TGG - Chapter 20

1 - Central Question

What's the contribution of Su Tungpo when comes to Chinese scholar painting?

2 - 阅读感悟

(1)林语堂描写“Gathering of Scholars at the Western Garden”(“西园雅集”)时,画面感很强,描写十分到位。(P583-584)

Present were the three great painters of Sung dynasty, Su Tungpo, Mi Fei and Li Lungmien, and Su's brother and his four disciples. Stone tables are spread beneath the tall cypresses and bamboos in the garden. At the top, a cascade flows into a great river, covered on both banks with flowers and bamboos. Two concubines of the host, wearing high coiffures with many hair ornaments, are standing behind the table. Su Tungpo, in his black cap and yellow gown, is leaning over the table writing, while Prince Wang Shien sits near by looking on. At another table, Li Lungmien is writing a poem by Tao Chien, while Tseyu, Huang Tingchien, Chang Lei, Chao Puchih are all grouped around the table. Mi Fei, standing, head upturned, is inscribing something on a rock near by. Chin Kuan seats himself among the gnarled roots of a tree listening to someone playing on a stringed instrument, while others are scattered about, kneeling or standing in diilerent postures. Monks and other scholars make up the rest of the crowd.



Calligraphy provides the technique and aesthetic principles for Chinese painting, while poetry provides the spirit, the emphasis on tone and atmosphere, and the pantheistic delight in all the smells and  colors and sounds of nature.


3 - Words & Expressions

(1)scholar painting 文人画(也翻译成literati painting)

苏轼与文人画:“苏轼第一个比较全面的阐明了文人画理论,对于文人画体系形成起到了决定性的作用。首先,他提出了“士人画”这一概念,“观士人画,如阅天下马,取其意气所到。乃若画工,往往只取鞭策皮毛槽枥刍秣,无一点后发,看数尺许便倦。汉杰真士人画也。”(《东坡题跋·跋宋汉杰画》),其次,他抬高了画家王维的历史地位,表现出将文人画家与职业画家(画工)分开来的愿望:“吴生虽绝妙,犹以画工论。摩诘得之于象外,有如仙鬲谢龙樊。”(凤翔八观·王维吴道子画) 再次,他倡导诗情画意的文人画风格,反对完全追求形似的画工风格,“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画。观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”(摘自百度百科)



【动词】 help a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop发展〔计划、想法等〕; 培养〔感情等〕:

•a hatred of foreigners nurtured by the media由媒体助长的对外国人的憎恨 feed and take care of a child or a plant while it is growing养育; 培育:

•plants nurtured in the greenhouse在温室里培育的植物

【名词】the education and care that you are given as a child, and the way it affects your later development and attitudes〔儿时所受的〕教育; 教养; 培育

(3)scatter about 分散,散布在各处



1.extremely small极小的:

•Her handwriting is minute.她的字非常小。

2.paying careful attention to the smallest details非常仔细的,极详细的:

•a minute examination of the rock对那块岩石的仔细检查

•He explained the plan in minute detail .他非常详细地解释了那个计划。

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