literature (second round)


*Introduction to Literature(1)(2)

This course mainly is about the types of literal essentialism, literary creation, the composition of works, and literacy acceptance. 

For the types of literal essentialism, there are a few hypotheses about the occurrence and development of literature activities, including occurrences from witchcraft rituals, religion, the game (Kant), and labor activities. As for literature activities, people have divided literature work into 3 classifications of as realistic literature, ideal literature, and symbolic literature. Realistic literature focuses on reproducibility and fidelity from the real world. Its characteristics are normally very similar to daily persons of typical objects. Controversially, ideal literature would be characterized by expressiveness and unreality, while symbolic literature’s basic characteristics are ambiguous and suggestive. 

现实性文学 realistic literature:

Belinsky: poetry is faithfulness to reality without colorful phenomena of life. 

理想型文学 ideal literary:

Present the inner subjective worlds in an image by using exaggeration etc. myths novels, legends works, historical stories, and folk legend work. 

象征型文学 symbolic literature: its basic characteristics are: suggestive/suggestion and hazy/ambiguous (朦胧性)

The next majority section is literature creation. M.H. Abrams had come up with 4 elements of literature including the universe, reader, writer, and work in his book Mirror and Lamp. Generally saying, all Literary or literary activities are about these 4 elements, that is indicating creation, reading, criticism, acceptance or reproduction, etc. 

Then how has a literature work been protected basic on the 4 elements of literary creation? 

The universe / real-life world provides the source of literary materials, the writer discovers the artistic sides from the literature angle that motivates the writer self to create a literature work. Then the readers have a chance to read the work and gain their own thoughts on the process of reading. Dada, the creation is done. 

For literature creation, I also learned the principles of literary creation, that is the pursuit of aesthetic value in literary creation. The literature works should be vivid and emotional. The literature works should focus on virtuality and reality. 

Besides, as a literature and language department student, I also learned the layers of literary works text which would help me build up the ability to understand a literature work better. The layers of literature include 3 parts: the text layer, the image layer, and the underline layer. Especially the underline layer is considered a deeper meaning layer that involves the works of historical meaning, philosophical meaning, and aesthetic meaning. 

In terms of the universe, literary activities/works are about the imitation of the world or specific things. 

In terms of the writer, literary activities are thought the expression of the author’s mind. 


华兹华斯:诗是强烈情感的自然流露。Wordsworth:” Poetry is a natural outpouring of strong emotions.”

In terms of work, literary work is supposed to be different from realistic, artistic description can go beyond the original form of real-world to create a more universal and deeper meaning. 

In terms of readers, it is about response,  accepting, and recreating. Yaos(the author of Towards the Aesthetics of Acceptance) proposed that “A literary work is not an object that is independent of itself, is not also to provide the same point of view to every reader of every age. It constantly gains new reflectiveness from readers in its performance, liberating the text from the material form of wards and becoming a contemporary existence.”

 `the sources and reasons for the development of literary activities. 

1. social environments and the rise and fall of the world progress. 

2. labor of production and ideologies from the upper layer directly impact the development of literary and literary activities, and the economic factor is the root element impacting the development of literary and literary activities. 

3. It is an unbalanced relationship between physical produce and artistic produce.

`the progress of literary creation 

` Genres of literary works: 





** Literary criticism. 

This course is about what is literature criticism, the guideline of literary criticism, and the forms of literary criticism. Literary criticism is specifically about studying, evaluating, and interpreting literary works in a proper aspect. Thus previous scholars proposed certain guidelines including ideological norms and artistic norms for literary criticism.

Ideological norms involve high authenticity高度的真实性; progressive tendencies进步的倾向性; positive and healthy emotionality积极健康的情感性.

And Artistic norms indicate the perfection of text composition文本构成的完美性, the vividness of image creation形象创造的鲜明性, and the profoundness of implication and expression意蕴表达的深刻性.

The Forms of Literacy criticism include the traditional criticism forms and modern criticism forms.

Traditional criticism forms appeared at the age before the 20th century, they are 1.伦理道德批判ethical and moral criticism that evaluates works with a certain moral consciousness and the ethical relationship formed. it is a norm that takes good and evil as the basic categories to evaluate and interpret the work. 2.社会历史批判,social and historical criticism that emphasizes the relationship between literature and social life. It is believed that literature is formed by reproducing life and forming a certain socio-historical environment. Thus it analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the works by linking the background of the era in which the works are produced, the historical conditions, and the writer’s life experience with the works. 3.审美批判,aesthetic criticism. Aesthetic criticism focus on literariness, linguistic analysis, and the unique forms of literature. In addition, aesthetic criticism will pay attention to people's aesthetic needs and the richness of sensibility and aesthetic pleasure brought by literature forms, These contents include, rhythm, language, emotion, character, plot, symbol, artistic conception, etc.

The modern criticism forms which emerged after the 20th century, include  1.心理学批判,psychological criticism. This mainly refers to the use of the results of modern psychology to analyze the creative psychology of writers and the psychology of the characters in the works. e.g. the famous stream-of-consciousness fiction Ulysses尤利西斯( James. Joyce, 1922) which uses the narrative techniques of interior mondogure.

佛洛依德的精神分析法Freudian psychoanalysis

格式塔心理学派的完形心理学Gestalt psychology of comprehensive psychology. 

