Teal Swan:过好此生的“钥匙”

Welcome to your physical life

欢迎来到你的 物质界的生命体验

Even though you don't remember it, before you came here, You had specific intentions for what you wanted to experience in this life


Some of you wanted to taste of true love


 Some of you to feel true freedom


 Some of you wanted a simple life for all the little things that matter


Every perspective that is held by any being as adding to the expansion of source consciousness


 It doesn't matter whether that perspective is coming from a bird, a dog, a plant, a neighbor, a friend, an enemy


 It is all adding to this universal picture, which is source trying to see itself


Universal consciousness, which your soul is a part of,


designed this reality as a kind of computer program


This program adheres to certain rules. Rules like gravity, the speed of light, and sound


But the ultimate rule of this universe is called The Law Of Mirroring


This rule means that life on earth is experienced as a kind of mirror hologram

 这个法则,意味着 在地球上的生命体验,就像是镜像的全息图

Where everything that is within you, reflects in your external life


This means you can manifest anything you like


Whether it's a car, money, a lover a state of health, a state of peace


By first experiencing it in your internal world, in your thoughts and your emotions


This knowledge about the way that the universe really works is the key to living the life that you've always wanted

 知晓宇宙的真正运作方式,是你 过上你一直想要的人生的关键

The truth is, you're not powerless

 真相是,你并非 无能无力

 If you're afraid of someone leaving you, find the aspect within you that leaves people


If you're afraid of being manipulated by other people, find the part of you that manipulates other people


If you're afraid of terrorism, find the terrorists in you 如果你害怕“恐怖主义”,


 You're compassionate attention will allow a transformation to take place


The very transformation that we have been waiting for for centuries

而这个转变,我们已经等待了 数千年!

This will be an end to loss


This will be an end to manipulation


This will be an end to terrorism


This will be the end to suffering on this earth


This will be the time that you've accepted the parts of you that you have denied for years


 I hope that this message was able to remind you of what you already knew, but simply have forgotten

我希望这些信息,能够让你回忆起,那些你已然知晓,却只是忘记的 关于你自己的真相

 Now that you have the instructions for this life

 现在,你已经知道 过好此生 的“秘诀”

You can tell other people


 And together you can enjoy the ride.



Teal Swan,国际著名灵性导师。 她天生就有一系列灵性能力包括超视觉力、超感觉力、超听觉力等。她在童年经历了一系列不幸,19岁之后才逃脱,并开始了她自己的自我恢复和转化过程。 现在,她在世界各地带领各种工作坊,在youtube视频网站有近50万粉丝。

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