


1. 简单句

1.1 被动句


1.1.1 什么时候用被动

例句: parents should be respected by us。


  • parents:

    • superiors 上级和长辈
    • the elderly 老人
    • senior citizens 父母长辈
  • should

    • ought to
    • be supposed to 应该
    • be obliged to 有责任有义务
  • we us people (泛指的人)

    • human beings
    • the public 公众
    • private individuals
  • you people
    单数one 复试those

  • 具体的人

    • teenagers and youngsters 年轻人
    • undergraduates 大学生
    • youngsters on campus 大学生
    • children kids offspring descendants 孩子
    • businessmen 商人
    • experts and professors 专家和教授
    • All children and adults 所有人 孩子和成年人
    • men and women in all walks 各行各业的人
    • customs 消费者

例句:○ Celebrities(名人) should not be pursued(追求) by teengers and youngsters. 年轻人不应该盲目追星

  • not
    • never
    • by no means
    • under no circumstances(环境)
    • fail to 失败,表示否定; I fail to be a teacher 我不是一个老师

例句:Environmental contamination is thought very serious by an increasing amount of experts and professors.

  • think: 认为

    • argue insist presume

    • assume hold contend maintain assert claim

    • be of the opinion that

    • have been convinced that

    • cling to the perspective that

  • very :非常

    • pretty quite rather 一般词
    • strikingly distinctly outstandingly exceedingly especially extraordinarily enormously
  • serious :严重的

    • be of great severity be of+抽象名词
    • grave severe fearful fatal

1.2 there be句型的变形(exist seem remain) 单复数取决于there be后面的词


  • there exist many reasons to explain my idea.

  • many

    • a sea of、a host of、 a multitude of、 a train of(一车皮)、 an army of(一排,一军队)
    • immense amounts of
    • numerous
    • abundant
    • plentiful
    • innumerable
  • reason

    • causes
    • factors
    • elements
  • explain 解释,产生导致致使

    • give rise to
    • be responsible for
    • contribute to
    • lead to
  • idea 观点

    • point
    • viewpoint
    • perspective
    • outlook

eg: more and more people think that… = there is(remains) a growing worldwide awareness around the world that…

  • there is strong evidence to show that
  • there is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is an impossibility
  • there is little doubt that
  • there are those who claim that

1.3 比较结构(必要有形容词副词就可以用比喻)


  • she is as beautiful(ugly) as a red rose, which manages to(能够) take away the breath of sea of children and adults.

  • be (用助动词时不能替换:比如被动和现在进行时)

    • look
    • feel
    • 各种感官动词
    • seem 似乎
    • appear 出现,显得
    • keep remain 保持
    • become get 变得
    • prove 证明 保持
  • beautiful

  • graceful

  • elegant 优雅的

  • attractive 诱人的

  • charming 吸引人的

  • gorgeous 美丽动人,最高境界的美

eg: confidence proves as important as sunshine,which plays an essential role in the normal growth of all creatures.

  • important 重要的(文章主题,某某很重要)
    • fundamental
    • significant
    • essential
    • indispensable
    • play a key role in sth
    • be of great importance

○ Sth becomes as grave as AIDS(cancer typhoon), while has threatened the health of patients or taken away their lives.

1.4 the +形容词/副词 比较级+句子,the+the 形容词/副词 比较级+句子。

(主将从现)the more …… the more …… 越 越

  • 没有特指的人,单数one those
  • The higher one ascends(上升) the farther he will overlook.
    farther 真实距离远 further 抽象的远
  • The more diligent(勤奋的,努力的) one keeps(只要句子意思完整但缺谓语就用be动词,之后be替换高级词),the more easily(副词) he will achieve gloriers。
    (多音节加more most单音节加er,est,双音节部分加er)
  • The harder all children and adults remain, the more fortunate(句子中是系动词,此处用形容词,如果句子中,此处用副词) they will become. 越努力越幸运
  • The more frequently culture exchange,the more rapidly Chinese economy will develop。
  • The more frequently cultures are exchanged,the more rapidly Chinese economy will develop.

