OCAF——数据结构机制 Sample2

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 Another example is the application for designing table lamps. The first label is allocated to the lamp unit.

OCAF——数据结构机制 Sample2_第1张图片


  1. The tree definition of Lamp

    1. The root label cannot have brother labels. :[Root : (0)],根节点没有兄弟节点

    2. Consequently, various lamps (in the framework allocation) correspond to the sub-labels of the root label. This allows avoiding any confusion between table lamps in the data framework. [lamp 1:sub-label (0:1)]、[lamp 2:sub-label (0:2)],定义同样树结构但是不同的属性值的灯对象,因为灯的结构组成是可以复用的。

    3. Different lamp parts have different material, color and other attributes, so a child label (of the lamp with t
