Swift 实现 iOS 类型安全的 Notification

iOS中Notification (或者NSNotification)是一对多通信的常用手段。但是开发者们长期以来对Notification的诟病不断,一不小心,整个app就会变得notification满天飞,加上它本身是基于String和Dictionary作为信息载体的,使得它难以被管理。



protocol NotificationType {
    associatedtype UserInfoType
    static var name: Notification.Name { get }
    var userInfo: UserInfoType { set get }
    init(userInfo: UserInfoType)



extension NotificationType {
    static var name: Notification.Name {
        return Notification.Name("ProjectName.Notification.\(self)")
    /// Post a notification with the poster
    /// - Parameter object: The object posting the notification.
    /// - Parameter notificationCenter: The notification center, if the value is nil, the default notification center will be used.
    func post(by object: Any?, via notificationCenter: NotificationCenter? = nil) {
        let center = notificationCenter ?? NotificationCenter.default
        let userInfoDict = ["userInfo": userInfo]
        center.post(name: Self.name, object: object, userInfo: userInfoDict)




struct UserCreated: NotificationType {
    struct UserInfo {
        var userId: String
        var userName: String
    var userInfo: UserInfo

这里,我们创建了UserCreated,它实现了NotificationType。我们在struct中定义了另一个struct UserInfo来作为其载荷类型(这样做使得UserInfo有了namespace,避免冲突),并且在下面显式指定userInfo的类型为UserInfo。这时,Swift的类型推断能够正确识别associatedtype为UserCreated.UserInfo。这样这个Notification就被构造好了。


UserCreated(userInfo: UserCreated.UserInfo(userId: "123", userName: "abc")).post(by: nil)


extension NotificationType where UserInfoType: Any {
    /// Get user info with strong type
    static func parse(notification: Notification)-> UserInfoType {
        return notification.userInfo!["userInfo"] as! UserInfoType

extension NotificationCenter {
    func addObserver(for type: T.Type,
                                          object: Any?,
                                          queue: OperationQueue?,
                                          using block: @escaping ((Notification, T.UserInfoType)-> Void)) -> NSObjectProtocol {
        return self.addObserver(forName: T.name, object: object, queue: queue) { (notification) in
            let userInfo = T.parse(notification: notification)
            block(notification, userInfo)


NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(for: UserCreated.self, object: nil, queue: nil) { (_, userInfo) in



extension NotificationType where UserInfoType == Void {
    /// for whose user info type is void, make a covenient initializer
    init() {
        self.init(userInfo: ())


SomeOperationCompleted().post(by: nil)


struct NameOverrided: NotificationType {
    static var name: Notification.Name = Notification.Name(rawValue: "Something else")
    var userInfo: Void


import UIKit

protocol NotificationType {
    associatedtype UserInfoType
    static var name: Notification.Name { get }
    var userInfo: UserInfoType { set get }
    init(userInfo: UserInfoType)

extension NotificationType {
    static var name: Notification.Name {
        return Notification.Name("Stowed.Notification.\(self)")
    /// Post a notification with the poster
    /// - Parameter object: The object posting the notification.
    /// - Parameter notificationCenter: The notification center, if the value is nil, the default notification center will be used.
    func post(by object: Any?, via notificationCenter: NotificationCenter? = nil) {
        let center = notificationCenter ?? NotificationCenter.default
        let userInfoDict = ["userInfo": userInfo]
        center.post(name: Self.name, object: object, userInfo: userInfoDict)

extension NotificationType where UserInfoType == Void {
    /// for whose user info type is void, make a covenient initializer
    init() {
        self.init(userInfo: ())

extension NotificationType where UserInfoType: Any {
    /// Get user info with strong type
    static func parse(notification: Notification)-> UserInfoType {
        return notification.userInfo!["userInfo"] as! UserInfoType

extension NotificationCenter {
    func addObserver(for type: T.Type,
                                          object: Any?,
                                          queue: OperationQueue?,
                                          using block: @escaping ((Notification, T.UserInfoType)-> Void)) -> NSObjectProtocol {
        return self.addObserver(forName: T.name, object: object, queue: queue) { (notification) in
            let userInfo = T.parse(notification: notification)
            block(notification, userInfo)

struct UserCreated: NotificationType {
    struct UserInfo {
        var userId: String
        var userName: String
    var userInfo: UserInfo

struct SomeOperationCompleted: NotificationType {
    var userInfo: Void

struct NameOverrided: NotificationType {
    static var name: Notification.Name = Notification.Name(rawValue: "Something else")
    var userInfo: Void

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(for: UserCreated.self, object: nil, queue: nil) { (_, userInfo) in

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(for: SomeOperationCompleted.self, object: nil, queue: nil) { (_, _) in
    print("Something completed")

UserCreated(userInfo: UserCreated.UserInfo(userId: "123", userName: "abc")).post(by: nil)

SomeOperationCompleted().post(by: nil)

你可能感兴趣的:(Swift 实现 iOS 类型安全的 Notification)