2 复合句

  • 并列句
  • 名词性从句
  • 定语从句
  • 状语从句

2.1 并列句


  • and

    • likewise
    • similarly
    • equally
    • at the same time
    • in the meanwhile
    • as well as 不能连接句子,连接两个同性词
  • but

    • conversely
    • by contrast
    • on the contrary
    • contrarily
    • unexpectedly
    • unfortunately
    • nevertheless
  • In the picture,the goal-keeper is imagining himself exceedingly small. on the contrary, the player is assuming his rival as big as a hill. 没定语状语,不够优秀

  • In the former picture, the flower in the greenhouse is growing healthily. Conversely, in the latter one, it is dying.

  • picture

    • cartoon
    • drawing
    • painting
    • caricature 夸张漫画
    • photograph 照片

not only……but also 位置和汉语一样, 但倒转更优雅。

  • Raising pets can reduce the lonliness of senior citizens.

  • raising pets can cultivate the kindness of kids.

  • Raising pets not only can reduce the lonliness of senior citizens, but also can cultivate the kindness of kids.

  • Supporting the elderly(孝敬父母) keeps (is) a chinese conventional virtue but also proves (is) the legal responsibility of their offspring.

  • Cooperation not only enables(使) all children and adults to make more intimate(亲密的)friends but also has(使)them achieve greater credits(表扬,荣誉荣耀成就).


  • 主语从句 Is …… that …… 第一段描述图表,第二段表观点,第三段喊口号。

  • (that you never fail to fascinate me) is obvious. 我爱你(你从来没有失败(总是能)吸引(迷住)我)是显而易见的

  • It is obvious that you never fail to fascinate me. 我爱你是显而易见的

  • 下面记两句即可

    • It proves common knowledge(常识) that …… 显然
    • It keeps my perspective that …… 我的观点是,我认为
    • It has been found that …… 被发现,显而易见
    • It seems beyond dispute(争论辩论) that …… 无可争论
    • It is universally acknowledged(承认) that ……
    • It has been widely accepted that ……
  • 更好的主语从句变体是是把It变成What 在that前加is,主语从句+that表示的表语从句

    • What proves common knowledge(常识) is that …… 显然
    • What keeps my perspective is that …… 我的观点是,我认为
    • What has been found is that …… 被发现,显而易见
    • What seems beyond dispute(争论辩论)is that …… 无可争论
    • What is universally acknowledged(承认) is that ……
    • What has been widely accepted is that ……
  • 同位语和同位语从句

    • 只要在作文中见到名词,都可以再加一个名词做一个同位语. 写作时名词做同位语一个句子最多加一个,整篇文章最多出现两次。
  • 名词做同位语

    • My boyfriend _ really has no much time to accompany me _ .
      a rich businessman
      an attractive girl
    • A man, a soccer(足球) fan, is writing the name , a symbol ,of Beckham , an esteemed sportsman, on his face , some part of the body.
  • 同位语从句 本句型推荐写作作文的第二段分析原因时使用

    • The evidence that + 原因+ manifests that + 文章中心句

    • The evidence (fact) [that she has a pair of big eyes] manifests [that she keeps a beauty].
      她长着一副大眼睛表明她是一个美女。 同位语+宾语从句

    • The evidence that a host of girls have worn beautiful colorful skirts manifestis that summer is around the corner.
      女人 girl或lady 不要用woman

    • The evidence that bright stars and pure moonlights fail to be detected manifests that environmental contamination(污染) is becoming increasingly fatal.

    • The evidence that farmers can enjoy high-quality life that manifests that most them would like to swarm into(涌入) big cities.

2.3 定语和定语从句

1、形容词做定语 2、名词修饰名词 3、介词短语作定语 4、非谓语动词作定语 5、从句作定语

I love you
beautiful 定语如果只有一个单词放在名词前,多个单词放在名词后
on the platform(讲台)
the daughter of you.
enjoying singing songs.
who keeps a teacher for years.

  • 只要在作文中见到名词,都可以加定语从句。但是在第一段描述图画时只要见到名词就要加定语,使图画更生动,图表不加定义

  • An American girl young as well as graceful is wearing Chinese conventional costume(传统服装) which keeps pervasive(普遍的流行的) in the south of china.