弗朗茨卡夫卡《变形记》Franz Kafka  Die Venvandlung. 2.语言学批判,linguistic criticism. And 3.文化批判,cultural criticism

2. *History of Chinese Ancient Literature(1)(2)(3)

This course consists of the long history of classical Chinese literature, including schools of thought, major writers, and some of their selected works. The course is divided into 3 stages: ancient times Pre-Qin period to Han Dynasty (10 B.C.-3 A.D.), the middle ancient times WeiJin to Ming Dynasty (3-16 A.D.), the late ancient times’ Ming Dynasty to 1919(16-early 20 A.D.).

The ancient time's literature:Pre-Qin period to Han Dynasty (10 B.C.-3 A.D.)

Pre-Qin period

Poetry:原始歌谣primeval songs—诗经—楚辞;

Prose:上古神话ancient china myth—史传散文historical biography prose—诸子散文schools prose

Qin & Han

Han:宏大叙事Grand Narratives - high in morale vs smoothly

"诗经" is also called "Poems 300". "诗经" includes 306 pieces and poems 6 pieces Sheng, they are music without words. Formerly one can sing the poems of "诗经". The Constitution of "诗经" are风,雅,颂.风means folk songs.雅means hard songs and there are smaller festival songs and larger hard songs, ie小雅and大雅.颂means prayers. The classification of "诗经" comes to赋,比,兴.赋means narrative and writing.比means metaphor.兴means the implied comparisons at the beginning of the poem. The content of "诗经" is mostly about love, war and country work.

风雅颂赋比兴are called六义, which means 6 principles.

"乐府of Han Dynasty" song-poems in the Han Dynasty.乐府and is also the music ministry in the Han period.  The best-known works is "木兰辞Mulan Poem" and "孔雀东南飞Peacock flies to Southeast". The content of "乐府" consist of the tragedy love and hate between men and women, war and love of life, etc.

"史记" is by司马迁of the Han Dynasty and contains 130 Volumes. It describes life from the mythological beginnings of history to the early Han Dynasty.

The middle ancient times literature: WeiJin to Ming Dynasty (3-16 A.D.)

Tang poetry is the highest valuable Chinese ancient literary work.李白stands for the peakedness of romanticism. Such as李白乘舟欲将行,忽闻岸上踏歌声.桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情This is from "赠汪伦" of李白. He is also good at歌行, which has both emotion and rules or forms  梦游天姥吟留别.白居易especially focuses on the relationship between the history and today, which leads him to create the longest narrative poem长恨歌. It talks about the love that happened between a king and his concubine which led to the disaster of his kingdom.

Song Ci poetry such as苏轼江城子·密州出猎changed the position of Ci which was considered only the form of literature for leisure or even was made for prostitutes to sing. It becomes a formal type of literature since the Song Dynasty.

Yuan play元曲have散曲and杂剧,元曲is also called今乐府. It is the ancestor of the Chinese opera. The constitution of元曲is小令and套曲.小令is small套曲is big and rich.

The late ancient time's literature: Ming Dynasty to 1919(16-early 20 A.D.)

Ming: there are many schools and conflicts. 台阁体→茶陵派→前七子→唐宋派→后七子→公安派→竟陵派

Qing: The four classic novels "Journey to the West西游记" from 吴承恩, "The rebels from Liangshanner水浒传" of 施耐庵, "The Three Kingdoms三国演义" by 罗贯中 of Ming Dynasty and " The Story of the Stone红楼梦" of 曹雪芹 from Qing Dynasty.

Pre-Qin: the splendid source of literature 

神话:Mythology — is the image description and interpretation of natural phenomena and social life made by the ancient ancestors in an unconscious artistic way through fantasy. The strong desire and optimism to conquer nature; the heroism to overcome nature with illusory imagination. It is an unconscious positive romantic artistic creation of human beings in the early days. 

山海经: an ancient geographical work related to witchcraft, the author is unknown. It was written around the time of the warring states period supplementing during the Qin dynasty and Han dynasty. A total of 18 volumes, mainly to record the geographical knowledge of legend, combined with folklore, property, medicine, witchcraft, sacrifices, etc. especially the preservation of a large number of ancient myths and legends, such as 精卫填海,夸父逐日,皇帝杀蚩尤,大禹治水etc. It is a  book that collected most mythology in Pre-Qin dynasty. 

3 *Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty Prose Topics

This course belongs to the first stage of ancient Chinese literature.  I studied how the prose occurred, the history of prose development, the basic traits of prose during the Pre-Qin and Han dynasties. 

Depending on the development of history, the prose in this time can be divided into two parts: 1. Pre-in prose and Qin-Han dynasty prose. 

The main forms of pre-Qin dynasty proses were historical prose and Zhuzi Prose. 

Historical proses were stemmed from the traditional works of historians and their development of can be roughly divided into 3 stages: 

First stage - Yin-Shang-West Zhou proses include 周易/尚书. These works are mainly about the records of princes’ speeches and political announcements. They are short and plain, but most of them are difficult to understand. 

The second state is at the time of the Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States. Historical prose at this time had been very popular and flourished to its peak. At the same time,  Zhuzi Proses started to emerge. The representative works of historical this stage include春秋, 国语,左传; and Zhuji proses are 老子,论语,孙子兵法 The Art of War。 

The third stage is in the middle of the Warring States period. At this time, Zhuzi prose was taking the dominant and the representative words include 孟子,墨子,庄子。Unlike previous Zhuzi proses, the works in this stage has gradually developed from a quotation style to a dialogue debate style with a special topic subject. 

