2021-05-07【Blog Day41】 顶尖学生的不同之处

7:45-8:15 TED Talk

8:15-9:00 Java

9:00-9:30 网课

9:30-10:00 早饭

10:00-10:30 学Java

10:30-11:20 网课

11:20-11:45 午饭

11:45-12:35 数学

13:00-14:10 数学

14:30-17:30 健身

17:30-18:30 晚饭

18:30-19:20 读书

19:45-20:45 物理

20:45-22:30 休息

22:30-00:00 数据结构



TED Talk《What do top students do differently?》

-Don't worry about IQ.

    -Grades are proportional to the number of practice exams.


    -Self-discipline trumps IQ

-Don't just aim to work hard

    -Work hard doing the right things

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