timer计时 wpf,WPF计时器倒数

I am wondering about timers in WPF.

what i basically know is how to make a simple count down timer (label) count down like this code:

private void buttonStartOne_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


counterOne = new DispatcherTimer();

counterOne.Tick += new EventHandler(counterOne_Tick);

counterOne.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

counterOneTime = 10;



private void counterOne_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


// code goes here

if (counterOneTime > 0)



labelCounterOne.Content = counterOneTime + "s";





In this example code above, the countdown is just 10 seconds.

What i want, and dont know is how i should make it as: HH:mm:ss and than make it count down.

Would you do that with 3 separate counters and labels (one for each time unit)?

Or what should be a better way to tackle this one?


You could convert your Timespan to a string with the ToString(string format) method. Set the resulting string on your label