As for the Qin-Han dynasty Prose, the historical books(史记,汉书), and political essays(盐铁论,论衡,)were the two main forms。贾谊过秦论-总结秦朝得失,为汉王朝建立统治提供借鉴to conclude lesson from Qin dynasty and serve for Han Dynasty development)。晁错论贵粟疏-主张重农抑商政策(propose to enlighten agriculture and restrain business Trade )

尚书— a mark note of the formation of ancient Chinese Prose. 

春秋 — the earliest historical work. The surviving 春秋is a chronicle of the State of Lu, which is said to have been written by Confusian. It records the history of the State of Lu from 722 BC to 481 BC, in a total of 242 years. 

左传— is china's first chronic. It reflects the political and economic changes within the various states during the Spring and Autumn period. 

论语— is a prose work in the form of quotations recording the words and behaviors of Confucius and his students. It was written in the early years of the Warring States period. 

史记 — (The Records of the Grand Historian) is the first general history in China, which records the history of about 3,000 years from the Yellow Emperor to the early years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It is composed of five parts: 本纪the current record, 书the book, 表the table, 世家the family, 列传and the biography. There are 12 volumes in 本纪, mainly narrating the deeds事迹 of the emperors. 书 consists of eight volumes, which are special histories related to astronomy天文, calendar历法, water conservancy水利, economy经济, culture文化, and art.艺术 The 表 consists of ten volumes, recording the historical events of each dynasty. There are thirty volumes in the 世家, mainly describing the history of the nobles and princes. There are a total of 70 biographies列传, mainly biographies of people from different classes and types.

A New Account of the Tales of the World and Wei Jin Culture limited selection course

This course is about the works and literary features of the Middle stages in the history of ancient Chinese literature. The Wei Jin Dynasties were a very special stage in China’s history. The rulers changed frequently during a long period of division and wars resulting in greatly affected the development of society,  and culture. Due to political reasons or affected by the environment, Scholars and the loyal class advocated a different lifestyle. Due to the sensitive political environment and influenced by Buddhism and Taoism at that time, the scholars behaved unrestrainedly and focused on their inner worlds instead of dedicating themselves to political fairs. They didn’t talk about politics, enjoyed the natural environment, and pursued the realisation of self-spirit. They drank often, took drugs, and behaved as they want. Meanwhile, they expressed their ambitions, ideals, and discoveries of inner-self awareness by recording the typical stories or anecdotes of scholars and nobles at that time. 

This is the世说新语from. 

世说新语is a notebook novel that records the anecdotes of famous scholars and nobles from the late Han Dynasty to the Southern Dynasty. It was written by the King of Linchuan named Liu Yiqing, the emperor of the Southern dynasty. It has over 1200 stories that were divided into 36 categories. The contents include 4 parts,德行virtue,言语speech,政治politics,文学literature。A New Account of The Tales of the World reflects the sale of the scholars of the Wei Jin dynasties and reflects the characteristics of the special historical period. It is the first time that Chinese people focus on personal inner spirit and can be said that it is the first time personal self-awareness wakened case. No matter the interesting stories, the behaviors of drinking and dedicating themselves to nature had a profound impact on later generations, especially the scholars in Tang Dynasty. 

Therefore, it is suggested to read this book if someone wants to truly gain some sense of the special characteristics of a Chinese educated person or scholar, especially the ancient Chinese scholars. 

Story 1 

This is a story recorded on airtue part, name “荀巨伯探友“ xun ju bo visiting his friend. 

It tells that one day, xun jumbo went to visit a sick friend without expecting that a foreign enemy was attacking the city where his friend lived. His friend asked xun ju bo to run away to save his life. Xun Ju bo insisted on staying and taking care of the sick friend. When the enemy arrived, xun ju bo said to the enemy army that he was willing to exchange his life for his friend’s. The enemy army was touched by xun ju Bo’s brave and their friendship that withdrew all the army from the city. 

Story 2. 


Study of Tang Poems and Song selection course2.00 914.00 

This course focus on the development and basic achievements of Tang poetry and Song ci. It explained the development background and development clues of Tang poetry and Song ci in more detail combined with the representative works. 

发展的社会背景economic prosperity and national strength; relative political openness and culturally inclusive. 

The social revolution of the Tang Dynasty.

Economic boom/ prosperity provided the conditions. 

The imperial examination system promoted the literati to dedicate themselves in classics and enhance their cultural accomplishment. 

The imperial examination improved the popularisation of knowledge. 

思想资源literary legacy is rich. 

The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty’s ideological sources : 

Budda’s thought; 


Weijin culture effects. 

The rebellion of An Lushan

边塞诗:Frontier Poems - military merits, the cruelty of war, contradictions of military service, and the suffering of the people.醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?

王昌龄 《从军行七首》之四

青海长云暗雪山, 孤城遥望玉门关。


李白:through his poems, li bai expressed his spirit and showed his grand ambitions in the lyrics. In these poems, Li bai assumed he is the master of the universe and the world.  By reading his poems, you will have a sense that there always is a strong subjective consciousness and a desire for self-expansion in there. 



In this poem, Libai claims to be a giant bird that flies to the top of the sky with a strong wind.

