
03.01 《人生遥控器》 这是你的人生,你要怎么遥控是你的决定。 It's your life. What you do with the remote is your decision.

03.02 《爸妈不在家》 不是我聪明,是你太笨。

03.03 《本能》 我是个作家,我得利用别人。 I'm a writer. I use people for what i write.

03.04 《唐顿庄园》人生就是不断收集回忆的过程,最终能陪伴我们的也就只有回忆了。 The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end,that's all there is.

03.05 《魂断威尼斯》你无法用感官触及精神。只有完全控制感官,你才能获得智慧、真理和尊严。 You can't reach the spirit through the senses. You cannot.  It's only by complete domination of sensors, you can ever archive wisdom,truth and human dignity.

03.06 《马文的房间》 你知道吗?当我回顾一生,生命里真的充满了爱。  I've had such love of my life. You know, I look back... and i've had such ... such love.

03.07 《训练日》想要保护羊群跟狼斗争,就得让自己先成为狼。 To protect the sheep, you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

03.08 《小妇人》 女人,她们有思想,有灵魂,有心灵;她们有抱负,有才华,还有美貌。  Women, they ... They have minds, and they have souls., as well as just hearts. And they have got ambitoin, and they've got talent, as well as beauty.

03.09 《雏菊》 我梦寐以求的爱情,原来近在咫尺,但我惘然不知。

03.10 《索尔之子》 我们必须找到同路人一起战斗。We must find supporters and fight.

03.11 《源代码》别为哪些琐事汗流浃背,当心自己被汗水淹没。 Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll drown.

03.12 《后天》多年来我们一直以为可以肆虐挥霍自然资源,不计后果,我们都错了。

03.13 《少数派报告》 一切生物都是如此,受到威胁时,压力降临时,每种生物都只关心一件事,就是自己的生存。

03.14 《汉娜姐妹》 死亡,它注定会降落到每一个人的身上。没错,所以一切都被他毁了。 Well ,you know, eventually it is going to happen to all of us. But doesn't that everything for you? It takes the pleasure out of everything.

03.15 《苏州河》我知道一切不会永远,我想只要我能够回到阳台上去,我的这个爱情故事就可能会继续下去,科可是我宁愿一个人闭上眼睛,等待下一次的爱情。

03.16 《戏梦巴黎》 在你改变世界前,你必须意识到自己是这个世界的一份子。你没有办法置身事外看着一切。 Before you can change the world, you must realize you yourself are part of it. You cann't stand outside looking in.

03.17 《离开拉斯维加斯》 我们都明白时间无多,而接受了他是个怎样的人,我没想过要他改变,我想他亦是有同感。

03.18 《洛奇》 做个有头脑的人,而不是有汗臭的人。 Be a thinker, not a stinker.

03.19 《美女与野兽》 不要只看外表,内在才是最美丽的根本。 But she warned him not to be deceived by appearence, for beauty is found within.

03.20 《幻想之爱》 当陷入爱河时,我只祈求一个眼神,而这眼神让人失忆又无意义。因为你的眼里从来没有我的身影,而从那眼波里我总能看到你。

03.21 《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》 我们其实没什么不同,我们这一辈子都想在对方的制度上找弱点。We're not so very different , you and I, We've both spent our lives looking for the weakness in one another's systems.

03.22 《超市夜未眠》 知道自己想要什么等于成功了一半。多数人一辈子浑浑噩噩,不知道自己想要什么。

03.23 《灵欲春宵》 一个快要溺死的人,会连带害了周边的人。 A drowning man takes down those nearest,and he tried.

03.24 《神探夏洛克》这城市大多数人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆、车来人往。与夏洛克.福尔摩斯同行,你却能看到战场。Most people ... blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars. When you walk with sherklork holmes,you see the battlefield.

03.25 《孟买酒店》我不知道是什么疯狂的命运使你我的世界碰撞,但如果说我们获得了幸福,那都是因为你,以及你对我家人的信赖。

03.26 《秒速5厘米》我强烈的感觉到,现在回头的话,那个人也一定会回头。

03.27 《金刚不坏》你想和酷仔们一起玩吗?那你就得表现得酷一些。 You wanna hang with the cool kids? You got to be cool.

03.28 《唯爱永生》爱并不因瞬息的改变而改变,它巍然矗立直到末日的尽头。Love alters not with it's brief hours and week, but bears it out even to the edge of doom.

03.29 《从不,很少,有时,总是》 你只需要回答从不、很少、有时、总是,就像是做选择题。And all you have to do is answer either 'never', 'rarely', 'sometimes', or 'always'. It's kind of like multiple choice.

03.30 《爱你,罗茜》选择一个真正想和她过日子的人,才是你最重要的决定,真的,因为如果选错了,你的一生都很灰暗。Chooseing the person that you want to share your life with is one of the most important decisoins any of us makes, ever.Because when it's wrong,it turns your life to grey.

03.31 《影子写手》人类语言发展了四万年,却没有文字能形容我们的关系,是缘分。Forty thousand years of human language, and there's no word to describe our relationship. It was doomed.
