, seems scents inside.

Yes, I put the scents into my sleeve,

I put the scents onto my ankle,

Also, there are scents in the jingles of my mobile phone,

The scents of sea, the smells of forest, the flavours of spring……

You can try to watch the scents: there are hiding in the cloisonne flowers.


身处室内,我也有机会感受海的气息、森林的味道、季节的信号; 是风吹来的气息吗?触摸贝壳、海星,我分明在观海; 触摸花草、红豆、松果,幽香宜人岁月不改,我在森林里感受季节/衣柜、洗手间、大厅/身影所在暗香宜人。

Love the life with incense surrounding

Even in the room, 

there is chance to touch the feeling of sea,

to feel the the smells of forest,

to catch the signal of season.

Does the smells brings by the wind?

Touch the shells, the sea stars, I feel of watching the sea,

Touch and smell the flowers, grasses, pinecones,

the fragrance lasting long time,

I taste the season in the forest.

In the Wardrobe, washing room, hall,

the scents touch me, on and off.




New year's Day holiday: Shenzhen talent Park, Shenzhen Bay

Skyscrapers are always hard and cold of steels and concretes, but you, the giant body, show delicacy ,warmth and sleekness, which is the combination of hi-tech and art. And I, the beautiful flowers and tender green grasses, face you across the water, tough, lofty, moist warmth ,charming, fresh and tender, soft and beautiful, have integrated into a unique scene through the open crisp and clear!

Talent Park, a landscape of lakes and mountains, modern buildings and bridges with different styles, rural landscape, winter scenery with spring colors, vigorous and soft, quaint and agility,modern and rural, fresh brilliant and clean cold, clear and rich, looking at each other and blending together.


Shenzhen Bay: ebbed tide time, the sea water is muddy, but It's hard to hide the sky high, the sea wide, and the luxuriantly green trees and grasses,. Lines of trees, or loft in clouds, or graceful standing, or luxurious branches spreading, or full of blossoming flowers. They are in the sea, on the ground, facing the blue sky, hearts point to the sun with a standing posture. I'm at the seaside, watching trees, listening to the sea, smelling flowers, and feeling the beauties of the moment.



October 2019 National holiday Guangmingtown

Shining beautiful flowers, one piece after another, a cluster besides another cluster, a whole garden of hot smiles and laughs, burning you; pink lightness, dancing like light smoke, melting you, and there are pieces of purple pretties, also gorgeous beauty of clusters of rose reds, light blues as dreaming words. All kinds of beauties blossoming in front of my eyes, being planted in my heart. There are innovative rice fields, make us get knowledge that grains can also be planted artistically, and rural artists are everywhere!


沙: 柔和,轻软,明亮,呈现在我面前的你如未经世事的少女般的明媚、柔软、纯净,可,大海知道你的故事,你生长万物、包容万物,贝壳在你怀里分万透亮,你让世人明白流水有痕还分外美丽,你是孩子们造梦的天堂,我呢,我让诗歌和你对话,让你感知我们的心心相印。

October 2019 National holiday Daya Bay, Huizhou

Sands: soft, light and bright, you’re in front of me, like an unworldly young girl, radiant, soft and pure. However, the sea knows your story, you sustain all things and tolerate all things. The shells are transparent bright in your arms, and you let the people know that there is trace of flowing water and the water trace is amazing, you are the paradise for children to dream. So I, I let my poems talking with you, and let you feel the understanding in our bosom.


遇见: 遇见你,是偶然还是必然?一只灵动的鸟儿,一只晶莹的小天鹅,飞向我,说: 带我去看月亮,一只小蜜蜂不知什么时候飞向我耳边:我有小星星,也带上我,我抿然:我们朝夕相伴,幽居在竹林里,看花开,等草绿,一起看星星,看月亮。

December 21, 2019, just got the new purchased bijou trinkets, happy and be moved

Encounter: Is it an accidence or inevitability to meet you? A sleek bird, a crystal swan flying to me, say: take me to see the moon, and a little bee fly to my ears when I don't know: I have little stars, please also take me together, I smile: let us accompany each other day and night, dwelling in the bamboo forest, feeling the flowers blossoming, waiting for the grass become green, watching the stars and the moon.




A butterfly

A butterfly, and another butterfly, fly to me, perches on the back of my hand, and stands on my shoulder. I suspect of in dreaming and want to catch it gently, but it suddenly becomes a part of my body, like a butterfly painting, painted on the back of my hand and on my shoulder, but the butterfly is clear and alive, spreading its wings to fly, make people have a will of hold it into hands lightly, but when touching it, it becomes a picture again, it looks still but also wants to fly, the feeling is both real and illusory, just like “Chuangtse’s dream of being a butterfly”.





Love the life with incense surrounding

Sitting on the Sofa/tasting the tea, reading a book, or watching TV/there are incenses surrounded, on and off/the scents of forest, the smells of Zen/I watch closer/the little snail play on the lotus leaf, say hello to me naughtly/then I find the secret of incense




你说: 有微风吹过,似含香







Scents hiding in the sleeve

When I walking by,

The trees says: I smelled the fragrance,

The flowers and grasses says: I smelled the fragrance,

You say: there is breeze passing by, seems scents inside.

Yes, I put the scents into my sleeve,

I put the scents onto my ankle,

Also, there are scents in the jingles of my mobile phone,

The scents of sea, the smells of forest, the flavours of spring……

You can try to watch the scents: there are hiding in the cloisonne flowers.


身处室内,我也有机会感受海的气息、森林的味道、季节的信号; 是风吹来的气息吗?触摸贝壳、海星,我分明在观海; 触摸花草、红豆、松果,幽香宜人岁月不改,我在森林里感受季节/衣柜、洗手间、大厅/身影所在暗香宜人。

Love the life with incense surrounding

Even in the room, 

there is chance to touch the feeling of sea,

to feel the the smells of forest,

to catch the signal of season.

Does the smells brings by the wind?

Touch the shells, the sea stars, I feel of watching the sea,

Touch and smell the flowers, grasses, pinecones,

the fragrance lasting long time,

I taste the season in the forest.

In the Wardrobe, washing room, hall,

the scents touch me, on and off.

你可能感兴趣的:(美丽生活 Beautiful Life)