杜甫:is another representative artist during this period. One of his most outstanding achievements is greatly improving the status of七律in the poetry world. Before杜甫,people at that time promoted五律as authentic and didn’t take七律serious. 七律were often despised. 

杜甫’s poems are not only of high ideological value but also artistically pure and deep meaning. 


风急天高猿啸哀, 渚清沙白鸟飞回。

无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来。

万里悲秋常作客, 百年多病独登台。

艰难苦恨繁霜鬓, 潦倒新停浊酒杯。

This is the most famous七律of杜甫and it has been rated by people as the first one (NO. 1 ) of七律in the whole of Chinese literary history. 

Besides his七律,杜甫had great achievement in other styles of poems. 



吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日月浮。 




词‘言出于声,音声填词’ to fill the words depending on the rhyme/music format. When writing lyrics/filling the words, the poet has taken the rhyme/characteristics of music and melody into. The words have to meet the melody pattern or the rhymes. 

按谱子填词:fill in the words according to the score, it means that the lyrics must be composed according to the regulation and patterns’ law. 

There are two types of notations(谱)used for filling in words: one is the musical spectrum(音谱子),and the other one is the word spectrum (词谱)— which has fixed structures, regular patterns, and limited words number. 

The second part of this course is about Song ci — the poetry form of song. Song ci started in the Tang Dynasty and reach its peak in the Song dynasty.  Ci is a poetry form combined with music melody. It has different patterns and creative disciplines from Tang Chi. The Ci form of poetry, a form based on the traditional forms and rhythms, is ultimately drawn from popular songs, but with new words. Many of these tunes were imported from Central Asia and were popularized outside of mainstream scholarly culture, and some of them were indigenous Chinese folk developments, developed in the streets and the pleasure houses. The ci form centered around providing new lyrics to existing tunes.

The Ci as a poetic form perhaps reached a high point during the Song Dynasty. The ci is a kind of lyric Classical Chinese poetry using a poetic meter based upon some 800 prototypical fixed-rhythm forms, originally tunes of songs, each having a traditional title. Each song title therefore came to specify particular fixed pattern of tone, rhythm, number of syllables (or characters) per line and the number of lines. Therefore, it is common for several ci to share the same title, which often has little or nothing to do with the topics of those poems, but rather the patterns that the lyrics follow.


The prosperity of Song ci is closely related to the special era background of the Song Dynasty.

婉约派gentle expression school:秦观《鹊桥仙》“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。”

豪放派extravagant expression school/mighty:苏轼/辛弃疾。

A词牌-词的格式名称the format name of the word

词谱-词牌的具体格式内容。the specific format content of the word card.

1.规定了词的字数/平仄/对仗/以及韵脚等格式规则。It specifies the format rules of the word number/flat/contradictory/and rhyme.

2.填词:按照词谱的要求来写词。Write the words according to the requirements of the word spectrum.

西江月 词谱如下






西江月 · 夜行黄沙道中  辛弃疾












Study of Chinese classical Opera. limited selection course

This course is also an extension of the History of Chinese Ancient literature. In this course, I learned about the origin of Chinese opera, representative writers and works, development theory, and the reform of Chinese Opera. 

Chinese Opera includes Song and Yuan  南戏,Yuan miscellaneous, Ming Qing legends, Modern Peking Opera, and various local operas. 

Ancient Chinese Opera mainly refers to the Yuan, Ming, and Qing operas. 

Like 黄梅戏《天仙配》, 豫剧《花木兰》, 湖南花鼓戏《刘海砍樵》, 越剧《红楼梦》, 评剧《刘巧儿》, 昆曲《牡丹亭》, 京剧《失街亭·空城计》


Yuan dynasty miscellaneous drama. 

Social background: 

Foreign rule and strong characteristics of slave regimes. 

the rulers of the Yuan dynasty abolished the imperial examination system, resulting in the Han literati having to force to create miscellaneous drama scripts for a living./livelihood.

The prosperity of miscellaneous. 

Yuan miscellaneous is considered a sign of maturity of Chinese opera due to the establishment of a unique artistic system. 

优秀作家: 关汉卿, 马致远, 白朴;

四大历史剧;关汉卿《单刀会》,纪君祥《赵氏孤儿The ophan of Zhao》白朴《梧桐雨》, 马致远《汉宫秋》

公案戏public case drama:《窦娥冤Snow in midSummer》

汤显祖 临川四梦:牡丹亭


History of Chinese Modern Literature (1)(2)(3)3.00 83/83/813.00 

In this course, I have learned the Chinese literature histories from 1917 to 1949, including literary schools, writers, and their works along with their ideas. 

文学思潮:literary trends of thought

文学运动:literary movements

文学创作:literary creation 

文学批评:literary criticism —专门研究

The important literally writers and works 

And there are mainly 3 stages it.

1917-1927 新文学生长期,五四为代表 

Firstly, from 1917 to 1927 is the beginning of the new literature. The main point of this period are May 4th Movement and its influence. The Attempting Discussion of Literary Reform文学改良刍议published on New Youth in 1917 played an important role in the rise, growth and victory of the vernacular白话movement in modern China. 

Features :

The vernacular gradually displaced the classical in literature and writing. 

(C: poetry, prose; M: novel, drama)

Be conscious of humanity. (M:周作人)

Worldwide, universal.

