
aim -> purpose(n.)

at large 不受控制的,逍遥法外的

a plethora of 过多的 

back-and-forcing (n.) 反复来回;闪烁其词

bite one's nail 咬指甲;束手无策

but the sheer number of choices has made finding the right solution more difficult

confused -> perplexed

pictures -> delineates   勾画;叙述

easy to understand -> approachable  也有易亲近的意思

entertainment -> pastime (n.) 消遣;休闲

ever-growing 日益增长的

fake -> phony

fall out with    与……争吵

gold rush 淘金热

have sb./sth. by the throat   1.扼住咽喉;2.控制某人或某物

hopeful -> promising 

in a row 1.接连几天(月、年等);2.连续几次地

in the course of    在…过程中;在…期间;在…的过程中

sth. is more than     sth.不仅仅是什么

keep abreast of 与……保持并列;了解最新情况;跟上(某事物的发展)

lack of thinking -> unreflecting 

live off 1.以……为食;2.靠……生活

live with 容忍

not …… just yet 这是还不能;这会还不

not lose sleep over sth. 不大为某事操心

against the background of 在……的背景之下

on the grounds  that   以……为理由;以……为借口

on the side 1.作为副业,兼职,在正是之外;2.秘密地,非法地

passion -> fervour(n.) -> enthusiasm(n.)

pour in    大量涌入 蜂拥而至

public figure 公众人物

rest with 在于,取决于

rule of thumb    经验法则

self-aware     有自知之明的(adj.) 

stumble across 意外发现;偶然遇见

the most starred  最受瞩目的

work through 逐渐通过;干完工作;完成,解决,克服