  • immense amounts of children and adults sitting in seperate rooms are surfing on the internet.


  • as well as连接以下任意两个单词

  • 万能的好

    • cute ; lovely
    • little
    • graceful ; elegant ; young
    • confident ; energetic(精力充沛)
    • enthusiasm ; passionate 积极的
    • optimistic ; active 乐观的
    • aggressive ; ambitious 有追求的
    • who looks distinctly impressive to reader 给人留下深刻印象
  • 万能的坏

    • fat(骂人的胖) cruel(残忍的) ugly(丑陋的)
    • negative(消极,否定) dispassioned(不积极消极)
    • terrible disgusting
    • disgraceful
    • who looks rather less impressive to reader 不能给人留下深刻印象的


  • He looks like a lady-killer(色狼), which has been widely accepted.

  • 推荐写在某个短的原因,拉长句子

    • Which leaves us adeep impression
    • Which provokes the public’s widespread concerns
    • Which brings us the unnecessary/unexpected trouble
    • which gives rise to dreadful consequences.

2.4 状语和状语从句


  • we are having class,
  • in the center the vivid picture, 在这个生动的图片的中央
    • as every one can see it
    • with the rapid advance of science and technology ,随着科学技术的进步
    • in our contemporary society 在当今社会
    • in the general routine of everyday living 在我们日常生活中


  1. 让步状语从句,用于转折,可以用于任何位置,矛盾的普遍性,但是推荐写在原因分析时使用
  • although
  • pursuing celebrities blindly might exert great influence on physical and mental health of youngsters on campus althought their singing sounds touching
    盲目追星 带来严重影响 给大学生的身心健康,尽管他们的歌声动人

  • private individuals from developing nations are becoming increasingly wealthy although ?
    来自发达国家的 人们 越来越富有 尽管

  • although引导的万能状语

  • although many people fail to pay attention to the issue.

  • pay attention to 关注、重视的替换

    • pour attention to
    • place great emphasis on
    • attach great importance to
    • shed light on
    • focus on
  • issue的替换

    • problem问题
    • phenomenon 现象
    • subject 话题 主题
    • the current situation 现状
  1. so …… that …… 只要出现 形容词, 副词皆可用so that,推荐用在第一段最后一句话引出文章中心使用,或第三段的第一句话文章总结
  • life proves so short that it is a waste how to spend it.
    生命是如此短暂 以至于如何度过都是浪费

  • Sth. keeps(becomes) so vital that the problem should have been brought into the limelight. 万能that,表达重要

  1. 分词做状语,插入主谓之间作为插入语【本句型推荐写在第一段,一幅图一个主体两个动作时使用】
  • Sb. , doing 次要动作 +(定/状),is doing 主要动作+(定/状)

  • I hate you, I will kill you. 错误表达,一句话不能用两句

  • I hating you, I will kill you. 非谓语动词的主语和谓语的主语相同,应省略主语

  • Hating you, I will kill you. 我,讨厌你,所以我将杀掉你

  • I, hating you, will kill you.

  • 终点又是新起点 一幅图一个主体,必须两个动作,先写次要动作

    • A boy is smiling, a boy is rushing to the destination.
    • smiling, a boy is rushing to the destination.
    • A boy confident as well as vigorous(自信和充满活力), smiling in the center of the vivid cartoon(状语), is rushing to the destination which becomes a new start.
  • 文化火锅

    • The hotpot delicious as well as healthy , smoking in the center of the vivid cartoon, is full of cultures from different nation in the world.
  • 状语满分表达总结although,so……that……,分词做状语
    • 简单句
    • 并列句
    • 复合句满分表达
      • 主语
      • 同位语和同位语从句
      • 定语和定语从句
      • 状语和状语从句

3. 特殊结构

插入语 (本句型推荐写在第一段的最后一句话,第二段的第一句话,第三段的第一句话中某一处,必须要让阅卷人看到)