Literary reformers:

胡适、陈独秀、鲁迅、丁玲Diary of Miss Sophie(莎菲女士日记)、郭沫若modern Chinese poetry The Goddess(女神)、朱自清、冰心、郁达夫、田汉、闻一多、周作人

Literature societies:

文学研究会research、创造社creativity、新月社new moon

1928-1937 新文学发展期 人文主义vs左翼主义文学

Secondly, from 1927 to 1937 is the development of the new literature. This period mainly focus on the debate between the Left-Wing literature and the humanistic literature. We have studied much the Left-Wing literature. In this stage, the new literature becomes more mature and the diversity appears. 

人文主义文学 Literature is based on the humanity.

The "New Sensation" (新感觉派/海派) is a group of writers based in Shanghai who were influenced by Western and Japanese modernism—their fiction pay more attention to aesthetics than to politics or social problems. Most important among these writers were 穆时英、刘呐鸥、施蛰存. 

京派:沈从文countryside(边城). Conventional, simple humanity, realism.

左翼文学The League of Left-Wing Writers was founded in 1930. 鲁迅is leadership and the Soviet socialist realism is the spirit. That is to say that art must focus on contemporary events in a realistic way, exposing the illness of society. 

萧红 Hulan River呼兰河传

茅盾, the soul of the League of Left-Wing Writers, 社会剖析派小说the insight novel long story "midnight子夜"

老舍play Teahouse (茶馆). His works are known especially for their vivid use of the Beijing dialect.

巴金, a novelist whose work was influenced by Ivan Turgenev and other Russian writers. "Family", "Spring”, "Autumn"

曹禺was a renowned Chinese playwright, His most well-known works are Thunderstorm (1933), Sunrise (1936) and Peking Man (1940). 

戴望舒 The lane in the rain雨巷 

艾青 大堰河我的保姆

1937-1949 全民族抗战文学→多元化

At last, from 1937 to 1949 is the Literature of Liberated Areas. Most of the works are about the war between China and Japan. In 1942, Mao Zedong gave a series of lectures called "Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Art and Literature" that clearly made literature service the politics.

赵树理 is the most important figure of this time. We called his works the the山药蛋派literary. The actors of Zhao's novels are normal people in the countryside of Northern China. He focuses on normal people who are facing the rapid social change. 小二黑结婚"Xiao Erhei's Marriage",李有才板话 and 三里湾"Three Mile Bay".

周立波 暴风骤雨 


孙犁  荷花淀

白毛女  最早大型歌剧


Sun Sangkan River

Lotus Lake

White-Haired Girl earliest large-scale opera

钱钟书 围城

张爱玲 倾城之恋

张恨水 啼笑因缘


Besieged city

Love in a Fallen City

Lovers Destiny 



The stages of Chinese Modern Literary development can be divided into 3 sections. 

1917-1927: the eve of the May Fourth Movement in 1917 to the failure of the Great revolution in 1927. 

No unified government/ warlords were everywhere

1927-1937: the failure of the great revolution - the outbreak of the Ant-Japanese War. important turning point. 

2.literary revolution 

3. Left - wing literary and art movement.

1937-1949: to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China

The literature of liberated areas 

The literature of the Kuomingtang- ruled areas

《新青年》new youth magazine: 1915 chen du xiu put forwards the slogans “democracy” and science. 

it introduced freedom and equality, the emancipation of personality, and the theory of social evolution, to set off the May 4th New Culture Enlightenment movement.

鲁迅《狂人日记》he published the first modern Chinese language novel A Madman’s diary.

The diary describes a man after a day by day studying the四书五经,one day he read the word “吃人”, which is a trigger his mad thought. He starts to fear everyone, including his brother, his doctor and his neighbours. He even assumes that his little sister (who died at 5 years old) had been eaten by his brother. He may have tasted he fleshed too! This story ends with the famous line: “ Save the children …. 

矛盾子夜1927 world economic crisis 


Xiang zi came to the city from the countryside to make a living, “bringing the strength and honesty of a country boy, he has tried works that he can earn a bread.” His life goal is to buy a person carry car so that he can make a living and live a stable life with his own strength. After three years of struggle and hard work, he finally bought a new car. However, not over a half year, he was robbed by the defeated escaping soldiers. When he finally saved up to buy a car again, he was corrupted by the detective Sun again. Then, Hu Niu, the daughter of a car factory owner, set a trap to marry him and bought him a second-hand car. Not a long time, Hu Niu died due to sick, and Xiang zi sold the car to hold a funeral for Hu Niu. Under the repeated beaten of his life/fate, Xiangzai lost his faith, and self-esteem. He abandoned himself in the dark society. He became lazy, greedy, numb immoral. He fought with people, attempted bad things, visited prostitutes …He lost all his hope. 

左联和左翼小说:left union and left-wing novels 

萧红— a talented writer with special literary creativity

生死场Field of life and Death. This work shows the picture of life in rural towns and cities in the northeast before and after the ‘September 18’ Incident. It also describes a group of rural women who are struggling against reality and their fate. 

呼兰河传。xiao hong depicted her hometown in her memory, she recalled the beautiful small town and the kind people with ignorance/uncivilization. 

海派小说shang hai Style Novels

described the city and the decadent lives,  expressed the guilty feeling of writers and psychologically distorted phenomena.


*Research on Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature professional course.

Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature covers Hong Kong and Taiwan literature as well. Since we have learned Modern Literature before, this course partially focuses on how literature continually is developed and inherited from modern Chinese literature after 1949.

