什么是真正的爱自己?What is true love for oneself ?

完全意料之外,我偶然遇见了一个人,我们相遇的是彼此的灵魂,TA口中所说的一些关于人生的话,正是我所想,TA所做的事,也正是我过去生命欣喜的来源。我抑制不住地想向TA靠近,我内心灵魂的小人开心地想要告诉TA内心的灵魂小人,“好高兴认识你,原来这个世界没有那么让人孤单。我们居然有好多一样的地方呀!” 然而,我的灵魂觉察到,好像只是一个人的自HIGH,TA的那个小人并没有那么兴奋,并且那个小人开始想要离开。最初,我很伤心,难过,感受到自己灵魂被冷遇的卑微,甚至想通过再也不要和TA有任何精神交流来逼迫TA认识到我的重要性。

然而在我陪着自己感受这种分离痛苦的两天后,我的内心突然出现了一个词“控制”,让我豁然开朗。原来,我所有痛苦的来源都是在试图控制这段关系中的另一个人,我不想让TA有来去的自由。我想把TA变成满足我需求的工具。我知道,真正好的关系,无论友情、亲情、爱情,一定是以“不控制”为前提的。那所有关系的源头是什么呢? 我认为是我和自己的关系。

我开始反思,我一直倡导的“爱自己”究竟是什么意思? 我是在害怕什么?害怕又回到过去那样的状态?






Unexpectedly, I met someone by chance .  We met each other’s soul.  The things TA said about life are exactly what I thought. What TA did is exactly the source of joy in my past life .  I can’t help getting closer to TA.  The little child in my inner soul was so happy and wanted to tell TA : It is so nice to meet you .  It turns out the world is not so lonely.  We have so many places in common .”But my soul senses TA’s little child was not the same excited as mine and wanted to leave.  At first , I was so sad and felt the humbleness of my soul being coldly treated. I even  wants to force TA to realize my importance by never having any spiritual communication with TA anymore.

But after the two days of staying with myself to feel the pain of separation , the word “ control “ suddenly appeared in my mind , which made me suddenly being enlightened .  It turns out that the source of all my pain is that I try to control the other person in the relationship.  I don’t want TA to have the freedom to come or leave . I want to treat TA as the tools which meet my needs.  I know any good relationship , regardless of family affection , friendship or romantic love,  must be based on the premise of “ No control ”.  What it the source of all relationship ?  I think it is my relationship with myself .  

I began to reflect on What it mean to love myself which I always advocated? What am I afraid of ?  Am I afraid that I will go back to the bad state which I used to stay in the past ?

In the past ,I used to watch TV drama, browse various social news or use ti talk to avoid getting along with my true feelings .  The development of modern technology allows the various social media to always send my favourite content to me according to my own preferences. I build for myself a spiritual word which fully conforms to my subconscious

model.  So that I continue to consolidate the belief I held in the past everyday.  I make the reality to serve my belief .    

I letmyself

to be immersed in these beliefs . Whenever the facts don’t develop according to my belief , I experienced deep anxiety . In order to escape the anxiety , I put myself in using TI TALK , browsing social news and other kinds of fast -food information which doesn’t mean much to me . As a result I feel a kind of nihility and meaninglessness more often. This feeling maybe very similar to that of a womanizer who dates countless ladies. These women only can help him to escape from his own feelings for a while.  So he can’t experience love but nihility.   He might meet a lady who helped him to meeting himself one day .  He was overjoyed and thought he met the truelove . He used the lady as a tool to help him to escape the nothingness again .In this empty world ,  he finally spent a short time with himself by pursuing her . If the lady wanted to leave , he would try his best to please her , beg her or threaten her to stay in the relationship.  Maybe in the begging ,  the lady had the same feeling as him .  She also found herself through their relationship and was overjoyed for this true love .  But finally , they would realize the loneliness and nihility which they experienced won’t disappeared because of the other lover.  They would want to end the relationship and try to find another person to help them to escape the loneliness and nothingness. Or they would try to make the partner to change to conform to their imagination . Eventually , they would be very disappointed and lamented: if the time can stop when we first met .

Actually , what really can help oneself to face the loneliness and nothingness is to be with one’s own feelings all the time , experience the thoughts and feelings which come and go and accept all of them . Erich Fromm said in << the art of love >> , love is caring , understanding , respecting and responsibility .  Carl Ransom Rogers, the father of humanistic psychology emphasized love is unconditional active attention ,  empathy , sincerity .    

In my heart,  loving myself is that I unconditionally care the growth and development of my only one-time life . I will be with myself all the time . I want to understand and accept every thought and every feeling of myself . I will be responsible for all of the needs behind my thoughts and feelings.  Though those thoughts, feelings and needs , I can explore what kind of person I want to be and what kind of life I want to live .  Then “Start with the end “ in every moment , to pay for myself everyday and enjoy the process of fighting for myself  

I feel that when I really practice to love myself , I won’t control myself . Only when I have the deep connection with myself can I have the ability not to control any relationship . 

If you come to my life , I’m willing to share with you sincerely.  If you leave my life , I will be upset and sad. But my soul is always complete and abundant .So that I can accept you come or leave my life freely .

 I’m so grateful that there is such beautiful encounter in my life !

你可能感兴趣的:(什么是真正的爱自己?What is true love for oneself ?)