  • 万能插入语,可以插入任何一句话的主谓之间

  • 双重否定
    ○ never fail to 表示就是,没有实际意义,强调谓语,可以写在任何一个肯定句中间。推荐使用位置同插入语

  • 强调句型 作文中所有句子都能用强调句型,推荐位置同上

    • It is …… that ……
    • I love the girl in the restaurant. 我在饭店爱上了这个女孩
      强调谁就把谁放在It is后面,除了谓语
    • It is in the restaurant that I love the girl.
    • There exist numerous facts here to account for the phenomenon.
    • Tt is to account for the phenomenon that there exist numerous facts here.
    • It is numerous facts that there exist here to account for the phenomenon.


  • 比喻 本句型推荐写在第一段的最后一句话用于引出文章中心 或者第三段第一句话文章总结

  • 重要

    • Sth proves to 人 as solid foudation is on high skyscrapers.
    • as the infinite blue sky is to flying eagles 无限蓝天对于雄鹰
  • 严重

    • as intensive pain is to incurably ill patients.
    • as horrible nightmares are to innocent kids.
  • 排比

    • 两个词即可排比
    • Action is supposed to be adopted(措施应该被采取了) quickly, effectively and actively.
  • 改强调

    • It is Action that is supposed to be adopted quickly, effectively and actively.
  • 本句型写在最后一段最后一句喊口号

  • We were in the midst of shock—but we acted. We acted quickly, boldly, decisively.

4 虚拟语气

  • 写原因:1.为什么重要 2.为什么重要 3.如果不这么做

  • If every one of teenager and youngster abandon themselves himself to surfing on the internet, [they he will pay a heavy price(cost) in the near future. ]

  • If every one of teenager and youngster abandoned himself to surfing on the internet, [he would pay a heavy price(huge cost) in the near future. ]

  • If every university student were indulged in surfing on the internet, it would be hard for them to graduate smoothly.

  • 沉溺于

    • be addicted to
    • abandon oneself to
    • be indulged in
  • It is imperative(紧急)/essential/urgent that 本句型推荐写在第三段具体措施

    • 那很重要
    • It is urgent that kids should be educated/inspired to 主题

5 倒装


  • 否定词放在句首,是倒装

    • I am never a woman tough and outgoing.
    • never am I a woman tough and outgoing.
  • not only ……but also 倒装,not only +助动词提前

    • He not only looks poor but also in fact is poor in her mind.
  • Respecting parents keeps not only Chinese conventional virtue but also proves the duty of their offspring.

    • not only does Respecting parents keep Chinese conventional virtue but also proves the duty of their offspring.
  • Confidence not only can make you find more happiness in you life but also can have you make more friends.
    *Not only can confidence make you find more happiness in you life but also can have you make more friends.

  • so ……that……倒装,形容词副词皆可so that,so that皆可倒装

    • my ma is so kind that she will never kill an ant.

    • so kind is my ma that she will never kill an ant.

    • 我母亲如此善良以至于从没杀过蚂蚁。
      I am so delighted that I cannot help laughing at midnight.

    • 我是如此的高兴,我情不自禁的笑了
      so delighted am I that I cannot help laughing at midnight.

  • Sth. keeps so significant/fearful that the issue should have been brought into the limelight.

  • so significant does Sth. keep that the issue should have been brought into the limelight.

  • only+状语放在句首倒装

    • the common can the common lead a happy and comfortable life only when the issue can be improved a lot.

    • only when the issue can be improved a lot can the common lead a happy and comfortable life.

    • only by taking those action can the issue be improved a lot.




  1. 定义和解释
    Supporting the elderly is a Chinese conventional virtue which means that
    we cook for them, we buy gifts for them and we wash feet for them
    when they become gradually (increasingly) old.
    模板:A is B which means that +三个并列的简单句排比,when+时间状语从句
    a Chinese traditional virtue
    a social pervasive trend 社会普遍趋势
    an active /negative mentality 一个积极/消极的心态
    a hot social topic

2.统计和事实 p11
3.引用名人名言 p12

小例子:such as
大例子:for example 替换






What may account for this phenomenon are distinctly likely to be asked.

