TED65 解决时尚背后环境污染问题的三个创造性方案
3 creative ways to fix fashion's waste problem
- 演讲者个很有意思的人, 能够从自己制作衣服想到时尚产业的污染问题, 然后也从自己的角度。提出了改善方法, 尤其通过是模块化来去除衣服上的配件. 另一个是使用有机染料, 既无害, 又能够增加个性化, 解决时尚产业中。个性化和利润的矛盾。但是我个人认为, 它的个性化是不可控的, 即洗完之后的颜色不能确定, 这是一个问题。。
- 每个热爱自己职业的人, 能够想到自己的职业给自己和世界带来意义, 很棒真的。
【核心回顾】 Speech Review - 课程内容
- 我们都逛过二手店,那些没人买的衣服会有什么下场呢?在美国,每年产生的所有纺织和服装垃圾只有15%以捐赠或回收之类的方式结尾,剩下的85%最终都会被填埋。时装产业变成了仅次于石油和燃气产业的第二大污染业。
- 每年我们都会使用很多资源来制造我们购买的衣服。Amit认为,时装产业应该成为追求可持续发展的企业,设计能够在寿命结束时可回收利用的服装。
- Amit认为对服装进行模块化的设计是一个很好的解决办法,因为这会让服装在寿命结束时更易拆解。此外,回收和降解也是两个很重要的方面,还有漂染服装的方式。
- 每个人都希望能够展现自己的独一无二,如果我们的服装能够随着时间的流逝凸显个人风格,变得与众不同,岂不是一个极大的竞争优势?当然,提供对环境友好的产品将可能导致剧烈的行业变革,但我们应该积极地拥抱变化,努力实现行业发展的可持续性。
a wonderland of other people's trash that was ripe to be plucked to become my treasure.
the most cost-effective way to be stylish
to fit a more contemporary aesthetic.
scratch ever since
The stuff that isn't really cool or trendy but kind of just sits there and rots away at thesesecondhand stores.
I did some research and I pretty quickly found a very scary supply chain that led me to somepretty troubling realities.
But if we were able to apply this or a similar process on a commercial scale, then our need to rely on these harsh chemical dyes for our clothes could be easily reduced.
Providing individuality at scale is a challenge that most consumer-facing businesses encounter.
It turned out that the clothes I was sorting though at these thrift stores represented only a small fraction of the total amount of garments that we dispose of eachyear.
我发现那些我在二手店淘的衣服, 仅仅代表了我们每年扔掉的全部衣物的冰山一角。
I think the fashion industry's aptitude for change is the exact thing that should make it patient zero for sustainable business practices.
我认为时尚产业改变的本性,正是它应该成为追求可持续发展的企业先驱的原因。patient zero 首例病例,先驱
And at that point, it's not just about doing what's best for our environment but also what'sbest for the bottom line.
There's no fix-all, and there's no one-step solution.But we can get started by designing clothes with their death in mind.
这并不是万灵药,也没有一蹴而就的解决方案。但是我们可以在设计衣服时就考虑到它们如何终结。fix-all 万能药
The fashion industry doesn't really mind sticking to the status quo.
时尚界其实并不介意保持现状。the status quo现状
spices and herbs香料和药草
ripped jeans破洞牛仔裤