The Crack of Dawn_10月晨读Day7_I Have a Dream

We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we cannot be satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulationos. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and straggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

Go back to Mississppi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go backto Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we cannot be satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

1. righteousness /'raɪtʃəsnɪs/ 正义、正直、公义;mighty有权势的人、有力的、强有力的。

2. Mississippi可以用来数秒:One Mississippi, Two Mississippi... 同样可以用1001,1002这样的说法来数秒。

3. "rolls down like waters, and the righteousness like a mighty steam"来自圣经,waters这里表示水域。

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

1. unmindful漫不经心的、不留心的;out of great trials经受重大考验;tribulation苦难、磨难;persecution烦扰、迫害;stagger/'stægɚ/蹒跚、使犹豫、使交错;veteran/'vɛtərən/老兵、老手、老司机、有丰富经验的人;redemptive/rɪ'dɛmptɪv/赎回的、赎身的、挽回的。

2. trials and tribulations放在一起记,大灾大难的意思。

3. fresh off the boat 初来乍到;dissident /'dɪsɪdənt/持不同政见者。

4. batter殴打、撞击、连续击打的意思,battered是破旧的:This is a battered house.

5. unearned suffering突然降临的苦难。

Go back to Mississppi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

1. wallow 堕落、打滚、沉迷;大象、河马洗澡可以说:wallow in mud;也表示沉浸在封面情绪中:wallow in self-pity。

2. northern注意发音:/'nɔrðɚn/


Betty bought a bit better butter.练习发音。

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