The historical narrative of contemporary literature is marked by major political events, which implies that works show strong political and era development features. Therefore, we can class Chinese Contemporary Literature into 3 categories: 

1949-1966 : the founding of New China — before the Cultural Revolution

Representative novel writers:赵树理,sun犁,茹志鹃《百合花Lily》1958,路翎,周立波

Poems :  何其芳《我们最伟大的节日》the ceremony of  establishment of New China. 

1966-1976: ten years of the Cultural Revolution

徐迟《哥德巴赫猜想》reportage Goldbach Conjecture.

1977-1989: the period of reform and opening-up

诗歌peotry:comeback poems艾青流沙河;朦胧诗obscure poety北岛,舒婷,顾城,海子

小说novels:伤痕文学scars/wounded literature,反思文学reflection literature,改革文学reform literature,寻根文学root-seeking literature。

1990-now: market economy literature


Lily was written in the early Spring of 1958, it is the anti-rightist climax, many writers and intellectuals have been hit to varying degrees, writers also fell under invisible pressure, highly politicized atmosphere of the times, and the relationship between people is also tense. In contrast, the simple and sincere interpersonal relationships before the period are more nostalgic.

Literature Trends ( after 1949)

伤痕文学:wounded literature focuses on what the cultural revolution brought to adults and even children. 刘心武 班主任 (homeroom teacher)

反思文学:Reflection literature focuses on the rethinking of why so many disasters had happened during the dark time and what we could learn from them. 

寻根文学: Roots seeking literature claims that the importance of the hometown, and during the dark time, lots of people, especially intellectuals, had to leave their homes to be reformed. 贾平凹 废都Deserted City. 

4.改革文学Social reform Literature talks about what the reform and opening-up policy brings to the society and the problem between the rapidly increasing money and backward thought. These works also reveal how traditions disappear day by day. 

Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature. limited selection course.

This course is about Chinese Moden and contemporary literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong mainly from the Anti-Japannese War. During this period, Chinese literature has been cut into 3 parts: 1. The literature in areas ruled by the Kuomingdang台湾文学; 2. The literature in areas under the Communist party大陆文学; 3. The literature in areas had been occupied by the Japanese香港文学. 

Different from mainland China literature, one of the features of Taiwan and Hong Kong literature is ‘social urbanisation. 


乡愁文学Nostalgic literature:林海音(城南旧事)《Old Thing in Beijing》

白先勇芝加哥之死The death of Chicago 



Colonial political system. 

毛姆《面纱》Maugham The Veil

闻一多《七子之歌》Song of The Seven Sons 

李碧华《胭脂扣》Rouge Buckle — seeking the city.

金庸:martial novels. 

*Foreign Literature. (1)(2)professional course.

1. 古代文学ancient literature 12 B.C - 2 B.C

(1).古希腊罗马文学和早期基督教文学Ancient Greco-Roman Literature and early Christian literature. 

古希腊文学 Ancient Literature

神话: 俄林伯斯神系 Ormposian gods lives on the hill of Olympus has large family of gods. 众神之王Gods father;太阳神阿波罗god of the Sun —Apollo;月神阿忒弥斯 god of the Moon — Artemis。

传说legend of god heroes:伊阿宋率众英雄取金羊毛的故事(the story of Iason leading heroes to take the Golden Fleece.)


荷马史诗(民间史诗)Hemeric Epic (Folk Epic): 

《伊利昂纪》Ilion depicts the heroes of tribal warfare. The outrage of Achilles

希腊主将Greek General -阿喀琉斯Achilles;统帅Commander  -阿伽门农Agamemnon

特洛伊主将Troy general —赫克托耳Hector

《奥德修纪》Odyssey —主人公protagonist’s奥修罗十年漂泊的最后四十天的故事。the protagonist’s story of the last 40 days after 10-year wandering.


古希腊三大悲剧诗人3 tragic poets of ancient Greece:埃斯库罗斯Aeschylus(古希腊悲剧之父father of ancient Greek tragedy)—《普罗米修斯》Prometheus;索福克勒斯Sophocles—《俄狄浦斯王》King Oedipus;欧里庇得斯Euripides—《美狄亚Medea》

喜剧之父:阿里斯托芬。Aristophanes — Father of Comedy




古罗马文学 Ancient Roman literature 史诗 epic


full of sad and compassionate melancholy tone. 

the spirit of worship and patriotism

早期基督教文学Early Christian literature 

新约全书  New Testament :马太福音Matthew,旧约全书The Old Testament

2.中世纪文学medieval literature  5 A.D -13 A.D

教会文学 Bible literature

骑士文学 secular feudal literature/guarder literature

《玫瑰传奇》elegant love

法国普罗旺斯抒情诗《破晓》Breaking Dawn

英雄史诗 Heroic Epics

城市文学Urban Literatura 

列那狐的故事 — The story of the Lena Fox

using animals to satirise reality, through the struggle between animals to reflect the contradictions and conflicts between different classes within the city. 

