
Film Review

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Dumb fun without a piont, just like roller coaster, only for adrenaline.


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I don't understand all that whining, if you don't like made up sci-fi movies, don't go see sci-fi movies. This was an entertaining movie and I enjoyed it. Good luck to all you pseudo critics looking for a documentray on alien robots invading and saving the planet.


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I enjoyed the movie, and that's all that matters. It did what it was supposed to do: bring you escape from real life into fantasy.


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Action-packed though a bit long.


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I can barely summon a feeling about this moive. If anying, I feel slightly worried about how little I hate it.


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The movie cut like the world's longest and most tedious trailer, pinballing from scene to scene and rarely spending more than a few seconds on any single shot.


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Watching an actor of Hopkins' caliber swear at robo-butler and attempt to wring out laughs by uttering word 'dude' is painful.


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So much incoherent noise that you'll want to bang your head on the seat in font of you just to get some rest.


