
《小屁孩日记》(Diary of A Wimpy Kid)风靡全球,这个11岁孩子的日记吐槽让人爱不是释手,但是如果你第一次接触这类书,可能会觉得明明单词很简单,为啥有点看不懂? 答案就是,口语和书面用语本来就有挺大区别的。纵然是汉语,我们日常说话和笔下文字也是不同的。看看一些例子:

一、单词 口语中大量的单词可能是我们书面语中不怎么使用的。


So I figured I might as well write in this book to pass the time. figure 认为;猜想;估计 这种是用语习惯上的不一致,我们看惯了课本上用的I think。本书中这个孩子习惯用 I figure,到处都是。下次我们开口时不说 I think,改成 I figure,没准美国人会觉得你说的很地道呢。

•kind of

虽然前面几页的kind of都是我们很熟悉的用法,比如Now it’s about the kind of clothes you wear。 但是看这一句: I’m kind of glad my plan to get put in the Easy group didn’t work. 如果明白这里的 kind of = rather,你就不会被到处都是的 kind of 搞晕了,这里就是程度副词,表示“有些”。

•end up

But she ended up tossing them in the trash can on the way out the door. 这个在书中常见,其实end up = finally最终 所以这是常见搭配 end up doing sth


这些一般我们五讲四美三热爱的教材里是不会出现的,但是学骂人永远是最快的,所以口语里大量这种词汇: 包括但不限于 “jerk 混蛋”、“moron 傻瓜”、“dork 呆子” 等。 话说我查到moron是指傻瓜后,突然很操心魔力红(Moroon 5)乐队,他们不担心有人手误写成moron 5么? And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened. 以及这样类似的骂人话 heck 见鬼,糟糕 。



 •come in handy

So this book is gonna come in handy. handy是一个常见单词“方便的; 手巧的;”,但是在本句里是这个短语 comes in handy 派上用场

•growth spurt

You got kids like me who haven’t hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day. 这个不能怪我们,growth spurt 是个医学术语,指青春期骨骼的突发生长。你跟正在学中文的老外突然说起“青春期”,他也会一脸懵逼。不过这句看上下文也能猜出来。

•be into

The thing that really stinks is that I have always been into girls, but kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years. be和into合起来的be into是“喜欢” 懂了上半句才会明白,Bryce的come around是指“改变观点”。改变什么观点?就是配图漫画那种“Girls are stinky poos”的观点,等他们长大了会后悔的