3.文艺复兴文学Renaissance Literature 14-16 A.D

人文主义humanism: 指导思想是以’人’为中心 its guiding ideology is centred on ‘people’。

彼特拉克Petrarch《歌集song collection》

薄伽丘Boccaccio《十日谈Decameron》— short story collection , first short story collection in Europe 

意大利人文主义三杰 3 representive masters of Italian Humanism:但丁Dante、彼得拉克Petrarch、薄伽丘Boccaccio

但丁Dante(Italy)《新生New Life》— poems concatenated with prose,《神曲Divine》—维吉尔Virgil(represents knowledge and reason),贝娅特丽齐Beatrizzi(love and faith),地狱Hell,炼狱Purgatory,天堂Heaven

法国文学French Literature 

拉伯雷Rabelais’《巨人传》Tale of the Giants;七星诗社seven Stars poetry sociaty;

西班牙文学Spanish Literature 

 塞万提斯Cervantes《堂吉柯德》Don Quixote

英国文学English literature 

乔叟 《坎特伯雷故事集》

托马斯·莫尔《乌托邦》—理想社会Thomas Mohr’s‘ Utopia’  depicts an ideal society through telling from a sailor. 

斯宾塞《仙后》—戏剧Spencer — Fairy Queen marks the peak of Renaissance English Dramatic literature. 

大学才子派The school of College tenant which laid the foundation for Shakespeare's works. 



《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night’s Dream《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice

《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo and Juliet — a love tragedy fought for feudal rules

四大悲剧4 tragedies《哈姆雷特》Hamlet’s《奥赛罗》Othello《李尔王King Lear》《麦克白Macbeth》

4.古典主义文学十七世纪文学Classical Literature 17th-Century literature

英国资产阶级革命文学(清教徒文学)English bourgeois  revolutionary literature(Puritan literature)

米尔顿Milton(十七世纪英国最杰出的诗人the most prominent English poet of the mid-17th century)《失乐园》long poet Paradise Lost; Lux Samson

法国古典主义文学French classicist literature

高乃依Corneille(法国古典主义悲剧的创始人founder of French classical tragedy)《熙德》Cid


莫里哀Moliere《无病呻吟》Moaning Without Illness;《伪君子》Hypocrites

巴洛克文学Baroque literature — refers to an overly carved and ornate architecture popular 

5.启蒙文学Enlightenment literature 18 A.D


法国启蒙运动the French Enlightenment, 


正剧(严肃的喜剧)Drama(serious comedy)

狄德罗Diderot—《私生子Secret son》

博马舍Bormassche—《费加罗的婚姻The Marriage of Figaro》

哲理小说Philosophical novels:以人物活动为主线,表现作家关于政治、法律、到的、文学方面的启蒙观点,富于哲理性with the activities of the characters as the main line, it expresses the writer’s enlightened views on politics, law, morality, and literature, and is full of philosophical reason。孟德斯鸠Montesquieu’s《波斯人的信札Persian Letters》,伏尔泰Voltaire’s《老实人Honest Man》,卢梭Rousseau’s《爱弥尔Emile》—法国第一部讨论教育问题的小说the first French novel to discuss education。

英国现实主义长篇小说the English realist Novel

笛福Defoe《鲁滨逊漂流记Robison Crusoe》

德国民族文学German National Literature

莱辛Lessing(the founder of German national drama and national literature.)

《阴谋与爱情》conspiracy and love 


狂飙突击运动Wild Assault Campaign:In the 18th century, in Garmany, a huge nationwide literary movement named Wild Assault Campaign launched.


小说Novel《少年维特之烦恼》The Troubles of Young Werther书信体letter style/悲剧tragedy/逃避escaping/自杀commit suicide


6.浪漫主义文学Romantic Literature 19 A.D



It likes to write nature, and focus on folk literature of the Middle Ages

Hugo "Notre Dame de Paris," "Les Miserables"

Aestheticism literature comes from the Romantic Literature in the late 19 A.D.

Wilde's “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

7.批判现实注意文学Critical realism Literature 19 A.D

Critical realism Literature (19 A.D.)

It is objective, to write a true picture of real-life and create a typical character in a typical environment

France • Stendhal "Red and Black"

France Balzac "Human Comedy" “old man”

"The Human Comedy" holds three main parts: moral studies, philosophical studies and analytical studies. This work deals with the criticism of historians and the 19th century French society.

British • Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"

This novel is about the life of a doctor and his daughter in two cities, London and Paris. The most famous set of this novel is:

"It was the best of times, it what the worst of times, it what the age of wisdom, it what the age of foolishness ..."

The British • Thomas Hardy "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"

Russian Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

This course is mainly about the American and European literature developed during the period from the ancient Greek (about 12 B.C.) to the end of 19 A.D., which is basically about the main genres and major writers' works in this period. Furthermore, some significant art movements are also mentioned, such as the Renaissance of the Middle Ages, Enlightenment realism, and Romanism from the 19 A.D., etc.

Ancient Literature (12 B.C. - 2 B.C.) ancient Greek, Roman literature, Greek mythology, and ancient Greek tragedy.

Homer's epic poem: the Iliad, the Odyssey

Oedipus by Sophocles (tragedian)

Oedipus represents two eternal themes of Greek myth and tragedy: the flawed nature of humanity and an individual's role in the course of destiny in a harsh universe. In short, fate.

Medieval Literature (5 A.D.-13 A.D.) 

Dante "The Divine Comedy" It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature.

The Renaissance Literature (14 A.D.-16 A.D.)

The literature of the Renaissance was written within the general movement of the Renaissance which arose in 13th century Italy and continued until the 16th century while being diffused into the western world. It is characterized by the adoption of a humanist philosophy, the recovery of the classical literature of Antiquity and benefit from the spread of printing in the latter part of the 15th century. Platonic ideas were revived and put to the service of Christianity. 

