

1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

‍4 Matlab代码

1 概述



2 运行结果




%% Data% Create XOR dataset% 2D points in [-1.1,1.1] range with corresponding {-1,+1} labelsm = 400;X = rand(m,2)*2 - 1;X = X + sign(X)*0.1;Y = (prod(X,2) >= 0)*2 - 1;whos X Y% shuffle and split into training and test setsratio = 0.5;mTrain = floor(ratio*m);mTest = m - mTrain;indTrain = randperm(m);Xtrain = X(indTrain(1:mTrain),:);Ytrain = Y(indTrain(1:mTrain));Xtest = X(indTrain(mTrain+1:end),:);Ytest = Y(indTrain(mTrain+1:end));%% Network% Create the neural networknet = NeuralNet2([size(X,2) 4 2 size(Y,2)]);net.LearningRate = 0.1;net.RegularizationType = 'L2';net.RegularizationRate = 0.01;net.ActivationFunction = 'Tanh';net.BatchSize = 10;display(net)%% Training and Testing NetworkN = 5000;  % number of iterationsdisp('Training...'); ticcostVal = net.train(Xtrain, Ytrain, N);toc% compute predictionsdisp('Test...'); ticpredictTrain = sign(net.sim(Xtrain));predictTest = sign(net.sim(Xtest));toc% classification accuracyfprintf('Final cost after training: %f\n', costVal(end));fprintf('Train accuracy: %.2f%%\n', 100*sum(predictTrain == Ytrain) / mTrain);fprintf('Test accuracy: %.2f%%\n', 100*sum(predictTest == Ytest) / mTest);% plot cost function per epoch% show the cost for every 10 epochsfigure(1)plot(1:10:N, costVal(1:10:end)); grid on; box ontitle('Cost Function'); xlabel('Epoch'); ylabel('Cost')%% Result% assign green to be the points with label -1 and red to be the points with% label +1clr = [0 0.741 0.447; 0.85 0.325 0.098];% generate custom color map roughly based on the parula colour map% Varies between purple (negative values) to white (zero values) to orange% (positive values)% The color map is a 256 x 3 matrix cmap = interp1([-101], ...    [0.929 0.694 0.125; 1 1 1; 0.494 0.184 0.556], linspace(-1,1,256));% classification grid over domain of data[X1,X2] = meshgrid(linspace(-1.2,1.2,100));% Use resulting trained neural network to predict each point in the% classification gridout = reshape(net.sim([X1(:) X2(:)]), size(X1));% Hard classification by the sign of the datapredictOut = sign(out);% plot predictions, with decision regions and data points overlaid% set up figurefigure(2); set(gcf, 'Position',[200200560550])imagesc(X1(1,:), X2(:,2), out)set(gca, 'CLim',[-1 1], 'ALim',[-1 1])colormap(cmap); colorbarhold on% Draw classification boundary (i.e. when the neural network output is 0)contour(X1, X2, out, [0 0], 'LineWidth',2, 'Color','k', ...    'DisplayName','boundaries')% For each label (-1,+1), extract out the training and test labels classified by% the neural network and draw circles with their corresponding labelled colors.% Test set points are slightly lighter in colour in comparison to the training% data. Each circle has a black edge surrounding it.K = [-11];for ii=1:numel(K)    indTrain = (Ytrain == K(ii));    indTest = (Ytest == K(ii));    line(Xtrain(indTrain,1), Xtrain(indTrain,2), 'LineStyle','none', ...        'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...        'MarkerFaceColor',clr(ii,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', ...        'DisplayName',sprintf('%+d train',K(ii)))    line(Xtest(indTest,1), Xtest(indTest,2), 'LineStyle','none', ...        'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...        'MarkerFaceColor',brighten(clr(ii,:),-0.5), 'MarkerEdgeColor','k', ...        'DisplayName',sprintf('%+d test',K(ii)))endhold off; xlabel('X1'); ylabel('X2'); title('XOR dataset')legend('show', 'Orientation','Horizontal', 'Location','SouthOutside')

3 参考文献


