翻译思路拆解 | 社评:阻击TikTok、微信,再次暴露了美国的虚伪双标

这周的翻译思路拆解选了一篇关于TikTok, WeChat在海外市场遭阻击的社评。素材大约四五百字。虚心听取了后台小朋友的建议,拆成几篇文章,隔日发送,这样方便大家定期消化,不囤积。







“清洁网络”计划,看到引号,说明是直译过来的,需要通过关键词查证外网的用法,直接搜the United States/America + clean + China等,马上看到clean network这样的表述。后面可以搭配plan, initiative, program等词。



... exposed its hypocrisy in so-called freedom of the press, and is nothing short of double standards and hegemonic bullying.




The so-called “clean network” initiative again exposes the hypocrisy and double standards of U.S. politicians.




蓬佩奥这家伙的名字Mike Pompeo,然后去搜索,比如:

侵犯美国人民的个人隐私:Pompeo + WeChat + TikTok + privacy,可能就会找到路透社的新闻:

Pompeo claimed the practices of the Chinese tech companies currently in the administration’s sights, including TikTok and WeChat, pose “true privacy issues for the American people.”

不过true privacy issues for the American people这句表述和中文里的“侵犯美国人民的个人隐私”倒不是严格对应,实在找不到这句原话,就自己翻译吧,比如:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused apps like WeChat and TikTok of “accessing personal information on American citizens”;

还是阿里巴巴、百度等中国云服务提供商“利用云技术窃取美国知识产权”,这也是蓬佩奥的指控,前句用了accuse sb. Of sth.的句型,这里可以不用换结构,直接续上:

(accused) Chinese cloud service providers, e.g. Alibaba and Baidu, of ...

“利用云技术窃取美国知识产权”,又看到引号,我们试试看能不能找到原话吧。搜索Pompeo + Alibaba + intellectual property,瞅瞅:

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo blames China for stealing U.S. intellectual property

这句虽然不是直接引语,但sb. Blame sb. For doing sth.的结构是可以借鉴的,与accuse sb. Of sth.同义。

“We’re protecting Americans’ most sensitive personal information and our businesses’ most valuable intellectual property — including Covid vaccine research — from being accessed on cloud-based systems” run by Chinese companies such as Alibaba, Tencent and others, said Pompeo.这句新闻可以借用,比如我们可以写:

He also claimed Americans’ intellectual property was accessed on cloud-based systems run by Chinese companies such as Alibaba and Baidu.

另起一句,就不和前句共享accuse sb. Of sth.的句式了。


(Pompeo accused) Chinese cloud service providers like Alibaba and Baidu of “stealing American intellectual property with their cloud-based systems”;

抑或是华为等企业“通过铺设海底电缆从而接入美国网络窃取机密”,搬运平行文本之心不死,好吧,继续尝试搜索原话,输入Pompeo + Huawei + cables + undersea,可以看到:

In another initiative, Pompeo said the U.S. will seek to ensure China can’t harvest data transmitted via undersea cable, especially that laid down by Huawei subsidiary Huawei Marine.


(accused) Huawei of harvesting data transmitted via undersea cable connecting the country’s internet


Clean Cable rules will “ensure the undersea cables connecting our country to the global internet are not subverted for intelligence gathering...”


(accused) Huawei of subverting the undersea cables connecting the country to the global internet for intelligence gathering


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused apps like WeChat and TikTok of “accessing personal information on American citizens”,Chinese cloud service providers such as Alibaba and Baidu of “stealing American intellectual property with their cloud-based systems”, and Huawei ofsubverting the undersea cables connecting the country to the global internet for intelligence gathering.


“Apps like TikTok, WeChat and others are significant threats to the personal data of American citizens”, stated Mike Pompeo. He claimed that the program is to “protect…intellectual property…from being accessed on cloud-based systems run by companies such as Alibaba, Baidu”, and “to ensure the undersea cables connecting the country to the global internet are not subverted for intelligence gathering”.


前面那几句太长了,不管用的是accuse A of sth, B of sth, and C of sth.的结构,还是用三个完整句结构,这句都要另起一句,记得补充主语:(这些)都是……

毫无根据的,unfounded, groundless都可以。

“政治操弄”,political manipulation,操弄就是控制嘛;

“抹黑”的选词也很多,比如tarnish, taint, smear, discredit。不过这里选用名词比较方便组句:

All this, however, is unfounded political manipulation and smear.






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