The impact of the Renaissance varied across the continent; countries that were predominantly Catholic or Protestant experienced the Renaissance differently. Areas where the Orthodox Church was culturally dominant, as well as those areas of Europe under Islamic rule, were more or less outside its influence. The period focused on self-actualization and one's ability to accept what is going on in one's life.

Italian Boccaccio薄伽丘: "The Decameron"十日谈

"10 days work" is written by Boccaccio. It consists of more than 100 stories. The main content of this book is, after a plague 10 people come to a village. Each person tells 10 story daily. The source of this work comes from folk tale.

Spanish Cervantes塞万提斯: "Don Quixote"唐吉诃德

The University Wits 

It is a phrase used to name a group of late 16th-century English playwrights who were educated at the universities (Oxford or Cambridge) and who became popular secular writers. This diverse and talented loose association of London writers and dramatists set the stage for the theatrical Renaissance of Elizabethan England. They are identified as among the earliest professional writers in English and prepared the way for William Shakespeare.

British Shakespeare: Four Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth

Shakespeare wrote 38 plays. And the four famous tragedies "Hamlet" "Othello", "King Lear" and "Macbeth". "Hamlet" is about a Danish prince whose father was murdered by his uncle. 

Enlightenment Literature (18 A.D.)

It claims that Literature should serve reality to spread the idea of Enlightenment. They make Civilians as majors and use of various forms of literary style.

British·Defoe “Robinson Crusoe” 

"Storm and Drive" is a proto-Romantic movement in German literature and music taking place from the late 1760s to the early 1780s, in which individual subjectivity and, in particular, extremes of emotion were given free expression in reaction to the perceived constraints of rationalism imposed by the Enlightenment and associated aesthetic movements. 

German·Schiller “Intrigue and Love” 

It was his third play and shows how cabals and their intrigue destroy the love between Ferdinand von Walter, a nobleman's son, and Luise Miller, daughter of a middle-class musician.


大仲马、小仲马、乔治·桑    雨果、梅里美    斯丹达尔、巴尔扎克

                 浪漫主义→ → → → → → →现实主义

                 ↙      ↘              ↙    ↘ 

              ↙          ↘          ↙ 福楼拜 ↘ 

            ↙              ↘      ↙            ↘ 

       象征主义              唯美主义              自然主义

        波德莱尔              戈蒂耶                左拉等

Romantic Literature (19 A.D.)

It likes to write nature, and focus on folk literature of the Middle Ages

Hugo "Notre Dame de Paris," "Les Miserables"

Aestheticism literature comes from the Romantic Literature in the late 19 A.D.

Wilde's “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Critical realism Literature (19 A.D.)

It is objective, to write a true picture of real life and create a typical character in a typical environment

France • Stendhal "Red and Black"

France Balzac "Human Comedy" “old man”

"The Human Comedy" holds three main parts: moral studies, philosophical studies and analytical studies. This work deals with the criticism of historians and the 19th century French society.

British • Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"

This novel is about the life of a doctor and his daughter in two cities, London and Paris. The most famous set of this novel is:

"It was the best of times, it what the worst of times, it what the age of wisdom, it what the age of foolishness ..."

The British • Thomas Hardy "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"

Russian Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

Schiller “Intrigue and Love” . enlightenment literature 18 AD.

It was his third play and shows how cabals and their intrigue destroy the love between Ferdinand von Walter, a nobleman's son, and Luise Miller, daughter of a middle-class musician.

Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. Romantic literature 19AD.

Dorian Gray is the subject of a full-length portrait in oil by Basil Hallward, an artist who is impressed by and crazy on Dorian's beauty; he believes that Dorian’s beauty is responsible for the new mode in his art as a painter. Through Basil, Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, and he soon is enthralled by the patrician 's hedonistic worldview: that beauty and sensual fulfilment are the only things worth pursuing in life.

Newly understanding that his beauty will fade, Dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul, to ensure that the picture, rather than he, will age and fade. The wish is granted, and Dorian pursues a libertine life of varied and amoral experiences; all the while his portrait ages and records every soul-corrupting sin.

Sibyl Vane — a talented actress and singer, she is the poor, beautiful girl with whom Dorian falls in love. Her love for Dorian ruins her acting ability because she no longer finds pleasure in portraying fictional love as she is now experiencing real love in her life. She kills herself on learning that Dorian no longer loves her; at that, Lord Henry likens her to Ophelia, in Hamlet.

Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina”. Critical realism Literature. 

"Anna Karenina" is about the tragedy of Anna's love and the comparison between Anna's family and Levin`s family. Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel, after he came to consider War and Peace to be more than a novel. There is a very famous saying of this novel: All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

Anna Karenina is commonly thought to explore the themes of hypocrisy, jealousy, faith, fidelity, family, marriage, society, progress, carnal desire and passion, and the agrarian connection to land in contrast to the lifestyles of the city. Translator Rosemary Edmonds wrote that Tolstoy does not explicitly moralize in the book, but instead allows his themes to emerge naturally from the "vast overall view of Russian life." She also says one of the novel's key messages is that "no one may build their happiness on another's pain."

Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities”. Critical realism literature. 

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution, the corresponding brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and many unflattering social parallels with life in London during the same period. It follows the lives of several characters through these events.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

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