Reactive - 09 - Adapt



You can make RxJava3 and Reactor 3 types interact without a single external library.

您可以使RxJava3和Reactor 3 类型在没有单个外部库的情况下进行交互。

In the first two examples we will adapt from Flux to Flowable, which implements
Publisher, and vice-versa.


This is straightforward as both libraries provide a factory method to do that
conversion from any Publisher. The checker below runs the two opposite conversions
in one go:

    // TODO Adapt Flux to RxJava Flowable
    Flowable fromFluxToFlowable(Flux flux) {
        return Flowable.fromPublisher(flux);
    // TODO Adapt RxJava Flowable to Flux
    Flux fromFlowableToFlux(Flowable flowable) {
        return Flux.from(flowable);

The next two examples are a little trickier: we need to adapt between Flux and
Observable, but the later doesn't implement Publisher.


In the first case, you can transform any publisher to Observable. In the second
case, you have to first transform the Observable into a Flowable, which forces
you to define a strategy to deal with backpressure (RxJava 3 Observable doesn't
support backpressure).

转换为Flowable对象,这迫使您定义一种处理背压的策略(RxJava 3 Observable不支持背压)。
    // Adapt Flux to RxJava Observable
    Observable fromFluxToObservable(Flux flux) {
        return Flowable.fromPublisher(flux).toObservable();
    // Adapt RxJava Observable to Flux
    Flux fromObservableToFlux(Observable observable) {
        return Flux.from(Flowable.fromObservable(observable, BackpressureStrategy.DROP));

Next, let's try to transform a Mono to a RxJava Single, and vice-versa. You can
simply call the firstOrError method from Observable. For the other way around,
you'll once again need to transform the Single into a Flowable first.

    // Adapt Mono to RxJava Single
    Single fromMonoToSingle(Mono mono) {
        return Single.fromPublisher(mono);

    // Adapt RxJava Single to Mono
    Mono fromSingleToMono(Single single) {
        return Mono.from(Flowable.fromSingle(single));

Finally, you can easily transform a Mono to a Java 8 CompletableFuture and vice-versa.
Notice how these conversion methods all begin with from (when converting an external
type to a Reactor one) and to (when converting a Reactor type to an external one).

最后,您可以轻松地将Mono转换为Java 8 CompletableFuture,反之亦然。注意,这些转换方法都是从from
    // Adapt Mono to Java 8+ CompletableFuture
    CompletableFuture fromMonoToCompletableFuture(Mono mono) {
        return mono.toFuture();

    // Adapt Java 8+ CompletableFuture to Mono
    Mono fromCompletableFutureToMono(CompletableFuture future) {
        return Mono.fromFuture(future);

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